Fear in Her Eyes (Fire & Vice Book 5)

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Fear in Her Eyes (Fire & Vice Book 5) Page 17

by Nikita Slater

  “Addison,” his icy voice stopped her.

  She couldn’t help the flare of hope that leaped in her traitorous heart.

  “My only regret is never having gotten into that tight little asshole before we finished.”

  Addison wondered how much a hitman cost and if she had enough shady friends now that one of them might be able to contract one out for her.


  Claudia felt pretty sure that if she could freeze this particular moment in her life then she could be happy forever. She was curled up on the couch where Tyson had just tucked a quilted blanket around her legs and was stoking a fire in the fireplace. She still marvelled at how odd it was to have a fireplace in the penthouse of a very tall building, but he assured her it was perfectly normal. Claudia decided she would have to finagle her way into a few more penthouses just to make sure. Her fiancé was a billionaire. He could just buy them for her so she could check them out.

  She giggled to herself and waved a hand at him as he quirked a brow at her from his position crouched next to the fireplace. She was definitely getting used to spending his money. Right from the first, she hadn’t been shy with his many dollars. She’d been pissed that he’d essentially kidnapped her and, determined to get her bang for his buck, so to speak, had engaged in every expensive activity she could think of.

  These days she settled for shopping sprees, business courses and planning their wedding. It made him happy when she spent his money, which made her happy.

  Her phone chirped cheerfully from her pocket – a text. Claudia smiled. She and Anya were supposed to go out to a new club in about an hour. Anya was probably doing an outfit check or something. She tended toward biker chic, while Claudia went a little more classic sexy. They balanced each other quite well.

  Pulling her phone from her pocket, Claudia frowned as she saw it was Laney. She was most definitely not going to be doing an outfit check for girls night. Laney would be wearing her usual braided hair, T-shirt, cargo pants and military style boots. So far as Claudia knew, Laney didn’t really change it up, except to occasionally wear black, green or white T-shirts. Claudia was 90% certain she would get punched in the face if she suggested Laney wear a little make-up.

  Claudia gasped and stood up, letting the quilt drop to the floor. Concern knitted her brow as she read her text. She heard Tyson move to stand next to her.

  “Let me see,” his soothing voice rumbled.

  She tilted the phone so he could read Laney’s text.

  LANEY Addison in trouble. Crying on 25th floor outside security. Can’t get her up. Please come

  “Oh no!” Claudia said, panic lacing her voice. “She went out with Daniel tonight, he must have done something horrible.”

  “Okay,” Tyson said easily, rubbing Claudia’s back. “Let’s go get her.”

  They hurried out the door while Claudia texted Laney to let her know that they were on their way. Rather than wait for the elevator, they took the stairs. Claudia could hear Addison’s heart-wrenching sobs as they approached the floor below the penthouse. She was collapsed against the door to the security wing, in a heap of torn golden crinoline, with her head bent into the cradle of her arms on her lap. Her long hair was a tangled mess cascading down her back.

  Laney was crouched behind Addison doing a poor job of trying to soothe the crying woman without actually talking to or touching her. She looked massively relieved when Claudia and Tyson arrived and jumped back to give them room.

  “Oh, my darling,” Claudia said, sitting next to Addison on the steps. “What happened?”

  Addison stiffened at first when Claudia put an arm around her and hugged Addison’s waist, but then she collapsed against Claudia’s warmth and leaned her head against the other woman’s leg. Claudia rubbed her back and shoulder gently and listened as Addison told her between hiccups and sobs what had happened over the course of the evening at the opera house.

  “I felt so bad!” she moaned, through the tears. “I followed him back here to apologize and… and tell him that I would never make him do that again. But he was so angry with me. He… he just attacked me…”

  “He attacked you?” Claudia said sharply, looking up at Tyson, who was frowning.

  “Not… not like that. Never like that,” Addison assured her, pushing herself up to look at Claudia earnestly. Her eyes were as unfocused as always, but she still got the message across.

  “He doesn’t have to force me. I melt as soon as he touches me. He has other ways of humiliating me… of making sure I leave and never come back,” she said miserably.

  “I see,” Claudia whispered, hugging Addison to her tightly.

  “Okay,” Tyson said, slowly sliding his hand along Addison’s other shoulder. “Let’s get you home.”

  Claudia helped Addison to her feet where Tyson very gently picked her up and carried her to the elevator. Claudia held her hand while Laney pressed the buttons. When they arrived at Addison’s apartment, he set her down on the couch and turned to Claudia.

  “Are you staying with her?”

  She looked at Addison’s bent, exhausted form on the couch and nodded. “I can’t leave her alone. Do you mind if I spend the night with her?”

  He hesitated for only a second before shaking his head. “Of course not. Keep Laney with you for a few hours in case you two need anything. I’ll call you later.”

  She went up on her toes and kissed his jaw. “Thank you. See you tomorrow.”

  After Tyson left, Claudia turned back to Addison and announced, “Now tell me, what the fuck did you do to my dress woman?”

  Addison gasped and then said, “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry Claudia, how much did it cost?”

  Claudia laughed. “You don’t even want to know. I just wanted to get a response out of you other than tears. Come on, let’s get you up and into the shower. You have something on your one shoulder that I’m thinking might be grease.”

  As Claudia herded Addison off to the shower she said to Laney over her shoulder, “Hey Lane, can you check the cupboards for something alcoholic? We are most definitely in need.”

  “Nice. Commando!” she said as she stripped the tattered gown off Addison and pushed her into the shower, drawing a gasp of outrage from the other woman as she turned the taps on without testing them first.

  “I didn’t start out commando!” Addison yelled through chattering teeth.

  Claudia pulled her phone out and began texting. “Whoa, TMI darling!”

  “Then maybe you should stop tearing my clothes off and finding stuff out about me that you didn’t want to know,” Addison snapped back. “And if that was TMI then you’d better stay the heck out of my bedside drawer.”

  Claudia burst out laughing. “I didn’t mean too much information on your part, I meant TMI on Daniel’s. I so don’t need to know that asshole has a pair of your used panties hanging around his apartment.”

  Addison snorted. “Yeah, he’ll probably keep them in his pocket to remember me by. Like a trophy or something .”

  “Yeah, one of the only woman who ever gave him the time of day,” Claudia said nastily. “Don’t forget to scrub your hair too. I think I saw a twig or something in there. I don’t know what you did tonight, but it looks like way too much fun to have ended in so many tears.”

  Addison giggled despite the pressing feeling she still had in her chest. “Nope, it pretty much sucked ass from beginning to end. Except for a few very brief seconds that are totally not worth it.”

  “Oh yay,” Claudia said excitedly. “Anya is coming over!”

  “What?!” Addison yelped.

  “I hope you don’t mind,” Claudia said, not sounding at all repentant at inviting someone over that Addison had never met right after Addison had been traumatized. “It’s just that Anya is really good at lifting people’s spirits because she’s a little psychotic, and I was supposed to go out drinking with her tonight so she just sort of invited herself over.”


“Oh! Please, Addison!” Claudia begged. “I promise you’ll like her.”

  Two hours later, Addison was listening to a drunk Anya argue with a sober Laney over the proper use of a blender while Claudia narrated the entire scene for Addison’s amusement from their position on the couch, where they sat in pyjamas, snuggled under blankets with their cocktails. Addison decided she was definitely leaning on the side of liking Anya.

  “It says in the instructions that this appliance is not to be used while under the influence,” Laney said matter-of-factly.

  “Are you suggesting I’m drunk, Lamey?” Anya said. “Lemme see those fucking instructions!”

  “Anya just tore the instructions out of Laney’s hand, which seems to really piss Laney off, if her clenched fists and death stare are anything to go by,” Claudia whispered to Addison.

  “Ah hah! Your fucking bodyguard is a liar Claudia, I demand you fire her ass immediately,” Anya yelled across the condo. “These instructions specifically say this blender should be used for shit like Piña Coladas and Blue Hawaiis and… and other drinks. There’s even recipes! If this blender isn’t meant to be used by drunk people, then why would they have recipes for alcoholic beverages? Simple logic people!”

  “Anya’s shoving a bunch of bananas, pineapple chunks and vodka into the blender,” Claudia said.

  “That sounds really yummy!” Addison said happily, slurping away at her drink. “Mine is almost empty.”

  “I think she plans on blending it without the lid,” supplied Claudia grimly. “She’s pretty wasted. Laney might have a point about Anya’s blending capacity.”

  “Oh shit, my kitchen,” wailed Addison.

  “Do you read Mandarin?” Laney asked Anya.

  “No,” Anya said. “Do you?”

  “Of course,” Laney replied. “And it clearly says in the Mandarin section that drunk-ass Russian bitches are not supposed to touch expensive blind-lady blenders after five very large cocktails. Hands off!”

  “Laney just took the entire blender away from Anya!” Claudia announced, wiggling on the couch in her excitement.

  Addison clutched her drink, nearly overwhelmed by the drama going on in her kitchen.

  “Give that back!” Anya yelled.

  “Holy shit!” Claudia gasped.

  “What, what?” Addison demanded.

  “Anya just launched herself across your island and grabbed hold of one of Laney’s braids, she’s reaching for the blender, but Laney’s holding it above her head. Now the vodka and fruit chunks are tipping out on top of both of them. This is classic stripper warfare, Addison!”

  “Awesome!” Addison yelled, downing her drink.

  “Ohmyfuckinggod!” Claudia gasped as a loud thump shook the kitchen and everyone went silent except for an echoing click.

  “What was that?” Addison whispered, barely daring to move.

  “Umm, Laney just flipped Anya off the counter by her neck and onto the floor and is now pointing a gun at her. I’m pretty sure Anya’s done with the blender now, Laney,” Claudia said helpfully.

  Laney slammed the blender down on the counter, growled something about drunk chicks and stomped away from the stunned scene, slamming the front door behind her. A few seconds later everyone started breathing again.

  It was Anya that broke the silence. Speaking from her position on the kitchen floor behind the island, she said, “Hey Addison, can I paint your walls for you? Something bright and cheerful to liven the place up!”

  Claudia looked at Addison and said. “Now might be a good time to tell you that Anya has platinum and bubblegum pink hair. And a few months ago it was blue.”

  Addison titled her head to the side and thought about it for all of two seconds. “Perfect! When can you get started?”


  Tyson approached Daniel slowly, like he might a rabid dog. Daniel was sitting on one of the weight benches with his back to the door. Tyson was under no illusion that Daniel hadn’t heard him come in. The tension in his security chief’s shoulders told him otherwise. Though Tyson outweighed Daniel by a good eighty pounds and topped him by several inches, he knew the other man could take him out within seconds with his bare hands. Even at a disadvantage. There was a reason Tyson trusted him implicitly with his security.

  Tyson pulled up a chair and sat several feet away from the unpredictable man, taking in the ruin of expensive equipment. He was impressed. He knew Daniel was tough and strong, but he had no idea Daniel’s lean muscles hid that kind of strength.

  “I’ll replace the equipment and pay for the damage,” Daniel said gruffly.

  Tyson nodded and after several seconds said, “This stuff is replaceable, Addison Sterling is not.”

  Daniel’s head snapped up and Tyson was surprised by the heat in his eyes. He was used to icy calm from Daniel. “Don’t you think I know that? I nearly snapped her fucking neck tonight when I threw her into the side of the opera house,” he snarled. “Fucking fireworks.”

  “Ah,” Tyson said, understanding.

  And he did. He was the only person in the world that Daniel had ever opened up to enough that might understand what was going on in his head.

  “You wanted to drive her away,” Tyson said knowingly.

  “Had to. She’s too close to the truth.”

  “She won’t blame you, Daniel. She’s too good inside to ever hold your past against you,” Tyson murmured.

  Daniel’s eyes blazed angrily. “She’s a fucking angel. Deserves more than the slave of a Brazilian street whore.”

  Tyson felt every word like it was a blow to the chest. Daniel had only ever spoken to him once of his past, when they had sat together in a North Korean prison, dying of hunger and thirst. Daniel had been born on the streets of Rio de Janeiro to a prostitute who had sold him when he was old enough to make a few dollars for her. When he grew big enough to fight back, he’d killed his rapist and run away. He’d joined a street gang and survived by learning to pickpocket. He’d viciously worked his way up the gang until he was at the top and then he’d hired himself out as a mercenary. Determined never to fall victim to predators again, he’d become the best of the best of hired guerrilla fighters and travelled the world until he met Tyson King. A man with integrity, the only man he met worth saving and calling friend.

  Daniel said heavily, “I’m too dark inside. Eventually I’ll hurt her, maybe kill her.”

  Tyson shook his head. “You won’t. She’s light and beautiful, she can heal some of the dark if you let her.”

  Daniel shook his head. “No. I’ll fuck her up. Already did. It’s better like this.”

  Tyson wanted to disagree with his friend, but after seeing the heartbreak on Addison’s face he felt maybe she was better off without Daniel. He was a killer. Tyson couldn’t confidently say she was safe in the other man’s hands. No one could say that. Except Daniel. Until Daniel decided otherwise, Addison was safer without him.

  Conversation over, Tyson stood and walked away from the best head of security money could buy. Too bad money couldn’t fix what was broken within him.


  6 weeks later

  Sweat beaded Addison’s brow and she wondered if it was possible for all the bones in her wrist to spontaneously break so the misery of her current situation might finally end. Their spring performance was in less than a month and, according to Maestro, they were a masterpiece of a mess with Addison at the helm of their sinking ship.

  For her part, Addison had no rhythm in her. She played as technically beautiful as always, but there was no soul, no effervescence, nothing that marked her music as uniquely hers. Everyone noticed, but no one knew what to say. Maestro threatened to revoke her position. He begged her to do better. He promised her his eternal gratitude and release from all future engagements if she simply found her damn music again. Still she played better than anyone else in his orchestra, so he couldn’t replace her.

  As they played the last notes and Addison dropped her bow to her lap w
ith a grateful sigh, heavy silence filled the room as they waited for the Maestro’s closing comments before they left for the day. He did not disappoint. He started with the woodwinds, moved to percussion, then brass and finished with the strings. Finally, he reached his First Chair.

  “I expect more, Ms. Sterling, much more,” he said coldly. “This entire orchestra relies on you to lead them in each set, yet you continually fail. Not only do you fail to lead, you fail to stand out in any way. You are crippling your career and the careers of those around you by blending in. You will sink into obscurity if you continue on this path.”

  He said the word blending like it was swear, causing Addison and several others to flinch. If there was one thing a musician never wanted to do, it was blend in. One needed to be seamless, yes, and of course, blend to a certain extent, but one must also bring their own unique sense of style and artistry to the music to really make it. Maestro’s insults drew blood.

  “I expect you to remember who you are and the reason I made you the youngest First Chair in the history of this orchestra before I change my mind and remedy that particular mistake. I seem to remember taking a chance on a cellist, despite her not being a classic violinist. I did not expect to find a dishrag in my orchestra all these years later. Get it together, Ms. Sterling, before I do it for you,” he snapped angrily.

  She blinked away tears as he dismissed the orchestra and strode angrily off the stage. A few people murmured their condolences knowing what it was like to be on the sharp end of Maestro’s tongue. Unfortunately, they all knew Addison hadn’t been playing her best for several weeks either. Maybe she needed a wake up call?

  Sliding wearily out of the chair, Addison packed up her cello, pulled on her coat and made her way rapidly to the back door. She felt a little like a chastened child trying to slip away unnoticed, but there was little she could do about it. Unfortunately, there was one person who wasn’t going to let her go that easily.


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