Taste Me

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Taste Me Page 11

by Cali Caliente

  He chuckled and looped his arm through hers. “Don’t worry. They aren’t staring at you.”

  “You’ve got that right. They’re watching you and throwing daggers my direction.”

  Bryce led her toward the rear of the store. “Ignore them. They won’t hurt you.”

  As they passed the produce section, a hefty blonde in a ponytail stuck out her foot. She stepped to Bryce’s other side to avoid imminent danger. “That was rude.”

  “Let’s head out back. I think he might be in the stockroom.”


  “My brother. I think it’s time you two meet.”

  Why? It wasn’t like they were dating or engaged— “Bryce, you aren’t pulling that engaged scheme again. Are you?”

  He stopped inside the stockroom door and glanced behind him. “No, but it’s about time you meet someone special.”

  “Your brother?”

  “I think you might have something in common.”

  “Bryce, I’m fine. I don’t need to meet anyone.”

  He brushed her cheek with the back of his hand. “I did something I shouldn’t have this time, and I want to make things right.”

  “You don’t need to fix me up with a guy. Thanks, but no thanks.”

  “Won’t need to.” He glanced around the stock area. “But it looks like we’ve missed him. Did you want to come up to the office and visit for a while?”

  Like an Instagram, her mind flashed on hot lovemaking scenes and sexy, male body parts. Not exactly friendship material. “Uh, no. I need to get going. I’m due back at work in a few minutes.”

  No way would she allow him to seduce her again. He was far too tempting in this place. Love’s Farmer’s Market—a suiting name for the place where she had experienced the best sex she’d ever had. They’d made love here three memorable times, and that’s where it needed to stop. But it hadn’t stopped there. She recalled a super sensual time at his uncle’s restaurant. Wine, dancing, and Moonlight Margaritas. How could she ever forget this man?


  Chef Antonio called The Daily Sun’s office and caused quite a stir. He not only wanted to purchase Aurora’s new recipe for fresh strawberry pie, he wanted her to come in on the weekends and learn more about being a pastry chef. She had the phone on speaker and everyone cheered. Her face flushed with heat. She was so happy she felt lightheaded.

  After she hung up the phone, Stan walked over and patted her on the back. “Guess this means I might lose you after all?”

  “No. I love it here. You’re my family. What would I do if I couldn’t eat at a time like this? I love sampling all the restaurant specials to curb my cravings.” It was true. The hungrier she got, the more she would depend on them for midday snacks.

  “That’s one way to look at it. How are you feeling today? Any better?”

  Stan was a good boss and tolerated a lot. Even if he was a bit gruff, he cared. He was a terrific reporter in his day and a fantastic editor now. She had learned so much from him. “No worse than other days.”

  “Good. Now sit down and get your column written. No more excuses. I want it on my desk by the end of the day.” What had she been thinking about his tolerance? She laughed to herself and sat at her desk.

  The front door swung open. Caught by the wind, it banged against the stopper at the tall man’s entrance. Her mouth went dry.

  “Hello, Aurora.”

  “Bryce.” There he was like an unlucky penny staring at her, begging her to pick it up and give it a home.

  “Can we talk?” He approached her desk.

  “Go ahead.” She feigned indifference by shuffling through paperwork. He looked nice today. Blue dress shirt—and jeans?

  “Outside? Privately?” He motioned toward the front doors.

  She stood and walked over to Carla’s desk. “I’m going to step outside for a bit. Tell Stan I had to use the ladies room. He’ll understand. Whatever you do, don’t let him know Bryce is here. Please?”

  Carla nodded and glanced over at Bryce. “Right, you leave me to do the dirty work and tell our boss. He wants to kill the guy for what he did to you, you know.”

  “Thanks so much.” She ignored Carla’s comment and walked over to Bryce. She followed him out the door and around the brick wall toward the parking lot. The day was already humid, and sweat beaded on her forehead during the short walk. She was tired and feeling grouchy, but she would do her best not to snap at him, though it irritated her when he showed up unannounced.

  Bryce faced her. “Aurora, I want to say I’m sorry.”

  Oh, geez, here he goes again.

  He’d said all this once before. They’d agreed to be friends, but she changed her mind and decided it was impossible. He had a blonde on his arm every time she ran into him. He would never settle down or get serious about one woman. She’d finally told him it was best if they didn’t see each other at all. And now, he was back to apologize for the second time?


  “Just agree to go out with me, only once. If we can’t talk things out, I won’t bother you anymore. Please?”

  She stared down at her swollen feet for what seemed like forever, but he didn’t leave. She raised her gaze to meet his. Big mistake. His big brown eyes devoured her, and she shivered with awareness. “I guess. Just once won’t hurt.”

  “Tonight?” He kept his tone light and unemotional.

  “Tonight.” Why was she agreeing to this again? She’d only be opening herself up to more pain and memories. Right now, she couldn’t deal with either.

  “I’ll pick you up at seven?”

  Her stomach growled in response to the mention of food. Oh, God, I really am going to do it. She would never make it to seven without snacking though. Her hunger never stopped these days. “Make it six and it’s a deal.”

  “Six it is. See you tonight, Aurora.” He strode away without another word and never looked back. Didn’t touch her. No kiss, no smile.

  Aurora watched him walk down the street until she couldn’t see him anymore. She wondered where he’d parked the sports car, but maybe he walked over from Oak Street. It wasn’t far. At least, he didn’t have his gaggle of blonde geese following him. With a sigh, she headed back inside to finish writing the column Stan was waiting for before he had to ask her for it for the third time today.

  Tears puddled in her eyes, and Bryce’s face blurred. How odd that he would come a second time to try and make amends. They’d mutually agreed a romance between them wasn’t going to work. Especially, with all the women who followed him around. That day at the market when he’d asked her to go inside with him was a prime example. There were women all over the place. Not unusual for a market, but they were all shades of blonde. And they all watched him like a pack of hungry wolves, waiting for the leader to make a move. It gave her the creeps.

  Yes, Bryce Love was a handsome bachelor. He caused female heads to turn, especially when he dressed up. But she liked the rugged Bryce, the one who made her shiver and quake with his sensual loving. The man she would give anything to have back again. Yet dealing with his switching moods was impossible. She had to say goodbye for her own sanity. And now, she would have to do it all over again.

  What is wrong with me?

  Maybe her hormones were working overtime, and this was the result. A flip-floppy attitude to go along with her flip-floppy moods. What an ideal partner she was at the moment. No one would want to be with her, least of all a man who could have any girl he wanted.


  Six o’clock couldn’t come soon enough. Bryce had decided to give it one more chance with Aurora. To tell her about being a twin and the truth about what had happened between them. Even if she got angry, even if she told him off, she had the right to know the truth. He could live with that. Knowing she didn’t have a clue which guy she was with all those weeks made him miserable. He had to set it straight.

  He’d worked later than he wanted to. There was no time to go home and clean up. He wou
ld have to borrow some of Brent’s clothes again. He also borrowed his car since he was working late. She deserved to be treated in style because he might never see her again. In a way, Brent would be there too for this apology.

  When he knocked on Aurora’s apartment door, the next door down the breezeway opened, and a young brunette woman peeked out and stared him down. She seemed familiar, but he couldn’t place her face. She stuck her tongue out at him and withdrew back inside her apartment.

  He was chuckling when the door opened in front of him and Aurora stepped out wearing a loose-fitting, pink dress, but it was still flattering. Her long legs were tan and sexy as all hell, and she wasn’t wearing pantyhose. Hot damn, he loved this woman. Everything she did turned him on, and being in her presence was like an aphrodisiac, lingering in his senses long after they parted and making him crave her even more.

  He swallowed hard. “Wow. Nice.”

  “Thank you.”

  He took her hand and led her out to his car. “Do you like Greek food?”

  “Sure. That’s sounds great. I’m starving.”

  He loved that she admitted how she was feeling, regardless if it sounded too bold or daring. Just like her name. “Okay. I’ve got this great place in mind. It’s a bit of a drive but not too far.” And he wouldn’t have to worry about the urge to hold her and make passionate love to her all night long. Not a possibility while driving and that was a good thing.

  He opened the roadster’s passenger door. She slipped inside while he stole a glimpse of those heavenly thighs. He planned to make her understand what had happened without offending her. Undoing what they did as twins sometimes got complicated. More than one young woman had shut them out after their admission of deceit. Most of the time he didn’t care, but this time he did. He didn’t want to be shut out of Aurora’s life.


  Aurora settled back in the plush leather seat and sighed. She liked this classy little car. It made her feel special. In fact, he made her feel special. The way he looked at her, the way he took his time to make everything right. But this one night was all they would have together. She must make him leave her alone. Too much was at stake now.

  Lights blurred as Bryce took the I-66 freeway westbound toward the Blue Ridge Mountains. He put up the canvas top, and she felt snug inside the compact vehicle. “Thank you for asking me out tonight, Bryce.”

  He shot her a quick glance. “I have something important I need to talk to you about, but let’s enjoy our meal first.”

  She was so hungry her stomach growled. She had some soda crackers but hesitated to eat them in his nice car. “How far?”

  “Not far now.” He took the next exit and drove into old town Manassas. Halfway down the street, he pulled into a nearly full parking lot and found a spot. “You’ll love this place. One of my uncle’s friends is the chef.”

  Her stomach grumbled. “I love your uncle’s food.”

  He chuckled. “So do I. He makes the best veal parmigiana in the world.”

  The white stucco building had an enclosed garden area at the back with seating for couples. Close and romantic. Candles on the tables dripped wax down their wine bottle holders, and crisp linen tablecloths with fine silverware wrapped in cloth napkins waited for guests. Scents of garlic and fresh baked bread filled her nose and made her stomach growl in response.

  “Sorry.” How could she be so ravenous when she’d eaten a banana, a yogurt, and some pumpkin seeds before she left the house?

  “You are hungry. Do you want to sit in the patio area out back?”

  “That sounds nice.”

  He smiled and squeezed her hand, and they followed the hostess through the tight-seated restaurant to the outdoor, screened-in patio. The young woman led them over to a quiet table in the corner and set their menus down. He pulled back Aurora’s chair for her and sat across from her. Gallant and charming.

  “David will be your waiter tonight. Enjoy your meal.” The hostess left, and a busboy appeared with a jug of water. He filled their empty water glasses.

  “Thank you.” Bryce nodded to the busboy and picked up the menu to point out his favorite foods. “Their Moussaka is delicious, but so is their Souvlaki platter.”

  “Yum yum…I love Dolmades. I’ll have those. Can we get an appetizer too?”

  He chuckled. “Of course. How about some bruschetta or saganaki?”

  “I love Greek fried cheese. Can we do both?” Her appetite had been voracious of late. She was starving all the time, and even though he might think her odd, she planned on eating until she was full. She might even order dessert.

  Oh, my God, they have Pantespani!

  “Sure. What about wine? Do you want a little or do you prefer iced tea?”

  “Water with lemon is perfect. Thanks.” And she couldn’t wait to try their delicious lemon sponge cake. Pantespani. Yum.

  “Do you mind if I have a glass of their house wine?” He lowered his menu when the server approached.

  “That’s fine. I don’t drink much alcohol these days.”

  Aurora hoped he didn’t have more than one glass, or she wouldn’t ride in the same car with him. She wondered how much it would cost to take a taxi back home. Probably too much. She could always call Carla to come and get her. After all, the nosy co-worker friend knew she had a date and with whom, and she would probably hang out her door to see what happened when they got home anyway. She was that nosy. But Carla was also a close friend and wanted her to be happy. At one time, Aurora thought this man was it—her happiness and the very best lover and potential husband she would ever find.

  What had happened to screw it all up?

  Oh yeah, there was that one little, tiny, bitty thing she hadn’t told him yet.

  Chapter Six

  Aurora was talkative and animated, and he’d missed her. Bryce couldn’t find the right time to bring up the subject he needed to speak to her about during dinner. Since he didn’t know how she would respond to what he had to tell her, he wanted to wait until he drove her home. If things worked out as he hoped, he might spend the night and receive some sweet loving too.

  “I’m glad you asked me out, Bryce. It was fun. I feel like I know you much better than before.” She stepped out of the car, and he closed the door behind her.

  “Can I walk you upstairs?”

  “Do you mean can you come inside?”

  He glanced down at his feet. Was he that obvious? “Yes.”

  She took a hold of his hand and led him toward her apartment. The door next to Aurora’s popped open as she fumbled for her key, and he had to laugh. The neighbor must be a light sleeper or nosy as hell. He opted for the second choice since she stuck her tongue out at him again. Odd woman.

  Aurora flipped on the overhead lights as they entered, and a large, long-haired cat shot across the room and disappeared into her bedroom.

  “That’s Tai Chi. He hides under my bed most of the time. He’s nervous around strangers, and I don’t have company often.”

  Only my brother.

  That’s why she’d acted weird when he inquired about her address. She’d already given it to Brent, thinking it was him the day he’d taken her to New Jersey, or New York, or wherever they’d gone that weekend. The whole thought of Brent using his name still irritated him. Soon, she would know the truth. And let the chips fall where they may. Life would go on, regardless of what he said tonight and the outcome of what happened between them, but he would feel better for being truthful.

  “Do you like cats?” She dropped her purse on the kitchen counter.

  “I have a dog. Never been around cats much. I never owned any, except the strays that hang around the barn. I put feed out for them, and they keep the mice away. It’s an agreement we have, and it works for us.”

  “What kind of dog do you have?” She walked into the kitchenette and took two glasses from the cupboard. “I don’t know about you, but the Greek food was salty, and I’m thirsty. Do you want a drink too?”

�Sure.” He sat on the hard as a rock sofa. He remembered it well. That’s what had led them to the bedroom that night and to his discovery. Only, he hadn’t known his competitor was Brent at the time. “Brutus is a rescued American Bulldog. He’s shy, but a great dog.”

  She carried two glasses over and set one on the coffee table in front of him. She took a long swallow of her water before setting it beside his. “Whew! Better.”

  He took her hand and tugged her down to sit beside him. “We need to talk, Aurora.”

  “I know.” She burped, covered her mouth, and giggled. “Sorry. I ate far too much, but it was delicious. You were right. And thank you again for dinner.”

  “You’re welcome…again. You do have a hearty appetite.” She’d eaten everything on her plate, plus dessert and decaf coffee to top off the meal.

  “Yes.” She leaned back and stared at him with her beautiful eyes. “You said we need to talk?”

  “We do. But first…” He leaned toward her. He couldn’t wait to have one tiny kiss.

  “Don’t.” She placed her fingers on his lips when they were inches from her own. “I’m pregnant, Bryce.”

  He pulled back, his heart dropping to his gut. “You’re what?”

  “I’m nine weeks pregnant.”

  Did a bomb just explode, or was that the sound of his heart imploding? Pregnant? He did the math. Nine weeks ago would have been around the time they were both dating her. Or maybe during the time he didn’t see her and they hadn’t had sex since. This baby could be Brent’s. Probably was Brent’s. A wave of nausea hit him. If it was Brent’s baby, he would have to let her go. It was over. Done and finished. His twin had won.

  “Bryce? Are you okay?”

  His palms were sweaty and his throat dry. He stood and clenched his fists. The entire room had gotten incredibly hot and crowded. He gasped for air. “I need to leave, Aurora. I’m sorry. So sorry.”

  “Bryce?” Tears filled her eyes, and it tore him apart.

  “I gotta go. I’ll call you later.” He couldn’t get away fast enough. He nearly ran to his car—hold that, his brother’s damn car.

  Oh, God, I can’t believe she’s pregnant!


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