Letters to Penthouse XII

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Letters to Penthouse XII Page 9

by Letters to Penthouse XII- It Just Gets Hotter (epub)

  I know she meant every word of that, and I can also say with total honesty and conviction that no matter what happens, what she does or what anyone else might say, Brenda is and will always be my wife and I’m very grateful for that.

  But I must confess that things haven’t always been so rosy between us. Our first three years together had their ups and downs. Brenda worked outside the home when we were first married, but she didn’t go back to work after our first child was born. Since then she has stayed home as a wife and mother to our four children.

  The period of time immediately following the birth of our first child was no doubt our toughest. At first I attributed Brenda’s moodiness to postpartum blues, and I took her lack of interest in sex as being preoccupied with the baby. I also figured that maybe it was a cyclical mood swing my wife just happened to have.

  In the first few months after the doctor okayed Brenda to resume having sex, we only made love about a dozen times. But it wasn’t how infrequently we had sex that was beginning to bother me. Brenda had turned into a different person: She was standoffish and almost cold toward me. She wasn’t interested in cuddling, kissing or touching. Again I thought it had something to do with Brenda having just become a new mother. Then I began to see a pattern developing. It appeared that my wife might have cyclic swings between being hot, passionate and loving to times when she would be rude, distant and even frigid. She’d gone through a period of similar behavior about a year earlier; for about six months she had been withdrawn, aloof and hardly let me touch her.

  Then her mood changed virtually overnight. For the next six months she was warm, loving and constantly horny. We started having sex every night. But after the baby was born, she changed again. I began to wonder if she would always alternate between six months of being affectionate and six months of ignoring me. Interestingly, not once during either time did it even cross my mind to consider one other possibility—another man!

  Then I came home from work early one afternoon. Brenda had been in a very bitchy mood toward me. She had been criticizing my looks, how much (actually how little) money I made and what she perceived as not helping out enough at home. The evening before we’d had an argument. She’d decided she wanted to rearrange the furniture in the living room. It was all I could do to even handle the sofa-bed by myself. I was struggling with it and knocked over a lamp and broke it. Brenda got angry and called me an uncoordinated klutz. I got pissed and pointed out that the accident happened because the couch was heavy. She responded by haughtily saying, “If you weren’t such a weakling, it wouldn’t be a problem. Most men would handle that couch and not even think it was heavy. Only a total wimp would have trouble with something like that!”

  Her retort and another verbal assault on my manhood resulted in a response that was becoming more and more common: I pouted. We finished rearranging the furniture but there was hardly a word exchanged between us for therest of the evening. Soon I decided to try to patch things up. I hate fighting and try to avoid conflicts at all cost. I was prepared to apologize first. I also planned to call a baby-sitter and take Brenda out to dinner to make things up to her.

  When I got home from work the next day, I saw we had company, but I didn’t recognize the car in our driveway. When I walked inside, I didn’t find anyone in the kitchen or in the living room. As I headed for the bedroom to take off my suit and put on something a little more comfortable, I wondered where Brenda was. I still didn’t think anything was out of line, though.

  As I approached our open bedroom door, I heard my wife moaning and whimpering. I looked inside and froze. My wife was in our bed on her hands and knees, totally naked, and a man I recognized as her former boss Jim was fucking the shit out of her! I just stood there, stunned. Even after my brain began functioning again, I didn’t say anything. I just stepped back out of the doorway a bit. For some inexplicable reason it seemed important that they not see me. I’ve sometimes wondered why I reacted that way. After all, I wasn’t doing anything wrong, they were!

  Jim is a few years older than us and about my height, but he’s stockier and more powerfully built than I am, with broad, powerful shoulders, a hairy, thickly muscled chest and bulging biceps. The main thing that I noticed was that his cock was a couple of inches longer than mine and much thicker, and he was ramming it into my wife’s cunt like a jackhammer.

  Brenda had her eyes closed, her mouth hung open and her head was jerking rhythmically as he slammed in and out of her. I watched for a good ten minutes, not saying a word as Jim fucked my wife. Finally I saw her quiver and let out a deep groan. When she did, Jim rammed his cock deep inside her, held it and grunted. In spite of my shock and jealousy I was very aroused. When I saw Jim spray his come in my wife, I came in my pants. Brenda’s head was turned to one side and as they came in unison. I saw her eyelids fluttering, a look of intense sexual satisfaction on her face. She was turned toward me but had a blank, unfocused look in her eyes. I watched Jim pin her sexy body under his powerful torso as they climaxed. Then as they lay still, I quietly walked away.

  I had no idea what to do, so I went to a bar and had three stiff drinks to calm my nerves. I stayed there for two hours. When I finally got home, I was half lit.

  I still had no idea what I would say or do. When I got home, I had a real surprise waiting. Jim was gone. Brenda was dressed in a short sexy skirt and had herself fixed up very nice. She also had a wonderful meal prepared. She was upbeat, relaxed and very cheerful. She met me at the door with a wet, juicy, tongue-probing kiss. When she broke our embrace, Brenda remarked, “Wow! How many drinks did you have? You shouldn’t have driven home, Charles. The next time you drink that much, call a cab, honey.” Confused about many things, I merely nodded. Brenda then said, “Dinner’s ready. Come on, let’s get you out of that suit.” She took me to our bedroom, where she had laid out some casual clothes for me. When I stripped naked, even putting on clean underwear, my wife took the clothes I’d worn to the office. I blushed when I saw her looking at my come-stained underwear. She smelled the crotch of my suit pants and casually remarked, “You can’t wear these until they’re cleaned, Charles. I can smell your sperm in the crotch! I’ll take them to the cleaners for you tomorrow.”

  I was beet-red hearing her casually remark about my obvious orgasm with my clothes on. I was also very confused by the way she greeted me. The table looked very special, set up with candles and a bottle of wine. Brenda’s mood was so upbeat and she was acting so sweet to me. There was no bitchiness. Brenda saw the look on my face and then took me by the hand. “Come on, I’ll explain,” she said to me.

  As she escorted me to the table she said, “I thought you deserved a special meal, honey. I treated you awful last night. I’m sorry I was such a bitch.” Then she casually added, “And what you saw before had to be a real shock to you. It’s not like you to come home half-drunk. I understand, though. I imagine you needed something to calm you down after discovering your wife was being unfaithful. I can see where you might have needed a drink.”

  She saw the many different reactions I was giving her and continued speaking. “I saw you, Charles. I opened my eyes just as Jim was finishing me. I saw you in the doorway. So now you know about the two of us! I’m sure you have a lot of questions. Come on, let’s eat dinner. I don’t want it to get cold. Then I’ll tell you all about my affairs. I don’t see any reason to bide anything now.”

  The one thing I still vividly remember about that night was how upbeat, relaxed and happy Brenda was as she talked. She didn’t seem to have a care in the world. Somehow, she already knew I’d never leave her and that I wasn’t going to fly into a rage.

  We ate a surprisingly romantic dinner before we sat down to discuss Brenda’s infidelity. It was a very calm, matter-of-fact discussion. I asked her how long her affair with Jim had been going on. “A little over three weeks this time,” she replied.

  I looked at her funny and then it hit me. “Were you having an affair with him while you worked for him?” I a

  She nodded, saying, “Yes, honey, we were having an affair almost the whole time I worked for him.” Upon further questioning, she explained what had been going on behind my back. Jim began hitting on her not long after she began reporting to him. She finally succumbed to his advances a couple of months later. For the next six months after he seduced her, they had a torrid, passionate sexual affair. That was the six months she was distant and cold to me.

  She also found that Jim’s thick, stiff cock satisfied her more than my small prick did. As a result, she found herself preferring him to me sexually. They would go to a special rendezvous place during lunch. She also met him occasionally on weekends. While I thought she was out shopping, she would be in a one-room efficiency apartment that Jim had rented solely to fuck her. Brenda willingly admitted she had sex with her boss nearly every day while she allowed me to make love to her about once a week. Their affair actually ended while she was still working for him. They both found themselves becoming very emotionally involved after a few months. Jim was also married and he had a young child; he didn’t want to destroy his family and told Brenda he thought he had better call it off. Brenda told me she actually found herself feeling pretty much the same way.

  She said to me, “I won’t pretend I don’t have feelings for Jim. I had very strong feelings for him while our first affair was going on. I’ve discovered since I’ve been seeing him again recently that I still have those feelings. They may not be quite as strong, but they’re still there. That doesn’t mean I don’t care for you, though. I do—very, very much. I know I’ve been a bitch to you. I know I certainly haven’t treated you very well at times, and I’ve been a pain to live with. I care for you, Charles. I really do. I thought about how I’ve treated you after Jim left. I made myself promise to start treating you differently. I’m really going to change. You’ll see.”

  Brenda kept talking, not even letting me get a word in edgewise. She said there would be no more putdowns about my puny body. She would see that my sexual needs were taken care of too. “I realize that I’ve been totally selfish in that way,” she told me. “I’ve been so busy making sure I got the sexual satisfaction I needed from Jim that I have completely ignored you. All I could think about was feel-ing Jim’s mighty cock inside me and having him shoot his hot sperm into my vagina. Those were my only objectives. From now on it will be different. I may want to fuck Jim and possibly other men if they’re big, strong and virile. But while I’m doing that, I promise I won’t neglect you. After all, you’re my husband, and you need sex too.”

  She finished by telling me she had bathed and even douched after Jim left. Brenda smiled and said, “I’m going to start by proving it to you right now. Want to go into the bedroom? If you want me, I’m ready!” She was grinning at me sexily. I eagerly nodded. Even though I’d come in my pants earlier while watching her with Jim, I was still horny as hell. We went to the bedroom and made love.

  Interestingly, there was never one word about her terminating her affair, just as there was never one word about me leaving her because of it. Brenda knew I wouldn’t divorce her. She also knew that she could continue her affair and I would never say a word. From that day on she slept with whatever than she chose. If she decided to have an affair, she just did it. From that day on she never tried to bide what she did with other men. From that day on we never argued and she never bitched at me. She also never neglected me sexually again.

  What Brenda has done since then is engage in a succession of lengthy, passionate affairs. She also goes out on regular dates, but I never protest or object. She’s even had lovers over to our place while I’m home; she entertains her gentleman friend in our bedroom while I take care of the kids. She and I make love an average of about three times a week. One of her lovers, Daryl, got her hooked on oral sex, and she loves for me to eat her out before I make love to her. Since she’s invariably been with her latest lover during the day, I always taste the musky flavor of her juices mixed with her lover’s come. When I enter her I feel the oily texture of her boyfriend’s semen deep inside her pussy.

  Brenda’s latest boyfriend, Mark, is a very well-built, very well-hung black than. She’s been seeing him for nearly a year now. Mark is Brenda’s first black lover. She says that he’s just incredible in bed, much better than me. Since they became lovers, she can’t seem to get enough of his big black cock. They haven’t missed a day making love in the past several months.

  At night when I have the chance to make love to her I can taste Mark’s sperm in her cunt. After I get her off, I slide up her body and enter her. In a few minutes I add my semen to Mark’s in her wet slick hole. We no doubt encountered a fork in the road that day I caught her in bed with her boss. As she always does, my wife took charge and decided which way we would go. She may have led me down a road less traveled, but I’ve found it to be one filled with excitement, surprises and joy. I have no doubt there will be all of those feelings down the road again. What I really know is that any road is okay as long as I have Brenda as my wife to travel it with me!—C.B., Red Bank, New Jersey


  In the early years of our marriage Shirley would often accompany me on out-of-town business trips. While I would be in business meetings, Shirley would shop, enjoy the pool at our hotel or sightsee if we were in someplace new to her.

  Recently I was in Atlanta for a four-day business meeting and Shirley had come along. I returned to the hotel one evening and Shirley had an interesting story to tell me. She had met a man. I’m not the jealous sort and Shirley, being a pretty woman with a nice figure, often attracts male attention while hanging out alone at hotels. She’d visit with and even flirt with men occasionally, but I knew all she ever did was some mild teasing at most. She told me that the man whom she had met was named David and that he was from Los Angeles. He was there all week for a business seminar being held at the hotel. He had found the sessions to be dry and very boring and had skipped out on the afternoon session. My wife described him as a very intelligent, witty and quite handsome black man. She told me how they spent the afternoon visiting and had a couple of drinks together. She also told me she had invited him to dinner with us.

  We met David in the lobby at six o’clock. I found him to be friendly and every bit as likable as my wife had said. We went to a nice restaurant and had an excellent meal which David insisted on paying for. David owned his own business and he admitted he had signed up for the seminar as a convenient way of going on a tax-deductible vacation. All during dinner I kept noticing how my wife was flirting with our charming friend.

  After we ate, David suggested we go to a nightspot he knew, an idea that my wife wholeheartedly endorsed. During the cab ride from the restaurant to the nightclub, I rode in front while David and Shirley rode in back and became more and more engrossed with each other. At the club we ordered drinks and David immediately asked my wife to dance. The two of them were on the dance floor for the rest of the night.

  On the way back to the hotel, they rode together in back again. David paid the cab fare, as he had paid for everything that evening. When we said good night in the hotel lobby, David said he was sleeping in and invited Shirley to join him for a late breakfast. She agreed and also accepted his invitation to show her around Atlanta.

  In our room Shirley and I made love before falling asleep. The effect that our handsome, charming, urbane.

  Friend was having on her was obvious. She was unusually responsive in bed that night, and I had never felt her so wet inside.

  Shirley was still sleeping when I left the next morning. When I returned at five, she was not in our room. I looked for her around the pool, down in the lobby and at the hotel bar but didn’t find her. I went back up to our room, and she arrived there about five minutes later. At first glance I thought Shirley had just been swimming, since her hair was wet. I knew she hadn’t been at the pool, though, and I saw that she wasn’t wearing her bathing suit.

  Shirley didn’t even try to hide what had happened. She saw me looking at her wet hair, then she smiled and said, “I just took a shower. I was with David in his room. I cleaned up before coming back down here.” She seemed to be eyeing me very carefully, watching for my reaction as the reality of what she had said sank in. I felt my prick stirring to hardness, and I saw her glance at the bulge in my trousers as it became erect.

  “Did you—” I stammered before she mercifully interrupted.

  “Make love with him?” she asked, smiling. I nodded and she replied, “You bet I did. I hope you’re not upset or angry, Matty, but I most certainly did. God, is that man hung and does he know how to fuck! I hate to tell you this honey, but I never experienced anything like that before in my life. That man is incredible!”

  I was stunned, a little jealous and admittedly more turned on man I’d ever been in my life. I slumped into a chair saying, “Tell me about it. Don’t leave out a thing. I want to hear every juicy detail.” Shirley told me that they met for breakfast at half past nine and then he showed her some of the sights. They then had a nice lunch and headed back for the hotel. As they rode in the cab, David kissed her for the first time. She’d already made up her mind she was going to let him make love to her, and she eagerly and hungrily returned his advance. When they got to the hotel, she let David escort her to his room, neither of them saying a word. David didn’t ask or suggest she come up with him; it was implied and it was understood.

  Once Shirley was in his room, their flirting had them more than ready. They were all over each other. When they were naked and on the bed, David showed himself to be an expert and incredibly patient lover. She said his mouth and tongue touched every square inch of her body. She said she had never been so hot and excited. She described his cock as considerably longer and much thicker than mine. She was going crazy with lustful desire.


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