Ladies of the Night OMNIBUS Collection: Sizzling Romantic Suspense

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Ladies of the Night OMNIBUS Collection: Sizzling Romantic Suspense Page 50

by Taylor Lee

  She murmured cautiously, “I guess so. I… I’d be lying if I didn’t tell you that I am a little nervous.”

  Sapphire laughed. “No reason to be. I promise you by the time we meet those yahoos tonight, you will have decided that shopping with us is the most fun you’ve had buying clothes in your life!”

  Gray called out from across the room, “Whichever one of you saucy women is in charge of the expedition, don’t forget that I have strict requirements regarding attire on the missions I command.”

  Ruby rolled her eyes and clasped her hands together in mock supplication and bowed to him.

  “Tell me, oh mighty one, great, fearless leader, how would the illustrious commander wish his maiden to be attired?”

  Gray scrubbed at the beard shadow decorating his chin and pretended to be considering.

  “As you know, you red-headed minx, my requirements are simple. Anything that shows off Agent Taveras’s delectable ass? Buy it!”

  Chapter 11

  Topaz stood in the center of the raised stage and marveled. There was no way to avoid looking at herself. Three of the four walls in what was euphemistically called Finery’s ‘dressing room’ were covered with floor-to-ceiling mirrors. She would gaze upon herself from every angle whether she wanted to or not. In the reflection, she saw Sapphire and Ruby reclining lazily on the white leather sofas lining the walls of the opulent room. Diamond was sitting more sedately to the side in an overstuffed chair. All three of her cohorts were sipping Pouilly-Fuisse Chardonnay from the elaborate bar that featured a variety of high-end libations. Contributing to the lavishness were the three assistants who, at Madam Georgette’s bidding, were bringing in one outrageous outfit after another. Topaz had given up protesting over their choices. Clearly she was a minority of one when it came to choosing her attire for the mission.

  She had to admit it was hard to believe that the gorgeous woman in the reflection was herself. Over the years, she had studiously downplayed her appearance. She’d chosen expensive, sophisticated, professional clothes. Above all, professional. But looking at the rack of dresses, skirts and tops, that in a million years she would never have considered, much less prepared to buy, Topaz realized she had purposefully been hiding a part of her personality behind her clothes. She’d convinced herself that an academic needed to look a certain way. If not dowdy, at least conservative. Her wardrobe consisted of tailored suits with trousers, not skirts and button-up blouses. Her shoes were sturdy and low heeled. She usually kept her long, shiny black hair safely tucked into a tight French roll on the back of her head. She’d even taken to wearing spectacles. Not because she needed them but because she liked the way that they made her look more serious, more scholarly.

  Sapphire interrupted her reverie.

  “Can you imagine what it was like for me when Jase dragged me into this place with the express purpose of dressing me like a whore—or at least that was what I thought at first. After the first dozen outfits, one more overt than the other, even more suggestive than what we are recommending for you, I had to admit, that Jase and Madam Georgette had excellent taste. Yes, the clothing was risqué. God, there was not a part of my body that was not on display. But in a weird way, it was tasteful as well as extremely sexy.”

  Topaz eyed the white satin sheathe that Madam insisted Grayson would like. It fit her like a second skin, only it accentuated every gentle hill and valley of her curvy body. She truly did not know whether she was courageous enough to wear it. Not wanting to ask the question that was tormenting her, she screwed up her courage and spoke as nonchalantly as she could.

  “Do the commanders dictate the clothing for all of the female agents on their teams?”

  Sapphire threw her a knowing grin.

  “If you are asking whether Grayson dresses his female partners the way that Jase dressed me, the answer is no. Gray will occasionally recommend a particular look but rarely pays much attention. He wisely assumes the babes know how to dress for the most effect.”

  Pained by the implication of Sapphire’s remark, Topaz forced herself to ask, “In other words, Gray wasn’t confident that this particular ‘babe’ would know how to dress appropriately?”

  Diamond broke in with a sniff. “You have to admit, Topaz, the clothes you wear seem purposely chosen to fend off male attentions, rather than seeking it. Don’t forget, your entire purpose in this mission is to attract a committed jet setter. Dante Torres can have any woman or women, he wants. You will be competing for his attention with some of the most beautiful women in the world. The least you can do is give yourself a puncher’s chance.”

  Ruby frowned slightly then attempted to soften Diamond’s harsh assessment.

  “All I can say Topaz, is that unless the guy doesn’t have a dick, or a reasonable amount of testosterone in his sexy bloodstream, when you walk in wearing any one of the outfits we have chosen, he won’t be able to scrape his tongue off the sidewalk. Truly, girl, you just may be one of the most beautiful and elegant women I’ve ever seen.”

  While she appreciated Ruby’s heartfelt comment, Topaz wished that she’d chosen the word sexy instead of elegant. But remembering her target, who most definitely had all of his body parts and an overload of testosterone, Topaz decided that maybe elegance was a good thing. Maybe it would help to protect her. Not only from Dante, but also from her memories of him.

  Diamond broke through her troubled reminiscences. Apparently not content to let Ruby’s praise stand without criticism, she zeroed in on the missing factor that Topaz had noted.

  “Elegance will help to set you apart from the sluts, but you really need to work on your… vibe.” When Topaz frowned, Diamond added in an accusatory tone as if she was speaking to a unschooled child, “Think about it, Topaz. What do you see and feel when you see Ruby or Sapphire or me, for that matter, walk in a room? Or put the shoe on the other foot, what do you feel when Gray or Noah or Jase enter? Admit it: we all, both the women and the men, project sex. Not in a sleazy or immoral way. But primally. Every one of us knows how to use our bodies and our attitudes to interest the opposite sex. You, unfortunately, send off a vibe that says, ‘I’m unavailable. Not only am I not interested in you, but I’m also not interested in any man.’ While that standoffishness might be a come-on if played right, from you, it simply says, ‘I’m an Ice Queen” with all that implies—including frigidity.”

  Truly stunned at her boss’s scathing description of her and her inadequacies, Topaz couldn’t have responded if she’d tried. In fact, she didn’t know if she would ever speak to the hateful woman again. As she was deciding how she could gracefully leave this dreadful soiree and never come back, Sapphire spoke up.

  “I have to disagree, Diamond. Every man in the room today was studying Topaz. They were intrigued. That includes my fiancé and Ruby’s. Rather than being cold, to me Topaz is mysterious. Rather than above, apart from the crowd.”

  Clearly annoyed with Diamond, Ruby chimed in. “I agree with Sapphire. Our two ‘taken’ men were definitely captivated, and of course Surfer Dude is positively fascinated by her.”

  Diamond had the decency to flush, obviously understanding that she was being admonished, but true to form, she didn’t back down. At least she did make a begrudging apology. Even so, Topaz couldn’t meet her gaze. She didn’t want to reveal how Diamond’s on-target remarks had wounded her.

  “I’m sorry if I sounded harsh, Topaz. It’s just that this is your first mission and I want you to understand how critical it is that you precisely act your part. Error margins are wafer-thin in this job.” Turning to the other two agents, she said crisply, “As for her effect on the men in the room, you are correct. They were intrigued. However, consider the source. Both of those agents of yours are connoisseurs of womanly flesh and as for the Surfer Dude, he never met a woman who didn’t intrigue him. Or who wasn’t gaga over him. He collects then like strippers collect dollar bills in their G-strings. Not that he’s a man-whore, he’s just much too committed to enjoying multipl
e women to ever limit himself to one woman.”

  Ruby shrugged and said evenly, “I’m not sure about that, Diamond. I see signs of pussy fatigue in my best friend.”

  Diamond sniffed. “We’ll see. But the way that Grayson stacks them up on whatever mission he is leading, insisting on having a different babe or two for every night, screams ‘confirmed bachelor’ to me.”

  At that moment, Sapphire answered her cell phone. Glancing up she put her hand over the mouthpiece and said to the group, “This is Jase. He and Noah finished early and wanted to see if we are up for dinner at Mateo’s Cantina. That way we won’t have to order in food at Topaz’s.”

  Topaz’s heart sank. Still struggling with Diamond’s criticism, she had been trying to decide how she could possibly make it through a mission discussion with the team. The discussion about the men had been agonizing. She already knew that she was nothing to Grayson, but the explicit conversation among the women had cemented that realization deep in her brain. The addition of a celebratory dinner made the evening more impossible. She grabbed for an excuse knowing she had to have time to prepare her psyche for what was sure to be a challenging discussion.

  “If you will excuse me, I’d like to go home and make sure that I have what we need for tonight.”

  Sapphire shook her head. “Sorry, girlfriend. Gray anticipated that you would say that. Via Jase, I have specific instructions that I am to bring you to the dinner even if have to arm-wrestle you.”

  Moving toward Topaz, she reached out and put a protective arm around her shoulder. Glancing at Diamond, who was talking to Ruby, she added in a low tone, “I promise, it will be fun. Ruby and I will protect you. Swear.”

  Diamond looked up and said dismissively, “Relax, agents. I have no intention of invading your evening. Ian and I are advisors only on this mission. We are delighted to turn it over to Gray and the rest of you.”

  She directed a hard gaze at Topaz.

  “Just to confirm, I do not hire lightly. There isn’t an agent in my organization who isn’t top-notch. I only hire the best, the very best. That includes you, Topaz.”

  With that, she turned on her heel and made a regal exit, apparently deciding that she had healed whatever anguish she had caused.

  Ruby came over and stood next to Sapphire. Her frown matched the one creasing Sapphire’s brow.

  “You have to forgive her, Topaz. It’s her way of toughening you up, or so she thinks. In a weird way, she’s trying to protect you. She does it to all of her ‘ladies.’ She’s convinced that all the men Ian sends her way are as profligate as Ian is. Which says more about her bizarre relationship with Ian than it does about any of her agents.”

  Not sure she wanted to ask, Topaz couldn’t resist knowing what her uncle’s relationship was with her challenging boss.

  “I’m curious. What is their relationship?”

  Ruby snorted. “Damned if we know. Everyone has their guess. It’s clear there is an attraction of sorts on both of their parts, but, whatever it is, neither of them broadcasts it. He’s her financial backer and she obviously relies on him for advice. It’s a known fact that any new LOTN agents not only have to pass Diamond’s rigid standards, but they also have to get the thumbs up from Col. Ross. But he clearly respects Diamond and when he needs women for his missions, he only calls on her. At least to me the fact that she is so negative about men suggests that she is not getting her bell rung often enough, if at all.”

  Sapphire nodded. “I agree. There is something between them that is hard to describe. I think Col. Ross is amused by her. She is a challenging person as we all know. He is able to settle her down like none of us can when she gets on a tangent. For example, she never would have gone off on you the way she did if Col. Ross had been here.”

  Topaz silently agreed knowing that her uncle would never have permitted Diamond’s nasty attack. On the other hand, Diamond was aware of who she was and was still willing to openly criticize her the way that she did.

  Reaching for her hand, Ruby tugged her toward the exit. “Sapphire is right, Topaz. You absolutely need to come to dinner with all of us. Gray would have our heads if we let you escape. And fortunately, you can relax, knowing that Diamond won’t be there.”

  Topaz didn’t know how to tell her newfound friends that dealing with Diamond was child’s play compared to coming to grips with her complex and ever-expanding feelings about their commander.


  When they got to the restaurant, Topaz was relieved that the men hadn’t arrived. She literally guzzled a double shot, tequila Margarita in hopes that it would calm her frazzled nerves. Just as she was beginning to relax, two sultry looking women ambled up to their table. The buxom redhead with the low cut halter haphazardly tied over her bountiful breasts spoke to Ruby.

  “Any chance Surfer Dude is joining you tonight?”

  Ruby gave a non-committal shrug. “Yes, he is. But we are having a business meeting. Can I give him a message for you?”

  Both women laughed. The blonde with the bright blue eye shadow and skin tight, leather, hip hugger pants, spoke up with a throaty snigger, “That won’t be necessary. We missed him last night. Not a chance he’ll dis us two nights in a row. But you can tell him that Candy and Lucy will be in the bar waiting for him when he’s done with his meeting.”

  Not waiting for an answer, the two women sauntered off arm in arm, their hips swaying suggestively from side to side. As they crossed the noisy restaurant, they were stopped by a group of rowdy, inebriated men. When the blond climbed up on the loudest man’s lap and started nuzzling his neck, Topaz turned back to the table. She looked up in time to see that the waiter had returned and was asking if they wanted to order.

  When Ruby and Sapphire signaled that they wanted a refill, Topaz agreed. Then she added, “Only, this time? Please make mine a triple shot.”

  Chapter 12

  Gray unloaded the bottles of Maker’s Mark and Glenmorangie Single Malt and arranged them on the cabinet next to the bottles of wine he’d purchased for Topaz. Noah and Jase alternated between bourbon and scotch as he did. Sapphire and Ruby also drank the hard stuff, but he’d seen them choose wine. He grunted. Given the impending discussion, it likely wouldn’t be long before the agents wouldn’t care what they were drinking as long as it was 90+ proof.

  The dinner at Mateo’s had been a bust on all fronts. From the time he’d entered the restaurant, Grey had barely been able to get more than monosyllabic responses out of Topaz. She refused to meet his eyes and carefully removed her hand from his whenever he reached for her, making it clear that he was persona non grata. Her responses to his inquiries about her shopping trip generated a non-committal, “It was fine.” It was only through Ruby and Sapphire’s effusive praise that he had a sense that the outing had been a success. The other women gushed that the clothes Topaz purchased were gorgeous, and furthermore that she was a knockout in them.

  Gray grunted a disparaging sigh. It didn’t help that as they were leaving, he got waylaid by Candy and Lucy. The predatory women pounced on him like feral cats spying fresh cream. The women were regulars of his and flirted outrageously with him leaving no doubt that they were well acquainted. Added to the trash talk from his friends at the morning meeting, Gray wasn’t surprised at the stony-eyed response he got from Topaz as the two interlopers sashayed away. All in all, it didn’t bode well for the upcoming meeting.

  Grateful that the women needed to go back to Finery, aka Madam Georgette’s, to pick up Topaz’s purchases, Gray asked Jase and Noah to meet with him in advance. He’d given his friends a broad overview of the mission, including the fact that Topaz had known their target, Dante Torres. However, neither man knew the magnitude of the history between the infamous cartel leader and Topaz, let alone that the complicated relationship had robbed her not only of her innocence but also of her parents. And of course, neither of them knew the family affiliation between their extremely private leader, Ian Ross, and Topaz. While he wasn’t looking forward to
the discussion, he needed Noah and Jase’s support to give the Renegade mission a scintilla of a chance to succeed. Glancing at his watch, Gray’s anxiety rose. It was essential that he deal with Jase and Noah’s certain vociferous objections before the women, specifically Topaz, returned.

  Greeting the two agents at the door he ushered them into the impressive living room. Jase whistled in appreciation.

  “Damn. This is Agent Taveras’ pad?”

  Gray nodded. “Yes, it’s but one of the unexpected accoutrements of the newest LOTN agent.”

  Noah shot him a quizzical frown but was silent. Knowing his friend as well as he did, Gray was certain that the onslaught of thoughtful questions would begin soon enough. Not ready to begin the inquisition he knew was coming, Gray strode over to the cabinet and held up a bottle of Maker’s Mark.

  “How about it, men? Good bourbon or expensive scotch calling to you? We also have beer. Even have Yuengling for you, Noah, or Gambrinus for you, Jase.”

  Jase said, “As tempting as that sounds, Gray, something tells me, what’s called for tonight is the highest proof booze you have.”

  Noah agreed. “Yeah, Bro, I’ll have the Maker’s Mark in a decent-sized glass if you have one.”

  Gray took down three tumblers and, hooking a bottle of Maker’s Mark under one arm, carried the glasses and bottle over to the coffee table and plunked them down. He poured a liberal portion of the potent alcohol in the glasses, handed one to each of his friends, then held up the third in a toast.

  His tone and his words telegraphed the seriousness of what lay ahead.

  “To my best friends in the world, whom I need now more than I ever have.”

  While Noah’s eyes widened at his overt appeal, Jase nodded knowingly but took a hearty swallow and, like Noah, chose not to speak. A few minutes elapsed as the three of them sipped the potent bourbon. Not surprisingly, Jase broke the pensive silence. Glancing around the beautifully furnished room, he met Gray’s gaze.


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