The Temp

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The Temp Page 4

by Cates, A. K

  Trigger stood up and sauntered over to the desk. He sat, swivelling in his chair facing it directly in front of her. He was all powerful in front of New York’s skyline, all knowing and all commanding.

  Eve folded her legs, her hands in her lap. She wasn’t subservient. She was passive-aggressive and wished she’d spoken up while she had the chance.

  “Let’s drop the act. I know you heard everything. Roman’s in need of a secretary,” he began. As if it needed saying. “I volunteered you.”

  Eve almost laughed. “It didn’t sound like that.”

  His brow shot up. “Alright then,” Trigger sat back. “How shall I put it? He saw, he liked, he wanted.” His words were cold, tweaking a nerve in her jaw.

  “And so what? You loaned me out like I was your property? Thanks for defending me and saying I wasn’t easy. Why don’t you just”-she rose out of the chair.



  “Eve,” his voice was hard. “I’m sorry if you’re upset.”-

  “If, being the operative word.”

  “Sit down.” She stood firm. “Please,” she melted down into the seat again, folding her arms, her legs facing towards him. His laugh was dry. “You know you’re not as timid as you let on.”

  Eve sank down further into her seat. “I have a right to defend myself when it feels necessary.”

  “You have the right. Considering the position you’re in, you don’t have work place rights like the rest of them do. I don’t; not yet at least. You have to grin and bear it, for the time being.” She hadn’t been volunteered. Roman had more or less demanded her and although it warmed her insides there was a note too commanding about it. She wasn’t at anyone’s beck and call. “How do you feel about working for him?”

  Eve blinked not expecting the question as if she’d be given a choice in the matter of blackmail. “He’s arrogant”-

  “That’s not what I mean. He can be demanding though I think this is better than you being with me.” She felt her cheeks fire again. “For the sake of what we’re doing the faster we get in, the faster we can all go home.” Did he really believe that? He’d been here how long and they’d had him for how long?

  “Will you get to go home?” Eve found herself saying.

  “It’s a figure of speech. There’s a light at the end of the tunnel at least.”

  “And you think Roman is the answer?”

  “Yes. I’ll let them know what’s changed in your position but I’m almost certain they’ll want you to proceed with this. This position holds greater benefits than the one here. Besides, it’s Roman Pierce. Why does he bother you so much?”

  “He doesn’t.”

  “He does. Don’t think I didn’t hear what went on outside my office a few minutes ago.” Eve could feel herself redden beyond belief, as if she couldn’t get red enough. “He affects you.”

  “Doesn’t he affect everyone?” her voice was so frail.

  “I hear he’s a good boss, you wouldn’t get too many late hours and”-

  “Are we really talking about the job?” Eve said. “If they want me to do it, I’ll do it, only because I have to.”

  Trigger didn’t say anything for a while. “I suppose that’s the black and white of it.”

  Eve got up and turned to leave.

  “There is one more thing,” Trigger said.

  She didn’t turn, she stood there waiting, her back to him.

  “You can’t pull another stunt like your first day with him. If he fires you that’s it and whatever they have on you will be exposed.”

  Eve nodded, the message was clear.

  She’d have to please Roman in any way she could.


  Unspoken Rules


  “Are you coming?”

  “What?” Eve blinked up.

  Snake eyes peered down at her over the top of her cubicle wall. Angelica was dressed in a form fitting reptilian skirt and a khaki blouse and devil red lipstick. It couldn’t have matched her personality any better. “I suppose you already know the subject off the top of your head,” she continued, her voice as cool as cucumber.

  Eve’s brow arched. What was she talking about?

  Another woman peered in over the cubicle wall next to Angelica. It was Celeste, charming and charismatic Celeste with her endless legs and dark Armani fitted suit.

  Eve stammered. “Did we have a lunch date?”

  Why would they? Eve had never really spoken to Celeste except to say the usual pleasantries. And Angelica? Well, if she couldn’t say anything nice to her then it was better Eve didn’t say anything at all. Often she’d caught Snake eyes watching her out of the corner of her eye.

  Eve had often heard Celeste laughing and talking down the hall, needless to say she was the office gossip and the very person Eve did not want to be around, especially if she and Angelica were close friends.

  Celeste’s French manicured fingernails drummed on the edge of the cubicle wall. Her beauty was refined compared to Angelica’s aggressive sexual prowess.

  “The meeting, it’s mandatory for all first level employees.”

  Eve stammered for an excuse. “I’m expecting a call for Mr Raines.” Her palm clamped down on one of the phones.

  “Oh Eve, you can transfer them to Kelly, she’s filling in. Come on.” There was a glimmer in Celeste eye’s akin to someone who always got their way.

  “I don’t think I’m supposed to attend. I’m a temp.” Oh god, how she hated that word. She let out a steely breath, her chest relaxing marginally. One of the benefits of being a temp was she never had to sit through meetings unless absolutely necessary.

  “It’s mandatory,” butted in Angelica. “Don’t think you can squirm your way out of it,” she stalked off.

  “I don’t think I should go,” her bottom lip quivered, pleading to Celeste.

  “Mr Johnson from HR said anyone who misses the meeting will have to sit down one on one with him and hear it. Would you rather do that?” she trilled.

  “No, no,” Eve considered the pros and cons. Her heart beat rapidly to a dance she hadn’t been invited to. How could she tell someone she didn’t do crowds, didn’t do strangers and didn’t do confined spaces? It was bad enough being on the 45th floor and having to ride in a steel box every morning to get there. Or she could sit down with Mr Johnson, a man she hadn’t met and listen to him go through whatever meeting he had planned for them. Eve didn’t do one on one. She didn’t do social. She didn’t do…anything out of her comfort zone.

  Eve nodded her attention trailing to the carpet and its uniform itchiness. She had to go; it was the better of two evils.

  “What’s the meeting about?” Eve walked beside Celeste barely keeping up with her long strides.

  “Sexual harassment in the workplace.”

  Eve stilled. Oh, god. Why couldn’t it be on O, H & S, or something she could relate to? Why, why did it have to be sexual harassment? As if she wouldn’t feel uncomfortable enough as it was. Finally Angelica’s remark made sense, for some reason the woman had the most sordid impression of Eve and for no reason.

  “Didn’t you get the memo?” Celeste sauntered on.

  “I didn’t think it applied to me.” Eve’s shoulders hunched forward, her hands creeping to protect her sides. She made herself as small, as invisible as she could.

  They approached the crowd in conference room 2.

  “Celeste,” others greeted Celeste like the permanent she was. Eve barely acknowledged anyone as she sifted in behind a row of chairs, the furthest corner in the furthest part of the room. Almost everyone was a stranger, besides Celeste and one or two familiar faces.

  Angelica sat in row two throwing a malicious sneer her way. Eve imagined her shedding her snake skin. She wanted to bury herself in her chair.

  Mr Johnson from HR stood at the front wearing a brown suit jacket and bow tie. He had the appearance of a tenured professor, setting him apart from the sharks. His hair was dark
and peppered in fine wisps of white though his face was years younger.

  He cleared his throat. “I’m sorry to have to interrupt everyone’s valuable time. Sexual harassment is not a laughing matter.” The crowd silenced. Eve wished Trigger or Roman were here to distract her, anything to drown it out. “It is important everyone knows what their rights are and how we can deal with the matter. Luckily for you this conference only comes round once in a blue moon. To begin, what is sexual harassment?”

  Mr Johnson flipped a switch to the first slide. Eve read the slide; it helped to focus on the words instead of the strangers surrounding her in a clinically white room with limited breathing capacity. It was clear Mr Johnson was reading from the screen. “Sexual harassment is any unwanted or unwelcome sexual behaviour towards another person which makes them feel offended, humiliated or intimidated. It is not an interaction, flirtation or friendship between two parties which in fact is mutual.”

  “It is very serious and we do not take it lightly. It is a form of sexual discrimination affecting both men and women.”

  Eve took a moment to study the bodies around her. There was shuffling, fidgeting and disquiet and at least she didn’t feel like the only one uncomfortable with the subject material. “Please take a moment to look at this list which includes the many forms of sexual harassment.” Mr Johnson flipped over to the next slide.

  Eve read the list, her blood running cold in her veins. She’d never known or understood her rights, reading the list; at least once in one of her jobs she’d had one of these things happen to her. At the time she’d ascertained it was normal. She bit her lip, noting the increasing level of movement among the suits. Her hands clamped tighter under her thighs in an effort not to squirm.

  It wasn’t until twenty minutes later when the slideshow ended they were excused. Eve’s heart thumped wildly as she watched the crowd disperse; being furthest in the room meant she had to wait for everyone to leave first, her gaze flitting about, not making eye contact, remaining petite and forgettable. Her pulse raced against the clock, she needed to get away. The slideshow had her trembling.

  “I don’t believe we’ve met,” Mr Johnson blocked her path.

  Eve kept her head down. “Eve Allure, Mr Raines’s new secretary, temporary secretary,” she amended.

  “I appreciate you coming. This is always a delicate subject among employees,” he was locked on her. “I noticed you were tucked away at the back.”

  Eve glanced up, daring herself to look into his eyes, amber pools of warmth. “I don’t do well in crowds,” she swallowed.

  His brow rose. “Oh? It wouldn’t be the subject matter, would it?”

  “I’m sure it’s a delicate subject with everyone.”

  “You know, sexual harassment affects one in five women. It can be very hard for women at times.”

  “I’m sure,” Eve didn’t know what to say as his scrutiny stayed on her.

  “My office is on the third floor if you ever need to talk.” Eve didn’t respond. For a moment the walls closed in on her, her clothes were tight against her skin, constricting her breathing. “I’ll be sending round a copy of the slideshow to all the employees, so if you have any further questions on the matter, don’t hesitate to ask. Help is always at hand.” Help is always at hand.

  Eve left the conference room on auto. It wasn’t until she was in the bathroom that her body shrank against the walls until she was hugging her knees. Breathe. It was only a sexual harassment meeting. So why did it affect her so? It didn’t. It shouldn’t. It was Mr Johnson and his ability to see a frailty in her that could be mistaken as the traits of a victim.

  Was she a victim?

  She needed help; only she couldn’t go to anyone for it.

  What was worse was if Mr Johnson, a total stranger, could see the lie she was living then so could others. She hadn’t ever questioned whether she gave off the appearance of a victim. She was shy, petite and hid herself well.

  Were those the traits of a victim?


  Eve couldn’t breathe as she walked into Roman’s office. It was five minutes to two. The conference had left her rattled, her hands trembling as she stepped into his office. She hadn’t had time to eat though she was early, hoping she wouldn’t ruin her first day with Roman her new boss. She sighed, he wasn’t here yet.

  His office was spacious, larger than Trigger’s one and the view ran out to the Empire state building. It was breathtaking. She’d never stood so close to it, basking in its magnificence. Eve didn’t always understand the obsession to conquer the world with skyscrapers and hard lines, now she had a sympathy for it.

  “Like what you see?”

  Eve jumped a hand to her chest. She spun round. “I’m sorry, you said two. I wasn’t snooping I was”-

  “I did say two,” Roman said, a lazy smile falling in place, like a panther regarding its next meal. He stopped half a metre away from her. “You seem nervous,” his brow knit together. “If you’re not up for this”-

  “I am,” Eve stared down, interlacing her fingers, she couldn’t help it. She was in close proximity to him and everything about it was so wrong, she was here to get whatever was needed from the company. Only time would tell what it was and anyone along the way would be…cannon fodder. Eve fidgeted under his scrutiny.

  “Are you sure you’re up to the task? I have a lot of work in need of attention in a short space of time. Do you work well to deadlines?”

  Eve nodded. “I’m not afraid of hard work,” she stammered, she was afraid of looking directly at him and confessing what it is she’d really come here to do. I’m a traitor.

  He stepped closer drawing in her gaze. “We’ve met before,” he said slowly, stepping around Eve taking a 360 degree view of her. Eve had never been so on show before. She nodded, her shoulders hunching forward. “Stand straight.” She did as she was told.

  “A few days ago. In the lobby,” as if it needed confirming after they’d already spoken about it outside Trigger’s office.

  “I had the impression you were passing through.”

  “I told you it was my first day.”

  “I didn’t think you meant in my office,” he said. Her brow knit together, what else could he have thought she meant?

  “I was clumsy,” she said wishing she could stop speaking.

  “Endearing,” he stepped closer. Everything became hot as if the temperature had suddenly risen. Her heart thrummed, her breathing quickening and Roman Pierce watched her with his impenetrable stare.

  “I can start straightaway,” Eve said at a loss for anything to say, still averting that gaze of his. She was entering dangerous territory. She couldn’t flirt. She couldn’t get distracted, not that she had a clue about flirting. Besides, he was the boss. He could do anything and get away with it. She might get fired for doing exactly that. Flirting.

  Maybe she should get fired. No, that wouldn’t work. She’d be exposed. Or was this more akin to what she’d read in the conference? Was this what she was supposed to look out for? Was this sexual harassment?

  “Yes, let’s get to it.” Roman showed her to her desk the one right outside his office. It mirrored the one Trigger had; only Roman’s office was three times as big and her desk was bigger too. She had a few walls to protect her from the floor and corridors so she could focus on her job, which is what she did as she made her way through the papers on the desk. He left her to it, drifting back into the office.

  She turned away from him and put up her mental barriers. The work was tough and Eve was grateful for the distraction. Having Roman Pierce watch her from behind was an incredibly nerve wracking experience.

  A few hours later he stepped out of the glass office.

  “You got through those faster than I expected,” he sat down on her desk, towering over her, his smoky scent invading her every pore. She tried not to inhale in case he could sense what she was doing. It was an invasion to inhale him, a terribly amazing invasion. “My secretary is on leave until nex
t week. Can you stay for the remainder?”

  Eve nodded, biting her lip. Was this what she’d wanted? More time with Roman Pierce, more heart fluttering moments, more lingering gazes, more awkward silences? The awkward silence sat between them, she hadn’t said anything as per usual.

  “I have a question about where we file these.” She picked up a stack of papers before her. She’d meant to hand them over; instead he leant over to retrieve them, inches away from her body. She exhaled. She was close.

  He was close, his shirt almost touching her skin. Roman took the papers, only he wasn’t looking at them, he was looking at her.

  Every fibre in her body reacted. Snap.

  She forced herself to look away and swivelled back under the desk hiding her body from view. He really was looking at her in that way. Still was. She wasn’t imagining it.

  Thump. Thump. Thump. Her heart would not let up.

  “Mr Pierce?” Eve said, she’d never called him by his last name, it was fitting given he was the boss. He’s the boss. He’s the boss. He’s the boss. She turned to him, finding two upturned eyebrows staring back at her. “Can I speak to you in your office?” she squeaked. Stop looking at me. Please. A moment later they were both in his office.

  “I’m listening,” Roman nodded from his desk; he sat on the edge like he’d done on her desk moments before, a disconcerting image of power and masculinity. His eyes grazed over her-

  “Stop that!”

  “What is it?” his voice inflected in genuine surprise.

  “Stop looking at me like that and let me do my job,” her fists balled. It was ballsy to say the least, she no longer cared. She wanted him, yes, she couldn’t have him.

  There was a line she wouldn’t cross. If she couldn’t have him she wasn’t going to be subjected to his looks, his stares, his temptations. Whatever that damn sexual harassment conference was all about. Her heart pounded hard against her ribcage. She fought the internal war in her head.


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