Ladies of the Night OMNIBUS Collection: Sizzling Romantic Suspense

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Ladies of the Night OMNIBUS Collection: Sizzling Romantic Suspense Page 56

by Taylor Lee

  “One more time, baby. Take off your clothes, Princess. All of them. Now.”

  Topaz stared at him not knowing how she could keep from falling. Her legs were shaky and she had to physically straighten her knees to stay upright. She was confused and more than a little scared. Gray was holding her with his gaze as strongly as if he still had his arms wrapped around her. For a fleeting moment she wanted to step across the two-foot-wide gully separating them and beg him to hold her. But something in his hard stare kept her from reaching out. At some level Maya knew that he was testing her. God knows he’d warned her. He was a demanding lover. He’d said it in words and now actions. But what did that mean? That she was to obey him, submit to him? Be an obedient little puppy dog, or he wouldn’t make love to her?

  The thought galvanized her. Forcing herself to meet his stare, she raised her chin and gave him a saucy shrug. By God, two could play this game. He wanted her to take off her clothes? Fine, she’d do it. Why not? Her body was nice—not as soft and curvy as Ruby’s, but she had great legs and a rounded butt that men seemed to notice in a whiplashing way when she walked by. But if Mr. Commander, Lord of the Universe, thought that by getting her to strip that she’d conceded that he was in charge of her, he was going to be one surprised macho man.

  Watching him studying her through narrowed eyes, at that moment his lip quirked up at the corner. It was as though he’d seen her defiance and was amused by it. He lifted his hand almost imperceptibly and nodded to her lounging outfit. His command was soft, compelling.

  “Now, Princess.”

  Topaz shivered, fighting the sensations flooding her. Jesus God, what was wrong with her? Did she really get off on this… this macho alpha male routine? Why did she find his orders impossibly sexy? And what did it say about her that she could feel her aching nipples harden? Seeing the mischief in Gray’s eyes as he gazed at her chest, she refused to look down, she didn’t have to. Her nipples had to be sticking out in taut points three inches long. At least that was how they felt. She comforted herself that at least he couldn’t see through her clothes. If Gray could, there was no way he would miss the moisture streaming between her thighs. She squeezed her legs together, praying that she could somehow contain any additional tell-tale signs of her arousal.

  Grabbing for what control she had over her wayward body, she determined that she would do as he told her—but do it her way. It wasn’t as though he wasn’t aroused. She’d felt his enormous erection when he’d held her against him. The memory of his low groans and whispered words of praise strengthened her resolve. She closed her eyes for a moment then forced herself to meet his gaze. The lust gleaming in his cobalt eyes encouraged her, made her want to torment him the way that he was tormenting her.

  Topaz decided to imagine that she was an exotic dancer, a sexy woman who’d been ordered to dance for her master. The fantasy freed her inhibitions. To her surprise, she found she liked running her hands seductively over her body, especially when she heard Gray’s low growl and saw his eyes darken almost to black. Reaching for the hem of her top, she raised it slowly inch by inch over her head writhing sensually from side to side as she did. When it cleared her breasts she twisted it lazily above her head… then let it float like a leaf to the floor.

  Seeing Gray’s glazed expression, Topaz was glad that she’d chosen to wear one of her most daring bras. The underwire concoction made the most of her full breasts, lifting the rounded globes so that they slightly overflowed the lacy cups. At Gray’s choked gasp, she slowly slid the straps over her shoulders then unhooked the tiny front clasp. Dropping the audacious garment to the floor, she bared her breasts to him. For a long moment she held her breasts up to him presenting them as he’d told her to do the night before. His low reverberating growl was her reward.

  Closing her eyes, Topaz slid her hands over her bare breasts then slipped them under the waist band of her flowy pants. Turning her back to Gray she inched the gossamer covering over her hips then bent over presenting her curvy bottom to him. Wriggling her ass suggestively, she slid the silky fabric over her upraised butt, eliciting a low male groan from her commanding lover. Twitching her hips in an erotic invitation she carefully stepped out of the lounging pants one leg and then the other. She slowly twisted the pants into a long silky rope then slid it between her legs, rubbing the gossamer fabric against her moist pussy. Bringing the silky material to her nose, she breathed in, enchanted by the musky fragrance. She held the fabric against her face for another long moment then winked at him. Reveling in Gray’s strained, appreciative grin, she tossed the trousers over her shoulder. Gray caught them and brought them up to his nose. His low rumbling curse confirmed that he was as turned on by her cheeky antics as she was.

  Turning slowly to face him, Topaz stood naked except for the tiny thong covering her bare mound. She started to slide the satin impediment over her hips but Gray shook his head and held up his hand stopping her.

  His voice was gruff, thick with lust as he moved toward her.

  “Uh uh, Princess. Leave that on.”

  His command flowed across her overwrought nerves sending electric sparks from her taut nipples to her throbbing clit. She bit down on her bottom lip to keep it from trembling. She had to press her hand against her weeping mound to contain the fiery explosions that threatened to shatter her, bring her to her knees.

  Aiming for nonchalance, she tossed her head and said with an impudent grin, “I… I thought you ordered me to take off all my clothes.”

  Gray’s eyes lit with a lusty glow. Perspiration glistened on his forehead and his upper lip. His face was as flushed as Topaz was sure that hers was. Without speaking he reached for her and grasped her hips in his big hands. Dragging her up over his strong thigh, he spread her legs and pressed her pussy against his raging arousal. His low groan echoed her whimpering moan.

  “I did. But I changed my mind. I’ve decided I want to take it off. With my teeth.”

  Chapter 20

  Topaz watched the sleek black and silver Bombardier BD-700 Global Express touch down on the private landing strip bordering the Tokyo International Airport. The roar of the powerful engines and the rush of air as the magnificent plane sped across the runway drowned out any other sounds, including even the fierce pounding of her heart. She wasn’t surprised that Dante Torres chose to buy a plane that Bill Gates had also selected, and that cost over fifty million dollars. It also wasn’t surprising that the elegant Global Express was only one of a dozen similar jets in Torres’ private entourage. Topaz struggled with the raging emotions threatening to compromise her ability to stand. Feeling Gray’s arm tighten around her shoulders she gratefully leaned against his broad chest taking comfort from his strength.

  He pulled her up against him and murmured softly, “Show time, Princess.”

  Topaz forced herself to smile up at him and nodded. “Yes it is. Bring it on!”

  Gray laughed at Maya’s bravado and squeezed her arm when she added, “I’m as ready as I’ll ever be, Gray.”

  As she spoke the confident words, Topaz knew that they were true. She was as ready as she would ever be. She had spent the last week pouring over the thick file that Gray and his research team had prepared. She memorized, in excruciating detail, the facade that the team had created for her. She knew that she was learning the most important part that she’d ever played in her life. As she moved from one daring escapade to another that had supposedly taken place after her “marriage” to Serge Blatnick, Topaz was struck by the fact that learning a new part, a new role, was easy for her. She admitted that was because for most of her life she had simply played a part.

  She’d voiced those thoughts to Gray the day before when he praised her ability to remember the minutest details of the character his team had created.

  “Thank you. I don’t know quite how to say this without sounding even stranger than I usually do, but learning to play a new part, a new role, is easy for me. It’s what I have done for most of my life.” She added wis
tfully, “I wish it wasn’t so easy for me. Sometimes I feel as though I’m in a dream, or I’m an actress standing in the wings, watching myself on the stage, wondering if I’ll ever walk out on that stage and play myself for real.”

  Topaz flushed and tried to pull away from Gray, horrified that she had been so unintentionally revealing.

  Making matters worse, she blurted out, “God, Gray, ignore that. I… I know you already think I am odd, a weirdo recluse. But nothing like acting like a total freak!”

  Gray laughed his infectious laugh and pulled her close to him. Tipping up her chin he held her gaze.

  His azure eyes dancing with mischief, he said in mock seriousness, “Let’s see, Princess. How would I describe the confounding woman who has turned my life upside down? I would start by saying that she is a brilliant, stunningly beautiful woman who is also the sexiest woman I’ve ever known. But you’re right. You are a tad odd. A recluse? For sure. A little weird? Again, yes, but disarmingly so. But a freak? No way.”

  Gray frowned slightly and continued more seriously. “I’m not surprised that you often feel as though you are acting out your life rather than living it. Jesus, Princess, it’s hardly a mystery why you’ve built a protective shell around yourself. You suffered a hideous assault when you were barely a teenager. Christ, honey, it’s a miracle you survived. But you did. And then you took all of your grief and pain and used it to focus on the man who not only robbed you of your innocence but also of your family.”

  Topaz nodded in agreement. She sighed wanting to tell him that she thought she was changing—because of him.

  “I… I think that I’m actually beginning to live my life, Gray, my real life. Who I really am, rather than who I’m merely pretending to be at the moment. I’m beginning to acknowledge how I really feel about things, trying to be who I am rather than pretending or hiding behind a manufactured façade. This is new for me, Gray, and it’s scary.” She hesitated then forced herself to say what she’d been thinking. “It’s because of you, Gray. You don’t let me pretend and you don’t let me hide. You… you make it okay for me to be real, not to pretend that I don’t care or don’t feel. I’m glad that you do that to me, even though it scares me.”

  Gray hugged her.

  “Thank you, Princess. That’s one of the nicest compliments you could give me. If I can help you get in touch with the extraordinary woman that you are and not be afraid of how powerful you are, that will be a huge gift for both of us. I love you, Topaz. More than I thought it possible to love a woman. And you need to understand. I love you because of all your complex layers and idiosyncrasies. All the things you are. Most of all, baby, I admire you. In addition to all the things that make you the amazing woman that you are, that take my breath away, I admire your courage.”

  He held her close to him, wanting to make her understand how her life had changed and why.

  “You also need to understand, baby. You don’t need that protective shell any more. I’m here, Topaz. I’m your protector. God help anyone who doesn’t understand that. Anyone foolish enough to try to stand in my way or your way. Just know that they will live to regret it.” He added, “And then they will die.”

  Topaz glanced up at Gray. His expression had tightened dramatically. The glacier-hard ice that settled over his eyes and face was becoming familiar. It was the look of a warrior, an accomplished killer. It was a look she’d come to expect every time that Gray talked about their target, Dante Torres, who, she acknowledged, truly was a dead man walking.


  Gray watched as the Global Express jet rolled to a stop. He’d felt the tremor that shook Topaz as the plane sped toward them. He tightened his grip on her arm and pulled her close to him. He was gratified when she smiled gamely up at him and responded to his “Show time, Princess,” with a reasonably confident, “Bring it on.”

  Seeing her brave resolution Gray swelled with pride. God, she was an impressive woman. Even if he wasn’t madly in love with her, he would have been filled with admiration. Her courage was fucking remarkable. And her brave previous rejoinder was correct, on target. Topaz and the rest of the team were in truth as ready as they would ever be. The problem was, that as with any covert operation, especially one as dangerous as the one they were about to embark on, no one, including them, could plan for every contingency. In every op, the hard and fast rule was that there were no rules. Everything could change mid-game and the ground could shift, often perilously, making the best laid plans moot. The most that excellent commanders like himself could do was to consider every conceivable contingent knowing that at any minute the whole damn plan could turn to shit. Particularly when they were dealing with an antagonist as skilled and evil as Dante Torres.

  Running over the operation in his mind for the thousandth time, Gray was glad that he’d finally gotten his head out of his ass and let go of his anger toward Ian. Christ, he could hardly fault his boss for falling under Topaz’s spell. Gray had done the same thing, just in a different way, when he fell for her.

  When he stopped blaming Ian for blindsiding him and included him in the op, their plan fell into place. Rather than creating a convoluted cover story about how he and his team happened to be with Mia Kobayashi, as they were calling her in front of Torres, they went with the truth. It made total sense that Ian Ross, Mia’s devoted uncle and retired Army Colonel, would call on his former teammates to protect his niece when she insisted on meeting with the infamous Torres. Acknowledging the team’s relationship to Ian obviated the need to create an elaborate ruse for a cover story. Rather, they would present themselves as trained operatives who were hired by Ian to protect his niece. This simplified version of the truth had the added advantage of including Sapphire and Ruby as an integral part of the protective team.

  The biggest challenge to constructing their cover based on the “truth” was how to explain why a trio of supposed military heroes would go rogue and agree to support Mia’s goal to join Torres’s drug Cartel.

  Noah summed it up best. “Unfortunately, it’s not unusual for adrenalin junkies like us, guys who are always reaching for the next high, to cross over to the dark side. Or should I say darker? Christ, how many men from our former units have done exactly that? Besides, who knows more about the illegal drug industry than the guys who’ve been tracking it?”

  Jase agreed. “You’re right, buddy. Plus, fuck it, let’s be honest. If we hadn’t hooked up with Ian Ross, who pays us more than we could ever make going rogue, every one of us has at least considered it. Maybe we wouldn’t go all the way to the dark side as Noah calls it, but at least we’d consider becoming mercenaries—guns for hire. Soldier of Fortune magazine, the whole shtick.”

  Gray nodded thoughtfully, “I agree. I stopped judging our former colleagues who became hired guns a long time ago. Working in a world filled with murder and mayhem, where inhuman acts of violence are as common as the cereal you eat for breakfast, it’s not uncommon for even the most honorable soldiers to get jaded. And Christ, when you work as far off the grid as we do, the line between good and bad can get pretty damn fuzzy. Particularly when the fuckers who hire us are the very governmental agencies who would disown us with their dying breath should anything at all go wrong. Add to that when a guy as financially formidable as Ian Ross offers us a small fortune to turn a blind eye and support his niece’s crazy venture, it’s not surprising that we bit.”

  Noah grinned at him, “And then there is the fact that the mission commander happens to have fallen in love with said niece, our would-be client.”

  Gray put up his hands in mock defeat. “Yeah, there is that little consideration.” In his defense, Gray added, “C’mon, guys, the fact that I’m crazy in love with our client bolsters our cover. It confirms that I’m under the control of my dick brain, rather than my big boy brain, which allows for a magnitude of misjudgments. All of which we hope Torres will make, not knowing who he’s really dealing with.” He added with a disgruntled sigh, “Besides it’s imperative that ou
r cover allows me to stay by Mia’s side at all times, including at night. While I don’t want to dwell on it, I’m confident that Torres will make a play for Mia. If for no other reason than simply to prove that he can.”

  Jase reached for the bottle of Maker’s Mark. Without asking he refilled each of their glasses then pressed his lips together in a thin line and frowned making it clear that he had something on his mind. Gray wasn’t surprised when his astute friend opened the heretofore unmentioned subject, and did so directly—as usual.

  “I’ve been wondering about that very issue, man. How is Topaz feeling about meeting Torres for the first time since her kidnapping? She’s had fifteen years to wrestle with what happened between them.”

  Gray huffed a soft snort and met Jase’s gaze head on.

  “It won’t surprise you, Dude, that question has been front and center in my mind since Ian told me what happened to her.” He sucked in a deep breath and blew it out in an audible sigh. “It also shouldn’t surprise you that Topaz hasn’t been willing to tell me precisely what did take place between her and Torres. However, from what she has told me, and the other signs of obvious abuse, there is no question in my mind that she was raped. Repeatedly.”

  Noah sighed, and closed his eyes for a brief moment as if to shut out the ugly scene. When he spoke his concern was apparent.

  “That sucks, man, but I agree with your conclusion. We’ve all had experience with rape victims, and Topaz exhibits some of the classic signs. According to Ian, she didn’t deny having consensual relations with the son of a bitch, but steadfastly denied any notion of rape by coercion or force.”

  Gray took a large swallow of the bourbon, wishing that it would deaden the pain he felt, but knew it was hopeless. There was no way that he could drink enough to numb either the pain or the rage that he felt. He gave a dispassionate shrug.


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