Protected by the Biker (Grim Reaper MC)

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Protected by the Biker (Grim Reaper MC) Page 52

by Savannah Rylan

  Hunter (The Bad Disciples MC #2)

  by Savannah Rylan



  I slammed my finished pint glass on the bar top of the Rusty Pelican. I was about to take a break from drinking when I felt Glock’s strong arm wrap around my shoulder. He placed bottle of beer in front of me and I let out a laugh.

  “Fuck!” Glock said, raising his glass for the tenth time that night. None of us joined him for this one.

  “Fuck the Dragon Knights,” Glock slobbered and a low cheer rang out in the group. We’d been toasting to our victory over the Dragon Knights for the past six nights, and there was no end in sight.

  At least for the five of us, since we were the youngest members of the Bad Disciples; this one had been the first major war we were involved in and we had come out victorious. The Dragon Knights had been running a prostitution ring and we had put a stop to it. We didn’t tolerate treating women that way. They were also running weapons too. On our fucking territory, which was our main fucking business. The show had to stop and we made sure that it did. They didn’t stand a chance.

  “And you got a sweet deal out of it too,” Sniper said, directing the comment towards Gunner, who was grinning now. The reference was Brooklyn Jenson. The girl who Gunner had recently started dating. Her family had belonged to the Dragon Knights, till her father and brother died and the MC turned against her. Gunner had managed to rescue her from the verge of being swallowed up into the prostitution trade. And now they were together and they looked genuinely happy.

  Not that I knew how he did it. How do you fuck the same woman every night and not want some other piece of ass from time to time? Gunner hadn’t looked at another woman since he got together with Brooklyn and it boggled my mind.

  Brooklyn was welcomed into our MC now. She was a part of the Bad Disciples and was well liked, just like Gunner was.

  “I got lucky,” Gunner said and Glock thumped his back and a few of us clinked our glasses together.

  “To the Dragon Knights and Gunner and Brooklyn!” Glock’s voice boomed and this time we cheered with him. The war had made us blood thirsty. Now we had nothing else to do other than drink ourselves silly every night. We deserved it. Most of us had come very close to losing our lives to the cause. Something each of us would have happily done.

  I felt someone else’s hands on my shoulders then and I looked up lazily to find Jessica standing over me. Her face was stretched in a beaming smile, her dark eyes sparkling in the dim light of the bar. Ever since our victory over the Dragon Knights, she hadn’t been able to keep her hands off me.

  Jessica, like all the other groupies, was a chick the members of our MC passed around amongst us. These girls looked up to us, were always available for a quick fuck but unlike the Dragon Knights we would never use them for the flesh trade.

  Jessica lowered her face right up to my ears.

  “You can collect your prize now, Hunter,” she breathed seductively and I arched my brows at her. Even though these women knew that we didn’t form attachments and none of us were interested in full-fledged commitments, it didn’t stop them from having favorites. And I was clearly hers.

  With her cleavage spilling out over her Glock top and her daisy dukes high up her thighs, revealing a chunky ass that I would have liked to sink my teeth into…she was a good lay. I knew because I’d been fucking her every night since our victory over the Dragon Knights, but I was bored now.

  “You have a giving nature, Jessica. You are very kind,” I said with a laugh and slapped her ass hard, to which she giggled and bounced.

  “You know it’s not charity, Hunter…come with me,” she said, leaning towards me again, making sure that I had seen her cleavage on display. I grinned at her, my mind swimming with all the beers and whiskies I had drunk over the course of the night. I wasn’t in the mood to fuck.

  “I have something else to do,” I said flatly and turned away from her, and back to the boys. As sexy as Jessica was, if I wasn’t firm with her, she wouldn’t take no for an answer. I could sense her burning a hole at the back of my skull with her stare, but I knew she would eventually walk away. She knew her place. She was here to please me and not the other fucking way around.

  Sniper met my eyes, while he cradled the bottle of beer in his hands.

  “Her pussy is still tight. What does that say about you?” he said and then laughed at his own joke. I threw the bottle of beer in my hand at his head and he ducked just in time and missed. The bottle crashed to the floor and a few more cheers rang out in the bar. The others laughed and I laughed with them. Sniper looked like he was relieved he’d managed to steer clear.

  “Jeez, I get it. You have big balls,” Sniper said, shaking his head, while we all continued to laugh.

  I noticed Jessica still eyeing me from the other corner of the bar and my mind wandered. None of the groupies were hitting on Gunner anymore, because he had made it very clear to everyone that he wasn’t interested. He had every intention of staying loyal to Brooklyn. How the hell did he do that? With these tits hanging out and these tempting asses. Brooklyn must have a magic fucking pussy. I had no idea what that felt like, to want to bang only one woman for the rest of your life. Would I want to bang just Jessica for the rest of my life? No fucking way. She was not even close to being good enough for that sort of crap.

  I felt my phone vibrating in the pocket of my jeans and I pulled it out to find that Marco was calling.

  I stood up and walked away from the group to take the call. It was past midnight, what was he calling about?


  Marco and I had known each other since High School. We were best friends, always getting into trouble together. Even though he hadn’t joined the MC with me, we had decided to join the marines together instead. Which led to us both touring together in Iraq. Which led to him losing his leg which he blew off when he stepped on an IAD. Marco was confined to a wheelchair now and his life had significantly changed, but he knew he could rely on me. I never let anyone I cared about suffer.

  “Hey,” I said, pressing the phone to my ear as I took another swig of my beer.

  Marco’s voice sounded muffled, that was the first thing I noticed.

  “How’s it going?” he said and I took in a deep breath.

  “Just hanging out with the boys,” I told him and I heard Marco breathing hard. “You called me up to ask how it’s going? Don’t you get all tucked into bed at like nine or something?” I asked him with a laugh, but Marco wasn’t laughing.

  “Yeah, Hunter. I’m in bed by nine. Big fucking ha ha,” he said and I realized that I’d offended him. Ever since he lost his leg, Marco had also lost his sense of humor and I couldn’t exactly blame him for it. The guy was a big hulk of muscle, a fucking Marine, and now on a good day; he could just about manage to haul himself out of bed and wheel himself to the kitchen and make a pot of coffee. Even though he had made it clear to me that he didn’t want me pitying him, I couldn’t help but feel sorry. Marco was a good man, a good friend, and I hated to see him like this.

  “Right. What’s up?” I said, dropping the laugh now.

  “Well, I was in bed. You know, getting my beauty sleep as you would put it,” he said and I said nothing. I was still feeling a little drunk and trying to focus. “And then I got up to take a piss,” he said and for a few moments, there was silence between us. He assumed that I had understood what he was trying to say, while I was waiting for him to continue.

  “And did you? Piss, I mean,” I said when I realized that he wasn’t going to say anything.

  “Yep. I took a massive piss. In my fucking pajamas,” he growled and I took in a deep breath, to steady myself. I had an idea of how humiliating it definitely was for Marco, to have to admit this to me. But I also knew that he had no other choice.

  “Right. So, what’s the big deal?” I said, trying to lighten the air. I didn’t want him to think that his condition was affecting me in any way. I didn’t want him to know j
ust how sorry I was for him.

  “The big deal is that I’m on the floor in the toilet now, Hunter,” he said, with a voice that was dripping with rage. “And I can’t get myself back up on the wheelchair,” he added and I clenched my jaw. I was just glad that he had the presence of mind to always carry his cellphone with him, even if it was just to go to the toilet to take a leak.

  “Give me ten minutes and I’ll be there and I’ll tuck you right back into bed. Maybe if you’re a good boy, I’ll read you a story too,” I said, keeping it casual.

  “Yeah, and maybe we can then hold hands and dance around a tree. I’ll bring out my collection of Barbie dolls before you arrive,” Marco said and I was relieved to find a tinge of genuine humor in his voice.

  “Don’t go anywhere,” I told him.

  “Fuck you,” I heard him say, and then he had hung up.

  As I slipped my phone back into the pocket of my jeans, I couldn’t help but feel a depressing darkness descend upon me. Marco, like myself, was a twenty-six-year-old man, who had his whole life ahead of him. He had lost his ability to walk because all he was doing was serving the country. To the outside world, the man was a fucking hero. What the others didn’t see was that their hero occasionally pissed himself and couldn’t get up off the toilet floor.

  I walked back to the group, banging my bottle of beer down on the table.

  “Heading out,” I said, in no mood for a joke anymore.

  “Pussy! How many of these have you had? Like two? Do you need a bucket to throw up in?” it was Sniper again and this time, I couldn’t help but glare at him. He had no idea what he was talking about.

  “Yeah, Hunter, what’s with the two beers and scram?” Glock asked with a laugh and I glared at him too. I clenched my jaw, debating whether to bash their heads in or tell them what was going on with Marco.

  “I have some business to take care of,” I said instead.

  “Hunter has a woman on the side. Nobody tell Jessica or the claws will come out,” Tank said, uncharacteristically, because he was a man of few words, without a funny bone in his body. Clearly, he too had too much to drink.

  “Yeah, just don’t tell Jessica,” I said, half-grinning at them; letting them believe that this was about some chick. I didn’t need them ragging on me about taking care of some dude, even if he was my best friend.

  I walked out of the bar, fixing my helmet on as I headed towards my Harley. Helping my best friend off his toilet floor and throwing his piss-covered pajamas in the wash, was not how I had imagined this night to turn out. But what other choice did I have? Marco’s family wasn’t really in the picture any more. His mom was in rehab and his dad had left them a long time ago. I was pretty much all Marco had left. Marco relied on me and I believed in friendship, just like I believed in the brotherhood of the MC. There was nothing more important to me in my life than loyalty. No matter what it took.


  Jiggling the key in Marco’s door, I banged it shut to announce my arrival.

  “In here!” he yelled out to me, even though I knew exactly where his toilet was. I went in there, to find Marco lying face down on the toilet floor, mere inches away from his wheelchair.

  “Now you’ve seen it all,” he said, with his face turned to the wall. I eased the leather jacket off my shoulders and hung it on the hooks behind his door.

  “I can assure you man, I haven’t nearly seen as much as you have,” I said to him, placing my hands firmly on the backs of his shoulders.

  “I just need to be lifted on the wheelchair and you can go back to drinking with the guys,” I heard him say. He was back to being in a sour mood, and I didn’t hold that against him. I had no idea what it would be like to go through what he was.

  I didn’t reply to him, instead I tucked a hand under one of his armpits and with the other on his shoulder still, I began to haul him up.

  “I got you,” I mumbled under my breath, as I lifted him up and then placed him back on the wheelchair. As gentle as I was trying to be with him, he fell on it with a thud. Marco muffled a wince that I knew he was hiding.

  He was in his pajamas and I averted my eyes from the wet patch on his crotch.

  “Go ahead and look, Hunter. I don’t have anything to hide anymore. I’m that guy who pisses himself,” he growled under his breath, and ignoring him, I started wheeling him out of the toilet.

  In his dark bedroom, I switched on the lights and then started rummaging through his closest for a fresh pair of pajamas.

  “Put this one on,” I threw it to him, and I could see that he had a look of sheer embarrassment in his eyes. “I’m gonna go grab us some beers,” I said, my voice trailing behind me as I left the room.

  In the kitchen, I opened two bottles of beer that Marco had in his bare fridge, and I brought it back to the bedroom. He had just about managed to pull the fresh pair of pajamas up his legs when I walked in.

  “You don’t have to stay. You can go back to the bar,” Marco insisted, in a softer voice now and I handed his beer to him. Then, picking his wet pajamas off the floor, I walked over to the washing machine in the closet outside.

  I couldn’t help but imagine what the guys would say if they knew that I was just putting a piss covered pair of pajamas in the wash; while they were under the assumption that I had some chick thrown over my bike, banging her from behind.

  When I went back into the bedroom, Marco had already gulped down half his bottle of beer.

  “I could have done that myself,” he said, in a dry voice, narrowing his eyes at me.

  “I know you could have. But I did it instead,” I said and went over and sat down on the edge of his bed. We drank our beers in silence for a while, because tonight, we had broken a barrier in our friendship that we couldn’t ever retreat from.

  “Hunter, hey man, I know I should thank you. You didn’t have to do all this,” Marco said and when I looked at him, I saw him staring at his beer instead of looking at me.

  “You’re welcome, but you don’t need to thank me. I just want you to keep calling me when you need my help,” I said and he nodded his head.

  “Looks like I don’t have a choice,” he replied and we sank into silence again. I didn’t even know that I was capable of these things that I was doing for him. It felt like around my crippled friend, I was a completely different guy. Someone I didn’t even recognize.

  “Stop me if you don’t want to hear this,” I blurted out and he looked up at me with a jerk. “But maybe we should get you some help,” I added and we were staring at each other. I knew Marco. I knew how prideful he was. Asking for help, even from me, was a huge deal for him.

  “What are you talking about?” he said and I shrugged my shoulders.

  “Well, can’t the VA do something for you? Like give you some physical therapy sessions? Anything to make your life easier?” I continued and Marco’s gaze turned into a glare. I knew I had stepped too far. He didn’t want to hear this right now. Then his shoulders sagged, and a diffused glow entered his eyes.

  He looked down at his bottle again.

  “Yeah, I think they can,” he said, in a quieter voice. I had to be careful now, proceed with caution. I knew that if I pushed him too hard, he wouldn’t want to do it, but then again, I didn’t have a choice. He needed that extra help to help him start to feel normal again.

  “Good. I’ll take you then. Tomorrow. Let’s just go check the place out,” I said to him, making my voice sound as casual as I possibly could. If Marco agreed to go, it would be a huge step for him and I knew it would be for the best.

  “Fuck it. Yeah, why not!” he said and then with a forced smile on his face, he chugged down some more of the beer. I could easily tell his excitement was sarcastic, but at least he was agreeing to go.

  “Besides, the VA might be the only place where I get to score some action these days,” he added with a laugh and I laughed too. Every second that Marco wasn’t steeped in depression was a win for me. There was nothing more that I wanted now,
than for me to get my friend back and thankfully, I was beginning to see some sparks of him returning.



  I was filling out a form at the reception counter, and with my blonde curls falling over my eyes; I realized that my hair was a mess. I hadn’t really had the time to do much about my hair other than tie it up in a bun and hope that it stayed in place for the rest of the day.

  In the glass partition behind the counter, I glanced at my fuzzy reflection. Even through the blur, I could tell that I looked tired. I’d been working fourteen hour shifts for the past week, covering for a colleague since there were only three of us trained physical therapists at the VA. Besides, I could really do with the overtime.

  Nobody told me that being a single mom would involve responsibilities that I wouldn’t be prepared for. In fairness, I was only twenty-three when I got pregnant with Carter. I was too young, and I thought I was in love, and I believed Tony was the man for me. So even if anyone was giving me advice back then, I wasn’t really listening.

  Now, three years later, I had a growing child who needed day care so that I could work and provide for him. And Tony…the farther I could stay away from him, the better it would be for me and Carter’s safety. Being a single mom was never a part of the plan, but this was the reality of my situation.

  Thankfully, I had already earned my degree in physical therapy before I got pregnant. Which meant that at the very least, I could earn a decent amount of money to care for Carter. However, it was still a struggle with juggling day care and work. I was trying to make the best of a bad situation and make sure that my son grew up in relative comfort.

  In the reflection, I could see how tired my green eyes looked, how messy my tight blonde curls were but if I was being honest with myself, I had stopped caring about my appearance three years ago. My sole focus was Carter and his well-being.


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