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Moonlight Page 23

by Lisa Kessler

  My head was spinning as I built a mental family tree, trying to piece together the puzzle as my father spoke.

  “My grandfather was an elder. He was at the meeting when Allen Caldwell first mentioned a chance for the younger members of our Pack to be part of an undercover military operation called Moonlight.”

  Fuck. Sebastian had mentioned Moonlight to Lana. I tried to sort out all the new info swimming around in my head. “So Allen Caldwell was your Alpha?”

  Malcolm nodded and clasped his hands together, wringing them slightly. “Yes. And I volunteered for the project.”

  I ran my hand down my face trying to keep from saying something I couldn’t take back. “You worked for the Nero Organization?”

  “It was called the Nero Project then. The man in charge was named Severino. I’m not sure if that was his first name or last name.” He paused rubbing his chin for a moment, then shook his head. “Anyway, Severino procured a government grant to investigate paranormal solutions to foreign hostilities. Allen told us that Severino knew we had extra-sensory abilities and that during the full moon we actually changed from men into wolves. He presented it to us that we could be an asset to our country.” He sighed and met my eyes. “I was young and resented being different. So I convinced my Pack brothers—Dominic, Nicholas, and Wyatt—to come with me to volunteer as part of the Moonlight Operation for the Nero Project.”

  My father and our Pack elders had known about Nero all along. They’d kept this secret from us while we hunted jaguars. No one had ever mentioned Nero to me until Lana ran into Sebastian.

  Malcolm went silent again, but with the afternoon sun getting lower in the sky I nudged him out of his thoughts. “What happened once you got there?”

  “They separated us.” His gaze met mine, and I saw shadows of pain lurking in the gray-green depths of his eyes. He took a deep breath, opening his hands. “They wanted us to be assassins for our government, trained mercenaries who could infiltrate foreign governments and take out leaders who were deemed madmen. But they wanted us to work alone.”

  “So you quit?”

  “We escaped. “ Malcolm shook his sliver mane and got up from the chair. “Our strength is working as a unit. Family and the Pack are always the top priority. It went against every instinct inside of us to work alone. We tried to explain it to Severino, but he still refused, and instead of allowing us to train together, he dumped us into cells. For three months we were nothing but lab rats. He tried to suppress our changes during the full moon and used shock therapy in an attempt to force us to turn on one another.”

  His eyes shone with emotion as he steepled his fingers. “When the sky was dark on the night of the new moon, he tossed us out on the grounds while he shifted into a jaguar and hunted us. His motto was ‘trust no one, least of all your best friend.’”

  Malcolm got up and walked over to the window again. “So we waited for the next full moon, hiding their drugs under our tongues, and doing whatever was necessary to keep our minds sharp. Once the moon was full, we shifted and broke free from our cells. When we got back to the Pack, Severino was already meeting with Allen, explaining to him that our kind didn’t suit his purpose, that we were weak. I was furious and tried to explain what that madman put us through, but Allen had more loyalty to Severino than to us. The following evening he banished us from the Pack.” He paused. “That’s when I became Alpha of our new Pack and we settled in Reno.”

  My mouth was dry. I raked my fingers back through my hair and went to stand beside my father, this man I apparently knew so little about. “So all this time, when the Pack has been hunting jaguars, you and the elders knew they were being sent by Nero?”

  He shrugged. “We suspected, but none of us had heard any mention of Nero since we’d escaped. It was a simple leap for me and the Pack elders to believe the project was abandoned once we were gone. Besides, those jaguars behaved like drifters, trouble-makers, not trained assassins.”

  “Could the jaguars that come through Reno every few months be looking for you?” I turned to face him, waiting for an answer.

  Malcolm lifted his gaze to meet mine. “I don’t think so. We would have told you if we believed any of us were specifically being targeted.”

  I took a deep breath. “I guess I’d better tell you the rest of my news then.”

  “There’s more?” He turned to face me.

  “There’s also a female jaguar who has threatened to come after me once the moon is full tonight.”

  He frowned and shook his head. “Why would they send a female? They’re not born into their power. They’d never be strong enough.”

  “This one is.” Just looking at Aren would prove that, but I kept that information away from my father. “I think she used to be in law enforcement before she was turned.”

  He nodded. “Does she have a mate then? Is he the one who killed Gabe?”

  “He’s the one who bit her, but I don’t think they’re mates. She beat the crap out of him in San Antonio.”

  Oh shit…

  His brow furrowed, and I knew he’d noticed. “San Antonio? What were you doing there?”

  “I’m not sure you want to know.” Could I lie to my father, my Alpha, right to his face? This was different than promising a lady in a bar that I’d call her. I wasn’t sure I was a good enough liar to sell it to Malcolm.

  I wasn’t sure anyone was that good a liar.

  “I know you’ve been keeping secrets, Adam, and I’d like to know why.”

  “You’re one to talk.” The shadows were lengthening outside. “It’s not important right now. The Pack will be here soon, and we need to warn everyone about the jaguars.”

  “I shared my secrets.” Malcolm leaned against the table. “Trust me with yours.”

  His words sat squarely on my shoulders like a fifty-pound weight. “I can’t.” I met his eyes. “I’m sorry but… I can’t.”

  He straightened to his full height, commanding my obedience on an instinctual level. I could feel his gaze boring into me. I clenched my fists and met his eyes. “You don’t want to know this. Let it go.”

  A crease marred his brow. “What could be worse than Nero still being in existence and sending operatives into our city?”

  My hands were sweating and the wolf inside me ached to please our Alpha. I wouldn’t last much longer. I started for the door, but he caught my arm. “Please Adam.”

  I sighed. Maybe I could just tell him the good news. “I found my mate.”

  Malcolm’s eyes widened and then he smiled. I’d never seen a grin like that on my father’s face before. He looked happy, proud, and relieved all in one expression. “This was your big secret? Adam, this is wonderful news. Who is she? Why haven’t I met her yet?”

  And here came the bad news. “She’s a jaguar.”

  His smile vanished as soon as the words left my lips. His eyes narrowed, and he shook his head, walking away from me. “That’s impossible. You’re making a mistake, Adam.”

  I shook my head, staring at his back. “She’s lots of things, but not a mistake.”

  He turned toward me again, scrutinizing my face. I was pretty sure he was hoping he’d see any sign of uncertainty, but loving Lana and knowing she was my mate for life was one of the few things I was sure of.

  “It can’t be,” he whispered.

  “I struggled with accepting it, too, but I’ve never felt like this before. It happened exactly like you said. I looked into her eyes, and the moment I touched her skin, I felt something inside of me click. I knew. She’s my other half.”

  “She’s also the enemy.”

  I groaned. “I knew you would never give her a chance. I knew it.” I went to the door and stopped. “I’m leaving in the morning.”


  I repeated myself a little louder. “I’m leaving in the morning with Lana. Nero has been hunting for her, and I knew the Pack wouldn’t accept her, so we’re leaving town. This is my last full moon with the Pack.”

sp; “You can’t mean this, Adam.” He took a step in my direction. “You’re my successor. You will be the Alpha.”

  I opened the door and shot a glare over my shoulder. “Aren will be a much better Alpha than I ever would anyway.”

  “You’re wrong.” Another step closer. “Your brother is a great fighter and a thinker, but you’re my first born son. The mantle has always been yours. You can’t expect your brother to shoulder it because you’re running away.”

  “If you can’t accept my mate, then how can you possibly expect me to stay?” I fought to keep from shouting as I circled my father. “Has Mom been gone so long that you forgot what it feels like to love someone so much you would give up everything just to see them smile? You’d lay down your life and die for them?”

  His green eyes shone, and somewhere deep beneath my rage, the boy inside of me wanted to hug my father. I knew he’d never gotten over the pain of losing his mate.

  He took a deep breath. “I would die for any member of this Pack.”

  “Because it’s your duty.” I let my voice drop a little. “I’d give up my life for Lana because I couldn’t live without her.”

  That verbal blow actually knocked Malcolm back a step and he growled, “Enough of this. We will not have a jaguar in our Pack.”

  “Then you won’t have me either.” I turned to go out the door, but Malcolm’s voice froze me where I stood.

  “Answer me this: how do you know she didn’t have anything to do with Gabe’s murder? If Nero is looking for her then she means something to them. How can you be sure where her loyalties lie?”

  “Because she could have killed me a hundred different times.” I met my Alpha’s stare and added, “She also saved Aren’s life. That bullet that went through his ankle was meant for his head.”

  I didn’t wait for him to respond. I stormed out into the late afternoon sun and slammed the door behind me. Jason and his twin, Jared, were getting out of his truck as I made my way to the barn. Jared pulled himself up straighter and squared his shoulders when he saw me coming. The wind made a mess of Jason’s hair, but Jared had his tied back and his fiery hazel eyes flashed with bitterness. If I didn’t know better, I’d think he was daring me to attack. It was obvious Jason must’ve told him about our confrontation earlier.

  As twins, Jason and Jared couldn’t have been more opposite. Jason was a doctor. He fought battles with his mind, but Jared was a carpenter and worked out regularly. His fights were with his body and his spirit. He was tough. But I was so pissed at Malcolm right now, that seeing Jared giving me his I-dare-you-asshole glare made me want to beat him senseless.

  Before I could say anything, Jason maneuvered himself between us, clasping my forearms in greeting. “Did you tell Malcolm about the jaguars?”

  I nodded and rolled my shoulders back, releasing a little of my aggression. It wasn’t completely Jared’s fault. We all got punchy with the full moon so close.

  Jason and Jared shared a look and then focused on me again. “So do we have a plan for tonight?”

  “Ask Malcolm. He’s the Alpha.”

  I walked past them toward the barn when Logan came barreling down the road to the barn. He slammed on his brakes, sending up a tidal wave of dust so thick we couldn’t see him getting out of his car. When he emerged from the dust cloud he looked confused.

  “Adam? What are you doing here?”

  The corner of my mouth quirked up. “Last time I checked, I live here.”

  “Yeah, but your Jeep isn’t here.” He frowned. “I thought something happened to you.”

  “Why?” I could feel my muscles tense. Lana had my Jeep.

  “I saw the Jeep with two flats on the edge of the highway. I pulled over to see if you were okay, but there was a laptop on the passenger seat and nobody there.” He held out two metal cylinders. “Then I found bullet casings.”

  I took off running and called to Jason. “I need to borrow your truck.”

  Chapter Thirty-Seven


  Sasha drove me back to the airport and parked on the rooftop of the parking structure. The power windows engaged all at once, dropping the glass around me. The sun bathed me in orange light while she got out and leaned against the front of the car.

  My wrists were starting to ache. The metal of the cuffs was biting into my skin, and no matter how I shifted around in the backseat, I couldn’t seem to relieve the pressure. I blinked rapidly, not allowing myself to cry. I wouldn’t be able to think if I got upset. My only hope was to keep a clear head. If I could get to my cell phone, I could call 911, but it was safely in my front pocket and my hands were trapped behind my back. I was screwed.

  I leaned forward, keeping an eye on Sasha. She was on her phone again, so I peered around the front seats. She had a map of Reno strewn across the floor of the passenger side in a mass of improperly folded paper. And beneath it was the black grip of a gun or…a Taser. Sasha was still busy conducting business on the hood of the car, and I looked down at the Taser again with a sigh. Even though I knew where it was, unless I got free of the cuffs, I wouldn’t be able to use it.

  Great. Back to square one.

  I leaned back against the seat but shifted so I sat sideways with my shoulder against the seat back, giving my wrists a break from being smashed against the metal cuffs. I stared outside watching the sky turn a deeper orange, like a fire spreading across the horizon. Time was running out. If I didn’t think of something soon, I’d be handed off to the Nero Organization, and Sasha would be free to kill Adam.

  Unless that was a ploy to get me to follow her. I wouldn’t bet Adam’s life on that, though. That left me with…

  Sebastian. At the front of the car. My heart started pounding. Was he here to rescue me? It didn’t look like it. I took a deep breath and forced my inner voice to shut the hell up so I could use my enhanced hearing. If I could just quiet my mind, I was sure I’d be able to hear them.

  Sebastian glanced at me through the windshield, but he didn’t give me any indication, and his words were too low to make out.

  It was easier to hear Sasha’s voice because it was pitched higher than Sebastian’s, and I caught little bits of her side of the conversation.

  “I’m not going to let you have her. She’s my ticket and you know it.”

  Sebastian said something about Nero then, but I couldn’t determine all of his words.

  Sasha looked over at me and back at Sebastian. “So if they come for her, you’re just going to kill her? That makes no sense.”

  I strained to hear, but all I caught was Sebastian saying, “She is a treasure…not a twisted science experiment.” I lost his voice for a second, then I heard, “She would be better off dead than with him.”

  My heart sank. Sebastian wasn’t here to rescue me from Sasha, he was here to kill me if she traded me to Nero. A tear ran down my cheek, and I fought to keep my breathing slow. Sasha’s cell phone rang, distracting me from the panic that welled up inside my mind.

  It was a quick call, and once she closed her phone she was in motion. As she opened the front door, she slowed and looked over at Sebastian. “Stay out of my way tonight. You owe me at least that much.”

  She slid into the driver’s seat and fired up the engine. The tires squealed as she gunned the accelerator and I rolled around in the backseat, unable to steady myself with my hands behind my back.

  “Where are we going?” I asked.

  She glanced at me in the rearview mirror. “I’m not sure yet. I put the coordinates in my GPS so we’ll know soon.”

  Not that it mattered. I didn’t have much time left.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  Jason jumped in the passenger side just as I cranked the wheel and fired the truck up the dirt road.

  “What the hell is going on, Adam?”

  I kept my eyes on the road, gripping the wheel so tight I thought I might crack it. I briefly considered a lie, but Malcolm knew I was leaving. No reason to keep everyone in
the dark anymore. “I found my mate.” That stunned Jason silent. Then I said, “And she was driving my Jeep.”

  He was quiet until we got on the highway, then he pulled out his cell phone and called Logan to find out where exactly he found the Jeep. When I pulled up behind Chaney, Lana’s scent was thick, and panic coursed through me. I couldn’t lose her. No way. Not when we were so close to forever.

  I got out of the car and peered inside the Jeep. Her laptop and a small handbag were lying on the floor of the passenger side. That ruled out a robbery.

  Jason walked up behind me and froze. “Jaguars have been here.”

  I nodded, and resisted telling him I was in love with one of them. Instead I followed Lana’s scent away from the Jeep. At the edge of the asphalt, I picked up another female jaguar’s scent.


  One more step and I found a drop of blood in the dust. I wiped my fingers into it and lifted my hand to my nose. My lungs constricted on the scent. It was Lana’s blood.

  But one drop wasn’t a mortal wound. She had to be alive.

  I rushed back to the truck, with Jason close behind.

  “They must have left in another car,” he said.

  I nodded, accelerating back onto the highway. “Looks that way.”

  “So we won’t be able to follow their trail.” He glanced up at the sky. “Plus, we’re going to change soon.”

  My eyes cut over to him. “I’m going to find her.” I looked back at the road. “Call Malcolm and tell him…” Shit, what could I tell him? I’d just told him I was leaving the Pack for a jaguar. I swallowed the lump in my throat and passed an RV. He was still my father, and I’d always be his son. “Just tell him I need him. And I hope he’ll be ready with the Pack to help me.”

  Jason nodded and made a call while I tried to figure out where Sasha might take Lana. She wanted to give her over to Nero so she’d have to leave town. The airport it was.


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