Ash: Jagged Edge Series #5

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Ash: Jagged Edge Series #5 Page 6

by A. L Long

  “What do you have there, Chavez?” Peter asked.

  “I found this under your lamp in the living room. It looks to be some sort of microphone. The other guys are still searching the rest of the house. I just wanted to show you what we found so far,” Mike responded.

  “This is too fucking much. Why the hell would anybody be bugging my house and how the hell did they do it so fast? This is so fucked,” I said, getting more pissed by the minute.

  “ My guess is that they knew exactly what they were doing. Maybe we can trace where this device was purchased. There should be some sort of serial number on it. We’ll get to the bottom of this, Ash,” Peter assured me.

  “I hope you’re right, Bro. I hope you’re right.”



  I wasn’t sure if I was angry with Ash or surprised to find him in my room going through my things. Holding the contract in my hands, my blood began to boil. I hated that I was forced into signing the stupid contract to begin with. I should have just taken my chances, spent my time in juvie, and been done with it.

  Looking down at the letter, I began reading the contents. This is a binding Contact of Ownership between Sebastian Collins (Master) and Juliette Daniels (Slave). The so forth mentioned Slave shall at all times seek the Master's comfort, pleasure, and happiness, above all other considerations the Slave may have. The Slave agrees that she shall abstain from her own pleasures and will only be allowed to be pleasured by her Master. The Slave also agrees that she will at all times and places submit to her Master’s wishes no matter what that entails. Per failure to do so, the Master has the right to terminate this contract or handle any disobedience on the Slave’s part however he sees fit. The Slave will work to keep her body, mind, skills, and attitude in an acceptable condition that will please the Master's desires. The Slave also understands and agrees that if she doesn’t meet these requirements to the Master’s satisfaction, it will be sufficient cause to administer any punishment that the Master deems necessary. The Slave will accept her punishment with no resistance, no matter how painful, uncomfortable, or unpleasant it may be for her. Furthermore, this contract can never be broken except by the Master, and only in the event of said Master’s death or the sale of said Slave for ownership. Being of sound mind and without influence, Juliette Daniels agrees to enter this contract under her own free will. Signed this 27th day of March.

  I couldn’t stand to read any more of this stupid contract. Crumpling it up, I threw it back in the nightstand drawer and locked it away. As I sat on the bed, I brushed my fingers along my black eye and was reminded of what happened the last time I voiced my opinion. I knew this had to stop. This was no life and I couldn’t continue living like this. Pushing from the bed, I pulled out my cell and called for a ride.

  When the taxi honked, letting me know that it had arrived, I checked my appearance one last time before I left to meet it. I knew I couldn’t go the way I was dressed if I was going to get inside the Collins office building, so I decided to change into a light blue sheath dress and a pair of cream colored sling-backs.

  As I rode in silence to Manhattan, I kept thinking about what I was going to say to Sebastian. I knew that whatever it was, it had to be convincing, and I had to show him that I wasn’t afraid, nor was I going to put up with his shit anymore.

  When the cab driver pulled up to the Collins Building, I scooted my body over and looked up at the tall building, remembering the day that I was first taken here. Paying the driver, I opened the door and walked toward the entrance. Taking a deep breath, I opened the heavy glass door, pulled my shoulders back, and walked in with confidence. Today was either going to be a very good day or the worst day of my life.

  Entering the elevator, I watched as the floors began increasing on the LED panel. Before long, the doors opened and I met my destiny. There, standing next to the reception desk was Sebastian Collins, the man who was no longer going to have control over me.

  As he looked over to me, I could see the shock on his face as he grinned, his mouth thinning with displeasure. “Juliette, this is a surprise.”

  “This is going to be more than a surprise once I tell you what I have to say,” I responded, staring into his expressionless eyes.

  Looking over at the young girl, who looked more like a pinup model for Playboy, he said, “Hold all my calls, Sasha.”

  Her named fit her perfectly. “Sasha, the big-boobed bimbo, want-to-be porn star,” I thought to myself as I followed Sebastian down the long hallway to his office. I knew this walk all too well. I might have been afraid as an eighteen-year-old, but no more. I had grown up a lot in the past five years and this man was no longer going to intimidate me. Stepping into his office, it still looked the same and smelled of his scent as it did five years ago. Taking his place behind his enormous desk, I waited just inside his office door, a relatively safe distance from him.

  Placing his hands on his desk, he commanded in an icy tone, “Don’t stand there looking like an insecure child, have a seat and tell me what this visit is about.”

  There was always something about his voice that sent chills up my spine. Not moving an inch from where I was standing, I looked at him with confidence and said abruptly, “No, what I have to say won't take long.”

  “I don’t like where this is going, Juliette. Say what you have to say.”

  “I want out of the contract. I am no longer going to let you control my life,” I began, feeling the tightness in my chest intensify. “I’m going to turn myself in. I should have done this a long time ago. I am no longer going to be your slave. Ever!”

  It felt good to stand up to him. Turning to leave his office, I heard the pound of his fist against his desk. “Stop,” he demanded, his voice cold and exact.

  I couldn’t turn to acknowledge his demand. I stood still and said the one thing that would end this for good. “I’m done.”

  “Are you so sure, Juliette? You better think twice about what you are saying. By the way, how is your new friend? I believe his name Ash. Yes, Ash Jacobs.”

  Unable to control the fury that was ready to burst inside me, I turned to Sebastian and asked coldly. “The guy at the hardware store, was that your doing? Leave Ash out of it. He has nothing to do with this.”

  “Are you so sure? I would certainly hate for anything to happen to him because of your disobedience. Stop this foolishness. I expect you to be ready by 9:00 this evening,” Sebastian ordered as he sat back down. Before I had a chance to argue, he continued. “Don’t be late, Juliette. You know how I hate tardiness.”

  Leaving his office, I couldn’t even think straight. The one thing I didn’t count on, he dangled in front of me. There was no way I was ever going to get out of this contract. I would be his prisoner forever. He would never let me go. Getting outside the building as fast as I could, the only thing that I wanted to do was drink until I was completely numb. Standing on the sidewalk, I looked across the street and spotted a small restaurant with tables sitting out front. Crossing the street, I went inside and looked around for the bar. The minute I saw it, I headed over to the bartender, who was pouring a round of shots of something amber in color.

  Taking a seat, I said, “I’ll have one of those.”

  The bartender pulled out another shot glass and filled it to the brim, then placed it in front of me and said, “That will be seven dollars.”

  Reaching in my purse, I pulled out a ten and laid it on the counter. The liquid burned as it ran down my throat. Unable to speak, I gestured to the bartender to pour me another. Shot after shot, my body was beginning to feel numb. I wasn’t sure how many shots I actually had. I lost count after number three. I was just ready to ask for another when the bartender came over and said, “Sorry, Miss, but six is the limit. How about a tall glass of water?”

  I was in no mood for water, so I stood, ready to leave to find a different place that was willing to serve me. I felt numb, but not numb enough for what was waiting for me at nine o’clock
. Pushing from my barstool, I said, “I’m good, thanks,” before I gave him a five dollar tip and left.

  I think the bartender might have been right about the six drink limit. Sitting down and drinking was a lot different than standing and trying to walk. I may have had a little bit more than I should have. Stumbling out of the restaurant, I opened the door and was hit by the sunlight, another thing I wasn’t prepared for. I wasn’t sure if it was the brightness or the six shots, but all I could feel was my body getting clammy before I lost my balance and fell to the sidewalk. Feeling dizzy and unable to breath, the liquor took over, and my world went black.


  My eyes slowly fluttered open as I began to feel the aftermath of the alcohol I consumed. I could no longer feel the hardness of the concrete beneath me. The surface under me was soft and plush. Pushing to my elbows, I tried to clear my head before I took in my surroundings. Regaining my clarity, I could see that I was somewhere unfamiliar to me. Looking around the room, it looked to be a hotel. A very expensive one, at that, based on the furnishings and the fact that there was a sitting area and an en suite. Pushing the covers off of my body, I was only wearing my bra and panties. This was not a good thing. Not only because I was half naked, but also because I couldn’t remember how I got that way.

  Swinging my legs over to the side of the bed, I stood, trying to gain my balance. My head hurt like hell, but no matter how much it hurt, I was more concerned about getting out of this place. As I was standing and feeling a little wobbly, I heard a knock on the door. Looking down at my body, there was no way I was going to answer the door in this state. Hurrying to the bathroom, I searched for a robe, which I found, nicely folded, on the marble vanity. Slipping it on as quickly as I could, I went to the door.

  Standing on the other side was a hotel waiter with a cart. As I glanced down to the cart, I saw several dishes covered with stainless steel globes, a glass of orange juice, and a carafe of what I presumed was coffee. Before I could question who had ordered the food, the waiter said, “Mr. Collins thought that you might be hungry.”

  Stepping aside, I allowed the waiter to come in and watched as he rolled the cart near the sitting area, where there was a small table and two chairs by French doors that led to the balcony. When the waiter was finished setting the dishes on the small table, I looked at him and said, a little embarrassed, “I'm sorry, I don’t have any money to tip you.”

  “Not a problem, Miss,” he began with a smile. “Mr. Collins has taken care of it. Enjoy your breakfast.”

  Knowing that it was the afternoon when I left the bar, I turned to the waiter and asked, “Can you tell me what day it is?”

  Staring back at me with a confused look, he replied, “Why, it is Tuesday, Miss.”

  I lost three frickin’ days. I couldn’t believe that was even possible. The only good thing that came out of my stupidity was that it was no longer Saturday and I didn’t have to face the man who would be my assignment for the night. Out of all my assignments, he was the one man that I always dreaded being with. Sebastian knew how much I loathed this man and the things he did to me. He never seemed to care. As long as I came back to him in one piece, it was all business to him.

  I will never forget the first time Sebastian introduced me to Mr. Marlow. He should have been called something else, like Mr. Stench. It really didn’t matter since all my assignments were addressed as either Sir or Master. Mr. Marlow was as ruthless as he was round. He always smelled of cigars and mothballs. That wasn’t even the worst part about him. It was the things he did to me. Just like clockwork, whenever I had to go with him, he always ordered me to kneel before him and kiss his feet. It was so degrading. Then, once the greeting was done, he would pull me to my feet by my hair and force his sandpaper lips to mine.

  Sitting down at the small table, I had no appetite, so I poured a cup of coffee and continued thinking about what my fate was going to be. Anything would be better than spending time with Mr. Marlow. I suddenly lost my desire to have coffee as soon as the memory of our last encounter entered my mind. The place he had taken me was no better than a place a pig would bunker down. I remember the horrible smell of sweat and urine. I was so afraid that I would end up dying in that room. It was only when he reminded me of my responsibility to him that I pushed what was about to take place away and thought about a beach and the heat of the sunshine warming my body. It was the worst thing I had ever been through. His body was pressed so close to mine that I could almost taste the cigar smell that lingered on his tongue when he kissed me. It was as though I had smoked it myself. But I knew when he bent his head and kissed me, I had to control my disgust for this man. His hands would always wander down my body, stopping at my breast. The way he touched me was like a vise. When he took hold of them, he gripped them so hard, like they were nothing more than a fruit than needed to be squeezed in order to get the last drop of juice from them.

  When he tore my blouse completely off, I was ready to put an end to this torture. If it hadn’t been for his threat, I would have left. But this man had no morals and his control over the situation gave me no other option but to submit to his callous treatment of me. Stripped completely from the waist up, I would never forget the feeling of his mouth on my nipple. Never had a man done to me what he did. Not only did he coat it with his slimy saliva, he bit it to the point of almost breaking the skin. Someone needed to give him one-on-one instruction on how to properly handle a woman's breast.

  Lost in thought, I barely heard the knocking at the door. Pushing from the small table, I went to the door to answer it. The minute I opened the door, I tried to close it on the man standing on the other side. My efforts were useless. He managed to get his foot in the door and weasel his way inside the room.

  “You’ve been a bad girl, Juliette,” he said in a nasty tone.

  “And you disgust me,” I remarked.

  I should have thought first before I let my feelings for this man get the best of me. No sooner than the words left my lips, his hands were wrapped around my body, holding me painfully close to his. Having a hangover and smelling the scent of his breath so close to me was not a good mix. I could feel my stomach begin to churn and I didn’t realize he had brought two guests with him.

  “Take hold of her. I think it is time that this little wench be taught a lesson on how to show respect,” he said with a hint of sarcasm.

  When the two men took hold of me, I knew I had lost my chance to escape. Their hold on me was too tight. Walking me over to the bed, one of the men let go of me while the other tightened his grip on me. My back was towards the door where Mr. Marlow was standing, but I knew the minute he walked up to me. Smelling his cigar filled breath next to my ear, he ordered, “Strip her completely,”

  I did the only thing I could think of. I pleaded, “Please, Mr. Marlow, don’t do this. I’ll do whatever you ask.”



  I was really beginning to get worried. I hadn’t seen or heard from Juliette for three days. Every day I had gone by her place, trying to apologize for what I had done, but she wasn’t there. I even went as far as purchasing her a bouquet of flowers, hoping that she would forgive me. Even though I didn’t know her that well, I knew this wasn’t like her. Something happened to her the day we got into a fight. My only other choice was to go back to her place and do some more investigating. Though I knew there could be a chance that she would show up, I had a good feeling that she wouldn’t.

  Grabbing my jacket, I headed to her house. Even though there was a chill in the air, it was still nice enough to take a walk. The best scenario would be for her to be there safe and sound. With the moon guiding me to her house, I began thinking of all the things I wanted to say to her once I got there.

  Finally reaching Juliette’s, all the lights were off, which told me one of two things. Either she was home and safely tucked in bed, or she still wasn’t home. Hoping I was wrong about her not being home, I knocked on the door. Looking over to the
where the doorbell was, I made a mental note to fix it the next time I came over. With no answer on the other side, I decided to take a chance and go inside, Pulling my handy lock-pick kit from the pocket of my jacket, I took two pick tools that I always used and began working the lock. Hearing a click, I pushed the door open.

  Playing it safe, I used the light of the moon to guide me through the house until I could get to the kitchen, where I knew there was a flashlight. Grabbing the small flashlight from the kitchen drawer, I turned it on and proceeded to the bedroom, where the one item that would tell me what was going on with her would be. Sitting on her bed, I began picking the lock to her nightstand. Once I had it open, I pointed the light towards the drawer and began searching for the envelope that held all the answers. It wasn't hard finding it since it was at the front, empty. Reaching toward the back of the drawer with my hand, I found a crumpled up wad, which I knew was what I was looking for. Straightening it out, I began reading what it said.


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