Billionaire: Menage: Swinger: Let's Swing (MMF Bisexual Romance) (New Adult Contemporary Short Stories)

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Billionaire: Menage: Swinger: Let's Swing (MMF Bisexual Romance) (New Adult Contemporary Short Stories) Page 71

by Piquette Fontaine

  “Thanks, Mihail.” The words were softly spoken, but packed with heavy feelings. He kissed my forehead and murmured a quiet, “Thanks to you.”

  He took my hand and then guided me slowly to the soft sofa on the back of the room. My wide eyes never left his as he sat down and tugged me with him. I held my breath at the look of desire in his eyes and slowly moved my head to press our lips together. Feeling finally safe I closed my eyes and left him showing me what love was. He opened his lips and started sucking on mine, sending tiny tingles all over my body and waiting patiently for me to open my mouth in return. Mihail captured my lips and I moaned at the feeling of his tongue entering my mouth. He took my head in his hands and guided me into straddling his legs. His right hand reached behind my head and tugged off the band holding my hair together, until he was able to free it and tangle his hand in it.

  Slowly, his other hand curled around my waist, bringing me closer to his chest and the bare skin under my hands. It took me some time to master the courage to touch and caress him the way he was touching me, but now my hands freely explored his large chest and broad back, leaving red marks behind them. The moment I touched his nipple, Mihail pulled his mouth from mine with a wet pop and started kissing me over the neck. My quick and deep breaths made it impossible to speak, even if I had any thoughts left in my brain. I moved my hands up to hold his shoulders, while feeling him sucking on my neck. I shivered when his lips latched onto the hollow of my throat and sucked gently. Heat was emanating from our bodies and I could feel his erection grinding into my belly. He grabbed my hair and left his other hand play with the hem of my shirt, while looking intently into my eyes. “Do you want me to stop? We don’t have to do this right now.”

  Feeling every fiber of his body burning with want and hearing him asking me if I wanted to stop, made me love Mihail even more. I wanted to say so much at that moment that as a result ended simply kissing him and bringing my body in full contact with his.

  From the look in his eyes, I suspected that the playing was over; the sexual tension was tangible and I was moaning and trembling from his gentle touch. Mihail’s lips were sealing themselves over different spots on my neck and slowly descending lower. Just when he opened the second button of my shirt and I thought that finally his lips will close over my left nipple, he lifted his head and latched his mouth over my right nipple, right through the fabric of my shirt. The surprise, combined with the wet sensation was too much and I gave up the pretense of not doing anything. I went to grind my hips into the wonderful friction of his bulge and happily listened to the strangled noises coming from his mouth, still attached to my nipple.

  I quickly latched my legs more firmly around his waist and he started pulling his hips up, so that his erection was grinding on the perfect spot. Our combined moans made us laugh and smile. And God, that laugh, made it all even more perfect. When he finally lifted his face from my chest, our eyes locked, I felt his hands traveling lower, cupping my ass and squeezing gently. His pupils were wide blown and his breathing was becoming more elaborate. Mihail lifted me from my place on his lap and slowly removed my pants. The fine piece of fabric that went down with them was unnoticed, because of the fire I saw burning in his eyes. “We aren’t going all the way,” he said, and I only shook my head in agreement. This wasn’t the time or the place for our first time together, but in order to express our love we both needed something to keep us sane.

  Mihail leaned forward and removed my shirt, leaving me completely naked in the sun bathed room. He stood up and our lips met again for a short kiss, before he started traveling down my body. I was standing in the middle of the room, dressed only in sunlight and he was slowly bending his knees, while caressing every part of my body, sucking on particular parts, such as my breasts, stomach and just above my knees. His hot mouth was teasing, fleeting, touching, until his face was at the same level as my vagina. He kissed me there the same way he used to kiss my mouth, leaving me breathless and feeling like flying. I had to throw my head back and bare my throat in order to get some oxygen, as he started to nuzzle my warm flesh.

  When his tentative fingers reached inside it was over for me, I felt myself falling apart and being put back together in the matter of few seconds. I was glad he was holding me, because my legs abandoned me long ago. When I was able to see again, I found myself sitting on his lap, cradled in his strong arms. We were both covered in sweat and breathing heavily, and I was only too well aware of the fact that he still needed to come. I was very comfortably sitting on his hard cock, feeling its long length along my ass. He was trying not to thrust, and I was experiencing a kind of sick pleasure in waiting to see how long it will take for him to give in.

  The first thrust up into my bottom was sharp and accompanied by a deep groan. “Mihail, stop fighting it,” I said and started moving sensuously in his lap. Up and down, up and down. The movement was so slow it bordered to madness and was driving him crazy. Then, I started kissing every inch of his face, from his forehead to under his chin; tender, sucking kisses that followed the rhythm established by my ass. When it became too much to bear, Mihail finally took things in his hands and started thrusting steadily against me. His mouth attached itself to my lips and started sucking my breath out of me. With few frantic thrusts, he came inside his jeans, creating a big wet spot under me. I almost laughed at how we looked right now, naked (or, in his case, almost naked), sweaty, happy and smiling at each other like fools.

  Chapter Four

  The rest of the week passed like a dream as the preparations for the big wedding were made. With all the stuff that needed to be done, I barely had time to spend alone with Mihail. Fortunately or not, we were almost always in the same room and I could constantly feel his eyes on me. My skin was tingling with anticipation and my body was burning from inside out with the memory of his touches and promises. The roles we played in front of our families made it impossible for us to act on our true feelings. I was acting angry and resentful, while Mihail was standing proud and silent, not giving anyone the satisfaction to seeing him defeated.

  I was walking past him on my way to the back room. He was speaking with one of my cousins about some business stuff, while his eyes were following every movement I made. I couldn’t resist the temptation of teasing him and approached them slowly. The question I asked was of no interest, but the ass grope I gave made his eyebrows curve up into that exaggerated forehead thing I was so used to.

  “You okay?” I asked innocently.

  “Simply perfect,” he answered too quickly.

  Two days later something unexpected happened that forcefully reminded me that I was an independent person who had been fighting her whole life to be free from all constrictions. We were sitting outside on the veranda, looking at the little ones learning how to shift quickly and having the time of their life running in the large garden. I wasn’t even listening to what my sisters and friends were discussing, until Anna made the statement about women and power and how they didn’t go along well.

  “Our clan will never accept a woman as Alfa and I believe that is for the best.” Anna was simply retelling what we all were thinking from the moment we started speaking – the female wolf was inferior to the male one. I never contested the fact that the male wolf was the strongest one, and best equipped to protect the pack, but at the same time I always saw the female as the only one able to turn the pack into a real family.

  “You still sticking with the idea that the male is superior to the female, aren’t you Anna?” My unexpected question made all heads turn towards me. My sisters simply rolled their eyes and Mihail smiled at me with a slow movement of his lips. The rest must have forgotten about me and my ideas, because their faces showed how shocked they were.

  “Men should be in control,” Milena added and looked around for support.

  “Men love independent women,” Mihail said and turned towards me. “I need to show you the book we talked about yesterday. Are you free now?” Without giving me any chance to a
nswer his question, Mihail tugged me towards his room. Once inside his bedroom, Mihail closed the door and looked at me in silence.

  “What just happened, Mihail? I asked incredulously.

  “I spared you from a boring evening.”

  “That’s not what I was talking about and you know it.” I sat on the edge of the chair close to the bed. “How long, Mihail?”

  He didn’t turn from his position near the window, but did speak. “A long time, Katya. You were young and I figured it would just go away. But it never did. I wanted to tell you so many times, but you were like a sister to me and I wasn’t ready to lose what we had.”

  “So, how did you imagine it?” I surprised myself with the question, but once it was out, I realized how much I wanted to know the answer to it.

  “What?” I could feel the color rising in my face. “You really want to know what I’d do, if we were having sex?”

  “I have been fantasizing about it from that night, when you finally let the pretense fall. So, what about the rest?”

  Mihail rubbed his face and with a vague gesture and asked. “Don’t you think you have seen more than enough of it all?”

  “No, I want to know all the particulars.”

  “You want to watch some porn before our wedding night?”

  “No, I’m not interested in sex per se; I’m interested in sex with you.” Mihail gazed at me in a very unflattering fashion. I bet he never expected to hear such words coming out of my mouth. I suppose this was my way of showing him that I also have some saying in this strange relationship of ours. I could be just as stubborn as him, when it comes to pushing someone’s buttons.

  He turned completely around from his position in front the window and that made me sit up sharply in my chair. The excitement of what was coming was making my blood boil, but I wasn’t going to back off. Mihail came near me in his characteristic fashion and leaned in, his hands braced on the chair’s arms. Our faces were only inches apart, when he asked in a low whisper. “You want to know how sex with me will go? All right then, first I will kiss you. I like kissing and women like kissing me, as I’m damn good at it. I’ve gotten women off with just kissing them… like this…” He added and brought his mouth down on mine. The anticipation that was killing me, while he was speaking made the kiss even more exciting. I was like a statue, letting him do all the work. That forced him to lift his hands and hold my head in the position that made it possible for his tongue to enter my mouth. He was kissing me slowly and deeply, making it as nasty and hot as he knew how. Later I will call it mouth fucking, but at this moment I saw it as a hungry and impatient kiss.

  Now, I knew what his intention was, as according to his notion of me, I was fully expected to shove him on his ass and never speak of it again. How very wrong he was. I liked this side of him, passionate, dirty, out of control. There was nothing pretty about the kiss he gave me, but the truth is, I wasn’t looking for pretty. His startled reaction told me that he had not, in any way, expected me to gasp, moan and kiss back.

  Judging from our past dysfunctional relationship, I figured he thought I simply upped the ante. A double dare! Great! Then let’s see how far she will go, before backing off. It was always about the win between us, and we were turning even our first real sexual experience into a game. So, he didn’t back down and neither did I. He kept going even when my hands crawled up under his shirt. A further challenge, mind you. In answer, he lowered himself over my lap, straddling me without sitting directly on me. It took me no time to grab his ass and force him to break our kiss.

  Mihail looked me into the eyes and almost asked me what the hell I was doing, but seeing my smile, he slowly tugged my shirt over my head, quickly disposing of his own. His mouth returned to mine for yet another hot, wet and nasty kiss, making sure to rub his bare chest on my too sensitive breasts. I gathered the courage to bring my hand between us and rub one of his nipples. His response was quick and in no time he was nipping along my jaw, going back to my ear. Before whispering into it, he took his time tonguing and sucking it. “After this, I’d want more,” he said in my ear, “more kissing, but all over your body. I will start with biting your neck, just like this,” he demonstrated, by biting gently on my neck, down to my collarbone. I tilted my head back, providing him with better access and shivering all over when he nibbled down my chest.

  I absently noticed that our breathing was fast and our bodies were covered in sweat. What Mihail was doing was turning my bones to rubber and stealing all rational thoughts from my mind. The game I was playing was dangerous, especially when I was steadily losing the upper hand. I could hear my panting and see how close I was to let him win. Therefore, I did the only logical thing, I started to lick up his throat and sucking at his full lower lip. He let me, and answered by removing my bra and gently pinching my nipple. God it felt good. I needed to retaliate fast, so I took both his nipples between my hands and watched with amusement how quickly they got hard. He locked our mouths together again, distracting me from what else was going on.

  His brilliant idea was to align our pelvises and rock into me. My God, he was hard! We both stopped what we were doing and looked at each other. I was making out with my future husband, trying to show him who was the boss, and clearly losing the game. He was showing me what I have been missing and obviously enjoying it too much.

  “Is the demonstration enough for you, or do you want me to continue?”

  Right, that is just the right question to ask at this point. I was staring at him with an open mouth, puffy and wet with our combined spit, and he was asking me if I wanted to stop. The answer must have been written all over my face, because he continued with, “Okay, now we need to go to the bed.” He tugged me just like before, catching me up against his body and possessively caressing my ass. The kissing continued all the way to the bed, where he let me lie down and started exploring my belly and chest. I discovered that the lightest bite was sending electroshocks all over my body, making me groan and move uncontrollably. He did that a lot, the jerk, enjoying every moan and cry that I uttered.

  He worked his way down my body, discovering all the hot spots and giving them the necessary attention. He hovered, mouth over my most private place, looking up at me until I opened my eyes. He waited until I nodded and started only then to open and slide my jeans down. Once every piece of cloth was removed from my body, he just looked.

  In anticipation of this moment, I have been preparing myself to stay calm and show no discomfort. I knew that my body was beautiful with long, slender hips and full breasts, but this was the first time for me to lay completely naked in front of a man. Mihail must have been well aware of my thoughts, because he started kissing my calves with slow wet kisses that in no time calmed my nerves. His slow advance towards my middle was accompanied by more kisses, bites and licks. When he finally reached the goal, he kissed me gently, unfolding my lairs one by one. His tongue tentatively found its way inside me and with dozen strokes brought me to the orgasm.

  Coming down from my high took me a few moments, during which Mihail continued to gently caress my sweaty body. Upon opening my eyes, I saw him standing over me, looking for clues about how I was feeling.

  “Your turn,” I said with a small smile and pushed him on the bed beside me. I used my left hand to open his trousers and find his bulge, covered by this underwear. He helped me to take them off and let me look at him, touch, caress and explore as long as I needed to. When I gathered the courage to kiss the tip of his cock, it was becoming obvious how much it cost him to stay still. But God, if he didn’t taste good. He was bitter and salty, all at once, but with an underlying sweetness that made it all tolerable. His hips bucked up and his hand flew into my hair, trying to hold me down.

  I slid my mouth all the way down his length, kissing and licking him with open lips. I took the head of his cock in my mouth and sucked a couple of times, then slid down, just as slow. His hands were clenching rhythmically in my hair, his stomach muscles flexing with the effor
t of holding still. When I took him almost entirely in my mouth, he started losing it, his hips flexing in tiny thrusts. I pulled off, and started sucking and tonguing the head, before shifting my attention down. His balls were heavy and full, covered by silky hair, and I sucked them one at the time into my mouth. At that moment, Mihail gave me a little push and cupped his balls in one hand, giving them a small tug. I looked at him with a question in my eyes and he leaned down to place a gentle kiss on my lips. “When I come, I will be balls deep in you.” He said with a husky voice.

  I obliged him by returning his kiss and gently caressing his hard dick. I heard myself whining pathetically, when he slid off the bed, lifted me gently and removed the covers of the bed. He was giving me time to adjust and experience it in full. I loved him for that and showed him my appreciation with sharp bites all over his neck. He didn’t bother to reassure me, as any attempt to do so would have been taken as a challenge by me. So, instead he straddled me and reached between us with his eager hand. I moaned loudly, when his finger breached me, bracing my hands on his chest and arching my back.

  I rocked my hips until Mihail’s wriggling finger found the right place. “Right there, just like that.” I managed to utter. After what seemed a century to me, he took his finger out of me and positioned his dick at my entrance. Locking his eyes with mine, he carefully lowered himself, stopping at the feel of his tip at my entrance. His eyes were boring into mine, waiting for me to give him the green light.

  “Please, don’t stop now.” I hissed, and he entered me in one fluid motion. It hurt for a moment and then the feeling of fullness and completeness overcome all else. He sank some more inside me and rested flush against me, giving me the time to adjust to the new sensation.

  “Are you okay?” He asked, while kissing me on the forehead and gently massaging my hip. I nodded and tentatively moved my hips under him. He started moving achingly slow, until he slammed back down. We both yelled at the sensation and he continued to do it again and again. My vision was swimming and I chose to close my eyes. His hand was threatened in my hair and his lips were all over my face, kissing and sucking at everything they met.


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