16th Street Baptist Church (Birmingham, AL), bombing of, 153, 223
400 Ministers, 118
950 Club (radio program), 37
ABC-Paramount Rec ords, 147
ABC-Radio, 41
ABC-TV, 37, 52, 136; as the national broadcast home of American Bandstand, 64, 136, 140–43, 146–48, 156, 160–61, 164–67, 173, 182, 184, 188–89, 191–92; programming strategy targeting youth demographic, 140–41
Abrams, Charles, 12, 15, 35
Academy of Music, 130
Adams, Jonathan, 201
Adelphia Skating Rink, 29
advertisers: appeals to by American Bandstand’s producers, 2–3, 5, 11–12, 31–35, 38–39, 44–48, 52 63, 70, 158–59, 161– 167, 173, 178, 181, 201, 208; concerns about racial and interracial controversies, 3, 5, 12–13, 34, 45–48, 70, 136, 189, 203; interest in youth demographic, 38, 52, 63, 70, 150, 158–59, 161–167, 178
Advertising and Marketing to Young People (Gilbert), 165
African Americans: civil rights activism, 3, 7, 44–45, 75, 77–96, 99, 100–107, 111–15, 121, 123–24, 149–56, 182–84. See also Floyd Logan and Georgie Woods; discrimination faced by, 1–2, 7, 12, 15, 17–25, 29–30, 35, 42–49, 68–125, 181–194, 206–207; excluded from American Bandstand studio audience, 3, 5–7, 12, 42–49, 160, 168–173, 179, 181–194; music and radio and, 5, 38–49, 126–37, 171–73, 181. See also Georgie Woods and Mitch Thomas; population of, in Philadelphia, 14–16; population of, in Philadelphia suburbs, 44; schools and, 3–4, 26–27, 38, 68–125; as subjects of historical narratives, 8, 101, 181–222; television and, 5, 126, 132–37, 168–73, 181–194, 181. See also The Mitch Thomas Show; youth culture and, 2, 6, 11–13, 23, 26–29, 42–49, 126–37, 149–56, 168–73, 179, 181–194
Agran, Nathan, 86
Akers, William Lee, 115–16
Al Benson Show (TV program), 136
Alabama, 138. See also Birmingham (AL) civil rights campaign
Allen, Danielle, 124, 183
Allen, Dick “Ritchie,” 191
Allen, Fred, 37
Allen, Gracie, 37
Allentown (PA), 43
Allport, Gordon, 70, 76
Almond Joy, 159
Alsultany, Evelyn, 199
American Bandstand (TV program): Dick Clark and, 127–28, 137–49; history of segregation on, 2, 3, 11–14, 42–49, 134, 180–94; Italian-American teens and, 173–93; as the local program, Bandstand, 11–14, 35–49, 52–53, 59–66, 133–34; move to Los Angeles, 148–49; national debut and critical reaction, 142; national youth culture and, 1, 4–6, 157–79; in popular memory, 1–2, 6–10, 180–222; production strategies, 5, 59–64, 161–73; protests of segregation on, 44–45, 182–84; West Philadelphia and, 2, 5, 11–49; whiteness and, 157–79
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 29
American Decca (MCA) record label, 41
“American dream,” 206–207
American Dreams (TV program), 7, 149, 194, 196–209, 220–22
The American High School Today (Conant), 96–97
American Idol (TV program), 195
American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers (ASCAP), 144
Americans All, Immigrants All (radio program), 53
An American Dilemma (Myrdal), 74–76
Anderson, Add, 72, 91
Anderson, Benedict, 158
Anderson, Christopher, 140
Anderson, Reverend Jesse, 81
Andrews, Lee, 47
Ang, Ien, 51
Angora Civic Association (ACA), 2, 11, 12, 17–25, 31, 48
Angora-Sherwood section, 17
Anka, Paul, 147
Annenberg, Walter, 11, 31–34, 36–37, 39, 42, 54, 143, 146, 173, 227. See also Triangle Publications
anti–rock and roll protests, 138
anti-Semitism, 70
antiblack racism, 1, 7, 21, 181, 190, 193
Apollo Theater, 150
apprenticeship programs, exclusion of black workers from, 80, 116–17
Arena (West Philadelphia), 150
Arkansas, opposition to rock and roll in, 138. See also Little Rock Central High School
Arthur Godfrey Time (TV program), 58
“At the Hop” (song), 169
Atlanta (GA), 69, 126, 135, 182, 191
Atlantic Rec ords, 147
audience: addressed as citizens, 3, 50–53, 62–66. See also They Shall Be Heard; addressed as consumers, 50–53, 62–66. See also American Bandstand; family and, 60–63; gender and, 63, 173–78; space and, 31–49, 157–179; youth and. See youth culture
“audiotopia,” 158, 173–79
Avalon, Frankie, 147, 161–62
Avila, Eric, 225
“Back Stabbers” (song), 155
Bailey, Helen, 109
Baker, LaVern, 130, 138, 148
Ball, Lucille, 198
Baltimore: location of the Buddy Deane Show and Hairspray, 8, 160, 192, 196, 209–20; music in, 132, 150, 154; school board in, 72; symbol of urban crisis, 209; white homeowners’ associations in, 17
Bandstand (TV program). See American Bandstand
“Bandstand Boogie” (song), 161
Barlow, William, 128, 154
Bartram High School, 47, 185
Baughman, James, 191
Beckett, Charles, 113
Belafonte, Harry, 189
Bell, Thom, 155
Benjamin Franklin High School, struggle over education in e qual ity at, 78–87, 92–93, 95–96, 116, 122, 133
Bennett, Tony, 46
Benny, Jack, 37
Berenstein, Rhona, 60
Berle, Milton, 37
Berry, Chuck, 148, 150, 157
Bethune, Mary McLeod, 75
Bill Haley & His Comets, 47, 138–39
Billboard, chart, 145, 157; magazine, 1, 142
Biondi, Martha, 101, 225
Birmingham (AL) civil rights campaign, 126, 128; Philadelphia support for, 116, 152–53. See also 16th Street Baptist Church
Bishop Neumann, 177
“black bottom” neighborhood, 14–15, 26–27
black nationalism, 205, 207
black power, 123, 226
Black Philadelphia Memories (documentary film), 134
Blackboard Jungle (film), 139
blacks. See African Americans
Blavat, Jerry, 39, 47
“blockbusting,” 19, 22
Blonsky, Nikki, 211
Bodroghkozy, Aniko, 225
Bok High School, 78
Bond, Julian, 182
Bonilla-Silva, Eduardo, 200
Boston, 40, 68, 72, 85, 147, 153, 164
Boswell, Connie, 38
Botham, Fay, 192
Boulevard Rec ords, 42
Branch, Taylor, 103
Brinkman, Chuck, 142
Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI), 144
Broadway, 8, 197–99, 211, 213
Bronson, Fred, 1, 180
Brooker, Vivian, 183
Brookes, Bobby, 183
Brotherhood of Man (film), 58
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, 30, 34, 74, 86, 100, 102–103, 124, 190, 192
Brown, Donna, 133
Buck, Joan, 170–71
Bucks County (PA), 34, 44
Buddy Deane Show (TV program), 160, 192; as basis for Hairspray, 209–22
Buddy Johnson Orchestra, 130
Bureau for Intercultural Education, 53, 73
Burkhart, Darlina, 177
Burks, Spider, 128
Burns, George, 37
Butler, Jerry, 153
Bynes, Amanda, 196, 211
Cadence Rec ords, 147
Cadillacs, the, 132
Caesar, Sid, 37
Callahan, Jennie, 54
Cameo Rec ords, 147
Cameo-Parkway Rec ords, 147
Cannady, Joan, 181
Cannon, Freddie, 147
Capitol Rec ords, 41
Cardinals, the, 132
Carmen skating
rink, 150
Carnegie Corporation, 74–75, 97
Carroll, Diahann, 189
Carter, Asa, 138
Cash, Johnny, 148
CBS: radio, 41; television, 52, 103, 136, 140–41, 164
“C.C. Rider” (song), 172, 204
Central High School of Philadelphia, 78–79, 87, 91
Chancellor Rec ords, 147
Chapple, Steve, 147
Charles, Ray, 134–35
Charlotte (NC), 69, 103, 121, 191
Chicago: black newspaper in, 182; boosterism of, 31; civil rights activism in, 68, 85, 191, 205; Italian-Americans in, 174–75; music, 128, 132, 138, 143, 150, 160; school board in, 72; television, 136, 188; white homeowners’ associations in, 17
Chicago Bandstand (TV program), 160
Chisholm v. Board of Public Education, 114, 117–19, 122–23
Chords, the, 39, 46
Citizen’s Council on City Planning, 80
city charter, 15
Civic Interest Group, 209
civic-oriented television programs, 5, 51, 66
civil rights: activists and organizations in Philadelphia. See also Educational Equality League, Georgie Woods, Fellowship Commission, and NAACP; historiography of, 8, 101, 193, 200, 225; opposition and backlash to, 2, 11, 12, 17–25, 31, 48, 107–12, 119–22
Clark, Dick: as host of American Bandstand, 127–28, 137–49, 157–79; memory of integrating American Bandstand, 1–2, 7, 8, 9, 180–81, 187–94; pop u lar histories of American Bandstand by, 140, 145, 180–81, 187–94
Clark, Kenneth, 4, 70
Clark, Petula, 189
class divisions: within African American community, 26, 51, 89–91, 96, 115, 152, 226–27; within white community, 51, 89–91, 96, 108, 160, 173–78
Classen, Steven, 225
Clay Cole Show (TV program), 160
Clay, Tom, 147
Clearasil, 159, 166
Cleveland, 41, 72, 143, 162
Cleveland Bandstand (TV program), 160
Cline, Patsy, 148
Clipp, Roger, 37
Clovers, the, 132
Coasters, the, 148
Cobbs Creek section, 186
Cohen, Lizabeth, 65
Cole, Nat King, 136, 138, 153
color-blindness: claims made by school board to avoid integration 2–3, 8, 69, 91, 107, 122, 225; claims made by American Bandstand’s producers to avoid integration 2–3, 8, 70, 183, 209, 225; racial ideology of, 200–201, 219, 222, 224
Columbia Records (CBS), 41
Columbia University, 76
Commission on Human Relations (CHR): Bandstand segregation reported to, 45, 182, 227; housing discrimination, work on issues related to, 15, 17, 19, 22–23; segregated skating rink hearings, 29–30; school board insulation from, 72
Community College of Philadelphia, 123
Como, Perry, 145
Computech, 144
Conant, James, 96–98
Connecticut Bandstand (TV program), 160
consumer citizenship, 65–66
Convention Hall (West Philadelphia), 153
Cooke, Sam, 150, 153, 162
Cornelius, Don, 188
Cosby, Bill, 152, 189
Countryman, Matthew, 101, 116 154, 226
Crackpot: The Obsessions of John Waters (Waters), 210
Crew Cuts, the, 39, 46
Crippens, Isaiah, 116, 119
Crosby, Bing, 145
Culp, Robert, 189
“cultural deprivation,” 95, 98–99, 119–21
The Culturally Deprived Child (Riessman), 98
Cunningham, Reverend E. Luther, 81
curriculum: intercultural educational materials in, 4, 71, 73–74, 81, 84–85, 100, 107–11; tracking of students, 78–81, 87–99
D’Ortona, Paul, 119, 121
Daily, Jane, 192
Damone, Vic, 46
Dance Party (TV program), 160
Daniels, Billy, 136
Danny and the Ju niors 169
Darin, Bobby, 147
Davies, Bill, 160
“De De Dinah” (song), 162
de facto segregation, 4, 13, 25, 30, 48, 67–100, 101–6, 112–15, 118, 123–24, 154, 225–26
de jure segregation, 30, 34, 69, 97, 115, 123
decentralization, of recording and radio industries, 40–41
deejays, 6, 10, 125–156, 161
“defensive localism,” 3, 11–13, 21, 48 Delaware, 2, 11, 31, 33, 132–37; anti-miscegenation laws in, 34, 192
Delaware County (PA), 44
Delaware Valley, 31–35, 133, 173. See also “WFIL–adelphia”
Demo crats, 23, 72
demographics. See youth culture
Detroit (MI): as “cauldron of race hatred,” 18; music, 42, 128, 147, 150, 164; post-war history of, 191; school board in, 72; as symbol of urban crisis, 209; television, 141, 160, 164; white homeowners’ associations, 17, 21
Dewey Phillips’ Pop Show (TV program), 160
Diamonds, the, 169, 172
Diddley, Bo, 42, 138, 148
Disney, Walt, 140
Disneyland, 34, 140
Disneyland (TV program), 140
Do Over (TV program), 198
Dobbins High School, 78
Don’t Knock the Rock (film), 139
Don’t Look Back! A Rock ’n’ Roll Orpheus (play), 220–21
“doo wop.” See vocal harmony
Douglas, Susan, 225
Down Beat magazine,42
Doyle, Jerry, 18
Dr. Pepper, 159, 166
Dragnet (TV program), 198
Dreamers, the, 132
Drifters, the, 148
Du Bois, W. E. B., 75
Duckrey, Tanner, 73
Dyer, Richard, 219
Early Childhood Project, 73, 74
Education magazine, 57
Educational Equality League (EEL), 70–71, 77, 81–84, 107, 113. See also Floyd Logan
Effron, Zac, 196, 217
Elmwood skating rink, 150
Escarpeta, Arlen, 205
Evers, Medgar, 223
Exhibitor magazine, 59, 61
Fabian, 147
Fagan, Maurice, 3,4; housing discrimination, 23–24; intercultural education, 70–77, 85–86, 100, 108–11; Philadelphia Community College, 123; use of television to address prejudice, 50–67. See also Fellowship Commission; They Shall Be Heard
Fair Employment Practices Ordinance, 83
fair-housing legislation, attempts to pass in Pennsylvania, 17, 24; opposition to in California, 9, 21, 24, 25
Fairness Hills (PA), 34
Family Affair (TV program), 198
Father Knows Best (TV program), 6, 173
Faubus, Orval, 104
Federal Communication Commission (FCC), 35–36, 40, 52, 136
Felix, James, 183
Fellowship Club, 29–30, 54–56, 82
Fellowship Commission: civil rights advocacy, 15–24; intercultural education, 70–77, 85–86, 99–100, 107–12, 122; Philadelphia Community College, 123; use of television to address prejudice, 4, 50–67. See also Maurice Fagan; They Shall Be Heard
Fellowship House, 54
Fetter, Ted, 184
Feuer, Jane, 60
Fine, John, 102
Flamingoes, the, 132
Fletcher, Louis, 154
Fong-Torres, Ben, 188
Fonzi, Gaeton, 120, 121
Forbidden Neighbors (Abrams), 12
“forced housing,” 24
Ford Foundation, 51, 74, 76, 86
Forest Gump (film), 219–20
Four Aces, the, 39
Four Lads, the, 39
Fox Theater, 150
Frankford High School, 91
Frankie Laine, 38–39
Frankie Lymon and the Teenagers, 47; controversy over interracial dancing on Alan Freed show, 184, 187, 191
Franklin, Aretha, 148
Franzen, Max, 58, 60, 62, 64
Freed, Alan, 41, 42, 129, 146, 184, 187, 191–92<
br />
Freedom Show, 153–54
Freund, David, 12, 21, 225
Frieri, Joseph, 119
Fuller, Jennifer, 225
Fuller, Lorenzo, 136
Fusco, Joe, 185 Gallant, Jim, 160
Gamble, Kenny, 155
Garcia, Matt, 225
Garofalo, Reebee, 147
Gay, Walter, Jr., 81–82
Gaye, Marvin, 148
Georgia Gibbs, 238
Germantown Friends High School, 181
Germantown section, 150
“Get a Job” (song), 167
Gilbert, Eugene, 165–66
Gillespie, Dizzy, 37
Giordano, Frannie, 176
Girard College, 123, 154–55
The Girl Can’t Help It (film), 139
Givins, Otis, 133
Gladiolas, the, 39
Gleason, Jackie, 198
The Goldbergs (TV program), 6, 173
Goldenson, Leonard, 141, 146
Goldwater, Barry, 208
Good Morning America (TV program), 195
Goodman, Nat, 172
Goosman, Stuart, 132
Gordon, Henry, 186
Governor’s Committee on Education, 112
Gracie, Charlie, 147
Grady, Joe, 37, 134
Grant, Milt, 142, 160, 161. See also The Milt Grant Show
Gray, Herman, 200, 207, 225
“Great Balls of Fire” (song), 169
Greater Philadelphia Magazine, 120
Green v. New Kent County School Board, 78
Gregory, Dick, 153
Groia, Philip, 132
Guglielmo, Thomas, 174
Gullon, Carmella, 176
Guralnick, Peter, 148
Guy Tones, the, 132
Hairspray (film, 1988), 210–11, 213, 216–17, 219; (film, 2007), 8, 194–201, 209–22
Hairspray (Broadway musical), 8, 197–201, 211
Hall, Jacquelyn Dowd, 8, 193–94, 200
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