99 to Nowhere

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99 to Nowhere Page 12


  "Screw yourself" I snapped before Mrs. Buford directed me into a room to change back into my clothes.

  I stood in front of the small mirror and put the locket back on after I inserted my earrings. I walked out to see her looking uncomfortable when I brushed past her toward the door.

  "Maxine, slow down dear" I heard her heels clicking close behind me.

  I opened the doors to see Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, waiting with large smiles.

  "Maxine!" Mrs. Johnson ran to me and threw her arms around my neck. "I've been worried sick" She yelled and looked me over. I knew she was sincere and had no idea of her husbands perverted, raping ways.

  "Sorry" I said softly and glared at Mr. Johnson that shook Mrs. Buford's hand. He acted as if he never did a dirty deed in his life.

  "Thanks Henrietta, we'll get her home and I'll talk to you soon" Mrs. Johnson said shuffling me towards their green minivan. "Maxine you missed Christmas and I got you gifts and everything" She sighed as she buckled her seatbelt and took off her red earmuffs. "Evan has missed you so much"

  "Right" I scoffed and stared out the window when they began to drive out of the parking lot. I looked around for Rio, but knew he had no idea where I was. "Evan doesn't even like me—" I replied.

  I would always catch their son looking at me and it freaked me out. Sometimes he would look at me as if he was interested in me, and other times, it appeared as if he wanted to talk about something on his mind. He was seventeen and a total weirdo; he was too sneaky.

  "Oh hush that silly talk" She bubbled. "He's just shy, he's been asking for you almost every day, asking if they found you and all—"

  We drove by the chapel on 99th street and I wanted to jump out and run, but knew I couldn't. I noticed a few police cars sitting on the corner, two cops were talking to each other as they drank a cup of coffee and there was no sign of Rio.

  The Johnson's lived thirty minutes away from town and it would be a long walk to get away again. I remember hiding behind cars and in back yards as I ran for my life after he raped me. I caught him looking at me in the rear view and I switched sides in the backseat so he couldn't see me clearly. I sat in silence as Mrs. Johnson told me how great Christmas was and the party they planned for New Years.

  After we pulled up in the driveway, I caught the curtains moving, I knew Evan was probably peeking out and waiting for us to arrive. They had a modest home and it was beautifully decorated, but I hated the smell of it. Everything in it made me ill, especially Mr. Johnson.

  "I changed the colors in the room to pink and yellow. I remember you telling me you love those colors" She said happily, acting like we were always a big happy family.

  I walked past Evan that shoved his hands in his pockets when I looked at him. I sat down on the bed and rubbed my locket between my fingers while she ran around cutting on lights.

  "Do you like it Maxine?" She was proud of the painting she did in the room.

  I stared at the pink shag rug in a daze and continued to twirl my locket between my fingers. "Can I be alone please?" I whispered.

  "Why of course, dinner will be in a bit. I'll come back and get you then" She wasn’t bothered by my saddened mood. "I made chicken and potatoes, I hope you're hungry" She sang before she closed the door.

  I noticed there were still no locks on the door when I stared at it. I didn't even want to lie down. I stood up and looked out the window at the other homes across the street, decorated by Christmas lights and plastic reindeer in the yards.

  "Rio—" I whispered to the window before I looked around and sat down at the small desk.

  I listened to my voice, whimpering, and crying, softly into my hands, until she knocked on the door to tell me dinner was ready. I didn't have an appetite and told her I was too tired to eat. She appeared upset but closed the door, leaving me alone to finish feeling sorry for myself, sorry that I was living a life I hated more than the air I breathed.


  The next morning, Mrs. Johnson woke me up to tell me she would be taking me back to school. She got me some more jeans and sweaters for Christmas and I was grateful, especially since other foster homes I was in before never bought me a thing. I put on a new pair of jeans, a soft red sweater, and waited by the door.

  "Anxious to get back in school?" Evan asked nervously.

  I stared at him; he was good looking in his own way, but too much of a bookworm to be a total hottie. I knew he had a girlfriend, but when I was around he didn't give her the time of day. I knew she wouldn't be too happy to see I was back.

  "Not really" I muttered before his mom came running out with the car keys in her hands.

  "Let's go" She said gleefully.

  She makes me want to puke.

  I frowned the entire way to the school and decided I would get on the bus to town when school was out. I followed her to the school office. She handed them papers and everything I would need to get me enrolled once again. I could tell the vice principal wasn't too thrilled to see me. I gave the teachers and everyone in the office a hard time, skipping class and cursing every chance I got.

  "I'll be here after school to pick you up" Mrs. Johnson said once we were in the hallway.

  "What? Why are you picking me up? I can take the bus" I said quickly, knowing my plans of going into town were now dashed.

  "Well, Ben said that it's best we pick you up, especially since the weather is so bad" She flushed. "Husbands do know best"

  "Weather isn't bad on the bus" I retorted, knowing he just wanted to make sure I didn't run away again.

  "It's no bother, I'll see you after school" She replied and gave me a hug before I could stop her.

  I watched her walk out and then looked down at my schedule. I went to my English class, hoping the day would hurry up and be over.

  I was sitting alone in the lunchroom when I heard a girl I argued with before begin to talk loudly about me.

  "Yeah, nobody wants her, so the Johnson's took her in" She laughed loudly.

  I stabbed a few potato tots and tried to ignore her truths. Her name was Amy and I hated her with a passion. Stuck up and spoiled, she had a slew of girls that followed her around and laughed at her every word.

  "She was living on the streets, homeless. I don't even know why they let her back in here, she's bringing a bad name to Duvall High if you ask me" Amy continued.

  I rubbed my locket and closed my eyes, trying to drown her out. I tried to think about Rio and all the plans he had for the future and how he stayed positive all the time.

  "She's a whore too. I heard she was sleeping with men for money before Evan's parents took her in" She continued loudly.

  I opened my carton of milk and shook it aggressively. I didn't even realize I had gotten up from the table, until I was in her face, splattering her pink cardigan with milk until her screams woke me from my madness.

  "You don't know shit about me bitch, but one thing you need to know, is if I hear you mention my name one more time, I'll slit your throat in your sleep" I whispered angrily before a teacher sprinted toward us.

  "She threatened me" Amy blurted. She was trying to wipe the milk away that was now soaking into her sweater. "She said she would cut my throat, didn't she?" She looked at several of the girls that looked at me wide eyed and nodded in agreement.

  "First day back and already causing trouble?" Coach Ramsey said and motioned for me to follow him to the principal's office.

  I didn't care. I walked behind him like a zombie. I stared at his skinny calves, covered in dark hair, and contemplated telling him he should shave it off and put it on his bald head. I sat down and waited for the principal. I listened to coach Ramsey tell her how I threatened Amy and I suddenly remembered that I didn't want to get kicked out of school. I knew I would never find Rio again if I did because I would end up in the detention center for good. I stood up as they were talking and interrupted.

  "I'm sorry Principal Dillon, I was just embarrassed. She was making fun of me, it won't happen again. I
really want to do well, and I promise you, even if she does make fun of me again, I won't do a thing, I'll just report it" I tried to smile innocently, but she crossed her arms and studied me, I knew she didn't believe a word.

  "Very well Maxine, but you do know Duvall High doesn't tolerate violence" She tapped her silver pen on the desk and frowned.

  "I understand" I whispered softly.

  She held the door open for me to exit. I went to my Geography class and made it through the rest of the day. I enjoyed it, thinking of all the places that were far away from Millington and the Johnson's.

  Evan and I were standing in front of the school when Mrs. Johnson pulled up, waving for us to get in the van. Evan held the front door open, but I ignored him and got in the back.

  "I got a call today Maxine. I know it can be hard to blend in, but could you just try a bit?" She asked once she pulled up to their home.

  "Sure" I answered and walked inside.

  Mr. Johnson was standing in the hall, looking me over before I walked past him to my room. I closed the door and sat on the bed, pulling out school books and everything else I wanted no part of.

  Gotta figure out a way to get out of here, find Rio, and not get caught. I bit on my nail and I looked down at my notebooks. I slapped my notebook loudly and smiled evilly. Mr. Horne, he'll be able to get in touch with Rio, I know it.


  I managed to stay out of trouble the next day in school and ignored Amy's ignorant remarks about me and what I do. Evan and I were waiting in front of the school; we expected to see Mrs. Johnson in the minivan, but we didn’t, Mr. Johnson was behind the wheel instead. I looked over at school buses that were pulling away and contemplated jumping on one, but it was too late.

  "Come on Maxx, you know he hates waiting" Evan stated as he walked toward the minivan.

  I don't give a damn what he hates. I frowned and climbed into the back seat next to Evan.

  "You can sit up front with me Maxx" He slapped the front seat.

  "No thanks, I'm fine right here" I frowned and stared out the window.

  He displayed a strained smile and pulled away home.

  What the hell is he doing off of work anyway?

  I grew nervous, watching his fat hands on the steering wheel. He was a large man with a big belly; I was never scared to fight a man, but remembered how he overpowered me in the shed. I shuddered as I remembered the events of that day, his hands pulling down my pants and ripping at my shirt and bra, and his saliva on my neck when he ran his tongue up and down it aggressively. I realized I was wiping my neck like it was still wet.

  I couldn't stop glaring at him with disgust. He still had on his business suit; he was a manager at a local bank for the past eight years and thought he owned the world since people came to him begging for loans.

  "Where's mom?" Evan asked, leaning toward him.

  "She had to babysit, so I came instead. I had a half day at work so I volunteered" He answered.

  Piece of shit. I sighed with frustration and shook my head when Evan leaned back in the seat and stared out the window.

  When he pulled up into the driveway, I jumped out of the van before he put it in park. I went into the living room to see Mrs. Johnson on the floor playing with a baby.

  "I have to go to the library" I said blankly. She picked up the baby and held it to her cheek.

  "Well hi to you too young lady" She bubbled. "How was school today, better than yesterday I hope?"

  "Yeah, it was better. I need to go to the library" I said again as Evan and Mr. Johnson walked in.

  "Oh, you got baby Lisa today?" Evan smiled.

  "Yeah, they had a lot of errands to run today, so I volunteered" She grinned. "She's only nine months old" She cooed and held her up for me to see.

  I rolled my eyes and looked at the ceiling. "I have to go to the library" I said again. I didn't care about a baby, I cared about Rio, and I wanted to shout it in her ear, but bit my lip instead.

  "Well, I'm busy with the baby right now Maxine—" She began.

  "Then Evan can take me" I countered and smiled at his surprised face.

  "Can't you use the school library?" She asked and began to bounce the baby on her legs.

  "No, they don't have what I need to research, and besides, I don't want to get in any more trouble with girls that don't like me there" I answered. "Evan can take me, right?" I looked at him, urging him to say something in my defense.

  "Uhhh, sure. I can take her" He was elated that I nominated him to take me. "I don't have a problem taking her to that library"

  "Wait a minute here" Mr. Johnson tried to object. "She just left school, I'm sure she can do the research there, tomorrow"

  "Nope, I need to do it today. I'm already behind on studies and I want to get back on track" I replied, thinking about the words of Rio.

  "Yeah, I could do a bit of research there too, they have a lot more to work with in there" Evan added. "We won't be too late. We'll be back in time for dinner" He looked at me. "Right?"

  "Absolutely" I confirmed.

  "Cool, let me get those keys, dad" Evan held out his hand.

  I noticed Mr. Johnson glare at me before he ran his hand through his thinning brown hair. "Be back by dinner and make sure you keep an eye on her Evan. I mean, just to make sure she's safe"

  "Yeah, I'm sure he'll make sure I'm safe" I touched Evan's arm. I could see the jealousy in Mr. Johnson's eyes when I picked up Evan's hand and pulled him out of the house. That sick bastard. I thought as I crawled into the passenger seat.

  "So, what do you really have in mind?" He looked at me deviously and I was shocked that he knew I was telling a lie.

  "Not a thing, I have to do some research" I replied after he backed out of the driveway. I noticed his excitement faded and knew he had a crush on me as well; I planned to use it to my advantage. If he had feelings for me then he would do anything I wanted, I could see it in his eyes. "Besides, we never really got to know each other, I think we should spend time together, more time" I smiled and noticed his demeanor change.

  "Cool" He smiled and picked up speed to the local library.

  Damn, not this library. I began to bite on my lip when I he pulled into the parking lot.

  "No, not the public library, the Millington College library" I said when he began to search for a parking space.

  "What?" He looked at me. "Why there?" He asked and stopped the van. "It's far"

  "I like it there, I like the atmosphere, and maybe we can hear of some cool parties to sneak out and go to while the parents sleep" I giggled.

  I gave him a sneaky smile and was elated when he displayed a sneaky grin back at me and pulled out of the parking lot. I kept my eyes open for Rio, if I even thought I saw a guy that looked like him with a black backpack, I planned to leap out of the car, maybe even push Evan out, and steal the car.

  "Here we are" Evan sighed when we finally parked at the Millington College Library.

  "Cool, I got a bunch of stuff to look up for my mythology class. I'm gonna get some video too. My teacher won't know what hit her" I lied with an innocent smile and pulled him up the stairs.

  "I got to do some homework too, Physics" He shook his head. "It's killing me, I hate that damn class"

  I was shocked, I never heard him use profanity. "Wait a minute" I pulled him to the side to whisper. "You're are not the perfect son that you appear to be, are you?"

  "Nobody ever said I was perfect, I don't think so, but they like to tell people that I am" He gave me a slight smile. "I hate doing what they tell me to do all the time, just so we look like the perfect family. It's all a bunch of bullshit. That's why, as soon as I graduate, I'm getting the hell outta there, college in California or somewhere far away" He whispered as we took a seat at an empty table.

  I looked at him with new eyes; he hated them as much as I did. "Wow, sounds like a good plan" I put my backpack on the chair beside me. "I don't blame you" I sat down and watched him take out his schoolbooks and prepped mysel
f for the lie I was going to tell him so I could leave and get to Mr. Horne's office.

  "Yeah, I just wanna live my life, my way" He rubbed his nose and flipped through his book. "Just like you do"

  I paused when his blue eyes stared at me. "I understand, hey I'm gonna go look for books and stuff"

  "You think about sneaking off or running away again?" He raised his dark eyebrow.

  I sat back down and looked at him. "Evan, can I ask you a question?"

  "Sure—" He answered and looked attentive.

  "Why were you masturbating while I was getting undressed before, remember that time? Why did you do that?" I asked innocently and his face turned beet red. I watched him swallow and he shook his head, trying to think of something to say. "I mean, I caught you. I don’t understand, you’re a good-looking guy. I mean you're far from ugly, and I know that girlfriend of yours gives you plenty, right?"


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