99 to Nowhere

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99 to Nowhere Page 9


  He kissed me deeply once more and I felt him move slowly within me, softly, and slowly, as our kissed intensified. My legs wrapped around his waist, I wanted all of him. I felt him kissing my neck and breast before he pulled my leg up, holding it in place by my thigh.

  I pulled his lips to mine. I couldn't get enough of his taste, his smell, and his hands all over me; he was all I wanted. I wrapped my arms around his neck when he began to climax, taking me with him. I closed my eyes after I reached my first orgasm and heard my voice tremble when I tried to say his name. He held me tight, both our bodies shaking from pleasure until we collapsed in each other’s arms. We slept that way the rest of the night, neither one of us wanting to separate from each other.


  The following morning we woke up to my watch alarm. "What the hell" He grumbled and rolled over when I crawled out of the bed to cut it off.

  I was still naked and pulled on my thermals once I found them thrown by the edge of the bed.

  "Get up Rio—" I kissed his head and ran into the bathroom. "Come on, I'll heat up the shower" I smiled; happy we would be able to shower together. I ran back out to see the pillow over his head. "Get up Rio, come on, we gotta go" I pulled the pillow out of his hands. I smiled when he pulled me back on top of him and kissed my neck. "Seriously, we gotta go" I pulled myself away. "Come on"

  "Go where?" He ran his hands through his long locks and flopped back down on the bed.

  "Just get up, please. We really gotta get out of here" I persisted.

  He sat up and looked at me suspiciously. "Did you rob the rental office?"

  "No, of course not" Although I thought about it.

  "Then why the rush?" He asked.

  “Just come on, let's shower" I winked and ran into the bathroom.

  I could hear him get out of the bed when I stepped in the shower and I turned around when I felt his arms encircle my waist. He kissed my shoulder and I brushed him off.

  "No Rio, shower" I handed him the soap.

  "But, but you gave me that sexy wink—" He looked baffled. “How come you teased me like that?" He asked before he stepped under the showerhead and let the hot water run over his face.

  I stared down at his manhood and shuddered. Damn your daddy blessed you well and you're not even an adult yet. I shook my head and tried to keep my thoughts clean.

  "Hurry up" I said washing the soap off me. I felt his hands touch my back and I jumped out of the shower before he had a chance to get more aroused. "Hurry up" I yelled. I dried off and tried to brush my teeth at the same time.

  "Why the hell are we in such a rush to go nowhere?" He yelled.

  I spit out a mouthful of toothpaste. "Just hurry up please"

  "This better be good" I heard him mumble before I rushed out to get dressed.

  I made sure my earrings were still in and my necklace was around my neck before I put my pink sweater back on.

  I shoved my feet into my boots when he walked out with the towel wrapped around his waist.

  "Rio get dressed" I sighed when I noticed his green eyes twinkle devilishly.

  He slapped his hands on his thighs with exasperation after he sat on the edge of the bed. "Why, what the hell are you up to?"

  "Just get dressed. I’m so serious" I replied impatiently.

  I pulled out a pair of his jeans and a long sleeve black thermal. I tossed them on the bed and began to pack everything up. I packed his backpack and had his boots out ready for him.

  I watched him scowl as he shoved his feet into his boots and thought about our lovemaking. I really wanted to stay in and do it all over again, but knew more important matters needed to be addressed. He sighed and stood up, I loved his tall frame.

  "Now, what are we doing, holding up a bank or something?" He asked and caught his coat when I tossed it to him.

  I put on my red heart shaped shades and smiled. "Maybe, let's go, our cabs waiting. I already took the key to the rental office, so when the door closes, its closed for good"

  He put his hand on my shoulder and stopped me from walking out. "Where the hell are we going?"

  "Just come on—" I pulled his hand so I could get him out of the room.

  "No, tell me first" He insisted.

  "Please, please just come on Rio" I pouted. "Please" I could see his jaws clenching, but he slammed the door behind him and got in the cab behind me.

  "Excuse me, where are you taking us?" He asked the cab driver.

  "To the bus station" The elderly cab driver answered. "That is where you want to go right?"

  "Yes, yes it is" I replied and gave Rio an expression to be quiet.

  He leaned against the window, looking furious, until we got out at the bus station.

  "You know I'm pissed, right?" He glared at me.

  We were standing in the middle of the road after the cab dropped us off. I could tell he was, upset, but didn't care at the moment.

  "Wait right there, we just made it with your lollygagging" I ran in to confirm our spaces on the bus. I rushed back out and pulled his arm. "Let's go—"

  He pulled his arm away from me and I stopped when I looked into his eyes. "What's going on Maxx?"

  "Can you get on first? Please, I promise I'll tell you once we get on" I got down on my knees and held my hands together, begging. "Please Rio, I don't care who sees me. Please get on with me"

  He looked around at people on the bus, wondering what we were doing. "Alright, get up and come on" He stepped aside so I could climb on.

  I ran to the back of the bus and frowned because it was already taken so I took the seat in front of them. He kicked his backpack under the seat in front of him and stared out the window.

  "Where's this bus going?" He asked with a frown.

  "Millington" I answered, proud that I managed to get him on. "You're gonna take that GED test" I said with conviction. "And before you try to object, don't even bother; I bought the tickets last night after I got your gifts. I want you to have that GED, Rio"


  I was happy when his green eyes twinkled. "Seriously?"

  "Yeah, it's still Christmas day so we have Sunday for you to catch up in the library because it’s open from nine to four. You can log in those remaining two hours and then you qualify to take the test on Monday" I said confidently.

  He chuckled and rubbed his chin. "It might work—" He was astonished. “Did you plan this yesterday?"

  "Last night when you went to see Katrina" I teased.

  "I didn't go see her, I went shopping for you" He replied.

  I bit my lip and kissed him quickly on the lips. "I'm glad you did" I smiled and touched the scar on his eyebrow. "Ya know, I have a thing for guys with scars"

  "Really now" He said as he put his arm around me.

  "Yep" I grinned and touched my chest to make sure my locket was still there. "Just don't get any more though" I chuckled and pulled out the manual he needed to study with. "I found it in your bag when I was being nosy" I grimaced. "You can study some on the way—"

  "Alright—" He agreed and flipped through it. “Let me get my study on here—"

  "Awesome" I grinned. I watched Springdale disappear behind us and rested my head on his shoulder. Dammit Maxx, I think you're in love!


  He studied the entire way back to Millington and only took a break when we were at rest stops.

  "So what do you want to be anyway?" I asked, wanting to know more about him. I wanted to know more than he shared previously. I was consumed by everything Rio.

  He twisted his lips and stared at a security cop that was walking around a few kiosks. "A lawyer—" He said quickly.

  "Seriously? That's a lot of school, right? I mean a lot of money too—"

  "Yeah it is, but I'm gonna do it. Already got it planned out, community college to start, so I can get into a good college. I got my sights on Emory in Georgia, and then, go from there"

  I suddenly realized he had his own plans and felt alone all o
ver again. "Well, where are you gonna go to community college?"

  "Probably in Georgia too, I'll get a job out there to help me. I'm really trying to get some good grades there so I can get a scholarship. I'll qualify for a few grants once I pass this test"

  "Oh you're that smart, huh?" I teased.

  He looked serious and nodded his confirmation. "I know you don't like arrogance, but yeah, I am" He brushed his hair away from his face. "Only thing my parents left me worth anything, so may as well use it"

  I stopped smiling and knew he was serious, I loved his confident attitude. "Wow, that's awesome" I blinked with surprise. "When, when did you plan on going to Georgia?" I stammered, scared of his answer.

  "I planned to go right after I finished this GED, the counselor that's helping me, Mr. Horne, has pretty much taken me under his wing. He thinks I can do it, he believes in me—"

  "So do I" I was frustrated that he left me out. "I wouldn't have bought the tickets to come back here if I didn't"

  He looked at me curiously. "Do you have any plans? Anything you want to be or do with your life, Maxx?"

  I wrapped my straw around my fingers and shrugged. "I don't know—" I sighed deeply and shook my head.

  Having dreams and aspirations were always a waste of time, because I believed I would never amount to anything. One thing my last foster dad would tell me all the time.

  "Right now, if there was anything you could be, what would it be and where would you want to do it?" He asked.

  "A social worker, helping kids in the system. Making sure they are put in a safe home and loved while they’re there. Making sure they are not just wanted for the money, but because they really care for them" I answered.

  "Then that's what you'll be, alright?" He raised his eyebrows. "You wanna make a difference and so do I—"

  The bus driver walked around telling people that the bus would be leaving in fifteen minutes and we rushed to finish the rest of our food and hurry back to the bus. I was suddenly overwhelmed with a feeling of importance at the thought of being a social worker and helping kids in the system.

  "How, how am I gonna be able to do it?" I asked sheepishly.

  He looked at me curiously after he took off his coat and pulled out his study manual. "Do what?"

  "You know, the social worker. I'll have to get a GED too, right? Then school—"

  I bit on my lip and looked out the bus window, knowing I had a lot of work ahead of me. I knew it was something I wanted to do for a long time and now he made me want to do it even more.

  "Yeah, after I take this test, I'll take you to see Mr. Horn and he'll put you on the right track" He smiled at me. "I knew you had goals Maxine Gray" He winked and flipped through his manual.

  "Humph, I guess I do" I smiled.

  "Of course, you'll have to do it all in Georgia with me ya know" He added. "You're not escaping me that quick, so don't get any ideas"

  I couldn't stop smiling. "Georgia huh?"

  "Yeah, I think we can make it out there. We can get a place in the suburbs somewhere, both of us work and go to school, get our lives on track. We're still both young enough to do it. We're both smart and we're both hungry, and I don't mean for food. We both want a home and a family" He looked at me intently. "The only thing stopping us, is us"

  "You're right" I whispered. "I do want a home and a family, Rio" I was so happy he let me be myself, unguarded and open. I always pretended a family meant nothing to me in public, but I longed to be a part of one for years. "I'll talk to Mr. Horne"

  "Good—" He paused and put his arm around me. “I want you there with me. At the end of all of this struggling crap, I want you with me. We're going to look back at all of this and appreciate what we have. We'll appreciate all of the little things so many kids our age take for granted—" He sighed and kissed my forehead. "The day you walked into that chapel on 99, I couldn't stop looking at you; I knew you were put in my life for a reason. It was like you were this angel that miraculously appeared and you were there to save me, save me from myself and make me stay on track"

  "You're my angel Rio" I whispered.



  "Hate this place" Rio muttered after we got off the bus in Millington, the snow had stopped, but it was still piled high on the side of the road as we stood in front of the bus terminal.

  "Me too" I replied, thinking about Mr. Johnson and his perverted hands, hoping I didn't run into him or my counselor, Mrs. Buford.

  "Let's go to 99" He said taking my hand. "Try not to fall" He teased.

  "So funny you are" I grinned.

  We made our way up the street. It was still Christmas day and we stopped at the Millington grand tree before we went on our way. This time I didn't mind staring at it or the large fake gifts under it. I was no longer jealous, I felt my neck to make sure my locket was still there and knew I had the best gift in the world.

  "Hope Father McDowell is there, the other pastor isn't too keen on us sleeping in the back for some reason. I don't think he trusts the homeless too much"

  "He is supposed to be a man of God, how can he not trust us?" I asked, curiously offended. "It's not like they have anything in there we would want to steal, do they?"

  "Not that I know of" He answered and held my hand tight. "If not, we're gonna have to find a place to stay for the night"

  I thought about the hundred bucks left in my pocket and knew I had enough to get us in another cheap motel, but hoped father McDowell would be there to let us stay. I couldn't stop looking around. I felt we were being watched, so I picked up the pace, because my suspicions were usually right. We walked another twelve blocks and my nose was almost frozen by the time we reached the chapel on 99th. I bounced up and down to warm myself as Rio knocked on the door and waited.

  "What's taking so long, aren't they open?" I asked impatiently.

  "Not sure, they usually are—" He looked around. “Gonna run around back and check, stay here"

  "Hurry" I replied before he ran out of sight.

  I stepped up to the door and knocked once more, almost falling back when the door swung open. A tall, balding man stood before me with stitched brows.

  "Uh, father McDowell?"

  "No, I'm sorry. He has taken ill with the flu, he will return tomorrow. Can I help you?" His dark brown eyes narrowed as he looked me over.

  "I, I—" I was at a loss for words. I didn’t know what to say, and wanted to yell for Rio, he always knew exactly what to say.

  "Are you alright? Is father McDowell counseling you?" He questioned and continued to hold the door open.

  "Yeah, kinda—me and my friend" I stammered. "He went around back"

  "Maxx it's locked!" Rio yelled. I could hear him clearly before he ran back around the corner. "Oh, Father Dawson. My name is Rio, uh, Rio Barden" He held his hand out to shake his. "Can we come in?"

  He opened the door wide, so we could enter, and I was grateful because it was freezing. "How may I help you son?" Father Dawson asked and clasp his hands behind his back.

  I looked over his suit and thick brown sweater and wondered where his white collar was.

  "We need a place to sleep for the night. Father McDowell usually let us sleep in the back. Do you mind if we stay in here for the day and then sleep in the back tonight, just for today?" Rio asked.

  "The two of you?" Father Dawson asked curiously. "Are you brother and sister?"

  Rio looked at me and nodded yes, knowing he wouldn't like the idea of us sleeping together. "Yeah, we've kind of been moving between foster homes, and long story short, we just need a warm place to stay for the day"

  Father Dawson looked from him to me and nodded with hesitation. "Take your things into the back and I'll bring you something warm to drink"

  "Thank you" We said in unison before we hustled to the back room.


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