Sir's Redemption (Doms of Decadence Book 8)

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Sir's Redemption (Doms of Decadence Book 8) Page 6

by Laylah Roberts

  “Good scene, Sloan,” a male voice said from nearby. Alex.

  She stiffened slightly but didn’t move her head.

  “Thank you,” Sloan replied.

  “Is your sub hiding?”

  Sloan ran his big hand up and down her back. “It was her first orgasm in public, she’s entitled to a bit of shyness.”

  She relaxed slightly, glad to hear there was no resentment or irritation in his voice. Not that she really expected any, but she didn’t want to annoy him.

  She’d come in public. Oh, Lord, her daddy would be spinning in his grave to see his good little Kinley now. Her conservative upbringing still occasionally caused her consternation when it clashed with her kinky side.

  Kinky Kinley. Maybe that should have been her nickname at school. Instead of Chunky Stevens. She snorted softly. Sloan’s hand paused on her back then resumed his gentle rubbing. He continued to talk to Alex. Other people stopped by, but she didn’t look up. Gradually, the low growl of Sloan’s voice, his heated body so close to hers, and the movement of his hand up and down her back made her feel sleepy and satisfied.

  When he shifted underneath her, tensing slightly, she murmured her displeasure, snuggling in more deeply.

  His chest moved as he chuckled.

  “She’s all settled in like a contented kitten, isn’t she?” Alex asked.

  “She’s tired,” Sloan told him. “I better get her home.”

  “Sure. See you next week, Sloan.”

  She didn’t want to go home. The thought of leaving him and going home to her tiny, cold apartment woke her up more assuredly than a glass of cold water to her face. She looked up at him, blinking to clear her blurry eyes.

  “We’re finished playing?”

  He ran a fingertip down her cheek then under her eyes. “You’re tired. You need sleep.”

  She pushed out her bottom lip, and he tugged at it. “And none of that. I’ve fallen for those big, pleading eyes once today and given into you when I shouldn’t have. You need sleep. And it’s my job to take care of you.”

  It was a bit hard to take care of her properly when they only saw each other once or twice a week. She pushed that thought back. It was better this way. Not too serious.

  Not too serious? Who are you trying to kid? She practically had their kids’ names picked out. She wanted serious with Sloan. She wanted to be all in.

  And how do you expect that to happen if you keep hiding things from him?

  Exhaustion pulled at her as she tried to drag herself up, so she was sitting rather than slumped against him. She’d hoped to spend some more time with him tonight.

  He helped her stand, holding her around the waist when she swayed a little.

  “You all right?” He peered down at her, worriedly.

  “Me? I’m fine.” She forced herself to smile up at him.

  His gaze narrowed, and he studied her thoughtfully. “You’re a little too pale for my liking. You need something else to eat and some sleep.”

  “I’ll get something at home.”

  He just stared at her then he shook his head. “Nope, not happening.”


  “You can’t drive home like this, and I don’t want to leave you alone. You’re coming home with me.”

  Sloan glanced over at Kinley who shifted around, uncomfortable on the wide seat in his truck. She wasn’t a short woman, but he’d still had to boost her up into his truck. He’d enjoyed lifting her, watching that cute ass as she climbed into the high seat.

  “Want to stop for some burgers or something?” he asked.

  She wrinkled her nose. “You stop for some if you like, but I’m not hungry.”

  “Haven’t got much at home,” he said, ignoring her protests. “I could manage some bacon and eggs.”

  “I can make something,” she offered, a little shyly.

  “Yes, good,” he said quickly before she could change her mind. Kinley was an amazing cook.

  She grinned at him.

  “My daddy didn’t even know how to turn the stove on,” she joked. “Mom did all the cooking and cleaning, he worked long hours on the ranch, though. And she never seemed to mind.”

  Was there a note of wistfulness to her voice?

  “You miss him?”

  Stupid. Of course, she does.

  “Yeah, I miss him. Not as much as Mom does, of course. I half-expected her to follow him even though Char said that’s stupid and people don’t die of a broken heart. Since he died she just doesn’t seem to be living.”

  Char was her older sister. From what he could tell her sister had plenty of opinions about everything.

  He pulled onto his street then into his driveway. The truck idled as he waited for the automatic garage door to open. He gazed at his four-bedroom house. It wasn’t a mansion, but it was still a nice place in a good neighborhood. He’d worked hard for everything he had, and he was proud of it. He’d done okay since ending his friendship with March. Although sometimes he still felt a childish urge to call him up and tell him, “Look what I did without you.”

  Shaking his head at his foolishness, he drove into the garage. James March was his past. He didn’t ever intend to go back. He turned the truck off and climbed out, moving around to the passenger side to open her door. He grabbed her waist, lifting her down. Her body brushed against his, and he felt her tremble. It fulfilled some primal part of him to know she wanted him as much as he wanted her. Taking her hand, he led her to the door.

  They moved into the kitchen with its stone countertop and dark cupboards. “Drink?”

  Her color was better, but still not great, and he noted the way she swayed slightly. She needed sleep, but he didn’t want her sleeping on an empty stomach, he’d heard her stomach grumble several times.

  Still, she shook her head. “No, thanks.”

  She moved to the fridge. “You mentioned bacon and eggs?”

  He waved a hand. “By all means, darlin’. Be my guest. You know I can’t get enough of your cooking.”

  And she enjoyed cooking for someone. Cooking for one just wasn’t the same. So, she set about cooking bacon and scrambled eggs. Simple but tasty. Sloan sure seemed to think so since he had seconds. She kept her portions much more petite.

  She was loading the dishwasher when he came up behind her, slipping his arms around her waist. “Leave those, I’ll do them in the morning.”

  “Leave dirty dishes out?” She turned to him, slightly aghast. “I can’t do that.”

  “Why not?”

  “It’s a mess.”

  He chuckled. “Sometimes I forget how you like everything neat and tidy. We’re a great pair, huh? I’m a slob and you’re a neat freak.”

  “You’re not a slob. You’ve just lived by yourself a long time.”

  He stiffened, and she rushed on, not wanting him to think that was a hint. It wasn’t. They hadn’t even come close to discussing moving in together. She knew he wasn’t ready for a big step like that. Things were fine as they were between them now. Really.

  “And my mother didn’t raise me to leave a mess, so why don’t you get ready for bed while I clean up?”

  “Why don’t we both clean up together and then,” he paused to kiss his way up her neck to her ear, “we can get ready together.”

  Yes, that sounded much more pleasant.


  She woke up feeling disorientated. Where was she? She heard a soft snore. Sloan rolled over, then a hot, hard body spooned her. The man loved to cuddle, in bed, on the sofa, when they were out. He often just pulled her against him and gave her a hug. It was a very different experience from dating Eddie, who’d been horrified when she’d try to hold his hand in public.

  He pressed his cock against her buttocks, and she could feel how hard he was. It sent warmth surging throughout her body. She looked over at the alarm clock. It was early yet, and she hadn’t had much sleep. Especially not after their fun in the shower last night, before bed.

  But she’d always been an
early riser and once she was awake she knew she wouldn’t sleep again. She scooted out of his hold so she could roll over and study Sloan while he was asleep. He’d never be considered classically handsome. His features were too hard and rugged for that, his cheeks too chiseled, his chin too firm. But there was something about him, something that called to her, that made her want to wake up with him every morning.

  She pushed that thought back. He’d never talked about them moving in together. She knew his last relationship had ended badly, although he’d never told her the details.

  And you never asked. Because she was scared he didn’t want to tell her, that he didn’t consider their relationship important enough to bare his soul.

  But, then, wasn’t she holding back as well? He knew Eddie had run off with another woman. He didn’t know about the mess he’d left behind. The mess she’d been left to clean up. They hadn’t been together that long. It was too early to talk about the next step, she told herself. She was still getting used to this BDSM stuff, and they were still getting to know each other. They had plenty of time to talk about where this was going.

  And if it wasn’t going anywhere? Her stomach tightened, and she realized that despite her brave words, she cared about Sloan deeply. She loved him. The thought filled her with nervousness. She’d been duped once before, when she’d thought she’d loved Eddie.

  No, Sloan wasn’t Eddie. He was honest and protective, and he’d never use her like Eddie had. However, he was damaged in his own way. Perhaps going slowly was the best thing for both of them.

  He opened an eyelid and stared at her. “I can hear you thinking from here. What’s got you so serious on a Saturday morning?”

  She ran her hand through his surprisingly soft hair. “You need a haircut.”

  He raised one eyebrow. “That so? That’s what’s you’ve been thinking about? My hair?”

  She shrugged, feeling embarrassed.

  He grabbed her around the waist, rolling onto his back so she sprawled on top of him. He tugged at her hair until she was forced to look at him. His dark eyes studied hers. “I like when you fuss over my appearance.”

  “You do?” She stared at him in surprise.

  He nodded. “Silly, huh? I’ve been alone so long, and no one’s cared if there were dirty dishes on the counter all night or if my hair grew so long it covered my eyes. Or if a button came off my shirt. Didn’t know anyone could actually sew anymore.”

  “It was just a button. I didn’t mean to sound like I was nagging.” Or over-stepping the bounds of their relationship.

  “You didn’t.” He ran a thumb over her lower lip. “I like that you give a shit.”

  He kissed her, and it was hot and hard and made her whimper slightly when it ended. She wanted more. She wriggled against him, growing still as he groaned.

  “Did I hurt you?”

  His cock felt hard and hot, pressed against her soft stomach.

  “Nope. Or at least it’s a good sort of hurt.” He rubbed his hand down her back. “How are you feeling this morning?”

  “Good.” She realized it was true. She ached a little and she wasn’t certain she’d be comfortable sitting for any length of time today. But, overall, she felt good. No—better than good, she’d woken up in his arms, so she felt great.

  Reaching down he lightly squeezed her buttocks, and she hissed. Okay, maybe things down there were a bit sorer than she’d first thought.

  He raised one eyebrow. “Still a little tender? It was a hard punishment for you.”

  “For me? Not for others?”

  He grinned. “Darlin’, we both know you don’t have much of a tolerance for pain. Some of the subs at the club would have seen that as a warm-up.”

  Seriously? Well, she did kind of know that, she’d been to Club Decadence enough times now to see how far some of the scenes went. But a warm-up?

  He rubbed her buttocks firmly with his hands. It was uncomfortable, and she squirmed against him.

  “Stay still,” he ordered in a soft voice.

  She forced herself to stay still as he continued to rub her skin. Eventually the discomfort started to grow into something warmer, and instead of wanting to get away, she found herself trying to press closer, her clit throbbing as his fingers moved closer to the lips of her pussy. She widened her legs and he chuckled.

  “Does someone want me to touch her pussy?”

  She buried her face in his chest. Yes, God, yes. She nodded her head.

  “You’re going to have to ask.”

  She groaned. Why did he do these things to her?

  He lightly slapped her ass, and she jolted. She guessed he was getting impatient.

  “I cannot believe that after what we did last night, after coming in front of a room filled with people, you cannot ask me to touch your pussy.”

  Yeah, she was just filled with contradictions.

  She could hear his heart racing beneath her ear, feel the way his firm cock pressed against her, and his strong body beneath hers.

  “You deserve a bit of a reward after last night. You took your punishment so well. But you’re only getting that reward if you ask for it.”

  That really didn’t seem fair. She’d already earned her reward, why should she have to ask for it?

  He drew the cheeks of her buttocks apart, stretching her. She gasped and stiffened slightly as he pressed his thumb against her hole. He wouldn’t. He pressed the tip of his thumb inside her. It burned slightly, and she hissed.

  “One day soon, I’m taking you here. You handled that plug last night beautifully. Maybe I need to plug you each night.”

  But to do that I’d have to stay over each night.

  “You’d need to Skype me, so I could watch you as you pushed the plug deep inside you,” he said.

  Disappointment filled her before she quickly tamped it down. It was too soon for that anyway.

  “There’s no way that’s happening,” she told him.

  “I like the idea.”

  She leaned up to glare down at him. “I don’t.”

  “But do you get a say? It’s not a hard limit. Do you feel like you need to use your safe word?”

  No. She stared at him stubbornly. He laughed and pulled her lip free from her teeth; she hadn’t even realized she’d been nibbling at it. “Don’t worry, darlin’. I won’t make you do that this week. But soon . . .”

  And on that note, he drew her down and kissed her, cupping her breast with his free hand, lightly pinching at her nipple. He pulled her up, holding her so her breasts dangled over his mouth. He licked and nibbled at one tight nub until the throbbing in her clit reached a crescendo. Then he reached for her other nipple. She leaned her hands on his shoulders as he played with her to his heart’s content. By the time he finished, her breath was coming in harsh pants, the need to come so intense she knew she was very nearly there.

  “Ask me,” he demanded.

  God, he wasn’t going to let this go. Sloan was nothing if not stubborn. And he always got his way—with her anyway. But she wasn’t protesting anymore. She wanted him to touch her. The need so great, she could barely think of anything else.

  “Touch my pussy, Sloan. Make me come. Please.”

  Swiftly, he rolled her to her back then knelt between her legs, holding them up in the air. She gasped, a little shocked at how quickly he’d moved.

  He smiled down at her. “Why, darlin’, I thought you’d never ask.” He leaned in and dragged his tongue in a long lick on her lips, flicking at her clit once he reached it. Just lightly. But she still groaned, her passage clenching down.

  She was so close.

  “Please, Sloan,” she begged. “Don’t tease.”

  “I wish I could. But I find my control is shot.”

  He drove his tongue deep inside her, making her cry out in shock and desire. He pulled it out then plunged back in. He used his thumb to play with her clit, rubbing it back and forth.

  So close. Nearly there.

  Her whole body tig
htened. She was going to come.

  He drew away, and she let out a cry of anger.

  He chuckled. “No coming until I’m inside you.”

  “Then get inside me,” she snapped.

  He raised one eyebrow, and she knew she’d gone too far. While they weren’t properly playing, like at the club, Sloan was definitely in charge right now.

  “Sorry, Sir,” she said contritely, hoping the sir would help.

  “Hands and knees,” he ordered.

  “Are you going to spank me?” She was near tears. She’d messed up. Shoot. Her and her big mouth. She moved to her hands and knees, her head drooping forward.

  “Hey.” He pulled back the curtain of hair covering her face and gently grasped her chin, turning her to face him. “What’s wrong?”

  “I messed up, and now you’re going to spank me,” she wailed.

  He kissed her hard. “Silly woman. I’m not spanking you, and you didn’t mess up. But you need to remember who’s in charge.” There was a wicked glint in his eyes, and she watched as he turned and reached over into his bedside drawer. He called it the fun drawer. She called it the drawer-of-torture-that-she-one-day-intended-to-empty-and-burn.

  She groaned when he saw what he took out. “Another butt plug?” This one was smaller at least. Slimmer.

  “It’s a little different.” She realized he had something else in his hand. A small remote. The plug buzzed.

  Oh crap.

  She really had to learn to guard her mouth better.

  Sloan took his time applying lube to her back hole, building the anticipation. He knew she had to be on fire with need by now, he certainly was. He wanted nothing more than to plunge inside her. But she needed to remember he was in control, not her, and things moved on his timetable, as frustrating as that might be.

  He spread lube on the vibrating dildo then pressed the head against her back passage. The puckered entrance closed then opened, as though it was nervous. He grinned.

  “Deep breath in,” he ordered. “Now out.”

  It was a much slimmer plug than last night, and it went in smoothly, with just a little resistance. When it was firmly seated, he gave her buttocks a light tap, making her clench down. She groaned. He pressed on the remote, his smile widening as she jolted.


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