Ladies of the Night OMNIBUS Collection: Sizzling Romantic Suspense

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Ladies of the Night OMNIBUS Collection: Sizzling Romantic Suspense Page 25

by Taylor Lee

  Grayson guffawed. “Well, if you call sending you in to take down a bunch of white supremacist skinheads your wheelhouse, I guess that’s true. All kidding aside, from what I hear about this gang, they’re as close to home grown terrorists as we’ve tangled with. Interesting that the boss chose you to head the mission.”

  “You mean, because when I hike into that racist stewpot as the authority figure planning to bring them down, I may as well be wearing a bulletproof vest with a hole over the heart?”

  Grayson nodded with a frown. “Yeah, buddy. That’s exactly what I mean. And that’s a helluva good description of what you will be doing. You may as well skip the Kevlar and put a big red X on your heart, one on your dick, and one on the base of your skull for good measure.”

  Noah was sanguine. “You do know, Gray, that is exactly the reason that Ian wanted me to lead this mission. We plan to use the assholes’ racist attitudes as a lever, a way to draw them out.”

  Gray responded with a snort. “Like I said, forget the vest, just point to your most vulnerable body parts and tell said assholes to have at it.”

  A cultivated voice spoke from the doorway.

  “May I assume that you don’t approve of the way that I have chosen to structure this mission, Agent Webb?”

  Both Noah and Grayson spun to face the debonair man entering the room, a pleased smile quirking his lips. Waving his hand, Ian Ross motioned them to the chairs in front of his elaborately carved ebony desk.

  “Please, sit down, both of you.” Glancing at Grayson he added, “At that time, I trust you will allow me to explain why I am apparently throwing your friend’s ass to a bunch of race-baiting Hitler lovers rather than letting an All-American poster boy like yourself head up the mission.”

  To his credit Grayson merely shrugged, not letting the cutting remark keep him from responding to their boss.

  “You said it, Ian. That is exactly my question. It seems to me that having Noah march in there hell bent for leather, waving his ‘blackness’ in their ugly faces is questionable. It’s like asking him to be a target for the worst kind of vermin that stalks this fair country of ours.”

  Ian cocked his head and raised an eyebrow. “Would you be swayed if I told you that Noah is the one who suggested this tactic? And that it was only after a fair amount of persuasive argument that Agent Walker convinced me that race-baiting in reverse is a compelling strategy to entice our prey to show their stripes.”

  Wanting to put it an end to the issue, Noah broke in.

  “Look, Gray, if it makes you feel any better, Ian took some persuading, but I know I’m right. Me cruising in there, all official-like, threatening to take them down, they’ll have as much chance of resisting the bait as a one-legged man in a football game does of winning the most valuable player award. Add to that, my association with the ATF means that my cover is already in place. And, man, it’s not as though you won’t have my back. Christ, for once we both get to play up our strengths. I rely on my skin color to spook the skinheads and you play on your ability to play a dissolute surfer dude who just wants to have fun.” He added with a wide grin, “As long as that fun includes women, booze and, in this case, truckloads of illegal dope.”

  Grayson laughed disarmingly then put up his hands in defeat. “All right, buddy. Now that you put it that way, I’ll stop resisting. We both know that you’re the toughest and smartest guy on the squad. And that built in aristocratic air of yours is sure to drive the skinheads nuts. Hell, it’ll be like inviting them to a sword fight and showing up with bazookas.”

  Ian interjected, “It’s not as though you two won’t have help. In fact, if that is the clickety clack of stiletto heels I hear parading down the hallway, your true back up is about to arrive.”

  At Ian’s invitation for the visitors to enter, the door opened. Noah sucked in a deep breath when he saw Riley Davis, aka Diamond, the owner of the Ladies of the Night agency and her redheaded agent, Chloe Harper, aka Ruby.

  All three men leapt to their feet at the entrance of the imposing women. Noah noted, without surprise, the guarded look that his boss exchanged with Diamond. It was a much discussed topic among the various agents in Ian’s shop and the LOTN that the relationship between his suave mentor and the prickly Diamond was about more than business. Although, knowing well Ian’s promiscuous ways, at least in Noah’s mind, the gossip was just that, gossip.

  Since Ian had casually mentioned when he arrived that Chloe Harper was the female agent he and Riley Davis had assigned to partner with him on the mission, Noah had been trying to sort through his emotions. Noah hadn’t seen Ruby since their chance meeting at the political shindig in Washington. He’d tried to put the encounter out of his mind, but couldn’t. Even now, he didn’t know what had bothered him more: Ruby’s obvious embarrassment, indicating that she also remembered their last meeting when he’d undressed her and put her to bed, or that pompous, gnomish ass she was with. He reminded himself caustically, the pompons ass that Ruby was going to marry. He realized he was staring at her when she met his gaze then flushed and looked down.

  Ever the gracious host, Ian moved toward the two women and planted a chaste kiss on each of their cheeks and ushered them toward the conference table in the middle of his spacious office. Noah was struck, as he always was, by Diamond’s regal beauty. Tall, fair-skinned, pale blond hair streaming down her back, she could have been the Snow Queen in Hans Christian Anderson’s famous fairy tale. Only the “Ice Queen” would have been a more apt moniker for the stony eyed owner of the LOTN. Noah smiled to himself. Consciously or unconsciously, the LOTN founder had assigned herself the perfect code name. Riley Davis was as hard as diamonds and as frosty as the Scandinavian lands that had birthed her. But if one could get by her icy demeanor and rigid mannerisms, she was also one of the smartest strategists he’d worked with.

  The contrast between her hard-edged boss and Ruby was remarkable. They were opposites in every way except for their compelling, military-groomed killer skills—and their beauty. Ruby was smaller, almost diminutive compared to the willowy Diamond, but her smaller body sported more curves than a Black Diamond ski slope. Only a few inches over five feet, Ruby packed a hell of a lot of woman on her small frame. Her low rider jeans, clingy tank top, and over the knee stiletto black leather boots confirmed that she wasn’t shy about flashing her wares. And Noah thought, approvingly, they were worth flashing.

  The other most obvious difference between the two women was the message they sent to the world. Diamond’s “touch me if you dare, and don’t care how long you live” vibe was in sharp contrast to Ruby’s “devil may care” attitude. Her infectious laugh, emerald green eyes that sparked with mischief, and her quick, smart-assed humor made Ruby the life of any party. Whether the party included women or men or both. The only problem with that description of Ruby’s personality was the palpable uneasiness he felt emanating from her now. Noah concluded, with a knowing sigh, that she was obviously as put off as he was by their last encounter.

  Ian interrupted Noah’s musing, speaking to the two women. “Welcome to you both. We have been waiting for you. Obviously the meeting couldn’t start without you.”

  After seating Diamond, Ian pulled out Ruby’s chair. As he moved her chair closer to the table he let his hand rest on her shoulder for a long moment. Noah wasn’t surprised at the gesture. Everyone loved Ruby, including Noah’s otherwise aloof boss. What was surprising to Noah was the urge he had to knock Ian’s hand off of her. Resisting his unexpected cave man response, he decided to claim the chair furthest away from the fiery-haired temptress. He explained his behavior to himself declaring that at this distance he could watch her, decide if he was misreading her unusual reserve, and, he added with a suppressed snort, not be assaulted by her unique fragrance. The intoxicating neroli and orange blossom scent had been buried in his vestigial brain since he’d rocked her shivering body to sleep in his arms that long ago night.

  Hearing a soft chuckle, Noah glanced up to see Gray
son standing beside him, a wide grin splitting his face. Nodding knowingly, his nemesis leaned over and said in a low tone for Noah’s ears only, “Hmm. The plot definitely thickens. And here I thought all that angst was about the bastards we’re gonna take down. Don’t tell me the fiery vixen has gotten under the skin of the ‘smooth as an 18 year old Chivas Regal Scotch’ buddy of mine? Why didn’t you tell me, man, that our favorite hotshot was invited to this party? Damn, that makes this rodeo a hell of a lot more interesting—for both of us.”

  Noah managed to brush off his friend’s grin with a nonchalant shrug. Not knowing why he said it, except that the knowledge was burning a hole in his gut, he intoned softly, “Fraid you’re too late, asshole. Ruby is engaged.”

  Grayson’s eyes widened dramatically. He emitted a long, low whistle. “Well, well. Now, isn’t that a hell of a surprise?” He was quiet for a moment and then added with a salacious grin, “And if that doesn’t explain a shitload about what has my best buddy’s tail in a knot. Condolences, my friend. That is one package I hate to see taken off the shelf.” He added more seriously, “Sorry, dude. I thought after that last night with the three of us that there was something between the two of you.”

  Not able to hide his feelings, Noah grunted.

  “Yeah, so did I.”

  He snorted and said disparagingly, “I’ve always been told I live a charmed life. You’ll know how untrue that is when you meet the little asshole she chose to hook up with.”

  Chapter 4

  “Hey, Boss man, you didn’t tell me that you were adding a little spice to this here rodeo we’re all about to embark on. Please tell me that you aren’t tormenting, make that torturing, me and my hapless partner. Confirm, before I expire from anticipation, that you and Ma-daam Diamond have actually assigned the juiciest little spitfire in the LOTN stable to this mission.”

  Grayson marched up to where Ruby was seated as he spoke. Ignoring Diamond’s audible huff and Ian’s amused grunt, the incorrigible charmer latched on to Ruby. Dragging her out of her chair he whirled her in a dizzying circle then fell to his knees and gazed up at her beseechingly.

  “Tell me, oh fair redheaded maiden, that our bosses have indeed put that perky little ass of yours squarely in the middle of this operation for me and my partner to salaciously lust over.”

  Shaking her head at Gray’s antics, Ruby laughed and punched him hard in the arm. The sound of her infectious laughter loosened the invisible tethers that had tied Noah’s chest in knots since he’d learned that Ruby had been assigned to the mission.

  Jerking Grayson to his feet, Ruby hugged him and chortled.

  “Damn, Gray, you are as incurable as ever.”

  Turning to Ian, she said with a flippant smile, “Tell me, Col. Ross, what do you feed these incorrigible men of yours that turns them into pubescent boys at any sight of a woman?”

  Before Ian could respond, and determined not to be outdone by his audacious partner, Noah rose from his chair and strode toward his partner and the woman who’d been driving him crazy for weeks now. As he passed Diamond who was still shaking her head at Grayson’s clowning antics, he leaned down and took her hand in his.

  “Good morning, Col. Davis. I trust you’ll be relieved to know that I will be leading this mission and that I’m well aware that the most challenging element will be keeping my randy partner in check.”

  At Diamond’s muttered, “I certainly hope so, Col. Walker.” Noah walked around to the other side of the table and summarily extricated Ruby from Grayson’s clutches. Holding her next to him, Noah reached down and chucked her under her chin, gratified by the sparkle in her eyes as she gazed up at him. Unable to hide his relief at feeling her in his arms and knowing instinctively that she was as glad to see him as he was her, Noah hugged her closer.

  “As for you, Agent Harper, do know that I have ordered a choker chain to keep this hound dog in place. Should he bother you, all you have to do is jerk his chain. And of course call on me.”

  Reluctantly releasing his hold on Ruby, Noah nodded to his friend.

  “Back off, buddy. If we’re not careful, Col. Davis may decide she can’t trust her special agent with the likes of us.”

  Diamond gave an audible snort.

  “It won’t surprise you, Agent Walker, that the thought crossed my mind. However, knowing that my agent has years of experience brushing off the unwanted advances of lecherous men, I’m not concerned.”

  She turned to Ian and tossed her head.

  “If anything, Col. Ross, you should be prepared to deal with these hound dogs of yours when my exceedingly competent agent kicks them to the curb.”

  “Hey, don’t lump me in with this guy,” Noah said with a grin, pointing to Grayson. “As anyone can tell you, I am the poster boy of professionalism when it comes to treating your gorgeous agents respectfully while on the job.”

  Grayson guffawed and winked at Diamond.

  “You will note that qualification our erudite leader just espoused.” Turning to Noah, he twisted his lips thoughtfully, “Tell me, oh righteous leader, how do you define ‘on the job’? Is that strictly a nine-to-five time period or does it also include the long hours we always manage to work with the lovelies that Col. Davis sends us?”

  Ian Ross rose to his feet.

  “Enough already. Agent Harper, I’m glad that you know both of these yahoos well enough to know that, even though they are both standing beside you with their tongues hanging out, once the mission begins, they will become as professional as you are.” Glaring at Gray and Noah, he added, “Isn’t that right, Gentlemen?”

  Noah squeezed Ruby’s arm and smiled at his boss.

  “Well, said, Ian. In proof, as the commander of this particular mission, how about I lay out the parameters?”

  Walking to the head of the table, Noah reached for a remote control and pointed it at one of the many monitors ringing the conference room. Turning back to Gray and Ruby who were still standing together, he said with a mocking grin, “Now, if I may be so bold as to ask the two of you to take your seats, it’s time for all of us to understand just how challenging this particular rodeo is likely to be.”

  Ruby gratefully sank down in her chair. She wasn’t surprised that her hands were shaking. Clasping them tightly in her lap to steady herself, she took a deep breath and congratulated herself. She’d known this meeting would be difficult and had done her best to prepare for seeing Noah again. Thanks to Grayson’s clowning around, the scene she’d been dreading for hours had played out well. It had actually been fun. She hadn’t missed the set of Noah’s jaw when she and Diamond had entered the room. Or the fact that he’d clearly intended to take the chair farthest away from her. Remembering Grayson’s dancing eyes and furtive glances at Noah, as he accosted her, she wondered if Gray had done it purposefully. Sensing his eyes on her, she met his gaze and shook her head at his exaggerated wink. She couldn’t help but smile back at him. So much for wondering if he’d been playing her—and Noah.

  Of course he had, and Ruby blessed him for it. She didn’t know how much Gray knew of her and Noah’s past, but he had been there that fateful night at the Caligula Club. He had to have known something was up when Noah insisted that Gray drive Noah’s treasured Porsche 911 Turbo so that Noah could hold her in his lap. As wise as all of these knowledgeable agents were, Gray couldn’t have missed the fact that Noah insisted that he put her to bed. All she could hope was that when Noah undressed her, he had done so privately. She scolded herself. Knowing how honorable Noah was, there was no question that he had guarded her privacy. But it wasn’t Grayson perchance seeing her naked body that had Ruby’s panties dampening at the memory. It was the thought of the most handsome and surely the sexiest man she’d ever secretly lusted over undressing her and holding her in his arms until she fell into a blessed sleep.

  At Noah’s deep baritone voice exhorting them to look at the screen, Ruby forced herself to tear her gaze from the worn jeans hugging the tight butt of the sinfully sexy
man leading the discussion. Even as she glanced up at their target on the screen, Ruby couldn’t help but wonder how a pair of blue jeans, a hand-tooled leather belt, a tight black t-shirt, and a worn pair of combat boots could be erotic. She chided herself and answered her own question. Maybe by putting the ordinary clothing on a dark-skinned man whose hard muscles and toned body literally oozed sexuality?

  Pointing his remote toward a tall, impressive-looking man on the screen, Noah intoned, “Ladies and Gentlemen, meet Mr. Clay Drechsler, the head of the home grown terrorist movement known as FAN, aka Free America Now. Mr. Drechsler is a known arms dealer—make that illegal arms dealer—who has recently added a methamphetamine network to his toolbag to help pay the bills. In addition, his passions include harnessing a coterie of underage girls, mostly runaways, and keeping them for his and his cohorts’ pleasure. Our statistics show that Drechsler’s gang is about fifty strong, although he has less formal branches and contacts across the country in addition to his main outfit in Cedartown, Colorado. As you all know, the four corners area at the junction of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah has always been a hotbed for America haters and borderline criminals of all stripes. The area attracts libertarian rabble rousers, fugitive Mormon families openly practicing polygamy, and not a few racist, homophobic, Hitler-lovers like our boy Drechsler.”

  Noah continued to tick through a series of images showing the ruggedly handsome, sandy-haired man with the challenging gaze playing across the monitor. The Stetson parked on his head spoke to his Western traditions.

  “I know I don’t have to tell any of you not to underestimate this prosperous, impressive-looking guy. Which is exactly what he is. Add to his curriculum vitae that he is the mayor of Cedartown, serves on a number of high level political commissions, and has thousand dollar bills coming out of his ass. He is known in the area as a tough and charming man, a history buff, no less. A guy no one in their right mind would cross.”


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