“She’ll be fine. That’s not the point.” Bryce sat on the edge of the desk. A good position to be in, if he had to knock some sense into his brother. “We need to fix this mess you started.”
“I told you I didn’t know you had a claim on her. I was only trying to win our challenge.”
“Why did you use my name? Why not introduce yourself as you?”
Brent glanced away and fumbled with his pen before looking across at Bryce, eye to eye. “Because you have a way with women. You always have. I don’t know if it’s something I missed out on or if you’ve perfected the art of seduction. It’s like charisma—you have it and I don’t.”
“You aren’t making any sense. We’re individuals, even if we look exactly alike.”
“But your name means something. I thought if I used it, I could be you. We’re alike in all ways, except that one small thing. I got cheated when it comes to impressing the women. Using your name makes me feel better about myself.”
Shit. What do I say to that?
It was almost a backward compliment. “Brent, you can’t be someone else. Can’t you understand that to be yourself is the best thing you can be? Besides, there’s nothing wrong with your influence on women.”
“I can’t bolster up something I don’t have.”
Bryce laughed. “You have the cockiest attitude for someone who claims to have no self-confidence. But let’s get back to Aurora. We need to make it right. The father of the baby needs to step up and do the right thing. I’ve contacted a wedding planner and we can have you two hitched in no time.”
“Wait a damn minute! Who says I’m the father? What about you?”
“Who says you aren’t? You’ve been with her more than me since I backed off. It only takes once remember.”
Brent shrugged and narrowed his eyes. “Look who’s giving me the lecture on sex.”
“I thought you wanted to be more like me.”
He glanced down at his body. “Last time I checked, I look exactly like you.”
“Dammit it, Brent. I’m trying to be patient with you, but you’re pissing me off.”
“Okay, I’ll play along. What would you do, big brother?”
“I’d marry her and make her respectable, even if I didn’t love her. And that’s what you’re gonna do.” Brent’s lack of response this time told him he was right. The jerk had slept with Aurora. Damn, it burned his pride. But he refused to let the pain back into his heart. He had to do this. It was the right thing to do. “Okay, it’s settled then. We meet with the wedding planner tomorrow. Why don’t you see if you can get back on Aurora’s good side before then?”
Brent stared out the window overlooking the market. “Whatever you say, Bryce.”
“Now, I’m going to shower and get to work. I suggest you do the same. See you at lunch.” He walked out, feeling pretty cocky about the way their conversation went.
He didn’t even have to punch his brother’s smug face.
Stan gave Aurora the day off to rest. Sure, her nerves were a tangled mess, but the last thing she wanted to do was sit around and do nothing. She felt perfectly fine. She cleaned her apartment and took out the trash. Her back started to ache a little, so she flopped on the sofa to watch TV. Tai Chi cuddled on the blanket at her feet. She wanted to go back to work. Sitting around gave her mind too much time to think about things. Like the last thing Bryce said to her about making everything right. Did that mean he still wanted to marry her?
A love scene came on in the movie she was watching. She turned down the volume, closed her eyes, and pretended she was making love with the hero twin. She moved her body as though he were caressing her with his hands. Wanting more than her imagination could provide, she slipped her fingers inside her sweatpants to her moistness and found her sensitive nub. Sexy, but it didn’t feel quite the same as his big thumb rubbing back and forth. She ached to have him bury his thick cock inside her again, but she was too proud to contact him.
What would she say if she did? Come over and fuck me like you do so well? Not hardly. She didn’t have a clue which Bryce would show up. Oh yeah, one of them was Brent. But that little detail didn’t help her much in figuring out who was who.
Mmm…fingering herself felt nice. But it wasn’t enough. A pretty pink rubber toy popped into her thoughts. She smelled her fingers. Naughty, but oh-so-sexy. He told her once he loved the smell of her.
Oh, geez, I have to try it now. I miss him so much.
She jumped up from the sofa and rushed into the bedroom. “Where is the dang thing, Tai Chi?”
She’d pulled the toy back out of the trashcan that night, washed it off, and tucked it neatly away for a day like this one. She dug through her dresser drawer and found the toy, but not the small tube of scented oil.
“Ah-ha!” She snatched the hiding tube from beneath her neatly rolled socks, snapped off the tip, and lubricated the male body part. Unable to resist smelling the slippery concoction, she sniffed it.
Mmm…cotton candy. Yummy.
No time like a boring afternoon to try something new. Right? She inched her panties down and spread her legs to insert the erotic replica of the male anatomy. It was cool to the touch. Maybe she should have warmed it first? Oh! It was thick and firm and felt a little kinky entering her most sensitive place. She wiggled a bit to work it all the way inside.
Not Bryce and not real, but it made her feel wicked and hornier. Since she’d conceived, she was horny more often than not. An unusual and pleasant mood to be in for sure. Only, she needed release, and none was to be had. Except for Mr. Pinky here. Her newfound friend.
If she did her Kegels, it was pretty darned sexy. She walked into the kitchen, clenching her pelvic muscles, and was able to keep the thing inside. She even felt slightly energized. Very sensual. She grabbed a fresh glass of water and headed for the sofa to play some more. She scooted the cat aside and lay back down on her side. Clenching her thighs made the sensations increase.
Oh, God, it is erotic.
A knock at the apartment door sent Tai Chi off the sofa in a rush into her bedroom.
She’d forgotten Stan was sending Carla by on her way home to check on her today. She sat up carefully. Ooo… The slight movement was titillating. She giggled. She couldn’t yank the pink cock out and get to the door before Carla walked away. Carla would be worried and call Stan, and a whole bunch of people would show up. And here she sat with a pink cock in her pussy, smiling with orgasmic tingles. What the heck? She would stay put.
“Come in, Carla. It’s unlocked.”
The door opened. But it wasn’t Carla.
Dark eyes devoured her as one of the twins walked in and closed the door behind him. “Hi. Don’t you keep your door locked?”
“No. Well, yes, usually.”
He locked the door and stepped into the room. “Never leave your apartment door unlocked. You could have intruders.”
“Like you?” Was it his presence or the toy making her tremble? She was frozen to the spot. She didn’t dare stand up. Her pussy was purring.
He shook his head and smiled. “Just so you know, it’s me, Bryce. The real one.”
No way. She never would have guessed. “You know your name doesn’t mean anything since you both used it so often. I can’t trust you. What do you want, anyway?”
“Are you okay?” He grinned and walked closer to the sofa. “Your face is a little flushed.”
Blue jeans, a green T-shirt, and an unbuttoned black and green plaid, flannel shirt. This was the sexy twin, and damn if doing a Kegel didn’t send anticipation racing through her body. He didn’t know it, but he was already exciting her, exploring her secret place and loving her—in a totally abstract way.
“I’m fine. Really.” Better if you go away.
He stood beside the sofa. “Mind if I sit with you for a while?”
“Yes. Don’t sit here; sit over there.”
He glanced a
t the chair across the room. “I want to sit a little closer than the kitchen.”
Well, she didn’t need him that close. She was already throbbing with need. Hot and horny. She closed her eyes.
Ohhh…if I wiggle just the right—
“Aurora?” He grabbed her under the arms and pulled her upright into a standing position.
The fake cock slipped a bit, and she grabbed for it without thinking. With her hand holding her crotch, she gazed up into his face. “I…uh, lost…something. Almost.”
He chuckled. “You’re excited. I know that look. What have you got down there?”
“Liar.” He slipped his hand over hers and shoved her hand aside. She pleasured in the warmth of his palm cupping her mound and knew he felt the end of the toy protruding from her. “You’re playing with the rubber cock, aren’t you? The doctor tells you to rest and relax, and you’re home masturbating.”
The truth never hurts. “I’m horny, so what?”
“Why didn’t you call me? You know I would help you with your little problem.”
His deep timbre sent a shiver into her soul. God, she loved him. This was the one. She knew him by his touch. She could do and say anything she wanted around him. “Then take me to that special place only you can take me.”
“Don’t mind if I do.” His mouth covered hers in a tender caress. He licked her lips, then teased her tongue with his own. A silent dance of love.
She clenched down on the rubber cock while he played with it. “It doesn’t feel as good as you do. Not even close. But I was—”
“Desperate? Needy? Missing me?” His lips hovered over hers, his breath warm and tempting. He nibbled at her ear lobe and down her neck.
All she could do was nod yes. He lifted her into his arms and carried her into the bedroom to her tidy made bed. She raised her hips for him to remove her sweatpants. He took her panties too, making her feel odd with a pink thing poking out between her thighs.
He grinned, the devil. He knew how he turned her on. “Can I play with you?”
Magic words to her ears. “Yes.”
He bent to kiss her nether lips all around the toy, tasting and licking, sending her into spasms of joy. She could barely hold her hips down while the toy cock slipped slowly in and out, and his thumb rolled over her nub. Faster and faster, then slow and easy, teasing her to make her quiver in delight. He suckled her nub and she lost it. An orgasm shook her to the core. She held on as long as she could, quivering and shaking with the intensity.
He continued to slip the pink toy in and out, wiggling it from side to side.
“Oh, God. Oh, God. More. No. Yes, more. Oh…please…”
He stopped his eager attentiveness. “Is this thing really that good?”
She gasped for air and waited for her heart to stop pounding a mile a minute. “No way does a rubber toy feel anything like you, but it’s pretty darn fun.”
He chuckled. “I like your answer.”
Warmth flushed her cheeks. “It’s the truth. Are you going to continue?”
“Do you want me to?”
“Silly question.” She wanted him to make hot, passionate love to her and send her to heaven on a wave of orgasmic bliss.
“I think so too, since you’re lying here panting with rosy cheeks and a glow all over your beautiful face.” His fingers replaced the toy with steady pressure and tenderly coaxed her G-spot. She bucked with release again. Darn, if those mini orgasms weren’t blissful.
“Wait. I want to take off this sweatshirt.” She tugged it up and felt it be pulled over her head in one smooth movement. Her breasts were free. She wanted to feel him naked and excited beside her, on top of her, and deep within her. She tugged at his shirt. “Hurry. Please?”
He kicked off his boots, removed his flannel shirt, pulled his T-shirt over his head, and shrugged out of his jeans and boxer shorts in a heartbeat. He rested beside her and ran his hand over her stomach and around her breasts, barely touching them. Her nipples perked and begged to be suckled. He was such a tease, and she loved it. She loved him. She didn’t care what his name was, or that he had a duplicate body with a different personality somewhere. She knew this man’s soul and wanted him to be the father of her baby. This was the right twin for her.
But was he the father?
He rose above her and gently requested entrance with the tip of his firm throbbing erection. Slipping easily inside her moistness, he groaned in pleasure. She sighed and found the contentment she’d been seeking. It wasn’t only the sex. It was the whole package deal. She was complete when he was with her, and when he was deep inside her.
Hand in glove, plug in socket, key in lock. All great combinations.
Bryce had wanted to check on Aurora. He’d never meant to seduce her one more time. And he was lying through his teeth too. There wasn’t much he wouldn’t do to be with her, buried in her sweetness. Loving her inside and out. He rested beside her while she slept in his arms. Her pretty blonde hair tickled his nose, but he didn’t mind at all. This was where he longed to be. He’d only stopped by after work to make sure she was doing okay. He had to see her. To touch her. He sucked in a deep breath and released it.
“I love you, Aurora.”
She mumbled and sighed but didn’t wake.
Her dang cat ran across them, first one direction and then the other, and hid back under the bed. Far too scared to come out for long but curious enough to want to check them out. Eventually, the cat would be more familiar with him and learn to trust him. He liked most animals. He trusted their instincts. They were a lot smarter than people when it came to judging character. Take Brutus. He knew a friendly person when he met one, but if somebody meant him harm the dog could be downright vicious. Still, he was a good dog most of the time. He wondered if the cat would like his dog. He sure hoped so.
His mind flipped back to his major problem. Trust. He didn’t trust his brother, and he wanted to build trust with Aurora. She didn’t trust him one bit. He didn’t blame her, not after Brent’s shenanigans. He wanted to make his brother realize what a mess he had made of their lives, even if unintentional.
Aurora stirred in his arms. “Bryce?”
He pulled her closer for a kiss. “Yes?”
“Do you still want to marry me?”
Oh, God, yes. He wanted to more than he could express. But he was nearly positive this baby was Brent’s, and Brent needed to own up to his indiscretions. “Do you still want me?”
She ran her fingers through his hair in a sensual show of affection. “I think I’ve wanted you from the first moment you kissed me.”
He groaned and kissed her deeply, making sure he tasted her, remembered her for the time when she would belong to Brent. “I feel the same, mia bella.”
If he never saw the light of another day, he would be happy here in her arms for this moment. She completed him in a way he didn’t think possible. Once again, he wondered if he could go through with forcing Brent to do the right thing by her since it meant he would lose Aurora forever.
Chapter Eight
Aurora sat daydreaming out the window of The Daily Sun newspaper office. Reliving each sensual moment spent in Bryce’s arms the night before. His kisses, his touch, every fine detail of him. She shook off the vision of dark eyes and wavy espresso hair, blinking when he walked through the front door and headed straight for her desk.
“Hear me out. This is important. You need to listen.”
“Bryce?” What in the world does he want now?
He leaned across the desk and whispered, “No, I’m Brent. Can we talk?”
She stood and glanced around. Everyone had gone back to whatever it was they were doing before he walked in and distracted them. “I get lunch in ten minutes. Is that okay?”
“Perfect. I know a great little place.”
“I only have an hour, Brent. If that’s who you really are.”
“Long enough.” He tapped the desktop with h
is forefinger, and she noticed his silver signet pinkie ring. “I think you’ll be interested in what I have to say.”
“Okay, see you in a few.” She waved him out the door.
This was the Bryce who wears the ring and drives the fancy red sportscar? She didn’t remember seeing the other twin wear a ring last night. That meant this Bryce was really Brent. But in truth, she was still confused about their identities.
Carla rushed over as soon as Brent left. “Do you know which one that was? How exciting to be dating twins. I would totally love to be in your shoes. Two men instead of one. And both incredibly handsome. Lucky girl.”
“Sorry, Carla. I don’t feel much like talking about it right now. I need to finish up this email, so I can scoot out to lunch.” She buried her nose in the computer, hoping the other woman would take the hint.
“You don’t have to be rude.” Carla scurried away with a pout and glanced over from her desk like a reprimanded puppy.
After Aurora completed her email and sent it, she signed out and turned off the computer screen, just in case she didn’t get back in an hour. She pulled her purse out of the drawer and headed out the front door.
Brent waited in the parking lot next to the red sports car. He smiled as she approached. “Ten minutes. Right on the dot. You are an exceptional woman.” He grinned and opened the car door. “Nice legs too.”
“Thanks.” She didn’t wear dresses often because she wasn’t required to wear them, but it was nice to be complimented. She glanced over at him when he climbed in behind the wheel. The fancy car was indeed his, and he was the twin who’d taken her to New Jersey. “Nice to meet you, Brent.”
“You believe it’s me?”
“Maybe.” She had to laugh at his woebegone frown. He was a clown at times. This was the friendship Bryce, the nice hero who gave her so-so brotherly kisses.
“Hope you like Italian.”
“You know I— Wait a minute. We can’t go to Antonio’s. It’s too far away for my lunch break. And I can’t be late. Stan will murder me.”
He laughed and chucked her under the chin. “Stan adores you. He would do no such thing. Besides, I told him you needed to take the afternoon off.”
Taste Me Page 15