Violet And Her Alien Matchmaker

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Violet And Her Alien Matchmaker Page 5

by Jessica Coulter Smith

  They bought the last of their items, including a box of chocolates for the teacher, and went home. Tiraz helped Simon get his Valentines sorted and put the goodies into a bag for him to take to school tomorrow. The Valentines and box of chocolates would stay home until Friday.

  Valentine’s Day had always been a sad day for Violet, because she’d despaired of there ever being a man in her life. She’d thought it would be impossible to find someone worthy of Simon’s devotion and her love, and then she’d met Tiraz. He might not want them in his life, but he’d shown her that there were kind, decent males out there, and that maybe she’d be lucky enough to find one of her own.

  “Why don’t you soak in the tub and relax?” Tiraz suggested. “I’m going to make a quick call and set up a meeting for tomorrow. Maybe you’ll have a Valentine’s date.”

  “You’re calling Zarin?”

  He nodded. “I thought he could meet us tomorrow after Simon gets out of school and we could all have lunch together. You’ll get to see how well he interacts with your son, and it will give you a chance to get to know him without the pressure of being alone with him.”

  “I like that idea.” She smiled. “Thank you, Tiraz.”

  Violet went to soak in the tub while he made his call, hoping that maybe

  tomorrow she’d meet another great male, one who might be “the one.”

  Chapter Four

  Tiraz watched as Zarin charmed Violet and wowed Simon with his knowledge of

  video games. He’d thought seeing them together would make him happy, but he

  felt…something. Was he jealous? Every time Violet smiled at Zarin, he wanted to punch the Kilion. It didn’t make any sense. It had been his idea to play matchmaker, and even last night he’d been determined to see her settled, even if she had felt rather amazing pressed against his side while Leandro had done his best to flirt with her.

  It was rude of him not to join the conversation, but at the same time, they didn’t seem to mind. Violet explained that she was between jobs and Tiraz was kind enough to house them temporarily. And it made him wonder why it had to be temporary. He’d never really thought of himself as a family man, but he had to admit that he was rather attached to Simon. And Violet…she was breathtaking, and he’d thought so from the very beginning.

  “You don’t mind, do you?”

  He jerked his gaze toward Zarin. What had he missed? “Don’t mind what?”

  “Watching Simon while I take Violet out on a date?”

  Tiraz’s brow wrinkled. “You don’t want to take Simon with you, spend time

  together as a family?”

  Zarin shrugged. “I thought it might be better for me to get to know Violet before spending more time with Simon. I already know I have something in common with him, but I’m not sure I have anything in common with Violet. If we don’t suit, it would make more sense for Simon not to get attached to me.”

  Tiraz had to admit that Zarin made a good point.

  “I’ll watch Simon.”

  “Now?” Zarin asked. “There’s somewhere I’d like to take Violet.”

  Right now? Was he moving fast enough?

  Tiraz looked at Violet and found her nibbling on her lower lip as she watched him. What did she want him to do? Did she want to go on this date with Zarin? Or was she hoping he would refuse so they could just go home after the bill was paid?

  “Could we go to the zoo?” Simon asked. “I’ve never been there.”

  Never been to the zoo? He focused on Simon a moment before agreeing with

  Zarin’s proposition. The other alien stood and escorted Violet out of the restaurant, leaving Tiraz alone with Simon. It was the first time he’d really spent any quality time with Simon without having Violet nearby, and he was a little afraid he might screw it up somehow.

  “So…the zoo?” Tiraz asked.

  Simon nodded eagerly.

  “If you want to go to the zoo, that’s what we’ll do.”

  Tiraz signaled to the waitress and paid their bill, then took Simon’s hand and walked him out to the car. Simon begged and pleaded to ride up front, but Tiraz wasn’t certain that was something Violet would approve of so he buckled the little boy into the backseat.

  Parking at the zoo wasn’t too bad since it was a weekday and Tiraz paid the

  attendant before sliding into a space near the front. Simon was practically vibrating with excitement as they neared the front gates. The lady asked if he wanted tickets for one day or for the year.

  Simon’s eyes went wide. “We could come again?”

  Tiraz looked back at the woman behind the glass. “How much is the year-long


  “There are different membership levels. You’ll probably want the family

  package, unless it’s just the two of you.” The woman smiled, showing a little more teeth than Tiraz was comfortable with.

  “Can we come back with Momma?” Simon asked. “She likes animals too.”

  Tiraz looked down at Simon then back at the woman. “The family membership.”

  He gave her all the information she requested and then paid the one hundred

  dollar fee. At last, they were through the gates and on their way to see animals. Tiraz actually felt sorry for the beasts, being stuck in such small enclosures when they were meant to roam free, but as they watched the lions attack their lunch, Tiraz rethought that whole freedom thing.

  Simon was completely enraptured with everything and wanted to stare at each

  animal for at least ten minutes. Tiraz worried the zoo would close before they made it halfway through, but as long as Simon was having a good time that was all that mattered.

  When they neared one of the gift shops, he didn’t miss the way Simon looked at it longingly. Tiraz tugged the little boy toward the shop, but once inside, Simon was hesitant and pressed close to his side.

  “Would you like to pick out a prize to remember your first trip to the zoo?” Tiraz asked.

  “Momma says gift shops cost too much.”

  Tiraz hunkered down in front of Simon, capturing his gaze. “I know your mom

  and you have had a rough time of it, and there hasn’t been much money to do fun stuff, but if you want to pick out a treat, it’s okay; I can more than pay for anything in this store. I’m not saying that you should always get everything you want, but I think such a momentous occasion as a first zoo visit deserves something special.”

  Simon looked around the store and pointed toward the wall of stuffed animals.

  “Can I have one of those? Bear-bear would like a friend.”

  Tiraz felt a tightness in his chest as he led Simon over to the stuffed animals. He hadn’t missed the fact that Bear-bear was the only stuffed toy Simon owned. For that matter, when he had helped pack the apartment, he’d seen firsthand that Simon owned a handful of cars, some crayons and coloring books, and a few soldiers that looked like they came from the dollar store. He’d felt so heartbroken seeing how little Simon had that he’d fought the urge to go buy out a toy store.

  Simon studied the animals, reverently touching each one. Tiraz eyed a large lion on the top shelf, easily as big as Simon, and pointed it out.

  “What about that one?”

  “He’s too big. He’d eat Bear-bear.”

  Tiraz smiled and patiently waited while Simon searched for the perfect addition to his family. After a while, and some dirty looks from the store clerks for taking so long, Simon finally selected a lemur, clutching it to his small chest.

  “Is that the one?” Tiraz asked.

  Simon nodded eagerly.

  Tiraz led him over to the register to pay for the stuffed toy, and his heart turned over at Simon’s whispered words.

  “Thank you, Daddy.”

  Daddy! He wasn’t even certain Simon realized he’d said it, but the words meant so much to Tiraz. Unfortunately, he’d had his epiphany a little too late, and the woman he could easily see living in his home permanently was now on a dat
e with someone else. Tiraz led Simon outside and they finished going through the zoo. When they were done, Simon was so tired he could barely walk. Tiraz lifted him into his arms and carried him to the car, safely tucking him into the backseat.

  Before Tiraz had pulled out of the parking lot, Simon was sound asleep, the

  lemur held tightly in his arms. How was he going to say goodbye to Simon if Violet decided she wanted to marry Zarin, or some other male? He’d promised to help her find a mate and hadn’t mentioned once that he might be a candidate. Would she even be interested?

  At the Wyndham Towers, he let the valet park his car again as he gathered

  Simon into his arms. He rode the elevator to the top floor and stepped out, pausing when he saw the door slightly ajar. He remembered closing and locking it. Had someone broken in? With his arms full of a sweet little boy, there wasn’t much he could do if there was an intruder in the condo, except tell them to take whatever they wanted.

  He could back down the elevator and get security, but whoever was inside had surely already heard the elevator ding when it landed on this floor.

  With the toe of his boot, he nudged the door open and peered inside, nearly

  sighing in relief when he saw Zarin and Violet standing just inside the door. He had no idea how they’d gotten inside, but he’d be willing to bet Zarin had either picked the lock or managed to convince the building manager to let them in.

  “I need to give you a key,” Tiraz told Violet, as he walked past them and went into Simon’s room. He laid the boy on the bed, removing his shoes, and pulling the covers up to his waist. The lemur was still clutched in the boy's arms and Tiraz smiled.

  “I could have put him to bed,” Violet said softly from the doorway.

  “Zarin still here?”

  They stepped out of Simon’s room and Tiraz pulled the door mostly shut. Violet fidgeted with her hands and looked everywhere but at Tiraz. Her gaze finally clashed with his and he saw resolve and determination. But what was she determined to do?

  “He wants to take me out tonight for dinner and dancing.”

  “Two dates without Simon?”

  She licked her lips. “He said he wants to see how things go between us before he gets involved in Simon’s life. And he’s right. I don’t want him to spend a lot of time with Simon, get his hopes up, if Zarin decides he doesn’t want us.”

  It was on the tip of his tongue to tell her about Simon’s slip-up at the zoo, but he refrained. It wasn’t the right time, and he wasn’t sure there would ever be a right time.

  She was slipping through his fingers, and he had no one to blame but himself. There was only one thing he could do. Let her date whomever she wanted and see if there was a spark to be found with someone other than him. It hurt, but he knew it was the right thing to do. She’d admitted that there hadn’t been a man in her life since Simon’s father.

  If nothing else, she deserved to have a little fun.

  “If you want to go out tonight, I’ll be happy to stay home with Simon. I’ll take him out for a cheeseburger or something and maybe watch some movies on Netflix.

  We’ll be fine.”

  She reached out and brushed her fingers against his forearm. “I know. Simon

  adores you, and I know I can trust you with him. I don’t leave him with just anyone.”

  “Go tell Zarin you’ll go out with him tonight. You deserve to have some fun.”

  “Thank you, Tiraz. For everything.”

  Why did that sound so much like goodbye? Tiraz watched her walk away and he

  went to his room and closed the door. The thought of watching her with Zarin soured his stomach, and he only had himself to blame. It wouldn’t surprise him at all if the two of them got married. He only hoped if they did, that Zarin would love Simon like his own son and treat him accordingly.

  He ran his hands through his hair as he realized that the life he’d always thought he wanted was a joke. He’d give up the penthouse and fancy car for a chance to have Violet and Simon in his life forever. Suddenly, being single and having a different woman all the time didn’t sound like much fun. He wanted a family. A wife to snuggle and a son to spoil. And the perfect wife and son were already under his roof.

  Maybe it wasn’t too late. He’d let her have some fun, even if it meant she was having fun with someone else, and then he’d make his move. No matter what it took, he’d make sure they went out on Valentine’s Day and had a special family lunch and a romantic dinner. He’d just have to convince his brother to watch Simon for a few hours.

  Easier said than done, but he was certain Gryf would eventually relent.

  He heard the shower start down the hall and his body instantly responded. If they were a couple, he could be in the shower with her, lick the drops of water from her skin. If they were a couple, she’d be in his bathroom and not the one down the hall, and maybe they could use that shower time to work on a sister or brother for Simon. His cock twitched at the thought of Violet swollen with his child.

  Tiraz stayed in his room, hiding like the coward he was, until he heard Violet leave for her date. After the front door had closed, he ventured out of his room and checked on Simon. The boy was sleepily watching the TV in his room. Tiraz smiled and moved further into the room, taking a seat on the bed next to the little boy.

  “Did you have a good nap?” Tiraz asked.

  Simon nodded and gave him a sad look. “Momma's going out with that man

  again. The one we had lunch with.”

  “Did you not like Zarin? It seemed like the two of you got along. He likes video games just as much as you do, maybe more.”

  Simon shrugged.

  “Or is there something else bothering you?” Tiraz asked. “You've had a lot of changes in your life already. Are you worried about another one?”

  “She wants him to be my daddy, doesn't she?” Simon asked.

  “Well, I'm sure she's going out with him because she enjoys his company, but yes...if they continue to see one another, there's a chance he could be your new daddy.”

  Tears welled in Simon's eyes and Tiraz wanted to hold him close and promise

  everything would be okay. He watched as one slipped free and streaked the boy's cheek. Tiraz reached out and wiped it away.

  “What's really bothering you, Simon? You can tell me anything.”

  “I don't need a daddy. I already have one.” Simon sniffled then wrapped his

  little arms around Tiraz. “Please don't let her take me away. You're my daddy now, aren't you?”

  Tiraz's chest ached with longing and he pressed a kiss to the top of Simon's head.

  “Simon, I would be very proud to call you my son, but I'm not sure your mother wants that to happen. She seems to like Zarin and there's a good chance she'll marry him. You have to promise to give him a chance if that happens. He's really nice and a lot of fun.”

  “Can I still come see you if I have to leave?” Simon asked.

  “Of course, Simon. You'll always be welcome here, and so will your mother.”

  “Why can't Momma marry you?” Simon asked softly. “I thought she would

  when we moved in with you. Don't you like my Momma?”

  “I like her a lot, Simon, but sometimes that isn't enough with adults. She's very beautiful and sweet. Any male will be lucky to call her his mate, but I don't think she feels that way about me.”

  “Then you need to change her mind.”

  Tiraz smiled. If only it were that easy.

  Chapter Five

  Violet felt tears gather in her eyes as she listened to Simon talking to Tiraz. She'd had no idea her little boy had gotten so attached to the alien, and from the sound of things, Tiraz was just as attached to Simon. But if the blue alien liked her, why had he set up the lunch date with Zarin? Violet was so confused, and she knew Zarin was downstairs waiting for her. Quietly moving down the hall, she eased her purse strap over her shoulder and left the penthouse, making sure the door closed softly behin
d her.

  The elevator ride gave her time to get herself under control. She plastered a smile on her face as she stepped into the lobby and looked for Zarin. She saw him leaning against the front desk, chatting with a woman in a sexy, black dress. Violet smoothed her hand over her own dress, which was nowhere near as fancy, and wondered if that was the kind of woman he preferred. And if it was, why was he going out with her tonight?

  She didn't approach, but instead decided to watch and see what would happen.

  Would he look her way and come greet her? Or would he flirt with the woman until Violet made her presence known? She watched as he laughed at something the woman said then leaned in closer, a smile on his lips. The woman gave him a flirty smile, then turned his hand over and wrote something on his palm. Violet would be willing to bet it was her phone number. Zarin's smile grew and he talked with her a few more minutes before glancing Violet's way. His eyes widened in surprise and he seemed frozen.

  Whatever he had to say, she didn't want to hear it. With a shake of her head, she turned on her heel and marched back to the elevator, pressing the button repeatedly until the doors opened, and then she slipped inside. Zarin hadn't moved when the doors slid shut and Violet tried to tell herself it was for the best. If he was going to flirt with another woman when he had planned a date with her, then what would stop him from flirting even after he was married? No, she didn't need that kind of drama in her life.

  The elevator doors opened to the penthouse floor and Violet hurried to Tiraz's door and pushed it open. Simon was buttoned up in his jacket and they looked ready to go out. Tiraz cocked an eyebrow at her sudden appearance and she felt her cheeks flush in embarrassment.

  “Didn't you have a date?” Tiraz asked.

  “Apparently Zarin forgot that since he was flirting with a woman in the lobby while he waited for me. I decided I didn't need someone who was going to play games and could end up doing a bit of damage to my heart in the long run, so I came back up.”

  Surprise flashed in Tiraz’s eyes. “He was flirting with someone else?”


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