Dark Diamonds

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Dark Diamonds Page 12

by Serena Zane

  Hawke and Kevin both agreed. They all turned as they heard the small plane start up. It moved its nose due south and slowly took off. Kevin revved up the engine on the speedboat.

  “No point wasting precious time. Take a seat, I’ll get us back to shore and we can begin our search.” They all held on as he picked up speed and they headed back towards shore.

  Chapter 23

  Lucy gazed down at the departing waters and smiled to herself. She couldn’t help the sense of satisfaction threatening to overwhelm her, but a tingling sensation in the pit of her stomach wouldn’t go away. Something she couldn’t quite identify nagged her subconscious.

  Deep blue waves crashed into each other. Lucy, secure in the knowledge her brother was finally safe, relaxed, some. She worried about him when she’d seen how banged up he’d been.

  The two men with her spoke in hushed tones on the other side of the plane. Lucy knew they headed for South America, but couldn’t glean much else from the conversation.

  Her mind focused on the next part of the plan. With Chase safe, it was time to focus on the case.

  Lucy’s mind filled with questions. Where did Conner fit in the grand scheme of things? She stared across the small compartment at his black head bent over a folder filled with papers. Ignacio logged onto a laptop in the seat directly across from Conner. Both men worked diligently.

  Lucy wondered what Kevin thought. If she knew him at all, he would find some way to follow. She leaned back in her seat and settled in for the ride. It wouldn’t do any good to worry too much right now. She headed where they wanted, into the lions den. Lucy felt distinctly that Rivera played the lion and Conner was a pawn in his game from the way they acted together. In her experience, Conner seemed too submissive to be anything else.

  Conner looked up from his papers.

  “How are you?” He inquired, “It’s been quite a day.”

  Lucy smiled at him reassuringly, “I’m fine. I’ll say, this is the most exciting day I’ve seen in a long time. It’s not every day a girl gets swept away from her life by a mysterious man in a dark coat.”

  “No, I suppose is true. We’re going to be in the air for a while. Why don’t you relax?”

  “I thought about it. The ocean is so beautiful. I like watching the waves crash together. Amazing how it can be so calm one minute and kill you the next.” Lucy sighed. She could feel Ignacio’s eyes on her. She turned and met his intense stare. The black orbs of his eyes shone like obsidian.

  A shudder started at the base of her spine and she tried to suppress it the best she could. Time would be tight as she made her way through this part of the puzzle. She cast her eyes down coyly. It would be to her advantage if she could capture the interest of Rivera. She turned her head back to Conner when he spoke.

  “We’re heading for Colombia. Mr. Rivera owns a villa in there where we will stay until things calm down.”

  “Sounds like a nice sanctuary. I’m looking forward to tanning in the sun. It’ll be nice after spending all that time in the smog of New York. I’ve never been to Colombia. What’s it like?” It was true. Lucy knew next to nothing about the country. If she was going to learn anything about the lay of the land she needed to make Conner or Ignacio talk about the area. It would be easier to get Conner to talk than the intensely silent man sitting across from her.

  “I understand it’s lovely. I’ve never been to the villa myself. You should ask Mr. Rivera if you want to know more specifics.”

  “Yes senorita, feel free to ask anything you like.” White teeth gleamed in his darkened face. Lucy couldn’t help thinking he looked like a shark poster she saw just the other day.

  “Will you tell me about your home? I’ve always been fascinated by Columbia.” Lucy listened to Ignacio talk about the villa until his voice faded into the steady drone of the engine.


  “Fasten your safety belt Garrett. It’s going to be a bumpy ride -- I’ve always wanted to say that.” Hawke grinned at him and buckled her own belt into place.

  Kevin shifted and moved his leg into a more comfortable position. He picked up the CB radio and called Killroy. “What’s up Deep Blue? Any news from the Agency in Columbia yet?”

  “Yes, Ignacio Rivera’s the guy we are looking for. He’s one of the larger drug traffickers in Columbia. He owns a villa just outside of the small town of Puerto Vera. You’ll need to hook up with an agent by the name of Avery. He’ll lead you inside, and get you gear. Make sure you stay hidden. We can’t endanger Montgomery more. She’s already in a tenuous position. We think someone here is leaking information to Conner. Stay on your guard.”

  “Got it.” Kevin said, “How’s Chase holding up?”

  “ Fine. We got him liquored up and to the hospital without any trouble. They believed his story only because he appeared so drunk. They’ve patched him up and he’s in recovery. He made quite a racket as they bound his ribs together.”

  Kevin grimaced at the thought of what Chase went through. “You know Killroy, I sure am glad I’ve never been caught.” He looked out at the horizon watching the night clouds pass by.

  “You’re just damn lucky Garrett. Keep your nose clean.”

  “You don’t need to worry about us. We won’t let anything happen.” Damn straight he wouldn’t let anything happen. He didn’t even want to think about what he would do if something did happen to Lucy. His fist clenched around the mic.

  “Sure. Radio me when you land. If Chase comes up with any more information I’ll let you know. Take care.”

  “Okay. This is Blue Sky signing off.” Kevin hung up the receiver and placed a hand under his chin.

  “You look thoughtful, what’s on your mind?” Hawke asked a moment later.

  “I’m thinking about what Killroy just said, there may be a leak, but who?”

  “Don’t know. I’ve known everyone on the team for some time now, with the exception of Halverson. I can’t imagine anyone wanting to harm the Agency.”

  “I’m sure Killroy will figure it out.” Kevin noticed Hawke’s suspicious glace as she rapidly turned her eyes back to the front. He was sure she noticed the worried look that creased his brow. “You alright?” She asked after a slight pause.

  Kevin looked at her and gave her a carefree smile. “I will be. Just a little concerned. Killroy told me you’ve known Lucy since your training.” He thought of Lucy in the little gray suit she had worn. “Lot’s happened since then.”

  “Luce never talks about what happened between the two of you. Mind if I ask?”

  “Actually, if she never spoke about it I don’t believe its right to go discussing it behind her back. Do you?”

  “No, I suppose your right. Certainly seems as though you’ve put it behind you.” Hawke laughed as she banked the plane south.

  “Yes, we have.” Kevin stared out the window at the dark clouds that matched his mood. Yes, they most certainly put it behind them.

  “Don’t say much do you? I remember Luce mentioning something to that effect, but I don’t recall her exact words-- something about an iceberg and the Titanic.”

  Silence met her statement.

  She continued, “What’s the plan when we get there?”

  Kevin focused back on Hawke, “We need to lay low. We can’t chance blowing Montgomery’s cover. When we meet up with our contact he’ll supply us with all the necessary equipment. We can stay in the South American headquarters. Right now that’s the plan. This is her show.”

  “From what I understand, you’re not used to taking backseat.”

  “Neither is Montgomery.”

  “No, you’re right there. She would blow her stack if I ever tried to step on her toes. She runs a tight ship.”

  “Yeah.” A tight ship, and look what happens. It wasn’t in the plan for her to take off to Columbia with a couple of thugs. He didn’t even want to picture what might happen to her if they discovered who she really was. The thought of any agent in the hands of a Columbian drug lord wasn’t ple
asant. A vision of Lucy laying in a gutter beaten to bloody pulp almost made him gag. Why did he let things go so far? He blamed himself for letting her brother get captured. Kevin knew he’d failed to protect the one person who meant anything to him. He would get her back.

  Hawke and Kevin remained silent until they passed over the lush greenery of the Columbian Rainforest. Banking the plane she headed in for a landing at a small airport hidden amidst the dense foliage. A man stood near the entrance of the privately run facility known as Operation Mosquito waiting for them to disembark.

  The pair made their way towards the swarthy man. He greeted them with such a thick accent Kevin wasn’t sure if he’d heard him correctly when he spoke, “I’m Avery, how’re ya doin’?”

  “We’re great considering the circumstances.” Kevin answered as they approached. “There’s nothing like a morning flight to clear the head. I felt a little foggy after our boat ride last night.”

  The man looked confused, but turned to head towards the rustic building behind him that served as headquarters for their Colombian agency.

  “If you’ll follow me, I’ll show you the quarters for your brief stay in our country. My name’s Avery. I’ve been assigned to your team while you are here.”

  Kevin got the distinct impression Avery wished they weren’t there.

  The small building, Kevin realized, stood as a front for a much larger organization as they entered and immediately came upon a staircase leading underground. The entrance to the stairs appeared to be sealed off by a glass door, which Kevin assumed to be bulletproof. Avery slid a security card into place and the doors swished open noiselessly.

  “This is quite an impressive set up you’ve got here.”

  “Thank you. We’ve been here for some time, and the Agency luckily feels all parts of the Organization need adequate working environments. As you can see, there are several measures we took to ensure that the guerillas in the area do not get into our network. Unlike the States, we must worry about things like flooding during the rainy seasons and machine gun fire. Therefore, our structure may be more heavily guarded than your own facility back home.”

  “You’re right of course. We’ve got a certain measure of security, but nothing quite like this.” Kevin kept talking as they headed deeper into the earth. Amazed at the structure of such a facility, the walls seemed to be fortified with steel bracings that arched above their heads.

  Fluorescent lights flickered overhead and he could hear the soft buzz of the metal detectors planted at various points along the way. As they neared the bottom of the descending tunnel he noted they headed through another set of doors made of a solid looking steel plate. Avery pressed his hand to the panel on the side and again doors slid open to admit the small team.

  They came upon the bustle of a busy office that looked like something out of their New York branch and Kevin wondered if they were all equipped the same way. Off to the left he could see their conference room where a man busily paced in front of another employee. To the right, a row of neatly arranged cubicles, each arranged with their own computer, a nice desk, a filing cabinet, and a phone.

  “This way please.” Avery gestured down a hallway that led to a series of small rooms.

  Kevin guessed by the layout that they all contained a small bed and a dresser with a few shower supplies.

  Just like back home, he thought, only underground.

  Avery stopped in front of one of the rooms.

  “This door and the next are your quarters for your stay. I hope they’ll be sufficient. We will meet in fifteen minutes to discuss our course of action. I understand that your agent is with the known drug lord Rivera. If that’s the case I can let you both know that we are aware of the man and he’s been under surveillance for some time. So, finding her should not be a problem.”

  Kevin let out a breath of air. “Thank you. That solves one unanswered question. We will see you in a few minutes.”

  Avery nodded his dark head, turned on his boot heel and left them standing there.

  “Looks like we’d best get cleaned up.” Hawke cocked her head to the side and eyed Kevin.

  “Yeah, guess so. See you in fifteen.” He turned away and left to go into his designated room.

  As Kevin closed the door behind him, he leaned against the cool frame and took a minute to calm his nerves. Everything would work out. Killroy’s right, Lucy wasn’t a fresh rookie straight off the streets. She could handle herself until they got there.


  Lucy couldn’t help herself, a gasp escaped her mouth when she caught her first glimpse of Rivera’s luxurious villa. White-washed adobe gleamed in the South American sunlight like a beacon calling her to come and relax in its pristine splendor.

  Not for the first time, she understood why people could go into a criminal life. As the small plane made its landing she could glimpse snatches of his backyard and she caught her breath at the sight of a large swimming pool amidst a grove of tropical trees.

  “What do you think of my home Miss Beaumont?”

  “It’s lovely. I only dream of living in such luxury. I never thought I would ever get to experience something so grand in my life.” It was easy to be complimentary when you stated the truth. It created the best lies. Lucy looked out the window and caught the reflection of a disturbing grin which had spread across Ignacio’s face.

  “I’m glad you like it. You’re welcome to stay as long as you like. I apologize for the abrupt departure from New York, but one cannot be too careful. You never know when there may be an agent lurking about. After Conner and I conclude our business, will drink with me on the veranda?” His leering gaze watched her intently as she answered and met his eyes in the window.

  “That would be nice. Thank you.” It seemed like forever before the plane slowed to a stop on the runway.

  The plane quieted and the door opened and humid air steamed into the cabin. Rivera and Conner exited first and each offered her a hand to help her down the ramp.

  She grinned at each man, but took Rivera’s hand, “Again, thank you.”

  “My pleasure, please follow my servant. We shall join you shortly.” He turned to the man standing to her right. “Show Miss Beaumont to the veranda, and supply her with whatever she desires to drink.” The man nodded and Lucy followed obediently.

  She wanted to be present when Conner and Rivera discovered the jewel was a fake, but realized that might not be prudent. She would bide her time and wait for Kevin to show with reinforcements. No way would she be able to take Rivera by herself. She knew the limits of her capabilities.

  Rivera picked up the case containing the diamond and led Conner into his home.


  Rivera laid the case on his desk in the study and looked at Conner. “Shall we see what a priceless diamond looks like my friend?” He continued to open the case. The glitter of the diamond sparkled on the reflectors of Rivera’s jewelry glass. He looked down closely at the sheer texture. The smile on his face began to disappear. “What do you take me for Conner? Some type of fool? Where is the real diamond?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Conner looked at him baffled. “That’s the real diamond.” He walked over to the desk.

  “Look for yourself, you fool. It appears you’ve been duped.”

  Conner took the glass from his fingers. Even as he did so, he noticed the truth. He felt the cool metal under his hand as he stared at the largest chunk of cubic zirconium ever created. “It appears as though we both are fooled.” He looked up from the fake. Rivera trained a gun at his forehead.

  “I suggest you explain, my friend, and quickly. I don’t like being toyed with.” His eyes cooled as they trained on their target.

  Conner backed up a step. “Believe me, I had no idea.” He held out his hands. “My source never told me she’d actually switch the diamonds. I didn’t know such a thing was possible.”

  “What do you mean, she?”

  “Valerie. I took her bec
ause she’s an agent with F.I.U.W. I planned to get rid of her when I reached the Bahamas. A source on her team, he said I’d be doing him a favor. He told me about her and the set up, but somehow failed to mention they actually switched the real diamond.”

  “How convenient, did you plan on letting me in on this little secret before or after our little exchange?” Rivera crossed around the desk. Reaching into his drawer, the scrape of old wood sounded in to the silence of the room. Rivera placed a silencer on the end of his gun.

  “I didn’t have a reason to tell you.” Conner got a desperate edge to his voice. “I wanted a little fun with her before making sure she disappeared for good.”

  Rivera appeared relaxed. “Don’t worry my friend. She’ll get what is coming to her.” He started a low laugh and lowered his gun. Conner let out a small sigh of relief and began to sit down. Just as he started to sit, Rivera raised his gun and fired hitting Conner dead on.


  Rivera walked over to where Conner lay sprawled on the floor. Looking down as a dark stain of blood started to spread on Conner’s shirt, Rivera’s smile returned.

  “Yes my friend. I will make sure she gets everything that is coming to her.” He calmly walked to the door and signaled for one of his attendants. “Lupe, come here.”

  “Si, senor?”

  “There’s a small matter in my study that needs attending. Would you please see to it? I’ve a guest waiting by the pool that I must entertain.” His servant nodded and ran off to do Rivera’s bidding. He turned toward the pool area with a cold smile of satisfaction on his face.


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