Fear in Her Eyes (Fire & Vice Book 5)

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Fear in Her Eyes (Fire & Vice Book 5) Page 13

by Nikita Slater

  Addison cried out, fearing that there would be too much pressure on her bound hands, but he held her up easily in his arms. She barely had time to think about the logistics of their position before he was bringing her ruthlessly down onto the press of his huge cock. Despite her soaking orgasm, his size combined with the standing up position made his entry into her channel a tight one. Addison gasped and cried out, helpless to do anything, bound as she was.

  Daniel impaled her with relentless determination, drawing a pained scream from Addison who could only grip the bedpost above her head weakly. She felt like she was being split in two by a hot iron when he was finally seated completely within her. He stayed that way for a moment, bending his head to her reddened nipples and licking and biting them to sensitized peaks again while she adjusted. She screamed at the intense pleasure when the hot suction of his mouth lashed the stripes where the flogger had hit her breasts. Then he reached down, held her ass in his large hands and began guiding her up and down his thick cock with determined strokes.

  Addison could only hang in for the ride, but now she was once more reaching fever pitch. Her nipples felt like hardened diamonds rubbing against his chest, sizzling in tune with the ebb and flow of the blood rushing through her pussy and clit. Each stroke of Daniel’s cock, brought his insanely chiseled abs in contact with her clit, stroking it like a cat. She tightened against him like a bow in the hands of a master player.

  “Don’t you fucking dare come until I tell you,” he snarled against her, pulling her head back with a fistful of her loose curls before returning both hands to her ass.

  “Daniel, please can I come?” she keened.

  “No,” he snarled shortly.

  Oh god! How could she stop herself from coming? She’d never had to do that before. But she could only imagine what sort of awful, dreadful punishment Daniel would come up with for her if she came without his permission. Like maybe not letting her come again the next five times they had sex. God forbid! He was exactly that kind of an evil, plotting jackass.

  She tried to think of puppies. Puppies are not sexy. Then she tried to think of lemons. She hated lemons. Then she tried to think of her severe grandma.

  Oh god. Oh god. oh god.

  Their sweat combined with her fluids to make the crack of her ass slippery where he held her up. His fingers explored the seam, delving closer and closer to her tiny puckered asshole. Despite her relative experience in bed and her exploratory nature, Addison had never tried anal play with a partner before. She was too much of a control freak to let anyone try it. She was in no way surprised that Daniel was going to take her there one day if not today. He would want every part of her for himself.

  “Daniel…” she yelled, stiffening against him and bowing forward as one of his fingertips eased into her back hole.

  “Easy, baby,” his breathing became heavier as he pushed the finger further in. She felt the unbearable flare of his cock. The tightening of her passage combined with the finger in her ass was almost more than she could bear. She shrieked and thrashed against her bonds.

  “Come for me now, Addison,” he snarled and leaned forward to bite down on her nipple.

  The streak of pain shot through her body and shorted out her brain like the strike of a lightning bolt. Everything inside of her went white with pleasure. Addison screamed and screamed as she came. She felt a gush of liquid between her thighs as she orgasmed. Then she felt the spasms of his cock buried tightly in her body as Daniel followed her with his own powerful orgasm.

  Her body collapsed helplessly against him. She trusted him to keep holding her up and not let her fall and get hurt, though she wasn’t sure how he was able to continue standing after such a rush. Because Addison was completely done. She couldn’t imagine having to use a single extra muscle at the moment. Not even if the apocalypse happened.

  Her brain drifted into oblivion and she noticed in a peripheral sort of way as Daniel lifted her up enough to unstrap the binding from her wrists. Then he picked her up in his arms and carried her to the washroom where he showered her like she was some kind of precious rag doll. He even washed her hair for her, using her favourite shampoo and conditioner. She could tell from the unique peppermint smell.

  He dried her off and then carried her back to the bed where he tucked her in. He moved away from her. Addison’s eyes filled up with tears. She couldn’t bear being alone after what they had done. It felt too intimate. She knew he didn't do girlfriends and relationships… but she just couldn't be alone. It was too much.

  “Daniel…” she whispered, her voice choked with emotion.

  She felt him pause by the bed. “Don’t.”

  She tried not to care. She rolled away from him and snuggled into the comforter, pulling it up to her chin with a sniff. She didn’t understand why, if he wouldn’t sleep with her, he insisted on keeping her all alone in this huge bed in this dingy little place that wasn’t even a proper apartment. She would be far more comfortable in her own bed. Of course, she knew better than to argue with him about it.

  Despite her attempt at not caring, tears leaked out and rolled down her cheeks. She huddled into the pillows and drew her legs up. She cried out when her knee touched a sore nipple. Daniel reached out and rolled her roughly on her back. He pulled the blankets away and touched her nipples, his fingers gentle, despite the sudden darkness she felt in his mood.

  “Does it hurt?” he asked bleakly. “That why you’re crying?”

  “Yes,” she whispered, taking the easy out.

  They both knew she was lying. He told her not to move and stood up. He left the apartment and came back with a cream that he smoothed over her reddened chest. Then he rolled her over and rubbed it over her bottom. She felt the accidental brush of his erection against her hip and realized he wanted to have sex with her again despite the intensity of the session they had just finished.

  She shivered and pulled the covers up over her body expecting him to move away now that he’d soothed away the pain. Instead, he laid down next to her on top of the covers, similar to the way he’d done the first night he brought her to his place. He didn’t touch her and he didn't speak to her, but he stayed with her until she fell asleep.


  “You came,” Claudia said warmly, stepping off the elevator into the lobby of King Tower. Her current bodyguard-of-the-day stepped off with her and eyed the person she was meeting with some apprehension. “I have to admit, I’m pleasantly surprised.”

  She held her hand out to the giant Russian enforcer who engulfed it in one of his massive paws. He grinned down at her through his beard. She eyed the vicious looking tattoos that covered every available inch of skin and wondered if she’d made the right choice in taking Addison’s advice. She simply hadn’t been able to think of anyone else that owed her a favour on such short notice.

  “Was curious,” Boris Grekov rumbled in his deeply accented voice, staring at her bodyguard in a way that suggested he might break the other man’s legs with astonishing ease and some enjoyment. “Boss thought you might be angry at Russians after King found you.”

  Claudia sighed. “Can you please stop looking at Tristan like that. He's all I have for now.” Boris’ eyes moved back to Claudia’s face and softened.

  “Heard about your ordeal,” he said the word ‘ordeal’ awkwardly like he was testing out a new word. “Vladimir sends his condolences as do I. If you need future help, you must come to us.”

  “Like I did last time?” she asked archly.

  Boris had the gall to look hurt. “You were running from wrong man.”

  “I didn't know that,” she said, taking his arm and indicating they should get back on the elevator. He graciously allowed her to lead him. “You’re lucky that turned out okay or I would probably stay mad. I can hold a pretty mean grudge when I want to.”

  He grinned mischievously. “I think you the lucky one, Ms. Cantore.”

  “Hmm, I suppose,” she replied. “Anyway, I want to give you a c
hance to make up for that nasty business.”

  “Really?” he said, looking down at her with an arched brow. “What exactly can Russians do for you that King cannot do?”

  She grinned up at him. “It’s not what the Russians can do for me, it’s what you can, Boris.”

  When they arrived at the penthouse she dismissed Tristan and led Boris into the living room area. She offered him a glass of lemonade before sitting across from him on the leather couch. She looked at him earnestly, hope gleaming in her eyes. She didn’t have much time to convince him to help her. On their extremely short acquaintance she had come to understand two things about him: he was as deadly brutal as Daniel could be and he had a soft spot for women in trouble.

  “What can I do to help you?” he asked suspiciously, sipping the lemonade. He attempted to conceal a look of disgust, but didn’t quite manage. He carefully placed the glass, which looked ridiculously fragile in his huge hand, on one of the side tables.

  “You heard about my… accident the other week?” At his nod she continued. “My ex was able to get in here and beat me quite badly. I have since healed physically, but the mental scars are going to be there for a while. Tyson wants me to have a bodyguard everywhere I go now, even though the danger has passed.”

  “Understandable,” Boris said quietly. “I would feel same.”

  She nodded and shrugged. “It’s fine with me. I’m sure I’ll feel safer, if… it’s a woman.”

  “Ah…” he said, his eyes saying more than words.

  She smiled as he worked through her problem.

  Finally he said, “Mercer.”


  His laughter rumbled through the penthouse. “I’m not going to kill him if that’s what you want. The Russians might owe small favour for sending King after you when you ran away, but Mercer is meaner than fucking caged bear. He could maybe even kill me before I could get him.”

  Claudia’s mouth dropped open and it took her a moment to respond. “I don't want you to kill him!” she gasped.

  “Of course not,” he agreed. “I’m just fucking with you. What you want with me then?”

  “I just want you to engage the woman he’s about to interview in hand-to-hand combat and let her win so she can become my bodyguard.”

  Boris stared at her like she’d suddenly sprouted an extra head. He looked like he didn’t know whether to laugh or start shouting at her. “That not happening, woman.”

  “But, Boris,” she pleaded.

  “No ‘but Boris’!” he snapped. “And no look at me like that with big green eye. You just stop. I’m Russian, we don’t fucking fight women!”

  “But you owe me!” Claudia pleaded, sliding down the couch and reaching for his hand. “I just can’t deal with having a male bodyguard after what Dante did to me. It was awful, he really beat me up Boris and he took my clothes off and… and all the guys saw me nearly naked. It’s just so upsetting having them near me right now.”

  “Blyad!” Boris snapped. “Stop talking, woman, before King walks in and hears this shit.”

  “Please Boris! None of the guys here will touch a woman except for Daniel and he’s… well, as you said, mean as a bear,” Claudia said desperately. “It’s just one takedown. You just have to let her pin you once, for a few seconds, to show that she can actually do it. Then you can do whatever you want to redeem your manhood or whatever and get the hell out of there.”

  He eyed her like she was some kind of hell beast instead of a beautiful, former Vegas showgirl wearing Prada. Finally, he shook his head and said, “Can I pin her back? After she’s had the chance to prove herself?”

  Claudia patted his arm. “Of course, darling.”

  He sighed heavily. “Our debt is finished after this.”

  “Yes, absolutely!” she grinned and bounced excitedly on the couch. “Let’s go see what she looks like. She’s downstairs on the security floor now. Her name is Laney Paul and she’s from overseas.”

  “Blyad,” he said with feeling, shoving tattooed fingers through the short, dark hair on his scalp. “I hope she’s built like fucking tank! No one will believe woman can take me down.”


  Addison was nervous. She knew better than to expect anything from Daniel, yet their relationship or non-relationship was progressing rapidly and she needed more from him. He came to see her every day without fail. Though he was now aware she couldn’t always accommodate him physically, he even came to see her on the days he deemed she needed a break from his constant lovemaking. He would sit with her and watch her broodingly, saying little and eventually leaving when she was ready for bed.

  Addison took his need to be near her, no matter what, whether they were having sex or not, as a good sign. She was determined to push him toward a more traditional relationship. Baby steps, she thought silently as she took a lasagna out of the oven and set it on the stovetop.

  “What are you doing?” his gruff voice wrapped around her from behind making her jump. She realized he must have waited for her to set the food down first before announcing his presence.

  She took the oven mitts off her hands and turned to him with a nervous smile. “Sorry, I know I’m usually done eating by now, but I got held up with orchestra business and couldn’t get home early. You’ll have to watch me eat… unless you want to join me? There’s plenty for two of us. I made a salad too.”

  “You were hours late getting home so you decided to just whip up a lasagna?” he asked skeptically.

  Damn him and his too quick mind! “Uh… it was frozen. Sometimes I make food on the weekends and freeze it. Daniel, I’m hungry, either join me or stand there and be your usual grumpy self.”

  “I’ll eat,” he grunted.

  She smiled to herself as she turned and reached into her cupboard for two plates and some cutlery. He carried the lasagna and salad to her table. They ate in complete silence, but she was gratified when she heard him take seconds of each dish. Maybe she could convince him to start coming over earlier in the evenings and eat with her. When she finished she set her fork and knife down and wiped her mouth on her napkin.

  Taking a deep breath she broached the subject she wanted to discuss with him. “I won’t be here Friday evening.”

  She felt him stiffen across the table from her. “Why?”

  “I have tickets for an opera ball, I’m expected to be there. It’s the start of their new season and they always throw an expensive, lavish bash. They invite select members of the symphony each year. Maestro can't go and wants me to go in his stead.”

  “Cancel it,” Daniel said gruffly.

  Addison rolled her eyes. “I can’t just cancel it.”

  He seemed to think about it for a moment then growled, “Who are you going with?”

  She hesitated for a moment, then, knowing she was probably about to get verbally destroyed, said, “No one yet. Will you go with me?”

  He didn’t say anything for a full minute, then, “Don’t, Addison.”

  “Don’t what?” she asked innocently.

  “Do the girlfriend thing. I don’t belong in your neat little world and don’t want to,” he snapped, pushing his plate away from him.

  “Then what is it about me that attracts you?” she asked in frustration. She stood, reaching for the dishes. “Why can't you leave me alone then if you don’t belong in my world?”

  He didn’t say anything for a moment, just watched her put their dishes in the dishwasher. When she finished, she came to stand next to him, her face a picture of vulnerability.

  “Stop it, Addison,” he growled.

  She reached for him, but he shoved her hands away and stood up, backing her away from the table with his much bigger, harder physical presence. She stepped away from him, hurt that he wouldn't let her touch him. Daniel was unpredictable and dangerous, but if there was one thing he always wanted it was her touch. Now he acted liked he couldn’t stand her.

  “It’s your vulnerability that I want,” he growled down a
t her, backing her up until she bumped into the wall. She tried to slide sideways but her hip hit the edge of the couch. He blocked her on the other side, forcing her to bend over the arm of the couch to escape the angry words he hurled at her. “It’s your fucked up darkness and the chaos you play to with your wild music. When your Maestro yells at you because you refuse to fit in, but makes you First Chair anyway, that’s the Addison I want to fuck raw. Not the fucking woman that wants to go on dates and be sweet to each other. When I hit your body and you moan for me, you come when I hurt you because you’re a submissive that cries out for the fucked up deviant in me.”

  A sob escaped her and she brought her hands up almost involuntarily to cover her ears, but he refused to let her hide. He grabbed her wrists and forced them down. He shoved her back against the arm of the couch shoving his leg between hers. Not content, he reached down and yanked her long skirt up until it was bunched at her waist and only a thin pair of lacy panties covered her.

  “Your mother fucked you up, hitting you when you were a child, while your father stood by and ignored it. Your parents controlled you so they wouldn’t have to be embarrassed by their defective only child. You grew strong enough to move out and protect yourself, but now you crave the control of a true dominant.” He leaned in, pressing his fingers into her hips and forcing her into his body. “That pussy was just waiting for someone like me to come along and tame it.”

  Asshole! she thought angrily, trying to deny the flood of sensations rushing through her body. She bit her lip hard, concentrating on the pain so she wouldn’t feel the pleasure he was playing out on her body.

  It was the most conversation he’d ever given to her at once and she hated him for it. She whimpered, but as always the violent passion in his touch turned her on, even if she hated him for the way he treated her. He would yank her closer physically while driving her away with words. She wanted to lash out at him.

  “And what’s your story Daniel,” she asked breathlessly. “Why are you so fucked up? Why do you need to dominate me so badly? Why do you deny having an accent and push me away when I ask too many questions, but pull me closer when you crave what all humans need? Even you can’t survive without affection. Isn’t that the reason you follow me around, why you can’t seem to let me go, while denying that we’re having any kind of relationship?”


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