Awakened by the Giant

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Awakened by the Giant Page 3

by Evangeline Anderson

  Well, at least he hadn’t called her a specimen again, Maddy thought dully. Not that it really mattered. She was still trying to wrap her head around the idea that everyone in the Kennedy was dead except for her and now she was stuck in a weird alien science station or research facility or whatever this place with its slime tanks and oversized furnishings and fire hose showers was.

  “I’m not that small,” she muttered rebelliously. “You’re just really big.”

  “The Jor’gen Kindred are thirty percent larger than most humanoid species,” he agreed, conversationally. “It is one reason we have difficulty finding females to mate with.”

  Sudden horror came over Maddy.

  “Is that why you saved me and put me in your slime tank to, uh, defrost?” she demanded. “To mate with me?”

  She was suddenly aware all over again of the fact that she was naked—naked and dripping wet and still mostly covered with slime which couldn’t be very attractive but then again, who knew what this huge gray giant with his glowing bronze eyes found attractive? She tried to cover herself with her mostly useless hands and started to back away from him.

  Calden seemed to understand her horror because his eyes widened.

  “No! No, of course not,” he exclaimed quickly. “I will never take a mate—it is forbidden here aboard the Mentat station. I wanted only to study you—and to see if you could give me information about the other specimens from your home world we found in the wreckage of your ship—some of which are already growing.”

  “Study me?” A new fear came into her mind. “Are you planning to cut me up? Dissect me like a frog in a biology lab?”

  Calden looked horrified.

  “I do not know what a frog is but I promise, I would never harm you, Madeline” He sighed. “Forgive me—I fear I am not doing an adequate job reassuring you. I’ve never had a specimen—er person—that I could talk to before.”

  “You might as well call me a specimen,” Maddy said dully. “For all I know, I’m the only human left alive anywhere. I guess that makes me something to study.”

  “Was your planet destroyed?” Calden asked gently. He began to run the stream of water over her again as he spoke and to Maddy’s relief, some of the slime started coming off. She tried to help the process along by rubbing herself but her hands still didn’t want to work right so she wasn’t very effective.

  “It was about to be,” she said, remembering the dark, awful days when the invaders came. “By a race that called themselves ‘The Scourge.’ Our government had been preparing an expedition to go out and seek new Earth-like planets for the human race to live on. They sped up the schedule and got us launched and away before the Scourge could stop us. We got away but then…then…” She frowned. “I can’t remember what happened—what’s wrong with my memories?”

  “They’ll come back to you in time,” Calden assured her.

  “Are you sure no one else made it?” Maddy asked, feeling the lump in her throat again. “No one else from my ship? Ana or Laurence or…or Pierce?”

  “Pierce was your mate?” Calden’s deep voice was neutral.

  “Yes.” Maddy nodded, her dripping hair flinging green slime with the action. Though the stuff he called “nutrient bath” seemed to be coming off her skin, it stuck to her hair stubbornly.

  “And I suppose you loved him very much. I am…sorry for your loss,” Calden murmured.

  “No,” Maddy said bluntly, too emotionally overwrought to keep her thoughts to herself. “No, I didn’t love him. But I was trying to love him. I’d like to think we were trying to love each other.”

  Calden frowned. “Forgive me but I don’t understand. I have never had a romantic relationship myself—is it necessary to try to love someone?”

  “Sometimes it is,” Maddy said and sighed. “We were in love when we first got married but then we just…grew apart. He was married to his work and then he decided he didn’t want kids. Of course, the expedition to another planet was supposed to change all that. They only allowed fertile couples to go. Once we got where we were going, we were supposed to start a family right away. That’s one of the reasons I agreed to go with him instead of just asking for a divorce.”

  “A divorce?” Calden frowned. “What is that?”

  “A…parting of ways. What people do when they outgrow each other.” She frowned, turning around in the spray of water so that more of the slime could be washed off her back and hopefully out of her hair. “Don’t your people have anything like that—a way for a man and woman to get away from each other if their marriage doesn’t work out?”

  “I am a Kindred, as I said before. We have no parting of ways between male and female because we mate for life,” he rumbled, running the jet of water over her back and behind. Maddy wanted to cover her bare ass but that would have meant taking her hands away from her breasts and sex—not that her hands were working properly because they still weren’t.

  “No divorce, huh?” She looked over her shoulder at him. “That must make for some pretty interesting shouting matches.”

  He frowned. “Why would you shout at the one you are bonded to? Most arguments stem from misunderstandings. A soul-bond, such as my people form with their females, eliminates such errors.”

  Maddy didn’t know what he was talking about—they seemed to have strayed into a wholly philosophical discussion on marriage somehow and all while he was hosing her off. Again, the situation felt surreal.

  But there was one aspect of her current predicament that felt entirely too real. The green slime had come off most of her body but her hair was still stiff with the stuff. And there was still some of it up inside her too. Ugh! She pressed her thighs together uneasily, wishing it would just slide out on its own but the slime seemed stuck up there. Well, she couldn’t do anything about it or her hair with her useless hands. Reluctantly, she realized she would have to ask for help.

  “Calden?” she said, turning to look at him again, while keeping herself covered as best she could. “Is there any way to get this stuff out of my hair? My, uh, hands don’t seem to want to work right which is kind of scary.”

  “Your hands aren’t working properly?” He frowned. “Let me see them.”

  “If I do that, you’ll see all the rest of me too,” she protested, taking a step back. “I mean, I know you already saw most of me but at least I was covered in green slime then—now that I’m all washed off except for my hair I’m just…” She shook her head. “I don’t like feeling so exposed, especially to a guy I just met.”

  Calden shook his head. “If you fear that I have some kind of sexual interest in you, Madeline, please put that thought far from your mind. As I said, mating with a female is expressly forbidden here aboard the Mentat station. And even if I wished to mate with you, I could not. You have only to look at our respective sizes to see that it would be quite impossible for me to fit my shaft inside you.”

  That made her cheeks feel hot for some reason but she lifted her chin and refused to show her embarrassment. Well, if she was no more than a scientific specimen to him, then it was probably okay to let him see her naked, even if it did make her feel really nervous. She was plus-sized and she’d never been very comfortable in the nude, even with Pierce. But Calden seemed to be only interested in her in a scientific capacity.

  “Okay,” she said at last, peeling one useless hand away from her breasts and holding it out to him. “What’s wrong with it?”

  Calden turned off the water for a moment and took her hand in his much larger ones. Again Maddy felt like a child confronted by an adult. His hands were massive compared to hers. But he was extremely gentle as he examined her, his long fingers delicately feeling her own, much smaller ones, as he frowned in concentration.

  “I believe your fine motor skills didn’t develop properly because you left the nutrient bath early,” he said at last. “The easiest way to remedy this would be to put you back into the bath and—”

  “No!” Maddy backed away from him, her
back hitting the cold, scaly wall behind her. “No—I don’t want to go back in the slime!”

  Calden sighed as though she was a difficult child and he was humoring her.

  “All right—I won’t force you to go back into the tanks. But we will have to find an alternate method to develop your fine motor skills. And in the meantime, I must take care of you and do for you what you cannot do for yourself.”

  “You…you will?” Maddy wasn’t exactly sure what that would entail. Would he have to touch her? A lot? But anything seemed preferable to going back into that tank of warm, snot-like slime and letting it coat her again.

  “I will,” Calden said firmly. “I was granted special permission by FATHER to study you—therefore you are my responsibility. I will start by washing the nutrient bath out of your hair. Turn around.”

  Maddy turned her back to him again and after a moment there was the scent of soap—not flowery like she was used to—just very clean and crisp. Then she felt long fingers in her hair. As before when he had been running the stream of water over her body, Calden was firm but gentle. He massaged her scalp in a way that made Maddy’s eyes flutter closed and then took his time working the soapy lather through her long strands of tangled hair. To her surprise, he didn’t pull her hair once and after he was finished rinsing her off, not a bit of the slime was left in her long, auburn hair.

  Well, that’s good, she thought. I’m almost completely slime-free.

  The key word being almost.

  “There you go,” Calden said, running the warm water over her entire body for a moment and then shutting it off. “I think that’s all of it.”

  “Um…” Maddy shifted uncomfortably, not sure how to broach the subject. Maybe she should just keep quiet and live with the slime that had gotten into her unmentionable areas? But God, it was really uncomfortable and irritating! In fact the longer it stayed up there, the more irritating it felt, almost as though there was some kind of chemical in it that wasn’t meant to be in contact with sensitive body parts. She was beginning to have an itching, burning sensation that was getting worse by the minute.

  Calden seemed to sense her discomfort because he frowned at her in concern.

  “What is it, Madeline? Did I miss some?”

  “Not…exactly.” She bit her lip, still unsure how to continue. Damn it, if only her hands worked she could ask for some time alone with the spray nozzle! As it was, this was just horribly embarrassing.

  “Madeline, please…” Calden crouched down so that they were at eye-level. “Please tell me,” he said earnestly. “I want you to be comfortable for your stay here. If there is something wrong, you must let me know.”

  “I…um…” Maddy took a deep breath. Fast—just say it fast and get it out, she told herself. “There’s still some slime—some, uh nutrient bath, up…up inside me,” she said in a rush. “And it’s really starting to itch and burn.”

  “Ah.” Calden nodded understandingly. “The nutrient bath isn’t meant to be taken out of the tanks. When it has been exposed to too much oxygen, it becomes an irritant.”

  “Can you…” Maddy felt as though her whole body was hot with embarrassment. “Can you, uh, get it out? With the water, I mean?” she added quickly, because she had a sudden mental imagine of him sliding those long fingers inside her, which made her feel hotter and more embarrassed than ever.

  “Of course.” He nodded gravely. “If you would just spread your thighs a little? And hold onto my shoulder for balance.”

  This was easier said than done. Maddy would have liked to grip his broad shoulder with one hand and stand as far back as possible. But since her hands weren’t working, she was forced to lean close enough to brace one forearm against his shoulder instead, which put her a lot closer to him than she wanted, considering what he was about to do.

  Still, there was no help for it. The slime inside her pussy was itching and burning like crazy by now—she needed to get it out of her, even if the position she found herself in was completely mortifying.

  “All right now…” Calden murmured, turning on the spray again. He had removed the slime-smeared jacket he’d been wearing and underneath he had on a kind of black tank-top which clung to an extremely muscular chest. It didn’t seem like the kind of thing a scientist would wear but then again, what did she know? He was from an alien culture—doubtless they had different ideas about what constituted proper professional clothing.

  Of course, all these thoughts were just to try and distract her mind from what was about to happen. Maddy told herself she would be fine— she would just think of something else and let her mind be distant as he used the warm, pulsing stream of water to wash her out.

  But she was completely unprepared for the intense feeling the moment the warm spray hit her open sex.

  “Oh!” she gasped as the warm water jetted against her clit. God, it felt so sensitive—as though she’d never been touched! It was like all the nerve endings were new and it barely took anything to get her going.

  “Are you all right?” Calden pulled the water away at once, his topaz eyes wide with concern. “Did I hurt you? I know this is a delicate area for a female.”

  “You’re damn right it’s delicate,” Maddy muttered. She wished they could stop but she was still burning inside. She sighed. “Look, it’s okay—go on. I’m just…really sensitive for some reason.”

  “I see,” he said neutrally. “Very well, spread a little wider so I can reach you, please.”

  Maddy did as he said, hoping he would direct the thick stream of water up into her rather than against the front of her, where her sensitive clit was still humming.

  Calden did do a better job of aiming this time—unfortunately the stream of water was too big. Though it did go into her pussy channel, it also rushed and jetted against her clit again, making Maddy gasp as her knees almost gave way.

  “Oh, God!” she moaned, and found suddenly that she had both arms braced on his broad shoulders. This had the effect of pushing her bare breasts into his face but she couldn’t help it—she was suddenly completely overcome with sensation.

  “Madeline?” Calden asked, looking worried. “Should I stop?”

  Hell yes, he should stop! muttered a little voice inside her head. If he doesn’t you’re going to come.

  It was true, she realized. Even though this was possibly the least sexy scenario she’d ever been in, in her entire life, the incredible sensitivity of her clit and the warm pulsing of the water suddenly had her right on the edge.

  She opened her mouth to ask him to stop but what came out was, “No! No, don’t stop. Please!”

  “Very well.” Still looking at her doubtfully, Calden continued to aim the warm water directly into her pussy which meant it continued to pulse against her clit. Maddy tried to hold onto her self-restraint but it seemed she had no more control over this part of her body than she did her hands.

  Suddenly, the warm flow of water into and against her sensitive sex was too much and she felt herself tilting over the edge of orgasm, whether she wanted to or not. Every muscle in her body stiffened and she found herself leaning forward, her bare breasts pressed right against the big Jor’gen Kindred’s face. But she couldn’t make herself draw back—she was too busy losing herself as the intense sensation of pleasure swept over her.

  “Oh! Oh!” she moaned as sparks of sensation swept through her. Her hips bucked helplessly as sparks of heat filled her entire body. “Oh, God!”

  “Madeline?” Calden cut off the water abruptly and looked up at her, his bronze eyes wide. “Did you just…orgasm?”

  “Of course I did!” Maddy exclaimed breathlessly, and burst into tears.


  Calden couldn’t understand why she was crying. Then again, he didn’t understand much of anything about females, he had to acknowledge to himself. He only knew he had seen Madeline go through intense pleasure and just as quickly, crash down into what appeared to be intense despair.

  Though he knew he shouldn�
��t do it, he somehow found himself gathering her into his arms again and trying to soothe her.

  But it seemed like Madeline could not be soothed. Though he held her to him, she continued to shiver and weep miserably against him.

  Gods, poor little female. Despite his vow to keep his scientific subjects at an arm’s length emotionally, Calden felt his heart twist in his chest at her apparent anguish. He rubbed his hands up and down her back and then sat on the shower floor, regardless of the wetness, and took her onto his lap. She fit with ease in his arms, almost as though she was meant to be there and he found himself murmuring soothing nonsense words in her ear as he pulled her close, trying to ease the ache inside her.

  Madeline cried wordlessly and hopelessly for a long time while he held her cradled against his chest. Her abject misery was so intense that Calden felt almost desperate as he watched her—he wanted so badly to ease her pain but how could he when he didn’t know what was wrong?

  At last her sobs lessened to sniffles and she wiped at her eyes with the back of one limp hand. Calden frowned to himself. He was really going to have to do something about her non-functional extremities. He couldn’t let Madeline continue to be so helpless in a situation where she was already at a disadvantage due to her size.

  She looked up at him through eyes swollen from crying and he noticed their color for the first time. They were a soft silver-green, almost like the leaves of his stunted bonding fruit plant.

  Inwardly, he frowned. Why would he make that connection? Then he pushed the thought away—it was just a random idea. He had never seen eyes that shade before, that was all. And though Madeline’s eyes didn’t glow, like those of his own people, they were still extraordinarily lovely, fringed as they were with dark lashes, still wet and spiky from her tears.

  “Are you feeling better now, nieka?” he asked softly, using the word for “little one” in his own language without thinking about it. “Can you tell me about your pain?”


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