
Home > Romance > Moonlight > Page 17
Moonlight Page 17

by Lisa Kessler

  Aren shifted his gaze my way, before he looked at his brother. “Look, Adam, maybe I was wrong. Maybe Lana isn’t trying to set you up, but now you’re mixed up in this too. I can help you get out of it. I’ve got the jaguar’s scent and you’ve got her gun. I’ll keep her here and keep her busy while you get back to the Pack.”

  Adam ground his teeth together, his gaze moving between his brother and me. “You’ll be right behind us?”

  Aren nodded. “I’ll be on a flight in the morning.”

  Adam stepped up and embraced his twin. I watched them hold each other tight before they stepped back, and my heart clenched in my chest. They were brothers. And now, once again, I was coming between them.

  “Ready?” Adam handed the gun to Aren.

  He shook his head. “I don’t need a gun.”

  “Take it just in case,” Adam said.

  “She was just as dangerous without the gun.” Aren rubbed the knot on his forehead.

  “There’s another jaguar here, too.”

  “What?” Aren dropped his hand, looking over at Adam. “Besides Lana?”

  Adam nodded. “Yeah. His name’s Sebastian. I don’t know which team he’s really playing for, so stay alert. Don’t trust him.”

  “Like I would ever trust a cat.” Aren smirked, then he seemed to remember I was in the room because his expression faltered. But he didn’t bother to apologize. Instead he clasped Adam’s forearm. “See you back home.”

  “Be careful,” I said, but Aren only nodded as he headed out the door. He didn’t even look at me.

  There wasn’t time to think about what a racist jerk he was, though. Adam grabbed the duffel bag, and we hurried out of the room. We hopped in a cab at the back entrance and made it to the airport without any incidents. Inside the ticketing area, Adam seemed to relax a little. He took my hand and smiled at me, but I couldn’t muster much of a smile back.

  “Everything’s going to be okay.” He lifted my hand and pressed a kiss to the back of it. “What’d I miss when I left the library? Find anything new?”

  “I double checked dates against the Nero documents, and I’m almost positive I was the Baby Doe on the steps of the San Fernando Cathedral. And I think the sweatshirt they returned to me when I got older is pretty solid proof I was the missing baby from the Nero report.”

  “That means you definitely have a twin brother somewhere.”

  I nodded. “Sebastian seemed a little shaken when I asked him about it. He said my father is still with Nero.” The phrase “my father” felt foreign on my tongue.

  We went through security and waited at the terminal for our flight. I lost track of the time, my mind wandering over the information I’d gathered on the trip. It was pretty easy to guess why Nero wanted me now. I was a female born as a shifter with a male twin. An anomaly. No doubt they wanted to study my DNA. My initiation into the “breeding program” probably wouldn’t be far behind. They’d want to know if I could reproduce female shifters.

  Just thinking about it made me want a shower. I couldn’t let them get their hooks in me. Ever.

  Forcing the thoughts from my mind, I looked over at Adam. His green eyes were still scanning the airport terminal. His muscles were taut like he was ready to spring into action at any moment. It was hard to believe just last night I fell asleep in those same arms.

  He caught me looking at him and his lips curved up just a little. “We’ll sort everything out when we get home. You’ll see.”

  Home. I nodded, but the word settled like sand in my stomach. Reno was Adam’s home, not mine. I didn’t have a home. I’d never had one.

  Now that I understood what I was, and why Nero might want me, it was pretty obvious they weren’t going to give up until they had me. And after spending time with Aren, it was pretty clear the Pack would never accept me as Adam’s mate either. The best thing for everyone would be for me to disappear. I leaned my head against Adam’s shoulder, grateful for the comfort of his arm when he pulled me closer. I closed my eyes and breathed him in.

  God, it would hurt to leave him.

  We had a quiet plane ride back to Reno. It was dark when we landed, but the night air felt good on my face as Adam drove the Jeep back from the hotel toward his ranch.

  “Are you sure it’s safe to take me to your place?”

  “It’ll be fine.” He reached over to rest his hand on my thigh. “I called Luke and let him know I was on my way back so he could go home.”

  I nodded, but it stung. Being reminded I was a big secret emphasized the fact that they were his family and I could never be a part of it. I closed my eyes and tried to bottle up my feelings as best I could.

  We pulled in the driveway and got out to grab the bags. Adam slung the duffel bag over his shoulder before catching my hand in his. He pulled me close for a kiss and grinned. “Good to be back home.”

  I smiled up at him. I couldn’t help it. “It’s good to see you smile.”

  He opened the front door of the house and his smile vanished instantly. “Luke. I thought you were going home.”

  A young guy, maybe eighteen or twenty, stood up and started walking toward us. He had dark brown hair like Adam’s, but it was longer, past his shoulders, and his eyes were light blue, piercing, wolf eyes. His skin was tanned too, which only made his eyes stand out even more.

  He smiled at Adam, but it faded away as he got closer to the door.

  Oh shit. It’s because of me.

  He had to be catching my scent. I spun around and jogged back to the Jeep.

  “Lana, wait.” I heard Adam call to me.

  I hopped in the front seat and scooped the keys off the floor. I jerked the handle and pulled the seat forward, then fired up the engine. I wasn’t going to steal Chaney, just take it for a drive. Alone.

  It took me a minute to get the feel of the clutch. I hadn’t driven a stick shift in a couple of years, but it all came back and I drove right by Adam and his friend. Brother? Could Adam have a younger brother he didn’t tell me about?

  It didn’t matter. I had no idea who Luke might be, and although Adam liked to think I was his mate, he kept me at arm’s distance. Even if I couldn’t meet his family, I would’ve hoped he’d at least confide in me about them. I only knew about Aren because his twin had hunted me down. For all I knew, Adam had a bunch of brothers, aunts, uncles—all the family I didn’t have.

  I wiped at the tears that rolled down my cheeks, letting the night air dry my skin. I didn’t know where I was going, but it didn’t really matter. I needed to get away. Adam claimed to love me, but how could I accept it when it meant he’d have to leave his family? Not to mention the danger I’d brought to his hometown. Danger seemed to follow me everywhere I went these days.

  I drove back to Circus Circus, grateful now that I hadn’t checked out when we left for San Antonio. I pulled into the parking lot and collapsed against the steering wheel. After a few good heaving sobs, I took a deep breath. Feeling sorry for myself wasn’t going to solve anything. I needed a hot shower, some time to think, and a plan.

  My brow furrowed, and I sniffed. How could I possibly be smelling Sebastian? I peered out into the dim light, grateful for my keen feline vision. I got out of the Jeep quietly and wandered through the parked cars, following the scent that shouldn’t be here. “Sebastian?”

  I kept my voice low, but he would be able to hear. I slipped my hand in my pocket, relieved to feel my cell phone there. If Sebastian was really going to take me back to Nero I was pretty sure he would’ve already taken me, but I also didn’t feel like he was going to help me escape them either. Until I knew whose side he was really on, knowing I could dial 911 gave me a little piece of mind.

  I turned back to the Jeep and gasped.

  Leaning against the spare tire on the back was a very beaten up Sebastian.

  “What happened to you?”

  “No questions now.” He looked straight ahead. “We’re not safe here. You still have your room, right?”

�Yes, I didn’t check out.”

  He nodded. “Take me inside. We can talk there.”

  I wasn’t excited about being alone in a hotel room with Sebastian again, but he had information I needed. And although I couldn’t put my finger on the moment that our relationship shifted, something had changed. I couldn’t be sure of Sebastian’s motives, but taking me to Nero seemed to have fallen lower on his list. For now.

  Safely in my room, he peered out the window, checking the parking area below. Finally he closed the drapes and headed into the bathroom. He came out with a damp washcloth. His face looked bad, but I didn’t feel comfortable offering to help him. Since he attacked me the first time we met, my relationship with Sebastian was tenuous at best.

  “How did you get here so fast?” I asked.

  He pressed the washcloth to his nose. “When I told the wolf to protect you, I knew he would bring you back to his Pack. I am in no condition to wander into a wolf pack at the moment, so I came here to wait.” He glanced at the blood on the washcloth and refolded it. “Where is the wolf?”

  “He should be here soon.” No sense letting Sebastian feel like he could stay. “Adam told me Nero sent another jaguar to San Antonio.” I watched him cleaning up. “She really messed you up.”

  Sebastian winced as he wiped at the dried blood on his lip. “These are scratches. No real damage.” He stopped, and his head snapped in my direction. “How did you know it was a female? Did you see her?”

  “No.” He relaxed slightly, and I rubbed at the back of my neck, trying to relieve the ball of nervous tension. “Adam caught her behind the library in San Antonio.”

  He went to the bathroom sink and dropped the washcloth into the basin. He examined his wounds while he spoke to me. “Did he kill her?”

  His question jolted me. Until recently, I’d never in my life had people asking me if someone had been killed. It still felt surreal that this was my life now. Wolves, jaguars, and the constant threat of being hunted and killed. Fabulous.

  “No, she got away.” I gnawed at my lower lip while I thought about the best way to get more information out of him. “He said she’d been bitten. She wasn’t born a jaguar like me, was she?”

  Sebastian shook his head and ran his fingers back through his black hair with a frustrated sigh. “Her name is Sasha.” His eyes met mine. “I bit her.”

  “What?” I popped up from the bed like a bolt of lightning zapped me. “So she’s your…mate?”

  The corner of his mouth twitched and he shook his head again. “No.”

  “But you bit her.”

  Sebastian glanced my way and raised a brow. “Jaguars are not like wolves. We do not have an instinct that forces us to mate for life.” He went back to the mirror with a dismissive grunt. “We make our own decisions.”

  I wanted to go smack him, instead I smirked. “Sounds like you made a great decision.”

  “Enough.” He glared at me, features cold and menacing. “I have history with Sasha that you know nothing about.” He walked back over to the window and parted the drapes to peer into the darkness again.

  I stared at the back of his head and reminded myself that pissing him off wasn’t going to get me the information I was looking for. “I think I’m missing something here. If Nero sent her to help you, why did she beat you up?”

  And why are you here in my room, not dragging me back to the happy family waiting for me at the Nero Organization?

  I was careful to keep the last question in my head.

  Sebastian raised his arm up on the windowsill and rested his head against his wrist. “We have history. I’m sure that is why they sent her.”

  I bit my lip, waiting for him to say more, but my hulking cat friend, or enemy, whatever he was, remained silent. Sighing, I started to pace. Maybe it was a feline thing, but I thought better on my feet.

  “I don’t understand what’s going on here. Are you trying to help me? Is Sasha trying to help you?”

  “She used to be a detective when we met. I had an assignment to kill a witness she was protecting.”

  I had no idea where this was going, but at least he was talking. “Did you kill him?”

  He looked back at me over his shoulder with an arrogant chuckle. “Of course.”

  He went silent again. I rolled my eyes and groaned. “Come on, Sebastian. If you came here to talk to me, then talk. Otherwise you should go.”

  He spun around. “You cannot be alone. Sasha could already be in Reno.”

  “Why are you helping me?”

  “I’m not.”

  I raised a brow. “Oh really? Sure seems like you don’t want Sasha to get me.”

  He shook his head. “I don’t want Nero to get you.”

  “Well, that’s helping me. Why do you care anyway?”

  “That doesn’t matter.”

  “Yes, it does matter. I need to know what’s going on.”

  He closed the drape and passed me to get back to the sink. He filled a glass of water and took a sip. “I have the highest level of clearance, but I was fed a lie.” His dark eyes met mine. “I am well trained, loyal, and lethal. I’m not a mindless drone, and until I know the truth behind this mission, I will not allow it to continue.” He glared at his reflection in the mirror. “I have given my life to Nero, but my allegiance is not blind.”

  I crossed my arms. “Do they know what’s going on with you?”

  He set the empty glass on the sink. “That’s why they sent Sasha.” He glanced my way and for a moment I almost thought there was a trace of hurt in his eyes. “Apparently I’m not worthy of the truth.”

  I gnawed at my lower lip. He could be an amazing actor, but he didn’t have to give me that flash drive. He wasn’t going to be a trusted friend, but it seemed, at least for now, he could be an ally.

  “Assuming I decide we might be on the same side right now, what are you doing here other than cleaning up?”

  He turned my way. “The wolves can’t protect you like I can.”

  “Judging by your appearance right now, I beg to differ.” I sat down at the small table. “Looks like Sasha kicked your ass.”

  His jaw clenched. “They sent Sasha knowing I would not harm her. It’s my fault she’s in their service. But I can keep you away from her. I know how she thinks. The wolf doesn’t seem to understand the simple rule that you cannot be left alone.”

  “First off, the wolf has a name. And secondly, Adam knows better than to order me around.”

  Sebastian shook his head. “Rest. I’ll keep watch.”

  “You expect me to sleep?”

  He nodded. “You should rest while you can.”

  “I agreed we might be on the same side right now, but I don’t trust you any farther than I can throw you. Why would I sleep while you’re here?”

  His hands balled into fists and he headed to the door. “You should do as I say because I am the only one who can keep you away from Nero.” His dark eyes bored into mine. “They will never stop searching for you, Lana, and they will find you. You are too precious to them to give you up.”

  Sebastian twisted the door handle, but before he could pull it open, the door rammed him back against the wall. Adam stormed into the room and grabbed Sebastian by the shirt, yanking him back up to his feet.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” Adam shoved him aside before he could answer and spun around toward me. “You stole my Jeep so you could meet up with him?”

  He was pointing at the angry assassin in the corner. I opened my mouth to answer, but Sebastian beat me to it.

  “She took your vehicle because she needed to get away from you.”

  Okay, that didn’t help.

  “You stay away from her.” Adam slammed Sebastian against the wall. His voice dropped to a growl. “She’s my mate.”

  “Impossible!” Sebastian struggled free from Adam, shaking his head. “A jaguar and a wolf?” His eyes narrowed as he hissed, “Never.”

  Adam launched himself at Sebastian, pinnin
g him to the back of the door, and pressed his forearm against Sebastian’s throat. The jaguar socked him in the stomach, hard. Adam coughed and threw Sebastian to the ground, but before he could pounce on top of him I put myself between them.

  “Enough.” Both men were out of breath. I looked at Sebastian first. “I think you should go. Thanks for the information. I appreciate it, whether you think you’re helping me or not.” Then I turned toward Adam and my heart sank. His face was hard; his dark green eyes were not brimming with love.

  Sebastian got up, straightened his clothes and went to the door. “Don’t let her out of your sight, wolf, or you will never see her again.”

  The door slammed behind him leaving me with a lot of explaining to do.


  The longer I watched Adam walk back and forth across the length of my room, the less guilty I felt. What did I have to feel guilty about? Nothing.

  He finally stood still and turned to make eye contact with me. “I want to know why he was here. Why did you take Chaney and pick him up?”

  I stood my ground, tipping my chin up. “I haven’t done anything wrong.”

  “Did I say you did?”

  I shrugged. “Not exactly, but attacking my only Nero informant definitely implied it.”

  He sat on the side of the bed and tugged me to sit beside him. He took a slow breath and met my eyes. “I love you, Lana. I trust you, but the wolf inside of me…” He shook his head. “Remember the donut guy who flirted with you? The territorial thing is new to me, and it’s going to take me a while to navigate.” He glanced at the door, then back at me. “I didn’t know why you took the Jeep, and then I saw him in your room…”

  I stared down at my hands. I wanted to cling to my righteous anger, but my emotions were too intense and raw. I couldn’t even look him in the eyes.

  “When I saw Luke was at your house, and saw his reaction when he caught my scent, I just needed some space. The only person in your family who knows about me hates me. And from what you’ve told me that’s how the whole Pack is going to feel, so why do we even bother?”

  He lifted my chin to meet his eyes and a tear rolled down my cheek. “I wish I could bring you home and introduce you to everyone. I do. I wish I could tell you how my father was going to love you and how my Pack brothers and Aren would think I was the luckiest guy in the world.” He paused and kissed away my tear. “Because I am.”


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