The Mage's Path (The Age of Legend Book 1)

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The Mage's Path (The Age of Legend Book 1) Page 16

by Lionel Vicknair

  This symbol was much more complex than the one around the door, having multiple layers of symbols. He knew that each symbol controlled fire in a different way, commanding it to do various things.

  “So, this is what you have really been after.” They all turned to see Lodin shouting angrily from the doorway, two guards standing beside him. “You’ve been playing me for a fool this entire time. And I’m going to guess that these two with you are your supposed family.” The three froze, trapped with the only escape blocked.

  “Wait, please,” pleaded Selena, but it was no use.

  “Save your breath,” snarled Lodin. “Kill them all.” The guards drew their swords simultaneously and moved forward.

  Rizzo’s fears were becoming a reality. They were going to die. He was never one to just give up though. Instinctively, he drew his sword with his free hand and took up a defensive stance, moving in front of his unarmed friends. He held on to the gem in the other hand, refusing to let it go.

  The guards didn’t hesitate, one of them slashing at him with blinding speed. He brought his sword up and deflected the attack. Surprisingly, he was quicker than the guard. All the training he had done with Will came to his aid.

  The other guard swung from his opposite side, not allowing Rizzo enough time to attack. He tried to fend it off, barely blocking in time. But the first guard was already attacking again, swinging low for his leg. He tried to move out of the way but wasn’t quick enough. The blade grazed his thigh, leaving a shallow gash that caused his leg to buckle in pain.

  There was no time to think as the second guard didn’t hesitate, going for the kill and raising his sword high for a downward thrust. Rizzo dodged the attack by rolling to the side, but barely. Out of all the time he had spent training with Will, he never learned how to fight two attackers.

  Vosh and Selena stood behind him, unable to do anything, a look of utter horror on their faces.

  Rizzo knew he had to think of something quick, or the next cut might be fatal. If he could just eliminate one of them, he might stand a chance. A desperate idea came to him as each was getting ready to swing, but he rolled to the side again, making it so the first guard was between him and the second one. Now he had a few seconds of only facing one guard.

  With all the speed he could muster, he ruthlessly attacked, swinging wildly but with planned precision. It was no use though, as each attack was blocked. If he only had more time to find a weak point in their defense.

  The other guard made his way around, but Rizzo moved again, desperately trying to keep them from facing him both at once. He took one moment to glance at Vosh and Selena and see them both cowering in fear, with Vosh in front, arms spread as if to shield her.

  Renewing his determination, he continued his onslaught, striking again and again, continuing to move out of the reach of the second guard.

  Then something happened that he did not expect. The second guard turned to look at Selena and Vosh, smiling as he walked towards them, death in his eyes. He panicked as an image of his friends dying flashed in his mind. He screamed as he attacked with reckless abandon, but it was no use, he couldn’t get past the first guard.

  Just as he thought all hope was lost, he felt the gem get hot in his hand. The guiding feeling returned instantly, beckoning him to use it. With no other choice, he gave in and let that feeling take over.

  It was as if he was no longer in control of his body, his actions having a mind of its own and taking him along for the ride. He raised his hands at the guard in front of him and commanded one of the symbols buried inside, summoning tendrils of fire from his hand that wrapped around the guard approaching his friends.

  One of the tendrils wrapped around his head and then twisted it his neck, killing him. Rizzo whipped his arm and sent the corpse flying, barreling into the pedestals and carrying him even further to crash into the wall behind.

  The other guard stood still as a statue, fear paralyzing him. His fellow guard was on the ground, dead, flames still burning on his breastplate. His eyes went to Rizzo, filled with fear, but he didn’t get to gather himself and react.

  Rizzo turned the gem towards the guard and summoned a ball of fire that blasted him back. A loud crunch sounded as he slammed into the wall, a blood splatter where the back of his head hit. He then turned to Lodin who looked at him with the same fear in his eyes, petrified and unable to move.

  “How…” Squeaked Lodin. “What... are you?”

  Rizzo had never heard someone sound so afraid before, but he didn’t care. Lodin tried to kill the two people he most cared for in this world, and he had to pay. Lodin turned to run but tripped and fell on his back. Rizzo walked slowly to him and pointed the gem with deadly intent.

  “Wait!” Screamed Selena as she ran to Rizzo and put her hand on his arm. “Please, don’t. You’re not a killer.” He looked at her and saw the same fear that the guards had, and it brought him back to reality. He didn’t want to scare her, he only wanted to protect her. “Please, just leave him and let’s go.” He looked around and saw the guards lying dead on the ground.

  Then, he looked and saw Vosh, staring at him wide-eyed with fear, pressed as close to the wall as he could. Rizzo lowered his arm, realizing what he had just done. Lodin started scooting away, but before he could walk far, Rizzo walked over to him put his sword point against his throat.

  “Get inside the vault,” said Rizzo threateningly. “Now, before I change my mind.” Lodin didn’t even get to his feet. He scrambled on his hands and knees inside the vault, as far away as he could get.

  “We need to go,” said Selena, pulling on Rizzo to get him to move. “NOW!”

  Chapter thirteen

  Word had spread quickly of the riot, causing the king to get involved and send in soldiers from his personal army to enforce the Noble’s District. As Rizzo had predicted, the king provided food from his own stores to calm the people down.

  The real trouble happened when Lodin finally got out of the vault. He put the city on full alert with a warning of a mage within the walls. Rizzo, Selena, and Vosh were forced to hide in the guildhall as posters of them were being passed out everywhere, offering a huge reward for their capture.

  Garen and Vince were waiting for them in the meeting room when the group arrived back at the guild.

  “What the hell did you do?” asked Vince angrily when they entered.

  Rizzo wanted to keep what happened secret, not wanting anyone else to look at him with the same fear that Vosh and Selena had. He didn’t have much of a choice though, the guild ears most likely already told them everything. So, Rizzo told them the truth, all the way from the beginning, even the part about how he could see the energy around magical items.

  “So, after all this time, it was you who had magic,” said Garen. He didn’t sound upset, merely surprised and happy that he finally had an answer.

  “What do you mean?” asked Rizzo, not knowing that the reason they recruited the two was because they thought Vosh had used magic to remove the ward on the door.

  “We heard about how someone disarmed the magic ward on the door in the Noble’s District,” said Garen. “But we had always thought Vosh was the one who did it.”

  “So, that’s why you had me picking locks for weeks,” Vosh said as he connected the dots. “Is that the only reason you recruited me?”

  “I think we have more important things to worry about,” said Vince. “Every guard in the city is searching for you, and they won’t stop until you are caught.”

  “Well, doesn’t the guild have plans for this sort of thing?” asked Rizzo. “I’m sure if we just hide out, eventually things will quiet down.”

  “I’m afraid that won’t work,” said Garen. “Being a mage in Sartram is a worse crime than murder. Not to mention you assaulted the son of the highest standing noble in the city.”

  “So, what can I do?” Said Rizzo. Eddy and Rob were right after all, this job was going to be the end of him.

  “There’s nothing you can
do,” said Vince sadly. “If you stay here eventually, they will find you, and not even the guild can protect you from that.”

  Rizzo could tell Vince regretted saying this, as if he was finally starting to like Rizzo.

  “What if I left the city?” asked Rizzo. He knew nothing about the world outside of Sartram, and did not understand where he would even go. But it seemed there was no other option. “It’s me that they want, and if I left, Vosh and Selena would be safe.”

  “I wish that were so,” said Garen. “But they are being hunted as well. If they are found, they will be tortured to try and find out where you are at. And they won’t believe them if they say you left the city.”

  “Then we will all have to leave?” Selena asked. She sounded worried. Rizzo knew she wanted to travel the world, but definitely under different circumstances.

  “If you want to live, yes,” said Garen. “We can get you out of the city and onto a ship but finding a captain crazy enough take you is going to be extremely difficult, and very expensive.”

  “I’ve saved up plenty from the jobs I’ve been doing,” said Vosh. “Just get us the ship.”

  “I know how much you have,” said Vince. “We are the ones who pay you after all. But even if you saved every copper you still wouldn’t have enough to pay for all three of you. The reward on Rizzo’s head is one hundred gold coins and fifty for each of you. That means a captain will probably want double that. I’m half tempted to turn you in myself.”

  Rizzo looked at him with disbelief, now seeing the severity of their situation. Random citizens were probably getting in groups just to find them and claim their fortune.

  “Will this be enough to pay for passage?” asked Rizzo as he reached into his cloak and pulled out the Dragon’s Eye. Magic energy coursed through his body, but he held it back. The last thing he wanted was to lose the gem and be without magic again, but if it could buy his friends safety, he would gladly give up anything.

  Garen’s eyes lit up with greed as he reached for the gem, but Rizzo pulled it back. A flash of anger crossed his face as he pulled his hand back “Yes, that should be plenty to cover your passage. Now please, let me see it.”

  He hesitantly handed over the gem. A longing passed over him as the presence in the back of his mind faded.

  I will do whatever it takes to one day travel to Ancalen and learn about magic, he promised himself, remembering the books he read about the mystical city.

  “Rizzo, we know nothing of the world outside these walls,” said Vosh. “Where will we go? And how will we survive? I think I’d rather take my chances here than drowning in the sea or starving in some wilderness.”

  He has a point, he realized. There was only one person that he knew of who has studied the world outside of Sartram.

  “We will actually be needing passage for four,” said Rizzo. Vosh and Selena looked at him curiously. “And I need someone to deliver a message to Will for me.”

  Hours went by while Rizzo waited in the meeting room for Will to show. He was worrying, wondering if Will would even help after he learned of Rizzo’s secret life in the Thieves Guild.

  Sometimes I wish he didn’t always have to be so honorable, he thought to himself. But that sense of honor was one of the reason’s Rizzo respected Will so much. The people he grew up around differed greatly.

  Will was finally brought into the meeting room hours later, with his hands tied up in front of him and a mask over his head. Eddy and Rob were on either side, escorting him into the room. Rizzo was not happy about how they had him restrained, but could relate to why they did it. He was a massive, threatening man and they were clearly afraid of him.

  I can’t believe he allowed them to tie him up and blindfold him, he thought.

  "Please guys, untie him,” said Rizzo. "I trust him, he's not a threat." They untied him cautiously and removed the mask. Will was silent, looking more hurt than angry. Rizzo couldn’t blame him though. Even though he had never lied to Will, in a way he had still deceived him. "Do you guys mind if we speak alone?" They nodded and left the room. He had been thinking of what to say the entire time he was waiting for Will to arrive, but now that he was in front of him, his mind was blank.

  "Why?” asked Will. A simple question, but one without a simple answer.

  "This is the life I was born into." Answered Rizzo. "I grew up in the Slums and had few options. I joined the guild for survival, not because it was something I wanted."

  "I didn't train you so that it could be used to help you steal from people,” said Will.

  "And I never used your training for that purpose,” said Rizzo. "I watched someone die because I was too weak to protect them, and I never wanted that to happen again." Will looked at him, trying to see if his face hinted at a lie.

  "I don't know why, but I believe you,” said Will. Rizzo breathed a sigh of relief, glad he still trusted him. "Why am I here though?"

  "You told me the other day that you wanted to travel to one of the cities in Avlodon,” said Rizzo. "I need to get far away and start a new life, and I am hoping that you will be my guide. I will cover all the expenses if you are willing to come with me." Will thought about it for a second.

  "The entire city is searching for you. They are going around with posters of you and your friends, offering huge rewards for any information,” said Will. "I want to help you, but I don't see any way for you to get out of the city without being caught. And I will not risk my life and reputation for a hopeless cause.”

  "I don't want to put your life at risk,” said Rizzo. "I will give you the coin to pay for passage and you can get on the ship by yourself. We will find our own way on, and you don't have to even speak to us until we reach Avlodon. That way, even if we are caught they won't have any reason to think you had anything to do with us."

  "And if you don't make it to the ship?” asked Will.

  "Then you still have your passage paid for, and you can go without any obligation to me,” said Rizzo. Will was silent for a long time while he considered the offer.

  "I will need to say goodbye to my father and gather a few things,” said Will.

  "That's perfectly fine,” said Rizzo, happy that he accepted. "Take all the time you need. I'll have a message delivered to let you know what ship we are taking and when we are leaving. They will also have the coin to pay for your passage. And thank you, I know this is not something you wanted or planned on."

  Vince and Garen couldn’t find a ship captain willing to take passengers until the next day. They came and found Rizzo while he was sitting in his room. He had too much on his mind to train or do anything else.

  “There you are, we have some great news,” said Garen as he walked in. “We found a captain that is crazy enough to take you and your group to Avlodon with no questions asked.” Rizzo had known him long enough by now to know that when he sounded this happy, usually there was a catch.

  “But?” asked Rizzo.

  “But, he has a good idea of who you are,” said Vince. “It’s no surprise though seeing as how everyone in the city knows what you did. Anyone with half a brain would know that if there are three people trying to get out of the city secretly, it had to be you.” He knew that could mean trouble, seeing as the captain could turn them in and collect the bounty on their heads.

  “Do you think we can trust him?” asked Rizzo.

  “Like everyone in this city, the only thing he understands is coin,” said Garen. “And as expected, he asked for double the price that is on your heads. We paid and made the arrangements and sent word to Will. Gather everything you have. You will be leaving soon.”

  Once Rizzo, Vosh, and Selena made it to the meeting room, they placed letters to friends on the table, this being their only chance to say goodbye. The group was then led through the guild to the back of the treasury room and into the guilds most well-kept secret, a tunnel leading outside of the city next to the water.

  Only the guild-masters knew of the tunnel, it’s meant only as an escape if
the guild was ever discovered. Outside, there was a small boat waiting to take them to the ship. Rizzo took one last look at the city he grew up in, a sadness overcoming him as he left, knowing he may never return. He didn’t know this was only the beginning of his journey, great perils and triumphs awaited him in Avlodon.

  Two weeks later

  “We have found the boy,” said Zain through the link to his master. “Stories of a young mage in Sartram are spreading and no one knows how he got into the city. This has to be him, he must have been snuck into the city as a baby. No one would have thought to check him for magic at such a young age.” It finally made sense as to why they were never able to find him.

  “Bring him to me.” Replied the sinister voice inside his head. There was joy coming from the other side of the link, something he had never felt from his master before. It almost made him feel sorry for the boy, knowing what was coming. Almost.

  End of book one

  I hope you enjoyed The Mage’s Path, the first book of hopefully many. This was an opening into the roles and minds of my characters, much more is coming as Rizzo and his group make it to Avlodon and begin to learn of his strange, magical abilities. The people hunting him will never rest though, and now that they have his scent, Rizzo’s real test begins.




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