Ladies of the Night OMNIBUS Collection: Sizzling Romantic Suspense

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Ladies of the Night OMNIBUS Collection: Sizzling Romantic Suspense Page 79

by Taylor Lee


  At the entrance to the Metropolitan Club Diamond was met by a gargantuan man who if he wasn’t Mohammad Ali’s long lost twin, he should have been. His shiny bald head sat atop shoulders that were twice as wide as Diamond’s. His thick muscle bound arms and thighs were a testament to genes, hours at the gym and a lifetime of illegal doping. The only visible body parts that were undersized were his eyes. They looked like shiny black pinpoints in a sea of dark flesh. They widened salaciously as he studied her body, more confirmation of Ian’s prodigious knowledge of the provocative. After he’d examined her from top to bottom, he rubbed his hand suggestively over his crotch then pointed with the other hand to the stalwart steel doors.

  Glad that she’d called ahead, Diamond was relieved when the giant who was now licking his lips, nodded and said in a raspy voice, “They’re expecting you.”

  Strolling into the elegantly appointed interior, Diamond was surprised and gratified that a surprisingly debonair Maître D. replaced the human perversion guarding the outside entrance. Bowing slightly, the slender black man reached for her hand and brushed his full lips against her palm. In a cultured voice he indicated that his name was Byron Sanders, but that she simply must call him Bry. Further confirming that skin color was the only attribute he shared with the giant at the door, Bry said, “Oh my goodness. You can only be the woman they call Diamond. The lovely creature who’s turned Washington D.C. ass side up.”

  He shook his head and smiled. “My darling girl, I would not have thought it was possible, but you are even more remarkable than your advance billing.”

  He tugged on her hand, pulling her forward.

  “Please Diamond, follow me if you will. The ladies are waiting for you.”


  Later, in the cab taking her to Ruby and Noah’s place, Diamond tallied her successes. If she was given to bragging she’d have to report that her evening had been a stunning success. In little over an hour, she’d been invited to join the exclusive club whose members were as worldly as they were beautiful. Their erudite conversation could have stood the test at the snobbiest garden party. Their ability to move from discussing fashion to world political affairs to a giggling recital of the various sexual acts they performed on famous men was stunning. The catalogue of scandalous acts they described was unsettling. Good God, Diamond had never heard of most of the acts, much less performed them. Except for their prodigious knowledge of the erotic and the certainty that none of the women could shoot a gun or lay out a two hundred pound man with a single palm strike to his throat, any of these women could fit the rigorous standards she imposed on her agents.

  Tiffany had proved to be the exception in more ways than one. She was definitely as beautiful and as provocative as any of the stunning women. But there was an angry edge to her voice and a hardness in her demeanor that none of the others had. Unlike her chattering companions, she sat off to the side nursing a large tumbler of what looked like bourbon—straight up. The other difference to Diamond’s educated eye was that Tiffany also was stoned, and likely had been for days.

  Amber rolled her eyes and gave a dismissive shrug.

  “Ignore her. She’s got a bad case of unwillingness to face facts.”

  The stunning blonde’s plump lips curled in a practiced smile that was edged with disdain. “One of the things you learn very quickly in this business is that men who are willing to pay the entrance fee for a single night with one of us are accustomed to calling the tune. If they want you for one night, that’s good. If they come back for another night, even better. But you never ever let them think that they matter to you any more than you matter to them. And you certainly don’t chase them and threaten to expose them if they decide they prefer the warm bed at home.”

  Scarlet lounged in her chair, positioning her runway-worthy body to best effect. With an annoyed sigh she added to her friend’s call girl list of “definite no no’s.”

  “And you don’t start drowning your sorrows in booze spiked with blow if you hope to entice that dark horse to come cantering back to your stable.”

  It hadn’t taken Diamond ten minutes to confirm that Tiffany’s particular “dark horse” was Noah’s father, Francis’ husband, and Ian’s long term friend, as well as their gravely compromised client.

  Resting her head against the back seat of the cab taking her to Ruby’s apartment, Diamond gave into the weariness that had her aching for a bed. In order to ensure that she could actually fall asleep, she planned to imbibe in a hearty portion of the liquid tranquillizer that Tiffany was too fond of. Fighting against the ache in her gut, Diamond admitted that the primary reason she intended to take a bottle to bed with her was what had turned out to be the most challenging conversation of the night.

  In their continuing discussion of call girl etiquette, Amber referred to Diamond’s relationship with Ian.

  “For example, take that gorgeous hunk of man flesh that you pranced in with last night, Diamond. Unlike my drugged out friend over there, you know how our world works. Particularly with a man as experienced as Ian Ross. You know that Ian Ross would never leave the field to settle for one woman, especially a ‘professional’ woman like you and us.”

  Scarlet frowned. “I agree that the studly Mr. Ross will fight hard to maintain his premier status as the most prolific financier on the sex market today. However, I must add a note of caution. No one should underestimate Marjorie Chapman—even Ian Ross. I have watched Marjorie annihilate a servant who burned her toast. The bitch ensured that the poor woman would never get another job in any D.C. household worth working in. And if you haven’t seen a chainsaw in the hands of Paul Bunyan clearing a forest, you haven’t seen Marjorie taking out a potential rival.”

  Amber giggled. “You’re right. Let’s face it, with the battalion of plastic surgeons she has at her disposal and is heir to two of the biggest fortunes in the country, even Ian Ross might be tempted to take his oar out of the water, if only for a while.”

  “And you’re right, Amber.” Scarlet intoned sagaciously. “Marjorie has publically declared that Ian Ross is ‘hers.’ I pity the poor man or woman who gets in her way. When that bitch decides to take out a rival, the result ain’t pretty. As we all know only too well, the one thing Marjorie Chapman never does is lose.”

  Chapter 27

  “Jee…sus, Diamond. I didn’t think anything could be sexier than that show stopper Ian dressed you in last night. Seeing this scarlet bombshell, I’m rethinking my assessment. Don’t tell me the suave GQ model gave you this one as well?”

  Diamond shrugged. “Yes, he did. Apparently one of Ian’s many skills is dressing whores.”

  A frown darkened Ruby’s lovely face. “Hmm, even in jest, I don’t like you referring to yourself that way, Diamond.”

  Riley shrugged again and fought to sound disinterested. “I don’t much like it either.”

  Seeing Diamond’s suitcases on the step where the cab driver had left them, Ruby’s eyes widened. Diamond sought to reassure her.

  “Look, Ruby, I hope I’m not imposing but I really need to stay here tonight. I promise I’ll get a hotel room in the morning.”

  “Like hell you will!” Ruby grabbed one of Diamond’s suitcases and declared firmly, “You will stay here as long as you are in D.C., Diamond. Noah and I insist!”

  When they got inside the classy upscale apartment, Ruby turned to her with a quizzical expression.

  “I gotta tell you, girlfriend, I was surprised to get your message. I understood that the Master of the Universe had co-opted the $3,500 a night premier suite at the Triumph for the two of you. Our little two bedroom, two bath love nest suits us fine but it sure doesn’t compare to the digs Ian shanghaied for you.”

  Diamond shook her head and raised her hands in defeat. There was no way she could tell Ruby what a nightmare that ostentatious suite had become.

  At her refusal to answer, Ruby’s frown deepened. “Or is that suite only part of the problem?”

Fighting to keep the tears burning her eyes from falling, Diamond spoke in a faint voice. “Ruby, could we… just sit down for a minute…and not talk about Ian anymore?”

  Ruby pursed her lips together in a thin line and then nodded in agreement.

  “Okay Boss Lady, I concede. For the moment, the debonair Col. Ross is off the chat list. However...I know you’re the most private person in the world, but you look like a long lost orphan who could use some serious girl talk. Before you say no, let’s get into our jammies and then break out some of Noah’s best Scotch and engage in one of my favorite past times: Man-Bashing! From the look on your face, girlfriend, Ian Ross is in for a boatload of bashing.”

  Diamond snuggled under the angora throw that Ruby had wrapped around her and held up her glass in assent. Ruby refilled it from the bottle of Maker’s Mark on the coffee table, then topped off hers.

  Settling down next to Diamond on the sofa, Ruby gave an aggrieved snort.

  “Please tell me that the high-handed, arrogant Col. Ross didn’t actually laugh when he suggested that you go undercover with him posing as his lover and his whore?”

  Diamond blew out a hard breath, surprised that she wanted—make that needed, to tell Ruby at least some of the things that were tearing at her soul.

  “Yes, he asked me to partner with him on this mission, and indicated that he would introduce me as his lover specifically…as his whore.” She added bitterly, “With the express condition that it would be a week or two mission—at the most.”

  At Ruby’s darkening frown, Diamond added, “Not that Ian Ross needs defending, but the ‘whore’ component was to allow me to infiltrate Club 69 posing as an upscale call girl.”

  Ruby shrugged, “At least that part is consistent with the roles we typically play on our ops.” She studied Diamond for a long moment and added, “Except that this time it was Ian suggesting the role and then he set out it make your illicit relationship look as real as possible, correct?”

  When Diamond didn’t answer Ruby pressed. “Look, my dear friend and employer. Believe it or not, your relationship with the estimable Mr. Ross is one of your teams’ favorite conversational topics. None of us can figure out what goes on behind closed doors between the two of you, but we are suspicious as hell.”

  Diamond shook her head and sighed. Leaning into the corner of the sofa, she closed her eyes. When Ruby didn’t press, Diamond felt compelled to answer.

  “No, there wasn’t anything, not really. Nothing…tangible.”

  “Hmm, nothing except following each other with your eyes or sneaking glances when you thought he wasn’t looking?”

  Diamond was horrified. “Did I really do that? Was it…noticeable?”

  “Yeah, Boss Lady, but no worries. You weren’t the only one hiding behind a curtain of disinterest.”

  “No, Ruby, you’re wrong. I’ll admit that as the nuns warned against in junior high catechism, I did have the occasional ‘impure thought’ about Ian.”

  At Ruby’s choked laugh, she quickly added, “But he never showed any interest in me….” She hesitated, then added, “Well, that’s not quite true. Lately he’s made lots of…suggestive comments, innuendos. And he’s touched me in….” She shook her head. “Never mind. Believe me, whatever he did, he didn’t mean anything by it. I knew he was doing it to just to tease me. Besides, you know my reputation.”

  When Ruby looked as if she didn’t understand, Diamond didn’t hide her annoyance.

  “Don’t pretend you don’t know what I mean, Ruby. It’s a well-known fact that men call me the Ice Queen behind my back. And…they’re right. I…I am essentially frigid. I just have… never been able to let down….” She grabbed as deep a breath as she could manage and stammered, “Never mind.… Just know that…I earned that contemptuous moniker.”

  Ruby was silent for several moments. When Diamond didn’t continue, the red haired mind reader added thoughtfully, “I take it the thermometer busting, walking heat wave that is Ian Ross proved to be up to the job of melting that ice?”

  Diamond gave a watery sniff and met Ruby’s concerned gaze. She nodded and said softly, “And then some.”

  Reaching for the bottle of Maker’s Mark, Diamond refilled their glasses. She took several sips of the potent whiskey, then forcing herself to look at Ruby, she uttered the painful truth.

  “And then this morning, after what was the most momentous night of my life, Ian blithely said I couldn’t go to the police station with him because he didn’t want to undercut our ‘ruse.’ ”

  When she stopped unable to continue, Ruby finished the thought for her, “The ‘ruse’ being that you were playacting, pretending that you were lovers?”

  “Yes. And then he informed me that he’d had a new costume delivered to our suite. Another dress to even more firmly establish that I was his…whore.”

  Negating the need for her to continue, Riley’s phone vibrated. Glancing at the caller I.D., she shrugged and rose to her feet. As she walked across the room, she said over her shoulder to Ruby, “Speaking of the heat wave…”

  “Hello, Diamond.” From the sound of Ian’s cool, professional voice, Diamond assumed he was with other people. ”How’s everything going, Riley?”

  When she responded with a non-committal, “Fine, thanks”, he hesitated then asked, “Are you still at the Club 69? I’ve been waiting to hear from you. How did it go? Were you able to confirm that Tiffany is our woman?”

  Diamond replied, “Yes, she most definitely is. It is also clear that our client is no longer seeing the unhappy young woman. Let’s just say that Tiffany Jackson isn’t taking the Senator’s rebuff well. Not even a significant amount of alcohol and cocaine are helping her deal with his supposed betrayal.”

  “Damn, that makes her even more of a loose cannon.”

  Knowing that Ruby was listening to her end of the conversation, Diamond was careful not to add more detail. Besides, in addition to the several glasses of Makers Mark that she and Ruby had consumed as well as their challenging conversation, Diamond didn’t know how much longer she could continue talking with Ian as if nothing was wrong. He must have picked up on her hesitancy because he asked, “Are you okay baby? You sound tired.”

  Struggling to contain the sensations the sound of his voice elicited, Diamond forced herself not to react to his concern. “No, I’m fine. It’s been a long day.”

  He chuckled, “Following a long night.”

  When she didn’t respond, Ian asked in a more serious tone, “Hmm, Tiger, silence isn’t the response I expected to the mention of our night together. What’s up, baby? I’m assuming you’re at the hotel or at least I hope you are. I should be there shortly. I thought we could have dinner in our room tonight. It’s been a long day for both of us. I want to bring you up to date on the police investigation. I think we have it under control for the moment.”

  Diamond breathed out a long sigh and broke in. “I’m not at the hotel, Ian. I’m at Ruby and Noah’s.”

  “You are? Why are you there? Is something wrong with Ruby? Noah should be there shortly. I’ll come and get you now.”

  Gathering her courage, determined to make him understand that she was serious, she was as firm as her fluttering heart would allow.

  “No, Ian. That won’t be necessary. I’m going to stay here tonight.”

  He didn’t couch his surprise. “I don’t understand, Tiger. What’s going on? I was looking forward to tonight.”

  Taking a deep breath, she drew the line that she never intended to cross again.

  “I’m sorry, Ian, but I don’t want to go back to the hotel. I’m going to stay with Ruby and Noah.”

  In the silence that followed, Diamond closed her eyes, struggling to keep the surprising tears that seemed to have come out of nowhere from falling. His voice was soft, but with a decided edge.

  “Hmm, that sounds like a decision that bears discussing.” When she didn’t answer, Ian continued, “Clearly you’ve decided that you don’t want to stay wit
h me tonight, that you want to stay with Ruby. I’m disappointed, but not surprised. Last night was a watershed for both of us. It’s clear that you’re feeling overwhelmed. However, I would have liked the opportunity to talk it through with you.”

  When she didn’t answer, allowing a tense silence to fill the air, he finally said, “I hope you realize that this is the way you typically respond to something that scares you, Diamond. Rather than facing it, you run. You hide behind that formidable wall you have built around your feelings, not allowing anyone to reach you. That’s not going to work this time, Tiger, not with me. We are going to discuss this and we are going to get to the bottom of your fears. Do you understand?”

  He was silent waiting for her to respond. When she didn’t answer, he said softly, “I see. I guess that will have to do for now. I hope you have a good sleep. Try to get some rest, baby. We have a big day ahead of us—in more ways than one. Good night, Tiger.”

  Chapter 28

  “You need to eat something, Diamond. Even you can’t live on coffee and Maker’s Mark. I’ve tried that in the past when this handsome rogue has upset me, but it doesn’t work. At least you need to add sugar to your caffeine/alcohol-laced diet. Especially if you want to do something about the dark circles under your eyes.”

  Diamond glanced up at her friend with a frown.

  “Damn, Ruby, do I look that bad?”

  Noah walked over from where he’d been working at the stove and placed a large stack of pancakes in front of her. He leaned down and kissed her cheek then sat in the chair between her and Ruby.


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