Billionaire: Menage: Swinger: Let's Swing (MMF Bisexual Romance) (New Adult Contemporary Short Stories)

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Billionaire: Menage: Swinger: Let's Swing (MMF Bisexual Romance) (New Adult Contemporary Short Stories) Page 28

by Piquette Fontaine

  And of course, she delved into the one area I didn't particularly care to discuss from straight out of the gates.

  “Well,” she said, “a lot of the things I go out and do are in large part thanks to my boyfriend. It's a lot more fun getting into things if you're doing it with someone you can trust like that. Are you seeing anybody right now?”

  “Oh, um... Well, I dunno... I've never been that great at dating,” I said rather sheepishly, and making just about the understatement of the century in doing so. The fact of the matter was, I sucked at dating about as much as it was possible to do so, given my complete lack of interest in most activities of which to speak, and therefore my inability to relate to the guys I met up with on any reasonable sort of level. I then added, “I mean, I would love to meet someone with the same interests as me, but... Well, I'm just not sure how to go about it in a manner that I'm comfortable with, you know?”

  Carla cocked an eyebrow at this, giving me something of a dubious look.

  “Jane, you aren't going to be able to live the sort of life you're interested in if your primary concern is just looking for comfort all the time... I mean, there are plenty of options out there you know... Have you tried online dating?”

  “Eh, that's not so much for me I don't think. What does a computer know about finding love for a person?” I said this, mind you, with the precise sort of language that might have been used by a divorced old woman, and this notion sent shivers up and down along my spine.

  “And I take it you're not so much for the bar scene either?”

  “Mmmm, no, not really... I mean... Well... No, I'm not...” I wasn't interested in one night stands and being bought drinks and having to sit through the uncomfortable and uncertain process of being flirted with all night. I didn't even really like alcohol all that much, honestly, at least not more than the occasional glass of wine now and then by myself.

  Carla brought a finger up to her lip at this, tapping repeatedly, clearly thinking that I was one tough nut to crack. “Well... Hey, how about this- I just saw in the paper that there's supposed to be this sort of speed dating thing happening down at the Patterson Inn this Friday night at seven. I've never been to anything like that, but it could be just what you need! There's no real pressure, because if things don't click you're onto the next person in line after, like, five minutes... It could be perfect for you!!”

  I thought about it, and for whatever reason the option seemed at least slightly more feasible than had a number of the others.

  “Hey... You know, that's actually not a half bad idea... I think I might give that a shot...”

  Only little did I know, at that point, that Carla's interpretation of the ad in the newspaper had been grossly inaccurate in one small but significant way, and the event that I ended up attending would in no way resemble the innocent speed-dating event I had planned on attending...

  Chapter 2

  “Um... Hello, there... My name is Jane, um... I guess I'm a pretty normal girl... I'm twenty-six years old, I work at an office... Um... I enjoy reading, I like music... What else... Long walks on the beach, ha, ha, ha... And uh, well, I guess I'm not entirely sure just what I'm looking for maybe, just seeing what my options are, you know? I'm pretty open to possibilities... I'd love to find someone who I can relate to, someone who can carry a conversation and who's respectful, things like that... And, uh... Well, I guess that's about all I can think of off the top of my head. I've never done anything like this, I guess. But, uh, I'd definitely love to hear more about you... Like, um... How about that outfit you have on? Does that, maybe, carry any sort of cultural significance to you in some way? Or...?”

  The person sitting across from me just sort of stared blankly at me for a moment, or at least I thought he did, because I couldn't actually see his eyes beneath the fabric of his get-up.

  “I... Um... This is a gimp suit, ma'am... Jane... I, uh... Are you sure that you're at the right place?”

  “Well, I didn't really think the first person I would be talking to would be dressed in leather from head to toe, and I was kind of surprised that I would be going from one hotel room to the next to meet all of my possible matches, but... Well, I guess I've never really thought that much about what speed dating would be like, either...”

  “Oooooh, God... Speed dating? That's what you thought this was? You poor girl... No, darling, I think maybe you misread the ad. This event is something called Speed Mating, and it's... Well... It's very, very different from speed dating... Or, well, at least on a number of levels it is... I mean, sure there's some overlap here and there, in terms of concept. But, by and large, this is sort of just a kinky event for adults with hidden carnal tendencies to explore their miscellaneous sexual hobbies with other adults in a judgment-free environment, you know, explore what they like and things like that. And it is a good way to meet new people, but... Well, more for sexual bonding than just traditional dating...”

  “Oh... Oh my, I... I didn't know that... My friend... Christ... I told her I wanted some adventure in my life, but I sure as hell didn't... Jesus... I'm so sorry, I should go...”

  The gimp stood up from his seat, reaching out an arm as I turned to go, and I simply couldn't avoid noticing that a fierce, bulging erection was now throbbing from the crotch of his suit- to be expected, I supposed, now that I knew what this thing actually was, and I tried to tear my eyes from the sight out of politeness. “Now, hold on,” he said, the feeling of his leather-clad hand on my shoulder sending chills up and down along my spine. “You don't have anything to be sorry about, so don't apologize. And obviously you're more than free to go if you don't think this sort of thing is for you. But did you hear what you just said? You said that you'd been looking for adventure in your life, and then you happen to just stumble into an event like Speed Mating, and you're ready to just turn your back on it so easily? I mean, hell, I'm no psychoanalyst- I'm mostly just a psycho, really... But, I can tell you without a doubt, discovering my kink for BDSM has altered my life to an almost unthinkable degree, and all for the better. It's possible that an event like this might just be exactly what you need to help you feel more alive...”

  I stared at him, astonished, and floored by how very reasonable a point this seemed.

  He was right... Absolutely, positively right...

  As insane as it might have seemed, this was exactly what I needed in my life. This Speed Mating, whatever the hell it was, was the exact sort of excitement I'd been craving for so long, but that I'd been too sheepish and prudish to really seek out to any degree. It was time, at last, to give in to the temptation, to succumb to the unknown and do something beyond the pale, and allow myself to have the sort of fun I deserved after so very long of being the good girl, the quiet one, the unassuming, shy little wallflower.

  “Well... Alright... Maybe you're right,” I said, excited, but still admittedly quite a bit hesitant. “I, um... I'm not so sure I would enjoy pain during sex, though... And, uh... I don't know if I can really get warmed up that easily, either...”

  “Hey, no pressure. Actually, we only have about fifteen minutes left of our session, anyway, so, I guess there's sort of a limit to how much we could do... But, hey, I'll tell you what... What if we skipped the sex altogether this time around- I'm sure you've been intimate before, so that wouldn't be anything new for you. But instead, we could just focus on playing around with the bondage and sadomasochism aspect of it for a few minutes. Just to see exactly how you like it...”

  This certainly was the most reasonable-sounding gimp I could have hoped to have imagined meeting for my first encounter...

  “Well... Yeah, alright, we can try that... I am pretty nervous though, still...”

  “That's perfectly alright, sweetie... I'll show you exactly what to do... Now, why don't you go ahead and strip for me, down all the way to your bra and panties...”

  It took a hell of a lot of willpower to force my body into doing what he asked, my hands trembling as I slid out of my blouse and my
jeans, and the mere act of standing before him like that in my lacy white bra and panties sent goosebumps up and down my spine. When I was in that state, then, he took me by the hand, leading me over to the hotel bed, and commanding for me to crawl up onto the mattress on my hands and knees. I obeyed without question, slowly getting into my role as his slave, and then felt a pang of panic mixed with arousal as he proceeded to handcuff my wrists to the headboard of the bed, securing them in place and then stepping back down away from me.

  “Alright, Plain Jane... You're about to become Whips and Chains Jane, I do believe... God, what a nice ass...” I shrieked, then, as he spanked my right buttock beneath the lace of my panties, though of course this was only a small fraction of what was about to happen to me back there... “Now, I'm going to get started, and if there's anything you don't like, you just let me know, alright? You're safe word is “tomato...”

  “I- yes, yes, alright, I've got it... I think I'm ready...” Although this, of course, was a complete lie, and I was genuinely nervous as hell.

  The next moment, his hands were sliding up beneath the lace of the panties, shuddering across my ass and then proceeding to peel the undies down, down, down off of me, draping them around my bent knees and leaving them there for the time being. He reached eerily back up, then, prodding my hindquarters with those slick leathery hands of his, occasionally putting his fingers inside me through either outlet as he explored the terrain of my body, and causing me to tremble with arousal and fright. I savored the strange creaking of the leather with every movement he made, and when at last he had violated me to the extent that my legs were shaking, he pulled away, stepping up from the bed, and causing me to brace myself with anticipation.

  And then-


  “Oh!! Christ!!! Jesus!!!”

  Again and again and again and again the leather whip in his hand came cracking down with a supersonic fury onto my booty, lashing me to a damn pulp, and setting my rump on fire with a series of overlapping red welts, rapidly turning white as they throbbed with pain. The agony, I have to say, was absolutely fucking excruciating, and only seemed to intensify as he lashed harder and harder and harder, tearing into me like an absolute motherfucker. My spine arched, sweat rolling down along it in torrents, my ass clenched itself with ever successive spark of agony, tears flowed down along my cheeks, moans of sheer horror came issuing from my lips, and the handcuffs began to dig painfully into my wrists as I reflexively tugged my body back, back, back from the headboard of the bed.

  And yet, to my credit, throughout the entire flogging, I never once even came close to muttering the word “tomato,” occasionally biting my lip to avoid giving in to the excruciating temptation, but my resolve, at the end of the day, holding absolutely steadfast.

  And in fact, as the pain grew worse and worse and worse by the second, and as I was pushed to the very outermost boundaries of my own physical limitations, I actually, in spite of my disbelief in the fact, began to derive a certain sort of perverse and unexpected pleasure from the act. Much as the gimp had suggested, I discovered to my surprise that I was feeling more alive, more sensitized to my life than I had in a long, long, long fucking time, possibly ever.

  There seemed to be a chance that I might actually end up enjoying this evening quite a bit...

  Chapter 3

  So, apparently, I was doing this Speed Mating thing now... When my allotted thirty minutes with the leather-clad gimp were at last exhausted, I proceeded to redress painfully and hobble slowly over to the next room in the hallway. The event planners had, apparently, reserved the entire floor of the hotel for this very purpose, and as I sauntered from one room to the next I caught sight of the many other Speed Maters ambling through the hallways. They were, without question, a very motley assortment of depraved fuckers, many of them dressed up in ways that made their particular kinks very apparent to me at first sight- for instance, the one man I could see most plainly dressed up in a furry costume... Or it might have been a woman, I don't know... It was hard to tell compared to the rest of the crowd, many of whom hadn't even fully bothered to get dressed as they switched rooms, but moved from one location to the next in their boxer shorts or their bra and panties, their other clothes balled up under their arms and largely irrelevant to them given the activities they were about to have in store for themselves.

  Even having broken myself in to some degree with the gimp, I was still nervous as hell as I sat down in front of my next snatch match, given that I'd done nothing but get whipped and lightly fingered the first time, and now I would probably be expected to actually have sex.

  “Well, hello there,” said my next match, eyeballing me up and down with a lascivious grin peeled wide across his lips, making his intentions very clear to me as he did so.

  “Oh, um... Hello... I've... I've never been with a black man before...” Christ, I was an idiot. Even as the words passed forth from my lips I knew they were absolutely ridiculous things to have said, but it seemed impossible to hold them back, and in any case they were the truth. It certainly didn't mean that I wasn't interested in it, because looking at this fine specimen of masculinity, I sort of just wanted to pounce on him and rip his jeans off right there on the spot. He wasn't wearing a shirt either, having apparently just gotten through having sex before I stepped into the room, his broad pecks glistening with sweat and his six pack abdominals so glazed and so agonizing that it practically made my head spin.

  And although I'm certain that such an abrupt introduction on my part might have reasonably caused offense, my host seemed gracious and able to shrug it off without hardly even batting an eye. “That's alright,” he said, with a casualness in his voice that seemed borderline absurd. “I've been with a lot of white women, and I can't say any of them have ever really gone away from the experience disappointed...”

  And that, ladies and gentlemen, was just about all that it took to hook me on what it was he was selling. We were, of course, burning through time with our small talk, and accordingly I allowed myself to be launched into his arms, attempting my damnedest to lower my inhibitions in his presence, and carrying out the act with some degree of aplomb. I had never kissed a man so suddenly upon meeting him, but I found that this guy's lips were about the precise thing I needed in that moment, hot and fleshy and flavorful as they were, his tongue pushing up into my cheeks with little but a few seconds' warning, licking and lapping and rolling around in there and gouging toward the back of my throat, causing my head to absolutely fucking spin with arousal for him. We sucked and popped and literally spit into one another, and an intense shudder of sensations rippled through my spine as he slid his sweaty palm up beneath the fabric of my blouse, pressing up against the small of my back, and making me reel, tit over toes, with arousal. His fingers gradually climbed their way up, up, up along my spine, and without wasting a second proceeded to undo the clasp of my bra.

  He pulled his hand back out, and then promptly began to peel up the fabric of the blouse from my body, peeling me out of my bra as well in practically the same motion, revealing my throbbing tits in the center of the cool hotel room air, the nipples hardening and sharpening with arousal, and his face coming into me as though drawn toward my body like a magnet.

  His lips touched down up against me, melting around my nipples, and suckling on me like a damn newborn. I moaned as he devoured me in this manner, smothering himself in my tits, and kneading my breasts up like dough in his fingers as he did so. Then, suddenly, his hand was on mine, dragging it on over toward him, and placing it squarely in the center of his jeans. The heat of his bulge came sizzling into my palm, my fingers collapsing around it as though wishing to sink straight into his cock, and when I remained there, stupefied, for too long, he continued to move my grip on my behalf, forcing my fingers up to the fly of his jeans, at which point I snapped back to my senses and did as was wished of me.

  I unbuttoned him, and unzipped his fly, sliding my hand down into the nook of his box
ers, rooting around through the dank black thicket of his pubic hair, and at last seizing hold of his immense, throbbing erection. It took a tremendous degree of strength to commence pulling it out into the open, and when at last it did it seemed to fly crazily about through the air, swinging like the branch of a tree in the air, pre-ejaculate already dripping from its engorged chocolate tip and the sight of it causing my entire body to clench up in anticipation.

  “Holy shit... That is one massive cock...” I said, and he smiled at this, apparently gratified by my own stupefaction. I didn't do anything with him then, though, stunned as I was at that point in time. I simply stared, gazing at that enormous, monstrous wang, my eyes following the bobbing of its tip as it hung there from his body, and the sight of his immense, swollen scrotum underneath looking like two fucking basketballs caught together in a hoop. The entire package, I could not help but think in spite of myself, looked as though it would be more suited to a giant than it did to a human, and when at last the extent of my dumbfoundedness began to verge on embarrassing, he cleared his throat, saying patiently, “Well?”

  “Oh! Oh right! I'm uh... I'm supposed to service you now, aren't I?...” But the problem was no matter how I thought to look at the absurd thing, I simply couldn't figure out how the hell to even figure out how to go about doing so. Time was quickly ticking away, and I began to position my hands in any number of ways near the erection, angling toward him in any number of directions, but no single one of them seeming in any way adequate for getting the job done. At last, though, he gave me a helping hand, clasping both of my hands and cupping them in around him, the smoldering heat of his cock blazing through my palms and my arousal, at this point, absolutely devastating.


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