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Ladies of the Night OMNIBUS Collection: Sizzling Romantic Suspense

Page 49

by Taylor Lee

  At the uncharacteristic edge in Ian’s voice, Topaz saw the three agents exchange a furtive glance. At Gray’s shrug, neither Noah nor Jase chose to respond. Knowing that she was the cause of both her uncle’s upset and the problems with his agents was bad enough. But Diamond upped Topaz’s discomfort 1000 degrees with her unexpected rejoinder.

  “It’s a good thing that you men will be busy today. We LOTN agents also have some remedial work to do.”

  She glanced at Topaz and her eyes narrowed as she inspected her thoughtfully.

  “Although you look reasonably presentable today, Topaz, it’s clear you will need a new wardrobe for this venture. While I’m certain that you spend twice as much on your designer clothes as the rest of us do, understated clothing appropriate for a faculty meeting couldn’t be more wrong for the image you will want to project on this mission.”

  Topaz was almost speechless at the harsh criticism. She already felt out of place. Now with seven pairs of eyes focused on her, mortified was the best word to describe the overwhelming agony crushing her. She pressed her lips together in a futile attempt to keep them from trembling. Determined not to break down, she swallowed hard and said in a soft but firm voice, “Yes. It would be helpful to know the image you would like me to project, Diamond.”

  Diamond’s hard frown softened somewhat and she gave a slight shrug.

  “That’s up to your commander, Topaz. Given your front and center role in this operation, the way you look and dress is a key component to your ability to accomplish your part of the mission. As with all major decisions, Gray will set establish the ground rules.”

  Refusing to meet what she was sure was Gray’s amused glance at her discomfort, Topaz was relieved when Ruby interrupted with a peal of laughter. “Don’t worry, Topaz. Even without asking any one of these hotshots, I can tell you what the de rigour dress is for this and any other mission that we are on. The guidelines are simple. Anything you wear above the waist needs to show off your gorgeous bosom as outrageously as possible. For what goes on below the waist, the watchwords are short and tight. If you don’t believe me, just look at the three horndogs in front of us who are all nodding in agreement!”

  To Topaz’s relief, all of the men at the table laughed. A tight smile even crossed Ian’s lips.

  Gray caught her hand and squeezed it.

  “Yeah, well. Unfortunately, Topaz, Red has sussed us out. While we’re going to be associating with the international jet set, and your attire won’t be quite as slutty as what Ruby usually wears, she’s described the basics.”

  At Ruby’s howl of protest, Sapphire broke through the laughter and tossed Topaz a reassuring smile.

  “Diamond left out the best part, Topaz. The reason we can’t meet with these guys until tonight is that we’re going shopping. On the company dime. A true girl’s day out!”

  She shot a fierce glare at Jase.

  “And trust me, unlike Agent Malone, who was my commander in my first LOTN mission, I won’t require you to stand naked on a dais while he decided which of the outrageous outfits the simpering sales ladies brought in for his inspection I would wear.”

  At Jase’s confirming chuckle, Gray interjected, “Hey, just a damn minute here. No one ever told me about the dais. If you tell me it rotates, then you women have yourselves a companion on your girlie shopping trip.”

  He added, “And unlike Agent Malone, who as we all know is a declared pervert, I would pull my commander card and insist that Topaz model the clothes only for me.”

  Jase interrupted. “And spoil Madam Georgette’s fun? I swear that German autocrat lives for dressing and undressing the LOTN babes. She’s as interested in female pulchritude as we admitted voyeurs are. And no, Commander Webb, the damn dais doesn’t rotate.”

  He added with a sly grin, making a twirling motion with his fingers, “But that doesn’t mean the model can’t. All it takes—as Madame Diamond indicated, is for the commander to set the ground rules.”

  With an aggrieved snort, Sapphire flew out of her chair and charged toward her fiancé. Jase caught her as she came at him and pulled her down on his lap. Stroking her back, he pretended seriousness.

  “Now, now, hotshot, confess. You enjoyed that outing as much as I did. In fact, as I recall, by the end of your enforced striptease, much to my chagrin, you were, ahem, tossing your underwear to me unbidden.”

  At Sapphire’s yelp of protest, Jase hugged her close and murmured, “In fact, my feisty wife to be, I believe I have that particular thong in my framed collection.”

  Diamond broke into the general hilarity in mock disdain.

  “If you horndogs—as Ruby correctly labeled you—don’t mind, I will assert my prerogative as the boss and protector of my agents and insist that the shopping trip is a ‘girl’s only’ affair. In addition to buying beautiful, appropriate clothes for her, we intend to treat Topaz to lunch.”

  Ruby grinned at Topaz, her emerald eyes dancing with mischief.

  “That’s the best part of our shopping trips, Topaz. After an arduous day of buying expensive, and, in my case, usually slutty clothing, we have a lunch that is liberally accompanied by mood-enhancing liquid refreshment.”

  Sapphire echoed from her perch on Jase’s lap, seductively tracing her forefinger along the open neckline of his tailored shirt, “AND, that is when we dissect every inch of these overbearing hunks we’re saddled with. Believe me, they wouldn’t be nearly as cocky as they are if they overheard the way their hunky physiques are being examined under the leering microscopes of mildly inebriated women.”

  Noah cast a mock frown at his teammate. “I know that they may do that to you, Jase. Given your reputation they likely have data from hundreds of women for comparison, but as for me and Surfer Dude here? I’m confident that given our sheltered, innocent past, you and I are treated with the utmost deference and respect.”

  At the dissenting roars from all of the women except Topaz, Ruby scoffed at her fiancé incredulously.

  “Right! The man who has been labeled TDH by every woman in this hemisphere?” She turned to Topaz her voice rich with sarcasm. “In the event that you are the only woman who doesn’t know what that stands for, Topaz, I’ve actually agreed to marry a literal chick magnet called Tall Dark and Handsome. Can you imagine how great it feels to have every woman I meet look at me in amazement and ask, ‘You’re the woman who snared TDH?’”

  Noah smiled at Ruby and shook his head. “If they only knew what I had to do to convince you to marry me. Hardest mission I’ve ever undertaken.”

  Ruby tossed her head and snorted then grinned at the man she obviously adored. “I didn’t want you to think that I was as crazy about you as you professed to be about me. Must keep a bit of leverage. Female prerogative.”

  Noah sighed and glanced at Gray.

  “I gotta admit, if it hadn’t been for this guy, who kicked both of our asses, no telling how long it would have taken us to admit that we were crazy about each other.”

  Ruby agreed. “Yes, Gray was instrumental in talking us both down off the ledge.” Smiling at him, she shook her head. “But, Mr. Surfer Dude, don’t think just because you are our best friend that you get off the hook in this little man-bash of ours. Sapphire, tell Topaz what happens when we go anywhere and the chicks learn that we know the Surfer Dude himself!”

  Sapphire joined the fray and turned to Topaz in glee.

  “Just so you know, there isn’t a woman you will meet who doesn’t know Surfer Dude, or SD as he’s known across the country. By the way, we have since learned that SD can also stand for Sexy Dude or for what is apparently an extraordinary appendage that starts with “D” and rhymes with “chick” and rates various appreciative adjectives such as Sexy, Superlative, Stupendous, Scrumptious—”

  Gray rose to his feet, his hands up in front of him. Breaking through the chorus of laughter, he said in mock dismay, “Ladies, ladies. Please! You are even embarrassing me, not to mention giving your men cause for grave romantic conc

  At the guffaws and shouts of “You wish!” from his two best buddies, Gray closed the meeting.

  “That does it, my crack team of superb agents. I believe that in addition to an impromptu Vaudevillian staff performance, we have given Topaz more than enough background information for her to know what’s involved in teaming up with the most accomplished group of security agents who also happen to be the raunchiest. Particularly the Ladies—and I use that term advisedly—of the infamous LOTN.”

  Amid the chorus of denials from the Ladies, he concluded, “This evening we will reconnoiter to flesh out the operation we’re all about to engage in. Please plan to meet at Topaz’s fancy digs at 1900 hours.”

  Chapter 10

  Topaz rose to her feet with the others and threw a helpless glance at her uncle. The concern in Ian’s slate-grey eyes confirmed that he understood her unease. How could he not? Ian knew how shy she was, how reserved. She could never fit in with this group of gregarious, accomplished agents. Good God, the women were even more outstanding than the men. And why wouldn’t they be? In addition to being extraordinarily beautiful, they exuded self-possession, a confident aura that Topaz could never hope to emulate. Compared to them, she looked as inadequate as she felt.

  It was bad enough to know that the clothes that she had judged outrageous barely passed muster with Diamond and the other women. She could only imagine what the men thought. Probably that she looked as pitiful as the women thought she did. Clearly, her dismayed boss thought it would require the attention of three gorgeous women and a full day to get her to the point of being presentable. It wouldn’t help to tell her colleagues that in Europe, where she’d lived most of her life, she had frequented the boutiques of some of the most famous designers in the world. No, such an assertion would simply confirm her boss’s opinion of her. That she was a spoiled rich woman who might fit in fine with matronly socialites, but that she could never compete with the sexy LOTN agents she was supposed to be a part of.

  Suppressing a sigh that could easily have become a sob, Topaz didn’t know how to tell her obviously concerned uncle that her dowdy appearance was the least of her concerns. No, the pain ravaging her chest was not about her appearance, or the fact that she didn’t know the first thing about being a security agent. Or that the weeks of arduous training, with the most esteemed martial artists her money and her uncle’s contacts could buy, were nothing compared to the expertise of these formidable men and women. No, the pain threatening to swamp her was due to the fact that the man she’d thrown herself at last night, the man she’d thought was interested in her, was actually a confirmed ladies’ man, a womanizer, a wolf. A man with a reputation with women as outrageous as his dynamite grin, and his equally dynamite body.

  Chagrined that she had been foolish enough to think that Gray’s sexy initiatives indicated that he was attracted to her, not merely part of his celebrated repertoire, Topaz castigated herself for her naiveté. God, what an idiot she was. To think that she could be part of this illustrious team was ridiculous enough, but to think that Gray was interested in her, as a woman, not just another notch on his well-studded belt, was the height of stupidity. She was so absorbed in her self-flagellating shame that she didn’t realize that Gray was talking to her until she felt his firm grip on her arm. Startled, she looked up to see him studying her through narrowed eyes. Dear God, he looked as concerned as her uncle did.

  Gray loomed over her, flooding her senses with the strength of his body and his scintillating fragrance. Topaz tried unsuccessfully to suppress a shudder at his overwhelming presence. When she tried to pull away, he shook his head and pulled her closer. His voice was soft, clearly meant for her ears alone.

  “Hey, you. I hope that fog you’re in doesn’t mean that you think any of that nonsense you heard was anything more than good-natured trash talk among friends.”

  Unsuccessfully trying to squelch a stammer, she said, “No… of… of course not. I’m… a… fine.”

  Gray’s frown deepened. “Hmm. You don’t look or sound ‘fine’ to me. In fact, I might think you are feeling a little overwhelmed.”

  Aghast at his on-target assessment and dismayed that she was so transparent, Topaz shook her head and tried to twist out of his grip, but he merely tightened his hold.

  “No. No, really, I’m fine. I… I’m just a little tired. I didn’t get much sleep last night. I…”

  Truly horrified that she had referred to their rendezvous last night, Topaz slammed her eyes shut, unable to meet his knowing gaze.

  “Are you all right, Maya? Are you feeling well?”

  Startled, Topaz looked up to see Ian standing next to Gray. Zeroing in on Gray’s hand gripping her arm, the frown on Ian’s face matched Gray’s darkening glare.

  Meeting Ian’s gaze, Gray’s eyes narrowed further. It was hard for Topaz to decide who looked more concerned or more determined. The man now gripping her arm even tighter, or her uncle. Gray’s curt assertion declared his dominance.

  “You can back off, Ian. Topaz and I have this covered.”

  Ian pressed his lips together, clearly holding back a sharp retort. Ian studied them both for a long moment and then directed his response to her.

  “As we agreed, Topaz, Colonel Webb is commanding this operation. I respect him and have complete confidence in his leadership. However, do also remember that ultimately I’m still his boss. Also please know that if you need me—for any reason—I will always be available to you.”

  With that firm reminder and without waiting for a response from either of them, Ian strode from the room.

  Gray watched him leave with a grim expression then tipped up Topaz’s chin, forcing her to look into his eyes.

  “Look at me, Topaz.”

  She forced herself to look into the icy sapphire depths. While his jaw was rigid, his chin jutting out, his eyes betrayed an emotion other than the anger he’d directed toward Ian. It was the same turmoil she’d seen last night when he’d held her in his arms—right before he’d kissed her. Taking an audible breath, he blew it out. When he did, Topaz realized that she’d been holding her breath and slowly exhaled. At the sound of her heartfelt sigh, Gray huffed another breath and his expression softened somewhat. But the tension in his voice was obvious.

  “Topaz, I want you to promise me that if you need anything, before you go to Ian, that you will come to me. I’m quite serious. Will you do that for me?”

  When she nodded, he shook his head with a slight frown.

  “No, simply agreeing with me to get me off your back isn’t enough, Agent Taveras. I need to know that you honor me, as your commander. That I can count on your loyalty. Can I, Topaz? Or when the going gets rough, as it most assuredly will, will you come to me or will you run to your uncle?”

  Topaz emitted a long, low sigh and forced herself to hold his gaze. Clearly he thought that her first loyalty was to Ian and then to him. And in truth, it was. Rather than lie to him which she found impossible to do, Topaz pressed her lips together and spoke carefully, keeping her voice as steady as she could.

  “Ian is the person closest to me in the world, Gray. He is a brother, father, an uncle and most important, a friend.” She couldn’t keep her voice from shaking when she added, “To tell you the truth, as pitiful as it sounds, he is my only real friend.”

  At Gray’s deepening frown, Topaz added quickly, “But I understand you need to be able to count on me, that I won’t run and tattle to my uncle if you do something to annoy me.” She hesitated for a moment and then gave a slight shrug, “I promise you that, Gray.”

  The burning depths in his eyes lightened and a slight smile quirked his lips, but it was clear from his tone that this discussion wasn’t over.

  “I guess at this point, that’s the best I can expect. I understand that I need to earn your trust.”

  Topaz nodded and decided that it was time for her to assert herself.

  “Just as I need to earn yours, Gray. This is a two-way street, correct?�

  Gray’s smile morphed into a grin.

  “That it is, Topaz.”

  Glancing over at the rest of the team who were talking quietly in the corner of the room, pointedly ignoring them, Gray added, “Before we give our teammates more reason to wonder what the hell we are up to, please tell me if you object to having our meeting at your place tonight? I’ll understand if you do.”

  “No, that will be fine. I will need to get some refreshments. Some, wine, beer, maybe, and of course scotch.”

  “No, don’t buy a thing. I’ll make sure we are fully stocked.” His voice deepened suggestively, “I hope you realize we have some long nights ahead of us, Agent Taveras.”

  Topaz felt her cheeks heat and tried to pull away, dismayed at how easily Gray could send shivers up her spine. Before she could free herself, he’d turned her in such a way that she was hidden from the others by his huge frame. Leaning down, he murmured in her ear.

  “By the way, Princess, the only way I could like that outfit you are wearing any more than I do is if perhaps your skirt were an inch shorter, and the next button on your blouse were open.”

  Topaz gasped and turned away, reaching for the edge of the conference table for support. Grateful that Gray had rejoined his team, she pretended to be organizing papers in her briefcase, painfully aware that she was the only one of them who had a briefcase. God, how much more ridiculous could she be, and look? Knowing that she had to be blushing, she allowed herself a small victory. Gray had liked her outfit, even if Diamond was less than impressed. She didn’t want to think about why it mattered more to her what Gray thought than what her ostensible boss did. But then, after all, he was her commander.…

  She looked up to see Sapphire and Ruby walking toward her, big grins on their faces.

  Ruby’s emerald eyes were dancing.

  “Are you ready for our shopping extravaganza, Topaz?”


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