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Ladies of the Night OMNIBUS Collection: Sizzling Romantic Suspense

Page 72

by Taylor Lee

  Gratified when Ian squeezed her arm hoping that he was amused by her obnoxiousness, Diamond decided to go for the jugular. She smiled up at Ian and said, “Besides, Ian bought it for me. I was a little concerned when I first saw it that it was maybe a little too…revealing. But Ian assured me that it wasn’t. He insisted that it suits me perfectly. And, of course, he has such wonderful taste. Don’t you agree?”

  No longer pretending to be anything but as angry as she obviously was, Marjorie fought back. Instead of responding to Diamond, she glared at Ian and said crisply, “I wasn’t aware, Ian, that you were bringing a guest. I arranged for us to sit at the head table with the guests of honor, Senator and Mrs. Walker and their son, Noah, and his lovely fiancée. Let me see if I can find a waiter to add another chair to our table.”

  Without waiting for a response, she stormed across the room, a tornado in the making. Diamond felt badly for the unlucky waiter Marjorie snared. All of that simmering anger would need to be showered on someone.

  Ian didn’t hide his chuckle as he pulled her closer to him.

  “Why, Col. Davis, I never knew what a bitch you could be. Phew, Tiger, talk about driving in the K-Bar and twisting it in her gut. Remind me that I don’t ever want to get on your bad side.”

  Diamond snorted. “Humph, as if you aren’t there already, Col. Ross. The nerve of you, to make me wear something like this to an event like this. Why not just have me come naked, wearing a barrel with a big Whore sign painted on it? Although, actually the dress says that better than a sign could.”

  Ian shrugged, “Please, all this dress says to me, is that I am in the room with the most beautiful woman here. And since you are practically naked in that dress, I don’t have to add that you are also the most overtly sexy woman here tonight.”

  Diamond punched him in the arm and sniffed when he groaned and rubbed his bicep.

  “Ouch! Easy, Col. Davis. That hurt. You don’t know your own strength.”

  “You deserve to be hurt a heck of a lot worse than that, Col. Ross.” Diamond tossed her head but didn’t try to hide her smile. “On the other hand, it felt really good to put that bitch in her place.” She paused for a moment and frowned. “Is that why you did it, Ian? Why you brought me here dressed like this? You wanted Marjorie to know that you weren’t exclusive with her? If so, that’s kind of cowardly don’t you think? Using me to keep all the women who adore you from getting too close?”

  Ian pulled her up next to him and lifted her chin forcing her to meet his gaze.

  “No, Diamond, I brought you here because you are my partner, also my lover, and—oh yes, my whore.”

  Before Diamond could punch him again, she heard a familiar voice behind her. She turned to see Senator Walker advancing on them. A beautiful older African-American woman trailed in his wake. Behind the Senator and his wife were Ruby and Noah. Diamond couldn’t tell who was the most shocked at the sight of her. By their wide-eyed surprise, it was a contest between Noah and Ruby.

  Before either one of them could speak, Senator Walker pushed forward. Having been warned earlier by Ian that Diamond would be posing as his date, not his partner, the senator turned to his wife.

  “Francis, you know Ian, of course. The astonishing creature beside him is his friend, Diamond.”

  Francis Walker smiled up at Ian and tilted her head to accept the kiss he planted on her cheek.

  “How wonderful to see you, Ian.”

  The gracious woman turned to Diamond and didn’t hide her amazement.

  “And my goodness, what a lovely young woman you’ve brought with you.” She gazed at Diamond in wonder then continued, “Goodness, Diamond, I never thought I would see as beautiful a woman as my son’s fiancée, but I must say, you come very close. And, my dear, this dress!” She stepped back and held up her hands as if she couldn’t find the words to describe it.

  Diamond shrugged. Keeping her gaze focused on Francis Walker, she said, “What can I say, except that Ian bought it for me especially for this event tonight.”

  A crisp voice came from behind. Diamond turned to see Marjorie Chapman standing beside a harried-looking waiter. Any semblance of pleasure or even politeness was absent from her scowling expression.

  “I see that you all have met Ian’s friend. I believe he calls her Diamond. An interesting name, don’t you agree?”

  Before any of the group could respond to Marjorie’s rude remark, she focused a simpering smile on Diamond.

  “I presume you haven’t met the guests of honor for tonight’s event. Given that it appears that you will be joining us at the head table, may I introduce them?”

  Reaching for Sen. Walker’s hand, she said, “This is Senator John Walker and his lovely wife, Francis Walker. Noah Walker, their son, and his beautiful fiancée, will also be joining us.”

  Her lip curling up in a bitter smile, she turned to Diamond.

  “As I said, this is Diamond. Apparently she doesn’t have a last name, but…whatever…”

  Ian laughed and put his arm around Diamond’s shoulder. His smile didn’t reach his eyes as he turned on Marjorie. His low voice held a note of warning.

  “Be careful, Marjorie. Your claws are showing and they aren’t particularly attractive. Thank you for your introductions, but at least for the Senator and Noah, they aren’t necessary. Diamond and I had lunch with the Walker men today.”

  Smiling at the group as a whole, he said, “What do you say that we all move to that infamous head table and become better acquainted?”

  Chapter 17

  “Jesus, Diamond, what the hell is going on?”

  Diamond grabbed her hand with a warning glance over her shoulder and motioned for Ruby to follow her.

  “Shhh, Ruby. Don’t say anything until we’re alone. C’mere. Quick, down this corridor.”

  When they passed what looked like a cloak room, Diamond darted in and pulled Ruby in after her. Closing the door behind them, she let out a long, hard breath.

  “Ruby, I can’t tell you how glad I am to see you. This has been a difficult day and now, this event tonight is about as challenging as it could get. I’m glad I can talk to a fellow agent and…a friend.”

  Diamond pointed to a table in the corner with a harried sigh.

  “Let’s at least sit down. I feel as though I’ve run a marathon, and I haven’t so much as worked out today.”

  “Diamond, are you okay? Boss, you seem really…well, rattled.”

  Seeing Ruby’s troubled expression, Diamond hastened to explain.

  “Rattled is a mild word for the turmoil I’m feeling. But after I tell you what is going on, I think you’ll agree that it’s no wonder I’m rattled. But here goes. You knew that Ian asked me to partner on an operation in D.C. What I didn’t tell you is that the client is your soon-to-be-father-in-law, Senator John Walker.”

  At Ruby’s shocked gasp, Diamond quickly added, “And yes, Noah knows about it—although Ian only brought him into the discussion this afternoon.”

  “I…I don’t understand…”

  “Quick synopsis, Ruby. Senator Walker has been receiving threatening emails. He made Ian promise that he wouldn’t tell Noah about them. Ian agreed, with the caveat that if he thought the emails were truly serious, he would immediately bring Noah into the discussion. We did that this afternoon.”

  Ruby frowned and pressed her fingers against her forehead. “Damn. I knew something was wrong. I just knew it. Noah was clearly upset this evening. I would have pushed him, but his mother was so excited about the event that I didn’t want to do or say anything to spoil it for Francis. I knew Noah would tell me later when we were alone.” Her frown deepening she persisted, “Can I assume that you and Ian decided that the emails were serious?”

  “Yes, Ruby, they definitely are serious, in fact they’re threatening. Noah can fill you in on the details, but just know that the Senator is in serious trouble.” Diamond hesitated and then added, “Actually he is in even more trouble than Noah knows at this point. Wh
ile he hasn’t yet told Noah, Ian confirmed to me that he is convinced the Senator is involved with a prostitute. We believe that either the prostitute or perhaps his Senatorial opponent is responsible for the emails. They appear to be a veiled attempt to get Senator Walker to leave the Senate race.”

  Ruby jumped to her feet, staring at Diamond. “Oh my God, Diamond, you can’t be serious. A prostitute? Involved how?”

  “That’s what I’m in the process of finding out. Ian has hard intelligence that the woman is a member of an exclusive call girl outfit called Club 69. You may have heard of it.”

  Ruby nodded. “Unfortunately I have. They’re a well-known entity among the so-called social elite in this city. Supposedly they are as discreet as they are expensive.”

  Rubbing her hands together distractedly, Ruby murmured, “I…I can’t believe this. How…how could the Senator be so irresponsible, so stupid? Dear God, this will kill Francis and Noah.”

  “I know. It is horrible. As for the stupidity factor, he’s a man, isn’t he? And a powerful one.” Diamond added disparagingly, “In my experience, add in the inevitable arrogance that comes with the ‘I am omnipotent’ package and they start believing they truly are invincible.”

  When Ruby sank back down in her chair, clearly distraught, Diamond decided not to hold back.

  “Frankly, Ruby, Ian, Noah and I are concerned about the Senator in more ways than one. He is extremely upset and he doesn’t yet know that we are on to the prostitute angle. Both Ian and Noah think that the Senator is prone to violence and that given the circumstances, John Walker is an explosion waiting to happen.”

  Making an obvious effort to contain her anxiety, Ruby asked, “What…what are you doing to deal with this? What is your plan?”

  Diamond grunted disparagingly. “Believe it or not, I’m going to try and insinuate myself into the Club 69 network. I want to see if I can find out who, if anyone, is involved with Sen. Walker.”

  Ruby shook her head and smiled for the first time since they entered the cloakroom. Casting a glance at Diamond’s outrageous attire, she asked, “Is that what the dress is all about? And by the way, Boss Lady, it is spectacular. I always knew you were the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen but damn girl, your body…”

  Diamond snorted. “Believe it or not, Ian actually bought it for me.” She added bitterly, “He wanted me to look like his whore. I think we can agree he succeeded.”

  “Yeah, he did. He also made you the star of this usually boring event. Diamond, I’ll never forget the expression on Marjorie Chapman’s face when she looked at you. Damn, girl, I’m surprised you don’t feel as though you’ve been shot through and through with a Gatling gun…”

  Diamond barked a short laugh. “Yeah, she was a trifle annoyed, wasn’t she?”

  Ruby snorted in return, “Ya think???”


  Diamond stood outside the Ladies Room waiting until she was sure that the three women entering the bathroom were the members of Club 69 that Ian had pointed out earlier. Nodding to Ruby who positioned herself outside of the door to guard the entrance, Diamond followed the laughing women into the bathroom. She waited in the stall listening to them chatting in the ante room. Confident that Ruby would ensure that no one would interrupt them, Diamond joined them in front of the full length mirrors in the side room. All three women stopped talking when she entered.

  After a moment the light-skinned multiracial woman met her gaze in the mirror. She said in an off-hand tone, “I have to tell you, sister, that is some dress. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

  Diamond tossed her head and said blithely, “Hey, whatever does the trick, right?”

  The redhead laughed and held up her thumb in agreement.

  “You said it, bitch. Particularly if it gets you the prize of all prizes.”

  When Diamond threw her a questioning look as if she didn’t understand, the woman shrugged.

  “Don’t misunderstand. We’re all jealous as hell. None of us has been able to capture the attention of Ian Ross, much less accompany him to a high class event.”

  She held out her hand. “My name’s Scarlet.” She pointed to the multiracial woman and then to the blonde woman beside her. “This is Tiffany, and this blonde Swedish stunner is Amber.”

  Diamond continued to touch up her makeup without accepting the woman’s outstretched hand and said nonchalantly, “Nice to meet you. I’m Diamond.”

  Tiffany sidled up next to her.

  “Humph, I can see why you might have chosen that name. Diamonds are pretty pricey and I imagine you are as well.” At Diamond’s dismissive shrug, Tiffany continued. “Be honest, girlfriend. Are you actually with that elegant hottie or are you…accompanying him for the evening?”

  Diamond tucked her lipstick in her sequined clutch and met the woman’s gaze with a blank one of her own.

  “What’s the difference?” When Tiffany didn’t answer, Diamond added, “Look, I’m with the ‘Hottie’ as you called him because he likes beautiful women. If you are implying that he paid me to come here with him tonight, you are wrong. I served a purpose. He wanted to shove me in Marjorie Chapman’s face. I was happy to help him get rid of that society bitch. Wouldn’t you be?”

  When the women all laughed in agreement, Diamond continued.

  “Don’t misunderstand. If Ian Ross did offer payment in return for my company, that would be great. But he didn’t.” She shrugged, “No matter. Tonight I get the best of both worlds. I get to be with Mr. Wonderful for the evening, and meanwhile be seen by a whole raft of ‘gentlemen’ who might be interested in my special attributes—even at a substantial price.”

  Smoothing her dress ensuring that her breasts were prominently displayed, Diamond emitted a coquettish laugh.

  “Frankly, as delicious as Ian Ross is, my taste runs to the more exotic. I’ve always preferred… shall we say, darker meat? For example, Senator Walker’s son. I believe his name is Noah. Now there’s a man that I could become very attentive to. You know the old saying, ‘Once you go black…’ ”

  Scarlet laughed. “Unfortunately the younger Walker man is off the market. Another redhead managed to snare him.”

  She pointed to Tiffany. “If that’s where your interests lie, best you talk to my friend here. She shares your taste in the ‘exotic.’ However, she prefers her dark meat… aged.”

  Diamond pretended surprise. “Really? Surely you don’t mean Senator Walker? I understood that he is very attached to that beautiful wife of his.”

  When Tiffany turned away, an angry frown marring her lovely face, Amber amplified. Glancing at her friend she said dismissively, “Unfortunately we never learn, do we, girlfriend? You’d think we would get smarter. But, it’s a given. No matter how much those wealthy, prominent men profess to love us, in the long run this ain’t Pretty Woman. And the married ones never, ever actually leave their wives. Right, Tiffany? Especially if the fucker has a political career to protect.”

  Tiffany whirled on her smirking friend and spat out angrily, “That may be your experience, Amber. But there are always exceptions. For example, what if the prominent politician lost that career? You don’t think that would shake things up a bit, smartass? Do you think the little woman waiting at home would continue to welcome him back if he was no longer the big, important man she thought he was?”

  Amber snorted dismissively. “Ignore, Tiffany. She’s having man-trouble.”

  The stunning blonde studied Diamond for a moment and glanced at her colleagues. Apparently seeing agreement in their guarded expressions, she noted casually, “I have a feeling that you might have something in common with us, Diamond.”

  Diamond returned her gaze and said carefully, “I’m not sure I understand.”

  Scarlet laughed. “Oh, I think you do, girlfriend. You clearly roll the way that we do. We ‘girls’ know how to recognize a kindred spirit when we see one. It’s written all over you, Diamond, in the best way possible. If you’re up for it, we get together o
n a regular basis to discuss ‘girl-stuff.’ You should join us. We hang out at the Metropolitan. It’s one of the most expensive bars in Washington, but a sin-sational place to make contacts, if you know what I mean.”

  Diamond glanced at the card Scarlet laid on the countertop. It was black parchment with the words Club 69 inscribed in silver. Other than the logo, the card was blank.

  “Snazzy business card. May I presume the name says it all?” Diamond asked rhetorically as she shoved the card in her purse. “Thanks. I’m new in D. C. I might just stop by the Metropolitan.” She smiled at them and said over her shoulder as she headed for the door, “It never hurts to get the lay of land from those in the know, right?”


  Diamond returned to the ballroom in time to see Senator Walker in the front of the room arguing noisily with Deacon Brunson and his campaign manager. From her distance it appeared that Walker was getting the best of the altercation. As she approached them, Senator Walker poked his finger in Brunson’s chest. To her horror, Diamond heard him quote one of Malcolm X’s more inflammatory pronouncements.

  “Don’t you forget, you pompous asshole, ‘If ballots won’t work, bullets will.’ ”

  With that, the clearly furious man stormed from the room to the surprise of the gathered guests who didn’t try to hide their interest. Noah and Ian both came from the back of the room and quickly followed Senator Walker out of the ballroom.

  Diamond joined Ruby and Francis at their table and did her best to help Ruby comfort the clearly distraught woman.

  “I…I don’t understand what’s gotten into John. Ruby, Diamond, help me. What…what is wrong with him?”

  Wringing her hands, she appealed to them. “I’ve never seen my husband like this. And it’s not just tonight. For weeks now he’s been upset, angry. Even with me. I keep asking him to tell me what is happening. To tell me what’s wrong. But…he won’t…won’t talk to me about it.”


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