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Protected by the Biker (Grim Reaper MC)

Page 18

by Savannah Rylan

Pearl led them up to the reception desk, where they were given their keys. Ella was surprised to find that they each had their own rooms.

  “Ladies,” Pearl said. “We are very happy that you all have chosen to stay with us for this week. We have the Charlestown clan here staying with us, and we hope that you each find someone you would like to be with.”

  Heat rushed to Ella’s face. I’m not ready to find anyone I want to be with, she thought. Sierra wrapped her arm around Ella’s shoulder and hugged her lightly. Ella smiled at her comforting gesture.

  “There are even numbers of clan members to women,” Pearl said, “however, we cannot always predict what the heart wants, so there may be some of you that do not match.”

  Ella let out a small sigh of relief. She could easily avoid getting close to anyone and instead spend her vacation relaxing on the beach. Pearl handed out their individual keys to their rooms and they made their way to their bungalows.

  “It’s about dinner time,” Sierra said. “So why don’t we all go get ready and meet in the lobby in about an hour?” Everyone nodded in unison. Ella watched her friends walk to their individual bungalows. Luckily they were all right next to each other; the only thing separating them was that they were each on different small docks. They all seem so happy to be here, she thought. Ella didn’t want to ruin the vacation for them, but she certainly did not feel like leaving her private bungalow.

  Ella walked down her individual dock to her door and turned the key. She let out an audible gasp once inside. The room was practically the size of her apartment. There was a small kitchenette that opened up to a large living room with a big-screen TV and an extremely comfortable-looking couch. To the right of the living room was the bedroom, complete with a large king-size bed and connecting bathroom. Ella placed her bag down on the bench near the bed and fell into the fluffy comforter. She closed her eyes and let the sound of the ocean through the open balcony start to drift her off to sleep.


  Ella was startled awake by the loud sound of the phone on the nightstand ringing. Ella rolled her eyes and reached for the phone.

  “Hello?” she said groggily.

  “I knew you just collapsed on the bed,” Sierra said. “Come on, get your ass up and start to get ready. Don’t you want dinner?” Ella’s stomach started to grumble at the mention of food.

  “Yeah…I am,” Ella said as she fought to keep her eyes from closing. Sierra chuckled into the phone.

  “Good,” Sierra said. “I’ll swing by to pick you up in fifteen minutes.” Ella’s eyes snapped open. Holy shit, she thought. Fifteen minutes?

  “Gotta go,” Ella quickly said and hung up the phone. She jumped off the comfortable bed and stripped out of her clothes from the plane and walked into the bathroom. There was a Jacuzzi-style bathtub with a separate shower that looked big enough to fit three people in. Ella snorted out a laugh when she thought about how many couples of three had found their way into one of these showers.

  Ella let the hot water cascade down her body, and with it she hoped her anxiety. Remembering she was under a time crunch, she sped up her shower routine and quickly hopped out. To save time, she ran the towel through her auburn hair and quickly twisted it up into a bun, and let a few strands fall down, framing her semi-round face. She lightly rubbed her tinted moisturizer on her skin, and used her liquid eyeliner to draw thin lines that accentuated her green eyes, making them look bigger. She completed her makeup with bronzer, a quick brush of eye shadow, and maEllaa.

  Ella looked down at her watch and realized she had about five more minutes before Sierra pounded on her door. She ran to her suitcase and pulled out a short black dress that fit her body like a glove. She called it her magic dress because, despite how form-fitting it was, it was able to hide all of her problem areas but accentuated her curves in all the right places, making her feel hot as hell. She needed a confidence booster, and this dress was it.

  As soon as she zipped herself up and put on her strappy heels, Sierra knocked on her door.

  “Coming!” Ella called. She rushed to her bathroom and applied her red lipstick. She pressed her lips together and took a moment to look at herself in the mirror. Not bad, she thought. She smiled and quickly ran to the door.


  Ella followed her friends into the large open restaurant that led into the bar area. They were led to a table in the center of the room, and as she sat down she took a moment to take in her surroundings. Every table in the restaurant was full, and the bar was getting more packed by the minute.

  “Did you guys hear anything yet about the guys yet?” Amanda asked. Maggie quickly nodded.

  “I heard that they are from Boston,” Maggie said.

  “Really?” Amanda said. “Well, that could be a good thing for us.”

  Ella looked down and pretended to be very interested in the cocktail menu. Of course they had to be from Boston. That meant the likelihood of Ella running into one of them again was higher. Why couldn’t this just have been a girls’ vacation? Ella thought.

  The waitress came to their table. “What can I get you ladies this evening?” the waitress asked.

  “I’ll take a margarita,” Ella responded quickly.

  “Oh, that sounds good,” Sierra chimed in. “I will take one too.”

  “If you all plan on drinking margaritas, we can get you a pitcher,” the waitress smiled.

  “Yeah, let’s get two pitchers,” Ella answered. Sierra stifled a laugh next to her and Ella kicked her under the table. The waitress nodded and walked away.

  “Two pitchers, huh, Ella?” Sierra teased.

  “With the amount of sexual tension in this room all around us, I think two pitchers might not be enough,” Ella said. Sierra and the rest of her friends burst out laughing.


  Ella leaned back in her chair. The food at the resort was absolutely delicious. She had gotten Mahi Mahi, and it was possibly the best meal she had ever had. She was finishing up her fourth margarita when her table was interrupted. A tall, dark-haired burly guy walked up confidently to their table.

  “Hi ladies,” he said. “I’m Logan. A few of us were wondering if you would like to join us over at the bar.” Sierra looked over to Ella and smiled. Ella knew that Sierra would start pleading with her eyes if she said no. She quickly nodded and downed the rest of her drink and poured another glass. As she stood up from the table she wobbled a bit. A warm rush filled her body as she quickly caught herself, hoping that none of her friends noticed. She pressed her lips together, realizing that they were slightly numb. She followed her friends to the bar and realized she was surrounded by a group of guys. Ella took another long swig of her margarita, hoping to calm her nerves, and claimed an empty seat a bit outside of all the commotion.

  Sierra, Maggie, Rebecca and Amanda pushed themselves into the center of the crowd. Ella was used to being the odd man out in situations like this. Sierra had always loved being the center of attention, while Ella much preferred standing on the sidelines and participating when necessary. Sierra searched for Ella, and when their eyes met, Ella smiled at her to let her know that she was all right where she was. Sierra smiled back and turned her full attention to Logan.

  Ella turned away from the crowd and continued to sip her margarita. She looked to the right of the bar and noticed a long hallway. Curiosity got the best of her. She looked back to her friends, who were completely occupied and she quietly slipped off the bar stool and made her way down the hall.

  Chapter 9


  The Mystic Breeze Resort’s bar area was filled with loud conversation and clinks of glasses. After avoiding several advances, Austin had gone through several drinks. Being 6”2, drinking never affected him as much as it did for others . He leaned over the bar and flagged down the bartender.

  “Can I get a handle of Makers Mark?” he asked. The bartender raised her eyebrows.

  “I know, you probably aren’t supposed to do that,” Austin said. “But I figu
red I would ask. It would be a hell of a lot easier, since I just keep ordering them anyway.” The bartender had been sweet to him all night, which was surprising, because no women were ever nice to him. Not once they got to know him. The bartender tilted her head to the side in thought and then leaned over the bar and whispered to him.

  “I am only going to do this for you because Loganly you look like this is the last place you want to be. But if I have one of your friends come up asking for one as well I will be so pissed.”

  Austin nodded. “Deal.” The bartender waved at him to meet her near the bussing station, and she discretely passed him the handle.

  “There’s an empty library down the hall,” she said. “No one ever goes in there, since they are all usually too busy trying to hook up out here.”

  Austin smiled and thanked her. It was a strange feeling having a woman be nice to him. He hoped she didn’t pity him and that that was the reason for her kindness.

  Austin opened the handle of whiskey and walked out of the room. The noises drowned out as he walked down the halls filled with expensive drapes and décor. He scoffed at the needlessly fine cloth covering the tables, which would eventually be used for spilling alcohol on. He took a big swig of the whiskey and grimaced as he walked into the unused library. He let out a sigh of relief when he realized the bartender was right. He was the only one in there.

  The extra-large library consisted of four different rooms linearly connected together but separated by sliding wooden doors. Pop culture and magazines lined the front shelves, and historical nonfiction was located all the way back. For a resort focused on matchmaking, the library was surprising kept up to date.

  Austin made his way towards the back of the library and slid the door shut to further eliminate the sounds from the drunken bachelors in the bar. He took another big swig from the handle. It took him an expensive quantity to feel the effectives of alcohol now, but he wasn’t paying for this, so he had decided he would chase for the feeling of invincibility tonight. Austin slowly walked over to the black leather couch and dropped himself down, propping his legs up on the ottoman. Now this was his idea of relaxation. He pulled a cigar out of his suit pocket.

  “Shit,” he murmured as he realized that he left his cutter back in his bungalow. He briskly bit off the end of the cigar with his mouth, spitting the end on the armrest, and lit up. Austin threw the lighter onto the ottoman and noticed a book on the side table with a wolf on it. He picked it up, intrigued.

  “Protected by the Biker. What in the world?” he mumbled. “What is this, biker romance?” Turning the book around, he read the blurb and crinkled his face. Austin gripped the spine and let the book crack open naturally. He began to read and was startled by a sweet voice.

  “You like the book, huh?” Ella teased as she smiled at him.

  Flushed in the face, Austin slammed the book shut and put it down on the couch next to him. “Sorry, I didn’t mean…” He didn’t quite know how to finish the sentence.

  “It’s all right. Those covers are rather intriguing. I’m sure you couldn’t help yourself.” Ella sat down on the couch next to him and grabbed the book.

  “Uh, yeah, it was on the ottoman. Do you like those kinds of books? Smut with men who ride motorcycles? Seems kind of weird and kinky,” Austin casually responded in an attempt to get back at her.

  “What’s not to like? Fantasy men who ride Harley’s,” Ella said in a matter-of-fact tone. “It’s not like stories are real. It’s just a book, and unlike men, women aren’t afraid to admit they enjoy them.

  “May I?” Ella gestured for the handle of Makers Mark and took three gulps. She winced slightly as it went down her throat.

  “Whoa there!” Austin grabbed the handle back. “Watch yourself, I don’t want to be the asshole that has to leave a drunk girl in a library.”

  “Well, you’re quite the romantic,” Ella sneered sarcastically. “I’ll be just fine, thank you.” She grabbed the bottle for one more swig. “I’ve got to try to get as happy as my friends, who dragged me here.”

  Austin took the handle back and smirked, “I get it. I got dragged here, too.”

  Ella watched intently as Austin brought his cigar up to his burly lips and took a firm drag. “I love cigars, or rather the smell of cigars.” Ella watched as Austin slowly let out the smoke into the air. “Are you sure you should be smoking in here?”

  Austin smiled. “Whatever, don’t care.”

  “I’m Ella, by the way,” she smiled and extended her hand.

  “I’m Austin,” he said as he grabbed her small hand in his own. As he did he felt a course of energy shoot through his body.

  Ella’s presence was surprising to Austin. Unlike the women outside, in the few moments he had spoken with her she seemed to be full of personality. As much as he hated being with the women in the bar, Ella seemed like a different person entirely. Austin polished off the rest of the handle and dropped it onto the carpeted floor.

  Ella frowned, “You didn’t leave any for me? That’s rather selfish.”

  Austin looked over at her with a single-word reply, “Yep.”

  Ella scoffed and stood up. Shit, Austin thought. I need to stop being such a fucking asshole.

  “Oh, come on, here you go.” Austin pulled a flask out of his suit jacket and handed it over to Ella. “The strongest whiskey you’ll find around town.”

  Ella smiled and took the flask. “Not as selfish as I thought.” She took a swig and shook her head as the liquor flowed down her throat. Austin noticed her large breasts bounce in her tight dress, and quickly moved his eyes away. Ella handed back the flask.

  “You weren’t kidding,” she said. “That is strong.”

  Austin smiled and took another swig. Suddenly Ella leaned over him and reached for the cigar in his hand. The smell of strawberries filled his nostrils. Damn, she smells good, he thought. Austin could feel his pants get a little bit tighter around his crotch. Ella pulled the cigar from his hand, pulled it to her plump lips and inhaled. She broke out in a cough, and Austin let out a chuckle. She’s pretty fucking cute, Austin thought.

  “Do you not know how to smoke a cigar?” Austin asked.

  “Not yet, but I’ll try anything once.” Ella tried to smile through her coughing. “I just like the smell.”

  Austin took the cigar back. “If that’s what you want, here. Close your eyes. ” He pulled her closer and took a puff from the cigar. He leaned close to her face and slowly blew out the smoke. Austin smiled as she shut her eyes and inhaled lightly. Ella slowly opened her intoxicating green eyes and stared at Austin. It felt like she could see into his soul, and for the first time in a long time, Austin allowed her to do it. He couldn’t understand why he let his guard down, but something about her made him want to. There was something different about Ella. She wasn’t looking at him with pity like the other women had. Austin’s hand lightly touched Ella’s, and he felt a magnetic energy course between them.

  Without thinking, Austin grabbed her face towards his and kissed her deeply on the lips. Ella moved her body closer to his and placed her hands on his firm chest.

  “I love the way the cigar makes you smell.” She continued to touch and squeeze his chest.

  Austin broke their contact to put down the cigar on the side table and then pulled Ella on top of his lap, where her breasts were inches from his scruffy face. His senses were consumed by her sweet scent, and his need for her touch took over all of his thoughts. He wrapped his arms around her curvy frame and pulled her closer to him.

  Ella tugged his head up for a passionate kiss, tangling her tongue around his. Austin let out a low growl as his heart began to beat faster. Ella raked her hands through his thick hair as their kiss deepened. Austin ran his strong hands up her soft legs, past her knees, and slowly ran his hand along the hemline of her dress. Ella rocked her hips forward, making Austin growl again as he ran his hands underneath the hemline and up her firm thighs. Ella inhaled sharply in pleasant surprise.

  Ella rocked her hips on his thighs again, successfully pushing her dress up over her ass. Austin pulled up her dress, and they broke their kiss quickly to pull it above her head. Their lips crashed back into one another as Austin threw her dress on the ottoman near them.

  Austin gently pulled back from Ella’s face. “Let me look at you.”

  Austin scanned her from bottom to top, and stopped at her eyes. I could get lost in those green pools forever, he thought. With a deep voice, he growled, “You’re beautiful.”

  Ella’s lips parted into a huge smile. “You’re not so bad yourself,” she said. Austin pulled her body back closer to his and lightly started to trail kisses from her neck to her collarbone. When he reached her black lace bra strap, he gently pulled it down with his teeth. He reached behind her and unlatched her bra, revealing her voluptuous breasts.

  He ran his hands from her back and around to caress her breast. Using his tongue, he slowly encircled her nipples. Ella’s body got warmer and her nipples harder. Ella placed her hands on his shoulder and slowly started to remove his suit jacket. Austin lifted his back so she could get it off his broad shoulders. Ella pushed him back into the couch and started to unbutton his dress shirt.

  A creak of the doorframe made Ella freeze.

  “Shit, should we be doing this here?” she asked.

  Austin looked around her and saw that the noise was nothing, and relaxed. It was just the building moving with the wind outside. He looked back up at her and smiled.

  “Doing this here is what makes this even more fun.”

  Ella gave him a seductive smile and quickly unbuttoned his shirt and unbuckled his belt. Austin growled and lifted her up swiftly. She giggled lightly, which was music to Austin’s ears. He pulled her legs around his waist and walked her over to a nearby reading table and placed her gently on her back. Ella leaned up and ran her hands over his thick chest. She lightly kissed his muscles as she slowly ran her hands down to his pants. Her hands left trails of fire over Austin’s body.


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