Husband Hunting 101

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Husband Hunting 101 Page 13

by Rita Herron

  "Wh—what are you doing here?" Jenna asked in a shaky voice.

  "Yeah, Zack. You should have called," Mark added, his tone terse.

  "We were just going to sit down for dinner," Colleen interjected, none too subtly. "As you can see, we have company."

  Blair stood and extended his hand. "Blair Murphy."

  Zack faced Blair as if he hadn't interrupted. "Zack West, Mark's brother. Nice to meet you, Bailey."

  Then he shook Blair's hand, a little too vigorously if the strain on Blair's face indicated correctly.

  "Blair," Blair and Jenna both said at once.

  Blair pulled his hand away from Zack's, confusion marring his face.

  Jenna wanted to throttle Zack. He'd obviously tried to break the man's hand.

  Blair gestured toward Jenna. "I gather the two of you know each other."

  "Yes, we're—"

  "Business acquaintances," Jenna said tightly.

  Zack's eyes darkened. "Among other things."

  Mark placed his hand on Zack's shoulder. "Listen, bro, we really were just sitting down to dinner. Maybe we can talk later."

  Zack deftly turned to Colleen, gracing her with one of his most charming smiles. "I hope you have enough food for your dear brother-in-law, Colleen. I'm starved."

  Colleen narrowed her eyes at Zack in warning. But Zack completely ignored her. He'd already turned his attention back to Jenna, the tension between them palpable.

  "I drove by your place first, Jenna, and when you weren't home I decided to drop by here." He shrugged innocently. "And what luck, I saw your car. So I guess we'll be able to spend Friday night together after all."

  "You should have called," Jenna said through gritted teeth. Damn the man for unnerving her. She had to steady her breathing, but the air rattled from her lungs in a shaky sound that filled the space around her.

  Zack arched a brow. "I've been working the past couple of days, but you got my message, didn't you?"

  "Yes," Jenna said, remembering the note.

  "Uh, excuse me," Blair said, suddenly standing. "I think I'll—"

  "Eat. Let's eat," Colleen cut in. "Zack drops by occasionally," she explained to Blair. "He's done some work for Jenna's store, but I believe your job is finished, isn't it, Zack?"

  "Not by a long shot," Zack said tightly.

  "You told me you finished her ad," Mark cut in.

  Jenna crossed her arms. "He did. All I need is his invoice and we're done."

  "But I have some other sketches to show you, Jenna," Zack added.

  Jenna traced her finger up and down her wine glass. Yeah, he had more sketches for her—the ones of her in the nude that he'd done from memory, the ones he'd given to his client, the ones he'd conveniently forgotten to mention to her.

  It still hurt that his brother had been the one to tell her about them.

  "Come on, dinner's getting cold." Colleen grabbed Blair's arm and dragged him toward the dining area. Blair looked slightly stricken, and Jenna wobbled after Colleen, wishing she could crawl underneath the rug and hide.

  Zack eased beside her, his caramel eyes filled with a predatory look that surprised Jenna with its intensity. She glared back, remembering how hurt she'd felt when Mark had explained about the sketches.

  "Come on, Jenna," Colleen chirped a little too cheerfully. "You and Blair can sit over here together."

  The men exchanged glares, and Jenna took a huge sip of her wine, hoping to calm her nerves. Colleen directed Blair into a chair, then turned to Zack, her finger pointed to the opposite side. "Zack, you sit over there. I know you like your space and need room for those long legs of yours."

  Yes, he liked his space. He could be alone forever for all she cared.

  "You're so thoughtful," Zack said with a forced smile. "Always the considerate hostess, Colleen."

  Colleen gave him a warning look. "I want all my guests to be comfortable."

  Mark uncorked another bottle of wine and refilled everyone's glasses. Jenna shifted into the seat beside Blair, shivering slightly when her knee brushed Blair's. "Oh, sorry," Jenna said, humiliating herself even more by blushing.

  Blair patted her leg and smiled, then helped her scoot her chair up to the table.

  Zack's murderous look scorched her from across the table, but she gave him a saccharine smile. Then Mark thrust a glass of wine into Zack's hand, and Zack turned up the glass and downed the drink in one gulp, then held out his glass for a refill.

  "Have some bread," Colleen suggested, shoving the basket toward him.

  Zack complied, then passed it to his brother. When Blair passed it to Jenna, their fingers collided over the table and Blair laughed good-naturedly.

  But Zack's breath hissed out.

  Jenna glared at him again. Why was Zack acting so possessive? He wasn't serious about her. He had never wanted a commitment.

  She had given him his freedom, no questions asked.

  Granted, they had made love, but she hadn't demanded promises because she thought that was what he wanted, and she needed to cut her losses and run.

  Even if her heart was breaking.

  Blair was a perfectly handsome, nice, marriage candidate. In time, he would light her fuse the way Zack did. Wouldn't he?

  Yes, she just had to be patient. And Zack would have to accept it. She had no intention of wasting another minute pining for him.

  "Dinner looks fabulous, Colleen," Blair said, digging into his salad. "With the hours I keep, I don't often get to enjoy a good homecooked meal."

  "Jenna and I both love to cook," Colleen said, then she directed her look at Zack. "Blair's a pediatrician, Zack. He works at the children's hospital. I bet he has a great bedside manner, Jenna."

  Jenna almost choked on the wine, and Zack shot Colleen a lethal look.

  But Blair simply shrugged. "I try to put the patients at ease."

  "Are you on call every day?" Jenna asked, determined to smooth over the uncomfortable moment.

  "Actually we rotate shifts," Blair explained. "But if an emergency call comes in from one of my patients, I go in anyway." He helped himself to the lasagna. "Kids are scared enough of doctors and hospitals. They feel more comfortable with a familiar face."

  Zack clenched his jaw. Who was this guy? A damn saint. "I suppose you see a lot of colds, flu, runny noses, kids throwing up."

  "Sure, we see a lot of routine illnesses," Blair said as if unfazed by Zack's rudeness. "But as much as I enjoy the challenging cases and surgery, I'd prefer a routine cold any day over knowing some poor child has a serious illness and might suffer."

  That comment seemed to shut Zack up. He simply nodded and chewed his food thoughtfully.

  "It must be fulfilling working with children," Jenna said sincerely. "I love kids. Sometimes I wish I'd studied teaching or another job where I would be working with them."

  "The hospital needs volunteers." Blair angled his body toward Jenna. "They read to the kids, play games with them, keep them company while they're in for treatments. You might want to consider joining the program."

  "That sounds interesting," Jenna said. "I'll give the hospital a call."

  "Better yet, stop by on Monday morning. I'll personally show you around."


  Zack cleared this throat so loudly Jenna and Blair both pivoted to stare at him.

  "Sorry," Zack said, pointing his fork toward his throat. "I had a radish stuck in my throat, and it wouldn't go down."

  Mark pounded him on the back. "Drink some water, bro."

  Zack raised his wine glass up and drained it instead.

  "Blair, you'll have to stop by Jenna's gift shop," Colleen suggested. "If you need any Christmas presents, you're bound to find something you like."

  "She certainly has things for all occasions," Zack added, his intimate look firing Jenna's temper.

  "Good idea," Blair said. "Maybe after the hospital tour—"

  "Jenna and I need to meet Monday," Zack cut in. "Didn't you want to see some of my draw
ings for the catalog?"

  Jenna was seething. "I told you it's not a rush. But if you want me to see those other drawings, we could set up a meeting."

  Zack frowned, as if he was confused.

  The damn man was seriously clueless.

  "Let's meet then," Zack said. "We need to settle this issue between us."

  "Fine," Jenna said in a strained voice.

  Blair wiped his mouth with his napkin. "What is it you do, Zack?"

  "I own an advertising agency," Zack replied. "I've designed ads for TV and billboards. Recently I designed a campaign for Jenna's lingerie store."

  Blair's dark eyebrows arched in interest, and he turned back to Jenna. "You didn't tell me you sold lingerie."

  "Yes, the store is called Love 'N Lace."

  Blair's eyes twinkled. "Well, I'll definitely have to check it out."

  Jenna stabbed her fork into her salad, hit a green pepper, and sent slivers of lettuce flying from her bowl. Mortified, she tried to retrieve the small pieces, but several had landed in Blair's lap, and when she reached for them, he caught her hand.

  "Better let me get that," he murmured.

  She blushed furiously at the way he squeezed her hand. And when she glanced up, Zack was snarling at her.

  "Dessert anyone?" Colleen jumped up and returned quickly with a decadent looking chocolate dessert and coffee. Mark refilled wine glasses. Zack downed another glass, and so did Jenna.

  Unfortunately she took one look at the chocolate and whipped cream concoction and remembered the first time she and Zack had shared lunch, the dessert they'd shared, and the kiss that followed. Then the night they'd modeled for one another...

  Her gaze locked with Zack's, and she realized he was remembering the erotic evening as well.

  God help her. She had to get a grip.

  This dinner was a test, Zack decided, as Jenna scooped up a spoonful of mousse. When the chocolate touched her rosy lips, he silently groaned.

  She was torturing him. Eating seductively. Putting her hands in Blair's lap. Laughing at his jokes.

  Colleen had obviously planned a romantic evening for four; a candlelit table, fine china, wine, soft music wafting in the background.

  He was going to kill her and his brother before the night was over.

  And that man, Blair, he would drown him in all his damned niceness.

  A damn children's doctor. Probably loaded with money. Owned his own house.

  For Christ's sake, he probably donated time to charities, fed the homeless, traveled to third world countries to offer free medical care, and helped little old women across the street, too. How the hell could he compete with that?

  Not very well, judging from the way Jenna doted on his storytelling.

  Damn her. She wasn't supposed to be husband hunting when he was trying to get his sorry ass together enough to make a commitment to her.

  Hell, all he could think about was making love to her again. Right now, he wanted to tear that sexy sweater off her voluptuous body and pound himself inside her until she couldn't imagine saying another man's name, much less date or sleep with one.

  She was his, dammit, and she'd better know it.

  He stretched one of his long legs underneath the table and found her foot, slipped off his shoe, then gently edged his foot over hers. She halted with her spoon in midair then cut her eyes toward him. He stroked her leg again, his body hardening at the desire flickering in her eyes.

  But she tried to ignore the heat between them and gave him a cool look. Then she shifted to move her foot out of his reach, turned back to watch Blair, dug her spoon into the decadent dessert and licked the whipped cream.

  That did it. He watched her tongue and wanted that tongue licking him.

  This was war.

  This time he dragged his toes up her calf, gently stroking the leg of her jeans until he teased the insides of her thigh.

  Her gaze locked with his, her look warning him not to go further.

  But the devil climbed inside him, and he inched his foot up and stroked her heat.

  She coughed then scooted her chair back so he couldn't reach her. Oblivious, Blair was still regaling them with some story about an emergency surgery he'd performed in Africa.

  Zack raised his glass and silently toasted himself. Jenna wouldn't be fighting him so hard if she wasn't attracted to him, would she? That was a victory of sorts.

  "This dessert is delicious, Colleen," he said, feigning innocence.

  "Thanks, Zack. I'll give you the recipe, so you can make it for some of your women," Colleen said glibly.

  His women? "Yeah, right," he said trying to joke away the moment.

  But Jenna flinched slightly and he wanted to throttle Colleen for making such a remark. Then again, Colleen had set Jenna up with Blair—hell, she was probably already planning their wedding.

  Dammit, she could un-plan it.

  He scooted his chair closer to the table, then played footsie with Jenna again. Jenna swallowed and tried to escape their secret game, but his other foot caught her ankle and trapped it. A panicked look lit her gorgeous eyes for a second, then she glanced around the table, obviously trying to determine if anyone had noticed.

  They hadn't.

  Mark and Blair launched into a discussion about sailboats, and Zack spooned his own mound of chocolate and inhaled it, savoring every bite as he watched Jenna watch him lick the chocolate from his lips. Sensing he was getting to her, he moved his toes in slow circles along her thigh and was rewarded by a little whimper. She stifled it quickly by covering her mouth with her hand, but just knowing he was arousing her made Zack's erection bulge against his slacks.

  He stroked her thigh again and licked the chocolate from his spoon, his body pulsing with awareness Jenna's involuntary shiver.

  Jenna suddenly bolted up. "I... I have to go."

  Blair and Mark jerked their gazes toward Jenna, and Colleen's face paled.

  "No, Jenna don't leave," Colleen protested. "Let's go in the den and talk."

  "Is something wrong?" Mark asked, looking concerned.

  "Are you ill?" Blair asked, reaching for her.

  Jenna checked her watch. "No, I'm just tired."

  "Then let's go into the den and you can put your feet up." Colleen grabbed her arm and steered her through the door to the sofa.

  Blair was beside her in a second, Zack on his heels, glaring at Blair's back. "Are you sure you're all right?" Blair scooted down beside her, lifted her wrist and felt for her pulse.

  "I'm fine." Horrified at having so much attention on her, she gave Blair a weak smile. "I really am just tired, this is a busy season at the store."

  "I could drive you home," Zack offered in a gruff voice.

  Colleen and Blair slanted him a puzzled look.

  "No, thanks. I'll rest here and finish my coffee," Jenna said between clenched teeth.

  Colleen dashed to bring fresh coffee while Mark moved into the room, obviously hoping to run interference in case there was trouble.

  "Are you sure you're not ill?" Blair asked, truly concerned.

  Jenna patted his hand, ignoring Zack's mutinous stares. "Yes, I'm sure. I've just been on my feet a lot. The store has been packed all week."

  Colleen returned with a tray, and Blair handed Jenna a cup of coffee. Zack seated himself on the other side of Jenna, crowding her next to him and practically rooting his competition off the couch.

  "About the hospital, Jenna. Do you still want that tour?" Blair asked.

  "Yes, I'm excited about the volunteer work. I could read to the kids or play games with them on some of my afternoons off."

  "They would love it," Blair said. "And maybe when the weather warms up, we can get together for a lake outing. I keep a boat on Lake Lanier."

  "That sounds like fun," Jenna said. "I like to hike and ski."

  Blair murmured that he did, too. "I also own a cabin that I use for weekend getaways. We can light a fire and spend the night."

  Zack saw red. Je
nna would not be spending the night with this man in his cabin.

  "Hmm, sounds nice and cozy," she murmured.

  "I think they're having a big fireworks show on New Year's Eve."

  Zack balled his hands into fists. Dammit, Jenna was making plans with this man as if he wasn't even there.

  As if she had totally given up on him.

  He had to fix that.

  "That would be nice." Jenna sipped her coffee, her fingers tensing around the cup when Zack grunted.

  "I thought doctors were on call all the time." Zack took a brandy snifter from Mark and downed the contents.

  "Like I said earlier, we rotate and use an emergency service. We're also thinking of adding another partner to give each of us more time off."

  "Great," Zack muttered.

  "Yes, we're excited about it," Blair replied, obviously oblivious to the fact that Zack was being sarcastic.

  The hot coffee scalded Jenna's tongue, but it was nothing compared to the fiery way Zack was looking at her. The dinner she'd eaten turned in her stomach, and suddenly the stress and tension in the room was unbearable. Zack eased his fingers over her hand and she froze, feeling claustrophobic between the two men.

  A potential husband on one side, her former lover on the other.

  The air in the room closed around her. She bolted up, her chest heaving. "I really do have to go now. It was nice to meet you, Blair. I'll see you at the hospital."

  Blair stood and took her hands in his, then leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. She heard a rumble behind her and realized it was Zack clearing his throat, but she didn't dare glance at him. She'd probably see smoke coming from his nostrils.

  She gave Colleen and Mark a quick hug. "Thanks for dinner, you guys."

  "I'm glad you came," Colleen whispered.

  "I'll talk to you later."

  Zack eased up beside her. "I'll walk her to the door, Mark. Stay here with your company."

  Mark shot him an ominous look but didn't protest.

  "Thanks, but I can find my way out," Jenna hissed.

  "No problem." Zack faked a yawn. "I think I'll head out myself."

  Jenna walked briskly toward the door and Zack followed, not bothering to hide the blatant message he might be stating to the others in the room. The tension thrumming between them screamed with awareness and something else Zack didn't understand. He was jealous, no big mystery. But Jenna was... angry? Hurt?


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