Tasting Pleasure

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Tasting Pleasure Page 11

by Anarie Brady

  “Now, now, girl. Chin up. I won’t take too long, but I do have my orders,” Hector said companionably. “And he’s right, you know. Your hair is absolutely perfect!”

  With expert precision, Hector got to work. Because she faced a wall, Alicia could not see exactly what he was doing, but was relieved to feel the bristles of a brush rather than the clipping of shears. Swiftly he gathered all of her hair into a high ponytail on top of her head and secured it with some type of rope. From the corner of her eye, Alicia could see a bright red strand, possibly silk. By the pull and tug, she could also tell he was once again braiding her hair, working the rope into the braid as if it were her own lock. The plait would certainly be tight, judging by the painful pulling and tugging on her scalp.

  After close to an hour, with her bottom aching, Alicia began to squirm.

  “Almost done, so don’t wiggle now. You know what will happen, dear!” Hector warned.

  Alicia bit her lip and tried to sit still.

  “There! Finished! Would you like to see?” Hector asked.

  Alicia opened her mouth to answer but thought better of it and simply shook her head.

  “Very good. I was instructed to try to trick you. Obedient, aren’t you!” Hector said in a kindly tone. “In that case, let me describe it for you. I’ve braided a silken cord into your hair. I’ve also looped the braid back onto itself so the end of your hair is back at the beginning of the braid with the cord knotted around the whole of it—sailors call it a backlash—so the hair itself forms a tight loop. This should hold for several days and when you—or rather your Master—decides to release your hair, simply untie the silken knot and work the strands loose just as you normally would.” Hector ran his hand over her scalp, obviously admiring his handiwork. “A silver ring is threaded through the hair loop. This ring is very secure. It will not come loose, but it will add weight to your head, so you will probably feel a slight tug at all times. If he wants, Mr. Devonshire can attach another cord through the ring and use it as a leash, binding you to anything he wishes while leaving your limbs completely free.”

  Hector gave a quick laugh as Alicia’s eyes widened and her mouth dropped open. Her own hair was to be used to bind her?

  “My, this design has turned out better than I thought!” he said.

  Again Alicia squirmed on the chair as the caning on the bottom was beginning to cut into her tender flesh. Of course, Maverick chose that moment to return.

  “Not trying to wriggle away, are you, Alicia?” he said sternly. “Hector, has she complied?”

  “Oh yes, Mr. Devonshire. She did squirm quite a bit here at the end, but she didn’t say a word—almost, but she stopped herself,” Hector answered.

  Because his answer had been so honest and quick, and because he had used the title Mr. Devonshire, Alicia wondered if he were another companion. Actually, the name Hector was setting off bells in her head. Could this be the same Hector Jeffrey had left her for?

  “I would expect no less from her. Your work is beautiful,” he said, lifting the looped hair and giving it a rough shake. “Secure, tight, the silver and red showing delightfully. Would you like to stay and see how well it holds up?”

  “Oh, that would be wonderful!” Hector said. “It has been a while since you have included me, Mr. Devonshire.”

  “So it has. My apologies, old friend. Since you’ve entered a committed relationship, though, I thought I’d honor that for a time,” Maverick said companionably.

  A committed relationship?

  “I appreciate that,” Hector responded, “but Jeffrey understands. In fact, he asked permission to be included as well, especially with this one, if that meets with your approval.”

  Jeffrey? Alicia began to sweat.

  “That I will leave up to my companion,” Maverick responded. “So, Alicia. I’m sure you’ve figured out that Hector is indeed the same man whom your husband left you for. He has requested that your ex-husband witness our…activities…tonight. I leave the choice to you.”

  Alicia considered carefully. She hadn’t seen Jeffrey for quite some time and wasn’t at all sure she wanted him to see her in such a subservient position. Still, the man had made her feel useless, inferior, less than desirable. She knew Maverick would acquiesce to her wishes on this, but she knew her place and was happy with it. Besides, the idea of Jeffrey seeing just how well she could please a man warmed her heart.

  “As you wish, Mr. Devonshire. What you desire, I desire. Do as you please,” she responded.

  “Very well, then. Hector, call your Jeffrey. Invite him to the playroom while my companion greets me,” he said with a smile.

  Taking her cue, Alicia gratefully dropped to her knees before Maverick and began to undress him. When he was gloriously naked, she took his cock into her mouth, oblivious to Hector’s phone conversation. She cupped Maverick’s balls in her hands while licking the length of him. Rolling her tongue around the tip, she positioned her lips and plunged down, devouring the length of him. Maverick grabbed the looped hair, forcing her head up and down like a piston. Alicia, her arse smarting from the extended time in the chair, her jaws aching from the pressure, savored the now familiar flavor of his skin. When he pushed her head down to his groin, she nearly gagged, but the discomfort was amply rewarded when the hot, salty liquor slid down her parched throat. Only after she had drunk every drop did Maverick release her hair, and she sank back on her ankles.

  “God, Alicia, if I knew you were that good, maybe I’d have stayed straight. I mean I always enjoyed your blow jobs, but I suppose felt selfish. If I’d realized you also felt pleasure, I may not have felt so guilty,” she heard Jeffrey say.

  She had been so focused on Maverick that she hadn’t even noticed when her ex-husband had arrived.

  Not bothering to answer, Alicia looked up at her Master and said, “How else may I serve you?” From her peripheral vision, she could see Jeffrey’s jaw drop and felt a surge of perverse pleasure.

  “Now, now, Jeffrey, don’t be catty,” Hector scolded. “Let’s just lounge here on the bed and enjoy the show.”

  “Of course,” Jeffrey answered, sounding a bit unsure of himself.

  “Stand by the pole,” Maverick directed.

  Alicia stood, a bit wobbly at first, and walked to the center pole. She faced it, feeling the weight of her hair and the cold thumping of the silver ring against the nape of her neck.

  “Let’s just see how well Hector’s creation works,” Maverick said as he lifted the ring and attached it to the carabiner.

  Alicia was grateful for the three and a half inch heels. Without these, she would have been stretched to her toes.

  Maverick ran his hand over her bottom, feeling the raised markings left from the chair. “Lovely pattern. It’s almost a shame to muddle it with a paddle. Still, you have been naughty. Speaking before being spoken to, squirming in the chair when you had been told to sit still. You do agree, don’t you, that a consequence is warranted?” he asked.

  “As it pleases you, Sir, I stand in need of correction,” she responded humbly. Please, please use me! she silently begged. Her body craved the feel of leather.

  “So it shall be,” he answered.

  Alicia heard him walk toward the wall where the whips, paddles, straps and canes were displayed.

  “Oh, my,” Jeffrey said quietly. “Is he really going to use that?”

  “He certainly is,” Hector responded. “We should get more comfortable, don’t you think, duckie?”

  Alicia then heard rustling on the bed and assumed the two of them were removing their clothing. She couldn’t be sure, of course, since the ring braided into her hair held her securely in place.

  “You may grasp the pole,” Maverick allowed.

  Not sure what to expect, Alicia held onto the cold metal with both hands. A moment later, she was grateful she did as the full strength of the cat bit into her already tender flesh. Maverick had only used the cat on her once before, and she had, after an embarrassingly
short time, said “enough”, thereby ending the session. Knowing that Mr. Devonshire was testing her obedience in front of her ex-husband and his lover, Alicia bit her lip and tightened her hold on the pole. Blow after blow rained down on her burning arse, but she refused to cry out. Despite the intense pain, Alicia stood rock solid, enduring, welcoming the onslaught.

  “Good God! I had no idea she had it in her,” Alicia heard Jeffrey remark.

  “Let’s see what you have in you,” Hector responded.

  Vaguely, Alicia wondered what they were doing, but she had a fairly good idea. Suddenly Maverick demanded all of her attention once again as he ran a hand over her bottom. Even this gentle touch was enough to bring a glimmer of pain to the surface. Judging by the heat, Alicia knew her bum would be glowing bright red by now.

  “Nicely done, my dear. I don’t believe I have ever seen your lovely arse with this particular texture or color. Quite becoming,” Maverick commented.

  “I’m glad you are pleased, Sir,” Alicia responded.

  Maverick chuckled deep in his throat as he reached to release her from the pole. He grabbed her around the waist, pressing her burning flesh against him.

  “Aren’t they a nice couple,” he said, indicating the two men.

  Jeffrey lay on the bed, his head thrown back, hands in Hector’s hair. Hector lay between Jeffrey’s thighs, his mouth moving rhythmically up and down on Jeffrey’s penis. Alicia watched in fascination, feeling not the expected jealousy or anger at her ex, but a sentimental relief. Despite his treatment of her, Alicia harbored no ill feelings for Jeffrey. By his half-closed eyes and his open mouth, Alicia knew Jeffrey was in a zone. She smiled, watching with pleasure the beauty before her. Truly, Alicia found she wished nothing but happiness for Jeffrey. Their time together was over, and while it had ended badly, without her short marriage she would never have come to England and therefore would never have met Mr. Devonshire.

  “Time for yours, my dear. Go to the horse,” Maverick commanded.

  Alicia nodded as she confidently walked to the horse and leaned over it, grasping the legs, her arse high in the air.

  “That’s my girl,” Maverick whispered into her ear.

  He positioned himself behind her. He wiggled his penis against her well-lubricated opening. Throughout the whipping, Alicia had gotten wetter with each blow. Torturously, Maverick dipped the tip of himself into her pussy again and again but refrained from full entry. Alicia squirmed in frustration.

  “Patience, my darling companion,” he said.

  Alicia hung her head, bravely trying to control her own need.

  “That’s it.”

  She cried out as she felt Maverick pull completely out of her but gave another cry, this time of joy, as suddenly he buried himself deep inside her. Rather than attacking her pussy, though, he had lubricated himself in her juices then pierced her arsehole. Both pain and pleasure ripped through Alicia’s core, causing her to scream her release. Maverick grasped her hips, impaling her, stabbing into her until he too cried out, releasing himself into her body. Feeling the warm liquid inside her, Alicia lifted her head in time to meet Jeffrey’s eyes as he too found his release, Hector swallowing and gulping. Alicia again began to tremble and clench her muscles, brilliant colors swimming before her eyes. Finally, after years of discontent, Jeffrey and Alicia shared a simultaneous orgasm.

  Chapter Ten

  Cool Cuke Sandwiches

  1 medium cucumber, thinly sliced and soaked in salted water.

  1 loaf rye cocktail bread

  1 8 oz. package cream cheese

  Salt, pepper, paprika

  Spread a thin layer of cream cheese on a slice of cocktail bread. Rinse all salt water from the cucumber slices. Pat dry with a paper towel. Place one slice on the cheese. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and paprika to taste.

  “Interesting do,” Ivory commented the next afternoon.

  Alicia blushed and reached up to touch the looped braid. Mr. Devonshire had indicated that she was to retain this hairstyle for at least three days. Then he would allow her to release it and wash her hair. He might, or he might not, hire Hector to repeat the creation at that time.

  “I’m getting used to it,” she answered, wiggling to find a comfortable position on her chair.

  Ivory laughed. Alicia liked this woman. Tall, graceful with brilliant red hair and a quick smile, she had green eyes that flashed intelligence and friendliness. Paul had arranged for the three of them to meet over tea and, after shaking hands with the other woman, Alicia knew they could be friends.

  “I don’t suppose you have a choice,” Ivory answered.

  “You don’t approve?” Alicia asked, suddenly cautious and aware of the tingling along the skin of her aching arse.

  “No, no, you misunderstand.” Ivory reached over and patted her hand. “I’m not here to pass judgment, but if I were, I’d say you look quite happy as Maverick’s companion—his favorite I might add. That lifestyle is not for me, although lately I have been wondering if I might not enjoy dominating someone. But a submissive—definitely not! Still, if you like it, go for it! After all, without you sub types, what would the Doms do?”

  Alicia smiled.

  “See,” Paul interjected. “I told you Ivory would be a fantastic friend for you.” He flashed both women a perfect smile. “Sadly, however, I must leave you. I have work to do.” He stood and dropped a kiss on both women’s cheeks. “Ivory, you will see that Alicia returns home?”

  “Of course! Now run along. Sometimes a man is just in the way when girls want to talk,” Ivory responded.

  Paul laughed and waved his goodbye.

  Both Alicia and Ivory watched his retreating backside as he walked away from the café.

  “Now that,” Ivory said appreciatively, “is one fine arse.”

  “It certainly is,” Alicia agreed quietly.

  “So at least you’ve got some backbone,” Ivory commented. “I think you will need it.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Are you aware that Megan is also a model for Maverick?” Ivory asked, sipping her tea.

  “No, Mr. Devonshire doesn’t talk much about his work,” Alicia answered with a frown.

  “She’s a mean one. Maverick thinks he’s got her tamed, but he’s wrong.”

  “Has she said something about me?”

  “Hell yes!” Ivory stated. “She’s got something planned, but I don’t know what. Now I’m really not one to tell tales out of school, but I despise cruelty—physical or emotional. I know Maverick enjoys dishing out a good spanking—consequences I believe he calls them—but that’s not cruel, that’s just sex. Wonderful sex! Especially if the participants are all enjoying themselves. Megan, though, she scares me.”

  Alicia nodded in agreement. She too had sensed a hardness about the other companion.

  “Part of it is that Megan is smart. She sees Maverick slipping from her and toward you.”

  “I’m confused,” Alicia admitted.

  “Ever since you came along, honey, Maverick’s been different—in a good way. He’s happier, he laughs more—and he isn’t shoving fast food down his throat! But he’s also begun treating Megan like a model, not a companion. She used to stay naked on a shoot or kneel beside him. You know the drill, the submissive ‘beat me, I’m yours’ litany. He’d tweak a nipple, play with her arse, pet her head. Now when he finishes with her, he tells her to put on a robe—just like the rest of the models.”

  Alicia waited for Ivory to continue.

  “Don’t turn your back on her, honey—literally! I’ve been around the block a few times—met most of Maverick’s companions, even participated in a few evening frolics, and let me tell you, Megan is not the companion type!” Ivory looked deeply into Alicia’s eyes before continuing. “She knows how to play the part when she wants to, but she wants control of Maverick. She’s jealous.”

  “Of me?” Alicia was startled.

  “Naturally! You are a true submissive, honey, and she knows t
his is what Maverick needs. From what Paul has told me, you truly enjoy your place as a companion. And honestly, I could tell that as well. Did you know you deferred to Paul before ordering your tea and sandwich?”

  “I did?”

  “Yep. You also looked at him before you began to speak, almost as if you were asking permission. It was all completely natural.” Ivory again lifted her cup. “Like I said, that’s not my choice in life, although I will admit that on occasion I do like a bit of rough play as well, but I respect your choice. By the way, try a little witch hazel in case you ever get any bruises. Helps them heal and cools the fire. It’s not an easy life you’ve chosen. In many ways, you’re much stronger than I am. I please myself, you anticipate and accommodate others. You must be very perceptive,” Ivory added with a note of admiration.

  “Thank you, Ivory,” Alicia said, truly appreciative of the compliment. “And thank you for the warning. I knew Megan didn’t like me, but I didn’t know to what extent.”

  “No problem. Say, why don’t we make a date to go shopping? Tuesday afternoon good for you? I’ve known Maverick a long time, bet I could make some lovely suggestions for clothing he’d like,” Ivory added, suddenly lightening the mood.

  “That would be fabulous!” Alicia quickly agreed. It felt wonderful to have a girlfriend again, she thought as she bit into a cucumber sandwich. And now, thanks to Tasting Pleasure, she also had a bit of spare cash.

  Chapter Eleven

  Pan Seared Steak

  1 sirloin steak

  1 teaspoon each ground mustard, garlic, chopped onions

  1 Tablespoon butter

  1 Tablespoon canola oil

  Salt and pepper to taste

  Season steak with spices. Heat cast iron skillet. Add canola oil and butter. Sear steak on both sides, cooking 5-8 minutes per side, depending upon personal taste. Salt and pepper as desired.


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