Her Colorado Pleasures [Spirit, Colorado 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Her Colorado Pleasures [Spirit, Colorado 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 5

by Lara Valentine

  “I love them! How did you know my size?”

  Evan smiled wider, and Sin’s face seemed to soften slightly. “We asked at Martin’s, where you bought your snow boots. They were happy to help us surprise you. Do you really like them?”

  Casey twirled around on her heels. “I love them. I’ve never had a pair of cowboy boots before. I love shoes. This was so thoughtful.”

  Casey blushed a little but leaned forward and quickly brushed her lips against Evan’s and then Sin’s. She caught the faint whiff of their shaving cream and the mint from their toothpaste. She was glad she went all out getting ready for them, since they had done the same for her.

  Casey reached for her coat, but Sin grabbed it first and helped her on with it.

  “Okay, boys, let’s go! I’m starving.”

  She better get the men out of her apartment before she pushed them down on the floor and lived out some of the fantasies she’d been having all day. She might be contemplating going to bed with them, but it didn’t mean right now.

  * * * *

  Fannie’s Old Time Saloon looked exactly like Casey pictured it. A long bar ran the length of the back with a dance floor to one side and pool tables and darts on the other. The crowd was loud and raucous but well behaved. It was a Saturday night, and it looked like this might be the weekend hangout for the entire town. Casey saw several familiar faces among the crowd who had visited the shop in the last few days. Lorna’s words had been prophetic. When the town realized the new owner of the Emporium had arrived, they showed up in droves to meet her. Sales had been brisk, and Casey was impressed by just how profitable the shop actually was. She felt a twinge of regret she wouldn’t be staying in Spirit to run it. She was quickly falling in love with this town.

  Evan and Sin led her to a table near the dance floor. Couples circled the floor, doing a two-step to Waylon Jennings blaring from the large jukebox in the corner.

  “What do you want to drink, honey?” Evan had to speak very close to her ear to be heard easily. She shivered at the timbre of his voice.

  “Just a Coke, okay?” She didn’t drink much and wanted to be completely unimpaired with these men tonight.

  Evan nodded and headed to the bar, leaving her with Sin. His hard, muscled thigh was pressed against hers at the small table. She could feel the heat from his body seep into hers, sending waves of warmth radiating from the spot where they touched. She licked her lips nervously.

  “Do you guys come here every Saturday night?”

  For a moment, it didn’t look like he was going to answer. He glanced toward the bar, where Evan was placing their order, before turning back.

  Sin shook his head. “No, not often.”

  Getting Sin to talk wasn’t going to be easy, but she wasn’t a quitter. Perhaps she should just shock the hell out of him to get him to loosen up.

  “So you and Evan share women, huh? How long have you been doing that?”

  The corners of his mouth quirked up. “Several years.”

  Two could play this game. She’d get him to talk if it killed her.

  “So you’re planning to share me? I’m not sure there’s enough of me to go around.”

  His smile got slightly wider, and his eyes twinkled. At least she amused him.

  “Yes, and I think you can handle us.”

  Evan set three Cokes in front of them. “I ordered a large cheese pizza and some wings, too. What were you two talking about? What did I miss?”

  “Sin and I were just discussing your plans to share me. He just about talked my ear off. I barely got a word in edgewise.”

  Casey laughed when Evan’s mouth hung open in amazement. Evan darted a glance at Sin. “He talked about sharing you? What the hell did I miss, Sin?”

  To Casey’s utter shock, Sin’s face broke into a wide grin and a laugh rumbled up from somewhere deep in his chest. It sounded a little rusty, as if he didn’t laugh often.

  “This little girl’s got quite the mouth on her, Ev. She asked me how long we’d been sharin’ women and if we intended on sharin’ her. Seems she’s worried there’s not enough of her to go around. Hell, I think she may be more than you and I can handle together.”

  Evan’s grin matched Sin’s. “I’m up for the challenge, if you are. Holy shit, Casey. Are you always so straightforward?”

  Casey laughed. “Sadly, yes. I believe in facing life head-on. I admit I’m curious about why you would share women. You both are good-looking enough to get a woman of your own.”

  Evan and Sin shared a look before Evan spoke. “It’s more.”


  “When we’re together with a woman, it’s more than when we’re alone. We have been separate, and it’s more when we’re together.”

  Casey thought about it for a moment. Might as well just ask what she wanted. They didn’t seem to offend easy.

  “Don’t you worry about…”

  “About?” Evan prompted.

  “About touching…each other?”

  Sin’s lips twitched. “Nope.”

  “Nope? What does that mean, nope?”

  Evan leaned back in the chair and sipped his Coke. “It means we’re not into each other, but we’re not going to freak out if something brushes something else. He doesn’t turn me on, and vice versa. Now, you do turn us on. Way on, honey, if we’re being completely straightforward here. If we were all three together, Sin and I wouldn’t be paying any attention to each other. We would be totally focused on you. You and your pleasure.”

  The room was suddenly uncomfortably hot with Evan’s words. She squirmed in her chair, feeling restricted in her jeans and sweater. She wanted to pull her clothes off and throw them aside. For once, she didn’t have a snappy comeback. Luckily, she was saved by a gum-chewing waitress dropping a huge basket of hot wings on the table.

  “Your pizza will be right out.”

  She hoped the dim lighting hid her flushed cheeks and tight nipples under her sweater.

  Evan gave her a cocky grin. She knew her hopes were in vain. He was well aware his words were like throwing gas on a fire.

  “Let’s get you fed, honey. Sin and I want to dance with you tonight. We’re a couple of dancing fools, in fact.”

  She was pretty sure she was the fool. She was on her way to breaking all her rules. For once in her life, she was going to embrace this new Casey. She was really beginning to like her.

  * * * *

  Sin guided Casey around the small dance floor. Despite her protestations to the contrary, she proved to be quite graceful on the dance floor. Her tiny body was pressed close to his. He could feel the warmth from her skin and smell the exotic floral scent of her shampoo. His body instantly hardened in response. He leaned forward and brushed her ear with his lips. He felt her shiver in response.

  “I wanted to hold you in my arms again. Last night is too far away.”

  Her soft blue eyes were wide, her lips lush and full, begging to be kissed. Sin couldn’t take his eyes off of Casey. She had spirit and sass to go with all that sexiness. Damn, if he didn’t love a woman with sass. She wasn’t afraid to do something drastic to get him to talk to her. He couldn’t stop the warmth he felt in his heart at her unhidden attempts to get him to communicate. She acted like what he had to say was important. That it meant something to her. He wanted to make sure he treated her the same way.

  He navigated a turn and pulled her closer. There was no way she would miss his hard cock rubbing against her belly. He wanted her to know how she affected him. He hadn’t felt this way in a long time. Maybe ever. Chris Young’s “Gettin’ You Home” was playing on the jukebox, and Sin knew it was exactly what he wanted to do—get her home, in his bed.

  “Are you having fun?”

  Casey gave him a shy smile and nodded. “I don’t go out much, well, really at all. I’m usually working. I don’t remember the last time I went dancing. This is fun. You and Evan are great dancers. Are you sure you don’t come here every Saturday night?”

; Sin shook his head. “We’re usually working, too. But the two-step isn’t too difficult, even for a big guy like me.”

  Her eyes traveled the length of him and she seemed to like what she saw. Sin almost puffed out his chest when her fingers glided over his biceps. He wanted to throw her over his shoulder like a caveman and drag her to his bed. He knew he wouldn’t do any of it. He and Evan would escort Casey home and lay the best kisses of her life on those cherry-red lips. Then they would take themselves home. Alone. He was determined she would know only respect from him. They would make love only when she gave the signal she was ready.

  Sometimes it sucked to be noble.

  * * * *

  The pizza was gooey and delicious. Casey giggled as the cheese stretched between the slice and her mouth. She hadn’t had this much fun in years. She rarely went out in Tampa. She was usually too busy working. She also always felt a little out of place, as if they could all see through her designer shoes and suits to the poor, skinny kid who liked to read. With these men, she felt comfortable and at home. She had told them about her childhood and they didn’t look at her any differently.

  Casey pushed the pizza pan closer to Sin and Evan. “You guys can have the last two pieces. I’m stuffed.”

  Evan had a hopeful look on his face. “Are you sure? You haven’t eaten all that much.”

  “Are you kidding? I had several wings and two huge pieces of pizza. Besides, you guys work hard all day long. You probably burn a lot of calories doing what you do.”

  Evan grabbed another slice and bit into it with relish. “We love what we do, so it doesn’t seem like work. But yeah, I guess we probably burn a lot of calories. That and the cold weather here in Colorado. You burn calories just to keep warm.”

  “I think it’s important to love what you do.”

  Sin gave her a curious look. “Do you love what you do?”

  “I do. I like being able to help people in my job. The money and promotions, well, that’s great and it shows that they recognize my hard work. But to me, it’s really about helping our clients. That feeling I get when the client smiles. I like working at the store, too. I get to help people there all day long. It’s pretty fun.”

  Evan nodded. “We know exactly what you mean. When our clients love what we’ve created for them, there is no greater feeling in the world.”

  Casey liked the fact they understood her commitment to her clients. They had the same commitment. Which was a good thing, since she was their client, she thought with a laugh.

  “You certainly work hard. You must be exhausted at the end of the day. Sin said you guys don’t come here very often.”

  Evan shook his head with a rueful smile. “We don’t come here too often. It’s not really because we’re tired. We enjoy working hard and our bodies are used to it. We’re not much for loud, crowded places. We’d rather have a quiet evening at home.”

  Casey let her gaze wander over their hard-muscled bodies. They certainly showed the results of long days working with their hands. She couldn’t stop the sensuous images that ran through her mind involving their naked bodies, a fireplace, and their work-roughened hands. She felt her body physically respond to the mental picture and forced herself to focus on the here and now.

  “Me, too, actually. I’m just a homebody, I guess. I like curling up with a good book, although I don’t get to read near as much as I would like.”

  Evan’s eyes lit up. “Sin and I love to read. Who’s your favorite author?”

  Casey blushed as she thought of her erotic romance collection. She sure wasn’t going to admit it to these men, but one glance at Sin’s face told her he had already guessed. As usual, he had said very little all evening, but his laser focus on her all evening had made her feel very special.

  Casey fidgeted in her chair. “Oh, gosh, I don’t know. Maybe Charles Dickens or Emily Brontë.”

  Sin looked like he was trying to hide a smile. She wasn’t fooling him, apparently. She was a terrible liar and she felt guilty for lying now.

  “And I like romance novels, too. The smutty ones.”

  Casey held her head high, daring them to make fun of her. Being with these men was like being on truth serum. They managed to get her to admit things she never told anyone.

  Sin’s lips twitched but he didn’t say anything. Evan gave her a sinful grin.

  “Nothing wrong with that, Casey. Maybe you can tell us about them sometime. I’m open-minded and wouldn’t mind reading something new.”

  “Well, they all end the same—happily ever after.”

  Why did I say that?

  Before they could respond, the waitress came back and slapped the check down on the table. Casey was relieved the tension was broken. She was getting in deep with these handsome men and she wasn’t sure she knew how to dig herself out. Or if she even wanted to.

  Chapter 7

  Casey once again found herself sandwiched between Evan and Sin as they climbed the stairs to her apartment. She couldn’t remember a better evening in her life. They had laughed and danced for hours. They had talked about every topic under the sun and found they had many values in common. They treated her with the utmost respect the entire time but still managed to arouse her with just their nearness.

  All evening she had been pressed into either Evan’s or Sin’s hard-muscled body. She had felt their hard cocks rub against her when they were dancing and knew she affected them just as much as they affected her. The big question was what was she prepared to do about it? A very vocal part of her wanted to ask them to spend the night. A smaller part of her was a big coward.

  Sin quickly unlocked her door and stepped inside to check the apartment. She stepped in after him, his body so big it seemed to take up all the space in the tiny kitchen.

  “Honey, did you leave the furnace off? It’s freezing in here. Ev, check the thermostat.”

  Casey shivered. The apartment wasn’t much warmer than the outdoors.

  Evan flicked on the kitchen light. “Where’s the thermostat?”

  Casey pointed to the wall between the kitchen and the living room. “I left it on seventy-two degrees. It was cold in here when I closed the shop.”

  Evan peered at the thermostat and scowled. “You set it on seventy-two degrees, all right. But the thermometer shows it’s fifty degrees. You said it was cold in here?”

  Casey nodded. “I’ve been cold all day actually.”

  Sin pulled out his phone. “I’ll call Al. He’ll come out and take a look at the furnace.”

  Evan checked all the windows to be sure there wasn’t one broken letting in all the cold from outside, while Sin talked quietly on the phone. When Sin opened the utility panel and began fiddling with the furnace, she knew it didn’t look good.

  Sin looked up from his phone. “Ev, get Casey packed. Al told me the obvious things to do, and they didn’t work. He’ll need to come out tomorrow morning. In the meantime, she’s staying with us.”

  Casey opened her mouth to object, but Sin beat her to the punch. “No arguments. You want to hear me talk? Here it is. You cannot stay here. It’s too damn cold. You can stay with us until your furnace gets fixed. We know how to be gentlemen. Nothing will happen that you don’t want to happen. You can trust us. But you cannot spend the night in this cold. It’s only going to get colder in here.”

  Sin had probably just said more words to her than he had the entire time she’d known him.

  I do trust them. Can I trust myself?

  Casey nodded. “You’re right. I’m freezing at seventy-two degrees. I can’t imagine what I would do at fifty or lower. And I do trust you. Let me grab an overnight bag.”

  Suddenly, Casey didn’t feel cold at all. She felt downright warm at the thought of staying with Evan and Sin. Looked like the vocal part of her was going to get exactly what it wanted.

  * * * *

  Casey walked into the warmth of Sin and Evan’s large log home and was greeted by the sound of yips and barks. The boys must have a puppy, and
it appeared to be in need of attention quickly. Sin headed toward the kitchen.

  “I’m coming, Hershey. Hold your horses. Ev, Casey can have my room.”

  Evan picked up her bag and headed for the staircase. “I’ll put your bag in Sin’s room while he takes Hershey for a quick trip outside. Make yourself at home and get warm by the fire.”

  On his way upstairs, Evan flipped a switch on the wall, and the large fireplace roared to life. She moved closer, letting the warmth seep into her bones. It seemed the only time she was warm was when she was with Sin and Evan. The glow from the fireplace reminded her of the erotic images from earlier in the evening. She could see them spread out, firelight flickering over their bodies. She would press them back on the rug and slowly kiss and lick her way up their bodies from their toes to their sinful lips. Then she would lie down and let them do the same to her. She smothered a giggle as Evan gave her a puzzled look. He had no idea her naughty fantasies about them.

  She sat back and took a good look around, wondering if she could learn anything about them from their home. The living room was large with high ceilings and wood floors. The couch and chairs weren’t fancy but looked comfortable and inviting. She had a good feeling her men had handcrafted the gleaming wood furniture. She could see the kitchen from her vantage point and decided to explore further.

  The kitchen was also large with an enormous island in the middle. A pot rack hung over the island, and she recognized the pots were a high-quality copper. She had once done some PR work for a famous chef and had learned a few things about quality cooking products. The stove was also a cook’s dream with six large burners and a double oven. She was checking out the large refrigerator when a door off the kitchen opened and Sin stepped in, taking the leash off of a chocolate-brown Labrador puppy. The dog bounded over to her, wagging its tail and barking. His tongue lolled out the side of its mouth happily.


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