Husband by Arrangement

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Husband by Arrangement Page 17

by Sara Wood

  ‘Well. What about that, Grandmama?’ he murmured. ‘I do believe she’s lost for words.’

  ‘You won’t want a wife. You like travelling. Being independent,’ Maddy pointed out breathily.

  ‘That was then. This is now. I like it better here. I love it here. And we can go on trips. I can show you all the places I’ve seen. Take you to the national park on the Cocos Islands, the most beautiful place on earth. That would make a good place for a honeymoon.’ He assumed a theatrical frown. ‘I want an answer, wench! Say it. Say yes.’

  She didn’t hesitate. ‘Yes, Dexter,’ she breathed, her eyes shining. He whirled her into his arms and kissed her passionately. ‘I really don’t care if you’re poor!’ she declared, anxious to reassure him. ‘We can build up the business together. I’ll help you. And…we can have Grandpa to live with us, can’t we?’ she asked. ‘He wouldn’t be any trouble, honestly. I’d see to that—’

  ‘From what you’ve said, I imagine he’ll be a lot happier and more relaxed if he can live here,’ Dexter said. ‘He’ll also be pleased that we’re getting married. It’s just what he wanted,’ he said wickedly.

  ‘He doesn’t eat much,’ she said in agitation. ‘He won’t be a financial burden—’

  ‘Maddy, you made the assumption that the fire had destroyed the business,’ Dexter said gently. ‘And it has certainly curtailed a good part of our income. But we were insured and have huge resources and outlets across Europe and South America which keep the coffers full. In a year everything here will be back to normal. Perhaps sooner. You are about to become a rich woman.’

  ‘Oh, dear!’ she said in dismay, quite flustered by the thought.

  Dexter laughed with delight and kissed her. ‘Don’t worry,’ he said fondly. ‘Keep on being yourself. That’s all I want. Now, how do we break the news to your grandfather without giving him a heart attack?’

  ‘Actually,’ broke in Sofia’s silvery tones, ‘he’s in the hotel. I invited him over for a holiday when I saw how things were going with you two. He got quite emotional when I told him about the stunt you pulled, Maddy.’

  ‘Oh, crikey!’ she gasped, her hand over her mouth in horror.

  ‘Never heard him laugh so much in all my life,’ Sofia said, making a discreet exit. ‘Come and see us at the hotel when you’ve finished celebrating. Bye.’

  Maddy and Dex gazed at one another and fell into fits of laughter.

  ‘Shall we seal our engagement?’ Dexter asked, waggling one eyebrow lasciviously.

  Engaged! She laughed again. Carefully she rearranged her features into screen-goddess sensuality. ‘If you want to see my etchings, walk this way, big boy,’ she husked in a Mae West drawl.

  And she swung her hips exaggeratedly as she sashayed to his bedroom.

  ‘This way?’ asked Dex innocently.

  Casting a sultry glance over her shoulder, she collapsed in giggles. A solemn-faced Dex was attempting the wiggle too. And failing abysmally.

  But he caught her in his arms and whirled her around until she was dizzy, and the kiss he gave her after was more than successful.

  What a wonderful time they were going to have, she thought contentedly as she began to show him her etchings. A new life, a new beginning…

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-8060-5


  First North American Publication 2003.

  Copyright © 2003 by Sara Wood.

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