Blood Diamond

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Blood Diamond Page 34

by R. J. Blain

  “How charming. When can we expect your visit?”

  “I’ll call. Excuse me, but Evelyn and I have some business to attend to.” I hung up, stowing my cell away. “Sorry for the interruption.”

  “Before anyone does anything, I’d like to propose a truce. Jackson, no killing. The same applies to the rest of you.”

  Grumbling at Gerald earned me an arched brow. “Fine.”

  “Fine,” Sven echoed.

  Gerald nodded.

  Annoyed that Gerald had stolen my thunder, I said, “This is how this is going to work. I’m going to ask questions and you’re going to answer them. We’ll drink coffee, and we won’t kill each other. If you cooperate, once I’m done talking to you, I’ll leave. If you don’t, I’m serving you to Richard on a platter—a silver one. You’ll still be alive. That’s under debate, should my lady decide otherwise. First question: where is Melanie?”

  “In Thunder Bay, probably at her house, if she knows what’s good for her,” Sven replied.

  “Why were you waiting for us?”

  The Fenerec stared at each other before turning their gazes to the floor, remaining silent.

  “I’ll make the coffee,” the sole blond of the group whispered, getting up and heading towards a pair of French doors. The others shifted nervously.

  Evelyn growled at their refusal to answer my question.

  “Nirliq told me he had unfavorable impressions of me. Is that why?”

  It was Chris who sighed before saying, “She told us you were abusive—among other things. That you walked on her once you found out she was pregnant. She was our witch.”

  The growls from Evelyn intensified. I gripped her fur to keep her from doing what I wanted to do, which involved ripping their faces off with my teeth. “First I’m a bum, now I’m abusive?”

  It alarmed me how little it took for my loyalty to Suzanne to crumble to dust.

  Holding his arm out to me, Gerald said, “Don’t be stupid.”

  “Don’t worry. I’m just the executioner. Evelyn’s the judge and jury.” I drew a deep breath and forced myself to lean against the doorframe, adopting a relaxed stance. “It’s not their fault if she fed them a bunch of lies—it is their fault if they choose to continue believing them. The only thing I’m holding any of them accountable for right this moment is the fact that Evelyn was hurt.”

  “Why don’t you let me handle this for a few minutes?” Gerald asked.

  He looked me in the eyes, and after a moment of hesitation, I nodded and kept my mouth shut.

  “I’m going to tell you some things about Jackson. You’re probably not going to like it, but I know you Fenerec can smell when someone’s lying. I’ve known Jackson for years—I was working with him long before he met Suzanne. The only abusive one in that relationship was her. I was there for Suzanne’s funeral—if you can call that, considering the hoax she staged. He’s a lot of things, but he’s a family man. He wanted his little girl more than you could imagine. Now he’s found out that he has to bury her again? Think about it.”

  The Fenerec stared at each other, and most of them looked sickened. Sven’s tanned skin took on a green hue. “We didn’t meet Suzanne until Jackie was six months old—when she started using the daycare. Chris fancied her, and tried to court her, but she didn’t seem keen on being mates with one of us.”

  “All I want to know is what happened to my daughter. Melanie may know something. Call her.”

  Once again, the Fenerec exchanged looks. Sven sighed and nodded. “Phone’s on the wall near the kitchen.”

  “Call her,” I ordered.

  Sven backed towards the kitchen, eyes on the floor. When he reached the wall, he picked up the corded handset and dialed a number. He spoke too softly for me to hear, but after several moments, he hung up. “We’re lucky the phones still work. She’ll be here as soon as she can. Power is out in her area, so it might be a while.”

  “Then we wait,” I replied, leaning against Evelyn. She pressed her head against my stomach, her ears turned back. With her as a wolf, I was able to concentrate on staying between the Fenerec pack and Gerald. If they tried to hurt her, she’d rip them to pieces.

  I’d help her, if she let me.

  “Why don’t you sit, Jackson?” Gerald whispered to me. “You’re shaking.”

  “I don’t want to sit,” I growled. If I sat down, I wouldn’t be able protect my friend, and it was my fault he had become involved.

  “Of course you don’t, because you’re a stubborn idiot. Have we gotten to the point we can discuss this without bloodshed?” Gerald pleaded. “Which one of you is in charge?”

  The Fenerec pointed at Sven.

  The native drew a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Okay. Come in.” Sven opened the doors leading into the kitchen before turning to his pack. “Go help him clean up in there.”

  For a long moment, no one moved. Chris was the first to comply, easing his way to the kitchen. Two more of the pack slipped into the other room, leaving the others to watch me warily, their heads bowed although I felt them watching me.

  “Jackson, please sit.”

  I dug my fingers into the fur of Evelyn’s neck, and as the rest of the Fenerec filed into the kitchen, my legs refused to support my weight. I sank down next to my mate, leaning against her. “We’re going to miss our flight, aren’t we?”

  “We missed it about an hour ago. Didn’t you notice?”

  I hadn’t. My hands trembled as I secured my hold on Evelyn. “I was a little preoccupied,” I grumbled.

  “I’d say. Are you going to remain civil now?”

  “Sorry. I just want to know what happened to Jacqueline,” I whispered.

  Gerald knelt on a knee next to me, reaching out to give my shoulder a squeeze. “You get a free pass this time. I can’t say I wouldn’t be doing the same thing if I were in your place.”

  My mate flopped beside me, resting her paws on my shoulder before using my chest as a pillow.

  Facing the Fenerec, Gerald said, "I apologize for his temper.”

  Despite my position on the floor, Sven refused to meet my gaze, staring at the wall near me instead. “I apologize as well. We were misled. We have brought shame to the pack in our effort to protect our only bitch.”

  “So Nirliq said,” I replied, relaxing as Evelyn’s warmth spread through me. “You’re warm, Evelyn.”

  “Are you cold, Jackson?”

  “Not anymore.”

  Sven poked his head into the kitchen. “Coffee should be ready in a few minutes. Sorry, there’s a bunch of glass that needs to be cleaned up.”

  “Glass?” I asked, my brow furrowing.

  “From the earthquake, Mr. Anderson.” Sven shook his head. “Don’t tell me that you didn’t notice it.”

  I hadn’t, and that stunned me. How could I have missed something like an earthquake? I stared at Gerald. “What?”

  My friend pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. “I’m going to take a guess that you don’t have a mate or a wife, Sven.”

  “I don’t. Why?”

  “His was hurt. They’re newly mated, and from my understanding, that’s important. I don’t know a whole lot about you Fenerec, but I know that much.”

  Sven grimaced. “It’s important. Once again, I apologize, Mr. Anderson, Mrs. Anderson.”

  I flushed, my grip tightening on Evelyn. I liked the idea of calling her Mrs. Anderson, for all it wasn’t the truth yet. Evelyn licked my chin before nuzzling my neck.

  “It’s clean,” Chris said from the kitchen. “Fortunately, the coffee maker is still intact and enough of the mugs survived for everyone.”

  I frowned, wondering how I could have missed something like an earthquake strong enough to make a mess of a kitchen. As I took in the lodge, I noticed that many of the pictures on the wall were out of place. Some of them had fallen to the floor, along with the television, its screen shattered.

  Sven tilted his head to the side before lifting his gaze to meet mine. �
�There’s room enough for all of us in the kitchen. Please, come in. Let’s discuss this at the table.”

  Evelyn shifted off of me, and Gerald helped me to my feet. I trembled. His grip on my arm kept me on my feet. I leaned against the door.

  “I need to talk to your brother,” Gerald said, pulling out his cell and holding it out to me. Wondering why he wanted to talk to Elliot, I tapped in the number. It took me three tries to get it right. I connected the call and handed it back.

  Gerald waited and said, “Elliot, it’s Gerald. I need to know something about witches.” After a pause, he continued, “I think there’s something wrong with your brother. He’s clammy and shaking.”

  “I’m fine, Gerald,” I hissed.

  “Shut up, Dante. I wasn’t asking you.”

  I scowled but kept quiet, wondering what I had done to worry Gerald enough for him to call my twin. Then I sucked in a breath. Did Gerald think I had been the cause of the earthquake? My mind went blank. I had no recollection of sitting down, but I was staring up at my friend with my mouth hanging open. Evelyn was beneath me, keeping me mostly upright.

  “And he’s on the floor,” Gerald informed my brother, shaking his head at me. “What should I do with him? Yes, we’re in Thunder Bay.” After listening for a few moments, my friend handed me the phone. “Your brother.”

  “I guessed that much,” I grumbled, putting the cell to my ear. “What is it, Elliot?”

  “Can’t you stay out of trouble for a single day? Just one? What happened?”

  My cheek twitched at the memory of Sven striking Evelyn. “He hit her,” I snarled.

  Sven flinched.

  “Is he dead?” my brother asked, his tone devoid of emotion.


  “Why not?”

  Evelyn rested her head on my lap, her tail thumping against the floor. Her jade eyes bore into me. I clacked my teeth. Then I sighed and replied, “She told me I couldn’t.”

  “Next time, don’t listen to her. What are you doing in Thunder Bay? When did you start triggering earthquakes—a five point two, in case you’re curious.”

  I frowned. “There’s no proof I had anything to do with it.”

  “Call it a educated guess, Dante. Do you happen to know of any other earth witches in the area? How else is an earthquake going to have an epicenter in a location without any fault lines, fracking operations, or active mines? Why can’t you be normal? Earth shaping, Dante. That’s useful and safe. Are you trying to drive me insane?”

  I scowled and muttered, “Short trip.”

  “Ha, ha. Make sure you do this for me. Eat something, rest, and tell Gerald he’s to keep an eye on you. If you faint or start running a fever, he’s to call me. Don’t use any witchcraft for now.”

  “If I did it, which you have no actual proof, it wasn’t on purpose.”

  He sighed. “I know, I know. You’ve never had any control over it. Tell Evelyn to stay out of trouble so you don’t do something stupid.”

  “Evelyn, Elliot says you have to stay out of trouble,” I dutifully relayed, grumbling a few curses under my breath. “Happy now?”

  “No. Tell Gerald.”

  Snorting, I held the phone out to Gerald. “Tell him yourself.”

  My friend took his cell. “What do you need me to do?” There was a long pause. “We took a plane. We’re here for some work, which turned a bit sour. Yes, it’s legitimate work for my government. I’ll take care of him.” Hanging up, Gerald stowed the phone, shaking his head. “Stop causing me so much trouble, Jackson.”


  Gerald hauled me to my feet, shoving me in the direction of the kitchen. It proved to be larger than the main room, complete with a long table lined with benches and sufficient space for twenty to sit comfortably. I sat at one end with Evelyn at my feet, resting her chin on my knee while Gerald sat beside me.

  The Fenerec crowded the main kitchen area, watching me warily. I forced myself to relax, staring down at the woodgrain of the tabletop. “Tell me everything you know about Suzanne and Jacqueline,” I demanded.


  It took us an hour to untangle the web of lies Suzanne had spun. To my dismay and disappointment, the Fenerec didn’t know much about her. She had told them each a different story, with the only common thread being the way she painted me. None of it was pleasant, and by the time they finished telling their stories, I trembled from rage.

  Chris stared at the tabletop, shaking his head. “My version is even worse,” he admitted.

  After hearing tales of me hitting Suzanne and threatening her, I had a hard time imagining how that was possible.

  “Just say it,” I said, wishing I could wake up from the nightmare my life had become. At my side, Evelyn whined, licking my fingers. I trailed a finger down the length of her nose.

  “She told me you had raped her.”

  I closed my eyes, drew in a deep breath, and held it until my lungs burned. When I exhaled, I shook my head. The admittance clarified everything. I didn’t want to believe it, but the longer I considered Chris’s words, the more I understand why the pack had acted as they had.

  “She told you I had raped her,” I whispered, opening my eyes to stare at Chris, shivering from a bone-deep chill Evelyn’s presence couldn’t warm.

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Anderson,” Chris replied, his gaze fixed on the table.

  “Are you okay, Jackson?” Gerald asked.

  I shook my head. How could I be? If what they told me was true, my life with Suzanne had been a lie from the very beginning.

  “What I don’t understand is why she told us all a different story,” Sven hissed, slamming his fist against the table. The mugs bounced, and Gerald rescued my coffee from spilling.

  “It sounds to me like she catered them to each of you, making sure you were too uncomfortable to talk about her circumstances with each other,” my friend said. “Sorry, Jackson.”

  “What I don’t understand is why,” Sven admitted. “If you’ve got money like you say you do, why would she leave? She worked for one of the banks. That was a big deal for her. She rejected Chris, so far as I know, because he wasn’t rich enough for her tastes.”

  I drew a deep breath and held it until I could control my temper. “Maybe I have money, but I didn’t buy her the world.” I had given her everything she had asked of me. I had given her more than that.

  But if Sven was correct, she probably had wanted more than what I offered. Once again, I was left wondering where I had gone wrong.

  “I never abused her, not once,” I stated.

  “He can’t even bring himself to curse in front of women. I’ve heard him do it once,” Gerald added before grumbling something under his breath I couldn’t hear.

  “We know that now,” Sven replied. “But why did she do it?”

  I shrugged, tangling my fingers in Evelyn’s fur. The question had been one I had been asking myself without finding a single answer.

  Gerald drummed his fingers on the table. “I’m trying to figure out why she felt so threatened by him that she coerced an entire Fenerec pack into protecting her, and after going through all of that work, skipped town. It’s not like Jackson had any idea she was still alive.”

  No one said a word.

  “Maybe it’s because he’s pig-headed, stubborn, and simply doesn’t know when to quit,” Richard growled from the doorway. I twisted to face him. His wolf-yellow eyes bore into me. “I feel a very strong urge to take you outside and beat sense into you, Jackson.”

  Evelyn’s ears turned back and she growled, baring her teeth at the Alpha Fenerec.

  Ducking under her husband’s arm, Nicole shoved Richard aside. “He won’t, not if he knows what is good for him. Are you okay, Evelyn?”

  My mate bobbed her head before shuffling closer to me, resting her head on my lap. I stroked her silky fur, forcing a smile for her benefit.

  Nicole nudged her husband with her elbow before coming to me, embracing me from behind, resting he
r chin on top of my head. “You’re nothing but trouble, Mr. Jackson.”

  There was something calming about her touch, and with a weary sigh, I leaned back against her.

  “Poor thing, you’re all wound up.”

  “I can tell.” Richard turned his attention to the Fenerec pack. “All right, gentlemen. I’m Richard Murphy, Jackson and Evelyn’s Alpha. Where are your Alphas?”

  The Fenerec stared at each other before turning to Sven, who said, “Nirliq.”

  Richard frowned. “Nirliq is an Omega. Omegas are not, and cannot, serve as an Alpha. Where are Russell and Janet?” he demanded.

  At the two names, the whispers of the dead filled my ears, and their eagerness intrigued me. Instead of words, they spoke in the rumbling growls of wolves, until their voices joined in a mournful howl.

  The Fenerec weren’t among those burdening me, but through the spirits haunting me, I was aware of their lingering presences.

  “They’re dead,” I whispered.

  Sven flinched. “Not long after Suzanne vanished, they were murdered. A bunch of kids found out they were… different. They were teen punks, not from around here, and they thought it’d be fun to find out which werewolf myths were true. By the time we reached them, they were dead.”

  At Richard’s approach, Gerald shifted over so the Alpha could sit beside me. “What happened to the kids?”

  The silence chilled me. Nicole’s grip on me tightened, and I felt her growling. “You killed them, didn’t you?”

  When the Fenerec refused to speak, I closed my eyes and listened for the whispers of the dead. Instead of their voices, all I heard was the cold, unrelenting silence of the grave.

  “They did.” At the sound of Nirliq’s voice, I opened my eyes. The native leaned against the door, his arms crossed over his chest. “What foolish things have you done now? Attacking an earth witch and his beloved? You beg the spirits of our ancestors to curse us all.”

  “You should have called me, Nirliq,” Richard whispered.

  “How could I? I would have sentenced my pack to death.”

  I grimaced. Was the Canadian way of policing the supernatural as violent and unforgiving as the Inquisition? I didn’t want to believe it, but there was no mistaking Nirliq’s fear.


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