Ladies of the Night OMNIBUS Collection: Sizzling Romantic Suspense

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Ladies of the Night OMNIBUS Collection: Sizzling Romantic Suspense Page 60

by Taylor Lee

  When Topaz could only wail in response, not knowing how she could wait another minute for him to enter her, Gray continued, his voice was ragged, accusing, “Sure you do, baby, you know because you can see what it does to me.” He groaned a low passionate sound. “But he’ll never have you, baby. Do you hear me? No way. Never!”

  Topaz cried out, grinding her hips against him. Her nipples were throbbing, moisture was running down the inside of her thighs. She thought she would die if he didn’t let her come, if he didn’t enter her now!

  She wailed, practically shrieking, “Never, Gray, he’ll never touch me! Only you! Ever! Only you!”

  Hearing her frantic wail, Gray knew his passionate lover had reached her limit. With a harsh groan, he lifted her hips and pulled her ass hard up against him. He spread her legs wide apart with his big hands. Then with a groan that came from deep inside his soul, he drove his engorged penis inside of her, driving it up to the hilt in one ferocious thrust. Her passionate screams combined with his harsh cries, as he buried himself inside of her harder and deeper than he’d ever been in his life.


  What seemed like a lifetime later, Topaz lay in the bathtub, listening to the murmuring sounds of Gray and the others talking in the living room. She knew they were planning their escape after they took out Torres. Reveling in the warm, fragrant water, she rested against the rim of the tub, too exhausted to keep her eyes open. She was so caught up in her erotic memory of Gray taking her against the wall and her passionate response that she didn’t hear the footsteps until it was too late. She tried to scream, but the rough cloth over her mouth smothered the sound. Fighting against the strong hands holding her, she breathed in the pungent odor and gave into the darkness that swept over her.

  Chapter 25

  Gray glanced at the diagram Jase had spread out on the coffee table. He tried to concentrate on the escape route that they’d designed with the back-up team. They’d received word from the technical team minutes before; they’d downloaded the files on Torres’ computers and were ready to roll. The techies reported they’d only had to take out six guards in the process. Thirty men were in place, ready to evacuate as soon as they took down Torres. All they needed to do was to kill Torres, then give the word and they’d all be heading down the mountainside to the hovercraft below. Five miles out a carrier with several Chinooks was waiting for them. The plan that they’d spent countless hours designing appeared to be going off like the proverbial clockwork.

  Unfortunately, it was impossible for Gray to focus on the diagram. His mind kept returning to the scene in the bedroom. Christ, he’d barely gotten Topaz inside the villa and he’d taken her against the wall. Hell, “taken” didn’t begin to describe the way he’d mounted her violently from behind and buried himself inside of her.

  He’d known what he was going to do before they left Torres’s fucking dining room. Even now, he didn’t know how he got out of there without embarrassing himself. Christ, it’s not easy for a guy to walk out with a degree of dignity when his prick is about to pound a hole through his zipper. Looking back, Gray knew that watching Topaz take on that arrogant prick Torres, made him harder than he ever remembered being. With the distance of time, he admitted that seeing the lust raging in Torres’s eyes, knowing that the asshole was imagining fucking his woman, had added to his feverish reaction.

  Gray knew he should be embarrassed. Christ, he hadn’t even dropped his pants, or taken off Topaz’s dress. No, he’d just lifted her skirt, hauled out his randy prick, and shoved it inside of her. He muffled a groan, remembering how excited his sexy lover had been. God, how could he love a woman more than he loved her? It was impossible. She’d touched him in the depths of his soul.

  Gray looked up to see Noah in the doorway. Ruby and Sapphire were crowding behind him. Their faces were pale, frightened. Gray dragged himself back to the present, remembering that he’d sent Noah to check on Ian when his boss hadn’t answered his phone. It wasn’t like Ian to miss a planning meeting, especially one as important as the final meeting before they took down Torres. Seeing the flush on Noah’s face and the obvious concern in his dark gaze, Gray rose to his feet.

  “What is it, buddy? Is Ian okay?”

  Noah shook his head.

  “No, man, he’s not. I mean, Ian wasn’t in his Villa.”

  Running his hands through his short, dark hair, Noah’s voice broke.

  “Christ, Gray, the place was trashed. One chair was in pieces, the coffee table was smashed. There’d been a fight, man. Goddamn, Gray. There was… blood on the carpet.”

  Before he could answer, Gray’s phone rang. He shook his head, seeing Topaz’s name on the caller I.D. For what seemed like hours but was seconds at the most, Gray wrestled with the inconsistency. It couldn’t be Topaz; she was taking a bath in the room twenty feet away from him. He dashed to the door as he put her call on speaker. At the same time that he wrenched open the bathroom door revealing the empty tub, he heard her frightened voice over the speaker.

  “They… have me, Gray. Dante has me. And… and they have Ian. He’s hurt, Gray. Ian’s hurt bad.”

  As the other two men grabbed Sapphire and Ruby and pulled them inside locking the door behind them, Jase punched in a code on his phone.

  “They’ve got Agent Taveras and Col. Ross. Execute Renegade now.”


  Topaz huddled on the floor cradling Ian’s head in her lap. She’d done her best to stop the bleeding from the gash on his forehead. The fact that he was still unconscious confirmed that he likely had a concussion. Already the bruises on Ian’s face and neck were turning an ugly purplish hue. Topaz did her best to keep his arm immobile, pressed against his chest. She could tell from the odd angle and his groans whenever he moved that it was likely broken. Topaz swallowed a sob, knowing how hard he must have fought. As skilled a fighter as Ian was, it must have taken at least three men to take him down. The four men in the corner who were being treated by Dante’s doctors confirmed that Ian had given even more than he got. All of them had multiple gashes on their heads and bodies. One man had a deep knife slash on his stomach that one of the doctors was attempting to suture.

  Listening to Dante bark out orders to his men over an intercom, describing in detail what he planned to do to Gray and the others when they caught them, terrified her. Even though she knew that Gray had a contingent of highly trained operatives ready to ferry them off the Island, Topaz was frightened. Their plan had been to send her and Sapphire and Ruby with the first team, along with Ian. Once they’d killed Torres, then Gray, Jase, and Noah would join them. Now that she and Ian had been captured she knew that their plan was scrapped. They would have to come back for them and would walk straight into the trap that Dante had set.

  Just when Topaz was beginning to give into her panic, she felt Ian move. Knowing that Dante would hurt Ian more if he regained consciousness, Topaz didn’t let on that her uncle’s eyes had opened. He blinked his eyes twice and lifted his foot slightly. Topaz looked down and recognized the bulge on his ankle. She realized that Ian was trying to tell her that he had a weapon, in his ankle holster. She wrapped her arms around him and bent over him, pretending to cry. When she did, she slid her hand down his leg and retrieved the compact Ruger her uncle always carried. Relieved that Dante was absorbed with giving orders to his men, Topaz managed to slip the pistol into the pocket of her robe. Topaz didn’t know which of Dante’s men had dragged her naked body out of the bathtub, but whoever it was had the decency to wrap her in her flowing robe—the one with the oversized pockets.

  Dante’s voice was crisp as he spoke over the intercom. “Don’t forget, I want them all alive, particularly that cocky son of a bitch Webb. Mia and I are going to put on a little show for him and I want him fully conscious so he doesn’t miss any of the action.”

  Dante looked at her across the room, his lips curving into an ugly smile.

  “How about it, China, are you ready to show your big, bad Colonel what it’s like
to be fucked by a real man? As I recall, I never fucked you up your ass. But if there was ever a time to shove my prick into that tight virgin ass of yours, it’s now. Watching that fucking All-American he-man scream his lungs out while I fuck your—”

  A loud crackling sound burst from the intercom. Seconds later Topaz heard a frantic voice speaking rapid Spanish. She understood a few words, but it was Dante’s furious retort that cheered her.

  “The fuck do you mean they’re not there? How can five fucking people disappear? Goddamn, you, find those fucking agents or I’ll nail every one of your nutsacks to the highest tree in the courtyard.”

  As he was screaming into the intercom, Dante crossed the room and grabbed Topaz’s arm, jerking her away from Ian. She cried out when he twisted her arm behind her back. Certain that he’d break it if he wrenched it any higher, Topaz struggled to stand taller to relieve the pressure. Terrified that he might feel the pistol in her pocket she tried to break free but Dante grabbed her by her hair and shoved her up against the wall.

  “Goddamn, you! You fucking little cunt. Where are they? How did they get free? You have one minute to tell me or so help me God I’ll shoot your fucking uncle—which I’m going to do anyway, you fucking bitch!”

  Topaz screamed when Torres grabbed the gun from his holster and pointed it at Ian’s head. As she jerked away from him, the door burst open, and a barrage of gunfire ricocheted across the room. Certain that Dante had killed Ian, Topaz screamed a piercing scream. Then, to her shock a flash of black torpedoed across the floor, mowing Dante to the ground. She turned to see Gray rise to his feet in front of Dante, who was scuttling backwards like a crab, trying to get to the gun that had flown from his hand when Gray barreled into him.

  To her shock she saw Noah and Jase in the doorway, their guns drawn. All four guards and the doctors who had been treating them lay dead on the floor.

  Gray hollered across the room to her, his voice gruff, “Are you okay, Topaz?”

  She nodded, bracing herself against the wall to keep from falling.

  Gray now stood over Dante and glared at him for a long moment. His lip curled in a sneer. “Gonna fuck her up her ass, were you, Torres? Missed that little treat when you had her tied up to a post, did you? What’s the matter, asshole? What stopped you? Was she too young? Fourteen years old too young to butt fuck, huh, man? Or did you just not get around to it before Ian and his men took you down?”

  Dante didn’t answer, just kept his eyes locked on Gray as he continued to inch ever closer to his gun. Gray huffed a hard laugh, then walked over and kicked Dante’s Ruger across the floor. Reaching for his Glock, he pressed his gun against Dante’s temple. He stared at him for a long moment then reconsidered and shoved his gun into his ankle holster.

  Holding up his hands he grunted. “Uh uh, asshole. I’ve changed my mind. Shooting you would be too simple. A treacherous son of a bitch like you shouldn’t get off that easy. Not after the way you’ve tortured scores of people—including a fourteen-year old girl.”

  Gray motioned for Torres to get up. “Stand up, you fucking prick. I heard that Dakila trained you in Eskrima? That right, Dante? How about it, asshole? Wanna fight me like a man? See if you can beat me?”

  Gray circled him, flicking his hands in a “come here” motion.

  “On your feet, motherfucker. Let’s see how well you learned your lessons.”

  Dante cautiously rose to his feet and assumed a fighting stance, his eyes blazing with surprise. Gray moved toward him, raising his hands in a ready position. He glared at the grinning man who clearly believed that Gray had made a foolish mistake, and said with a laugh, “I probably should tell you, motherfucker, I’ve gone a few rounds with Khim Reyes, the Eskrima world champion five years in a row.”

  The next several moments were a blur to Topaz. Knowing how fierce a fighter Dante was when he was a teenager in the hood, Topaz was terrified when Gray insisted he fight Dante rather than just shooting him. She knew at some level it was a necessary, primal thing, a mano a mano issue that she knew in her gut was about her. She understood that Gray had to take Dante down in the most vicious, painful way that he could. A minute into their match, she knew she needn’t have worried. Yes, Dante was a superlative fighter. Trained by the best, nimble, and imbued with the gangland, take-no-prisoners spirit Dante should have been able to crush Gray in seconds. But within moments, to her relief and joy, Topaz realized that was not to be. Gray was just as quick, but bigger—more powerful in every way. He was also the most innovative, most accomplished fighter she had ever seen. He was like a dancer, sinewy, powerful, graceful; an unrelenting force. Dante didn’t have a chance.

  When Dante rolled over for the last time, Gray stepped back.

  “Get up, asshole. On your feet. You’re gonna die like a man, whether you want to or not.”

  As Dante rose unsteadily to his feet, Gray drew his Glock from his holster. He glared at the cowering man and said scathingly, “I presume you’re Catholic, right, Dante? In that case, you better start sayin’ some Hail Mary’s.”

  “Don’t, Gray.”

  Topaz was surprised that her voice was as strong as it was.

  Both Gray and Dante looked over at her in surprise.

  Topaz reached into her pocket and pulled out Ian’s gun. Raising it, she pointed it at Dante. Her voice was cool, calm.

  “He’s mine, Gray.”

  Gray’s voice was gentle. “Topaz, don’t, Darlin. I’ll take care of this, baby. You don’t want this asshole’s death on your conscience.”

  Gray inched toward her, reaching for her, his face contorted with concern.

  Topaz snorted and shot him a puzzled frown. “I don’t? Why ever not, Gray? What aspect of killing Dante do you think would be a problem for my conscience? Of all people?”

  Dante held up his hands. His voice was raw, pleading.

  “Mia, baby, don’t. Don’t do it, China. Let me go. I promise you, I’ll make it worth your while. I’ll make you an equal partner with me. Together, China, we can rule the drug world.”

  Topaz frowned at him. “Hmm, apparently you don’t know that Gray and I and the others didn’t come alone. It’s over, Dante. Even now, thirty Special Forces guys are dismantling your network. By morning there won’t be a supplier or buyer of yours whose name isn’t international news.”

  She raised her gun and pointed at him.

  Clearly shocked, Dante cried out, “China, don’t… baby, please….”

  A shot rang out. Dante screamed, clutching his profusely bleeding shoulder.

  Topaz shrugged and said, “I told you not to call me China.”

  Dante shot her a shocked glare then spat, “You… Goddamn you, you fucking bitch.”

  A sly smile crossed Topaz’s face as she raised her gun.

  “This one is for my mother, Dante.”

  A shot rang out, followed by a piercing scream as Dante clutched at his shattered left knee.

  “Mia, God, baby, please, please, don’t.…”

  Topaz shrugged dismissively and raised her gun.

  “And this, Dante, is for my father.”

  Pointing her gun, Topaz fired again.

  Dante screamed in pain as he rolled to the floor, both his knees shattered, bleeding.

  He looked up at her, his eyes black with terror as she raised her gun and pointed it at his head.

  “And this, Dante, this is for… me. On behalf of the fourteen-year old girl you raped.”

  After the shot rang out, Dante lay on the floor, blood oozing from the hole in the middle of his forehead. A clean kill shot if Gray had ever seen one.


  “Why didn’t you tell us that you were an expert marksman, Topaz?”

  Sapphire’s voice was filled with wonder. “Jase couldn’t believe it. He’s still marveling at what you did.”

  Ruby grinned at Topaz and chimed in. “Noah said the same thing, girlfriend. He said that you were cool, merciless.”

  Noah nodded admiringly. �
��Cool doesn’t begin to describe our newest crack agent. Damn, the only one who was more surprised than I was at what you did and how you did it, was that fucking son of a bitch, Torres.”

  “Hell, yeah, talk about vindication! Christ, first our bad boy commander beats the crap out of the motherfucker—in Eskrima no less, then Topaz steps in and takes over. I gotta confess, Topaz, for a hard moment there, I didn’t think you could do it. But you proved all of us wrong.” Jase added, “Gray called it. It was a perfect kill shot if I’ve ever seen one.”

  Gray hugged Topaz closer to him and grinned.

  “And to think I tried to stop you, Darlin’. Damn, woman, did I get schooled or what? And, yeah, looking back on the scene I’ll remember for the rest of my life, I don’t know what was more compelling, what you did or the way you did it. Dante Torres deserved to die a hard death, Topaz. And you made sure he did. You dispatched that monster to hell where he’ll burn in eternity. His last memory will be of the woman he tried to destroy, who instead destroyed him. You were victorious, Darlin’, and because of you, so were all of his other victims. ”

  A cool voice spoke dismissively from the entrance.

  “I don’t know why all of you are surprised. I would think by now that you would know that no one becomes a Lady of the Night unless she is an elite warrior. Of course, Topaz is an excellent marksman. She is also an accomplished martial artist. If you weren’t such a chauvinist, Agent Webb, you would have let Topaz beat the crap out of Torres, which I’m confident she would have done with aplomb.”

  Topaz was as surprised as the rest of her friends obviously were to see Diamond striding over to their table. The gang was celebrating their arrival back in the States with a triumphant dinner at Mateo’s. For a moment, Topaz felt badly that she hadn’t invited her boss to join them, but then given her last conversation with Diamond, Topaz wasn’t sure she wanted her there. For a moment, Topaz thought the concern she saw on Diamond’s face was directed at her which would have been a genuine surprise. Topaz needn’t have worried. Following her boss’s gaze she saw that the cause for Diamond’s concern wasn’t her, it was her uncle. That shouldn’t have surprised her. She’d heard enough gossip from her fellow agents to know that Ian’s and Diamond’s relationship was ‘multi-layered’ as Gray had once described it with a chuckle.


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