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Platinum Page 27

by J. M. Nevins

  Jimmy gingerly walked down the aisle and looked at Kit. “You ok?”

  She nodded. “I think so.” Jimmy guided her over to the sofa.

  Sully yelled. “Jim, help us out here!”

  As Jimmy rushed to the front of the bus where Sean and Sully were, he noticed the left side, collapsed. There had been impact with something else that missed the driver by inches. He then spotted a mangled big-rig that lay on its side in a snow bank on the opposite side of the highway. He shifted his attention back to the driver and jumped in to assist Sully and Sean as best he could.

  A large team of paramedics and fire personnel descended onto the scene a painstaking forty-five minutes later that seemed more like an eternity. Everyone on the bus was a little banged up, but luckily, it appeared no one had endured extensive injuries, except for their bus driver. The bones in his legs had shattered upon impact and one of the arteries in his leg had been nicked. Had Sully, Sean and Jimmy not worked as diligently to free him, he might have not survived. Sean had previous training as a medic and was able to use an intricate tourniquet system to stop the bleeding. The paramedics loaded the driver into an ambulance quickly and departed.

  A caravan of ambulances complete with lights and sirens followed, containing everyone else that had been on the bus and deposited them at the closest hospital, outside Waterloo, Iowa. The band, Maxine, Sean, Danny and Kit were all promptly checked out in the emergency room. Maxine had knocked her shoulder out of its socket helping Sean get the bus door open and it had to be put back into place. Sully’s back was bothering him. An injury had resulted when he was violently thrown as the bus took its first full roll over. Kit had a concussion and a small cut on her temple.

  She sat on the examining table, waiting patiently for the doctor to come in and give her the green light to leave. Sean stopped by to notify her that he and the team would take care of everything. They opted to grab cabs back to a hotel close by in Waterloo. He left the limousine behind to transport Sully, Kit and Maxine.

  Kit was relieved that everyone was ok, but couldn’t shake the accident from her memory banks. Every time she closed her eyes she heard those frightening sounds again and saw the flying debris as the interior and exterior of the bus broke down and twisted right before her eyes.

  The most alarming image that remained was the sight of the mangled bus after the crash. It was a miracle they were all alive. The bus had rolled three times and blessedly landed right side up, leaning peacefully on a snow bank. She still had no idea how the whole thing had happened.

  All she knew was that she dozed off for a nap when the skies were grey and fairly normal, cuddled next to Sully. Then she was abruptly awoken, feeling like someone had dropped her into a large snow globe that an unknown force shook violently. She remained dazed, yet grateful.

  Sully walked in and forced a grin. “Hey, babe.” He gave her long kiss and pulled her toward him. He took her face into his hands and gazed deeply into her eyes. “I’m so glad you’re ok.”

  She nodded and took his hand in hers. “I’m glad you’re ok too. Are you all done? What did the doctor say?”

  “Back injury. Nothing crazy, but it hurts like hell. I’m pretty severely bruised. The doctor gave me some painkillers for it. I’m just grateful to be alive. I got thrown pretty hard on impact. My back hit the edge of that table… ugh.” He gently rubbed his back.

  Kit grimaced. “Babe, I’m sorry.”

  He grinned and kissed her on the cheek. “As long as you’re ok, I’m ok. Plus, he gave me some pretty good drugs.” He put his forehead to hers and grinned.

  They both giggled. The doctor entered the room, interrupting them. He looked at Kit and started giving her the run down on her condition. The doctor agreed to release her with the understanding that Sully be in charge of making sure she only slept in two hour stints for the next twenty-four hours and if anything seemed awry to bring her back in immediately.

  After the doctor left, Sully looked at her and held his hand out to help her off the table. “C’mon, let’s go.” She jumped down and he wrapped his arm around her to guide her out. “Maxine is already set in the waiting room. Don’t worry, babe, I’ll take care of you.” She looked up at him and forced a grin, falling into the comfort of his embrace.

  As Kit entered the waiting room, she stuck her bottom lip out at the sight before her. Maxine sat patiently with her right shoulder bandaged, holding an ice pack to it with her left hand. She looked up and chuckled seeing Kit’s expression. She stood up and smiled. “I’m ok, really. No need to give me that look. It’s a little tender, but no big. Gymnastics injury gone wrong sixteen years later.”

  Kit knowingly chuckled and Sully looked confused. He looked at her. “Huh? You lost me.”

  She grinned. “When I was twelve I was in a state gymnastics competition.” She looked over. “Kit was there. I was doing really well until I hit the rotation for the uneven bars. I screwed up my Weiler Kip…”

  Sully chuckled and interrupted. “Your what?”

  She smiled. “It’s a move you do in the uneven bars routine. Anyway, I lost my grip on the top bar and fell… on my right shoulder. Knocked it clear out of the socket. And today, well, my fight or flight instinct made me forget that minor detail when I ran to help Sean with the door and voila, shoulder problem revisited.”

  Kit forced a grin. “Sorry, Max. Can’t imagine this was something you signed up for coming on this tour. The road can be unpredictable, that’s for sure. C’mon, let’s go back to the hotel.”

  They walked out to the limousine where Tim waited for them patiently. He nodded and looked concerned. “How are you feeling?”

  Sully nodded and patted him on the shoulder as he spoke for all of them. “Just a little banged up, but we’ll live.”

  Sean was waiting in the lobby for them when they arrived. He walked up to Sully who still had his arm around a now woozy Kit, leading her in. “Here’s the key to your room. Do you guys need anything?” He handed Maxine her room key as well.

  Sully nodded. “I’m going to be taking care of Kit tonight.” He spoke firmly. “She is not to be disturbed. I don’t care how fucking urgent it is. Whatever comes up, you and the team handle it the best you can and if you have a question, you come to me. No exceptions. She needs her rest.”

  Sean nodded. “Got it. We’re planning to roll out to the airport in Cedar Rapids tomorrow at eleven. Our jet will be waiting in the morning and the hop to Minneapolis is quick. Our show for tonight is cancelled of course, but we still have our show set for tomorrow night. We’re going to make up the cancellation at the end of the tour. Are you going to be ok to go on? I can cancel the show if you’re not. This news is all over the press, including MTV, and the fans are very sympathetic.”

  Sully shook his head. “We’re not cancelling a show. I’ll be fine.”

  Kit reached out to Sean and touched his arm. “Thanks, Sean. You’re kicking ass. I really appreciate it. Tell my girls, Gin and Betz, the same, ok?”

  He smiled. “Certainly and you’re welcome, Kit. Anything you guys need, let me know. I’m at your service.”

  Sully nodded and gave him a fist bump. “Thanks, man.” He led Kit away and moments later they were in their hotel room. She lay down on the bed slowly. He leaned over her and gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead. “Can I get you anything?”

  She chuckled. “A stiff, fucking drink. Do we have alcohol in here?”

  He laughed. “Let me see if I can find a mini-bar. I may have to get creative in our modest little room here. They do have a hotel bar. I noticed it when I came in. Wonder if they do room service?” He raised his eyebrows.

  Kit laughed. “I love that.”


  “You. You always know how to make me feel better, even when my head is spinning, literally.”

  He climbed onto the bed, enveloped her in a bear hug and gave her a kiss on the lips. He gazed into her eyes. “There’s a whole lot more from where that came from.”

  She smiled. “Good.”

  He sat up and patted her hand. “Ok, let me see what I can find you.” As he was searching for the mini bar, the phone rang. He walked over and answered it. His conversation was brief and he hung up.

  Kit was immediately curious. “Who was that?”

  “Sean. We’re getting pizza. There isn’t a restaurant in the hotel, but there is a pizza joint across the street that delivers. I got your favorite toppings, babe.”

  Her eyes lit up. “Thanks. Maybe they have wine!”

  He smiled. “You really do want that drink, don’t you?” He looked over and spotted the mini-bar. “Ok, here’s what we got. Whisky, Vodka, Rum and Gin. Pick your poison, beautiful.”

  She grinned. “Whisky, please. I don’t need rocks. Just give it to me neat and get your ass back onto this bed with me.”

  He grinned and saluted her. “Yes, ma’am.”

  As he was pouring her drink she watched him. “What are you drinking?”

  He handed her the drink and then climbed back onto the bed with her. “I’m not.”

  She frowned. “After the day we just had? I’m convinced you’d be fighting me for this whisky.”

  He shook his head. “I’m on a pretty sweet, heavy duty dose of Vicodin right now. Not feeling any pain. This shit is good. They gave it to me at the hospital and it’s finally kicked in. The last thing I need to do is add some alcohol to the mix, especially since I’m supposed to be taking care of you. You enjoy that drink, missy.” He sat back with a satisfied grin.

  She leaned back against his chest and he wrapped his arms around her. They were both silent. Kit wondered if he was recalling the horrible sounds and images that she had experienced earlier. She silently prayed that he wasn’t. She wouldn’t wish that on anyone, not even her worse enemy.


  Kit was still recovering from her concussion three days later in the comfort of the luxurious Valois penthouse in Manhattan. Despite Sully’s wishes, Sean had cancelled the Minneapolis show and a show scheduled for Rochester, New York. The next show in two days, slated in East Rutherford, New Jersey, remained on the books.

  After the accident, Kit had made a call to Abigail Valois and asked if she and Sully could stay in the penthouse. She was desperate to relax in a place that felt remotely like home, instead of another impersonal hotel room. The day after the accident, Sully, Kit and the band flew into Teterboro from Cedar Rapids. The band and crew remained in New Jersey, while Sully, Kit and Maxine headed into Manhattan. Maxine elected to stay with Alexa and Wes, leaving Sully and Kit some much needed time alone.

  They were both still recovering and had no plans to leave the penthouse that morning. After a nice, hot shower, Kit got herself together and wandered out to find Sully at the baby grand piano in the parlor. He had been melancholy and distant since the accident. She didn’t take it personally, figuring he was dealing with the same horrific memories she had. She hung back, noticing he had paused.

  Sully sat at the keys struggling to write. Other thoughts that he couldn’t seem to shake competed fiercely for his attention and won. The accident had put everything into perfect perspective for him. The last two nights, he held Kit in his arms tightly as they slept, hoping to protect her and hold onto her forever. That haunting possibility of losing her again was too much for him to bear. He wanted to talk to her about their engagement, but didn’t want to put her in any kind of stressful position until he knew she felt completely well. He hoped that was today.

  Once she saw him start to play again and alternatively jot down notes, she entered the room. She approached him and massaged his shoulders, then leaned over and gave him a kiss. “How you doin,’ babe? Have you been up writing all morning?”

  He nodded and looked up at her. “Pretty much. How are you feeling?”

  She grinned. “I’m actually feeling great for the first time in days. I’m feeling like me again. My head doesn’t hurt and I don’t feel spacey anymore, which is a huge relief.” She took a seat next to him on the piano bench and gazed into his eyes. “That’s just between you and me, though. I have to admit I’m enjoying this time disconnected from everything except you. Seems our team is doing a great job without me.”

  Sully hugged her tightly and then pulled back to gaze into her eyes. “You’ve been needing a break for a really long time. Maybe this bump on the head was a blessing in disguise.”

  She chuckled. “Yeah. God’s got a crazy sense of humor, that’s for sure.”

  Adele made them a gourmet meal and disappeared to give them their space. They enjoyed their breakfast and afterward ended up back in bed, where Kit started kissing Sully. He took her lead and then stopped himself moments later as things became more heated between them.

  She frowned at him when he pulled away. “You ok, babe? Is your back bothering you still?”

  He sat on the edge of the bed and hung his head. “My back is nagging a bit, but that’s not why I stopped. My head has been swimming in a sea of thoughts and I…”

  She moved to the end of the bed and sat next to him, stroking his back. She took his hand in hers. “Babe, whatever is bothering you, let’s talk about it. We went through something pretty traumatic the other day. It’s still fucking with my head too, both literally and figuratively.” She snickered at her own joke and he couldn’t help join in with her.

  He then grew serious again and met her eyes. He sighed and gently squeezed her hand. “C’mon.” He led her into the parlor with floor to ceiling windows displaying a stunning, panoramic view of Manhattan, the sunlight dancing gloriously on all the buildings and fixtures, attempting to play with a city that normally didn’t see much sunshine this time of year.

  They took a seat on the sofa and he faced her. “I’ve been doing a lot of thinking. I’ve had some things on my mind for the past month and they’ve only gotten bigger in the last few days since the accident. I can’t keep tossing them around in my head anymore, I need to get them out.”

  Kit squeezed his hand to reassure him. “I hear you, babe. Talk to me. I’m all ears. You’ve got my undivided attention.”

  He stared into her green eyes that twinkled back at him, accepting him, loving him. He grinned and felt ease wash over him momentarily. “That accident, well, it really put things into perspective for me.”

  She nodded in agreement. “I think that accident really put things into perspective for all of us. We were damned lucky.”

  “Yes, we were. I don’t know what I would have done if I’d lost you. I still can’t bear the thought of it. We’ve had two close calls, Kit. When you were in the hospital months ago and then this accident. I don’t wanna play with that level of risk anymore. I know we’ve had some rough times in the past, but I think they’re behind us for the most part. Overall, we’re a great team.”

  She grinned. “I think so too, baby.”

  His tone was urgent when he spoke. “And I don’t want to take the risk of losing you without ever knowing you were my wife. I know you’ve got your heart set on October, so this may not fly for you, but I’m gonna give it a shot anyway. Kit, I love you. You’re the love of my life and I don’t want to go another day without you permanently by my side, sooner rather than later.”

  Her eyes welled up with tears as she smiled. He had melted her resistance completely and suddenly an October wedding date flew out the window. “I love your plan. When, baby?”

  He smiled. “You’re gonna think I’m crazy.”

  She laughed as tears rolled down her cheeks. “I already think you’re crazy, so try me.”

  His steel blue eyes were alive with excitement. “Tomorrow. Marry me tomorrow afternoon. We can take the day to celebrate and spend an evening together. We can spend another two nights in this fantastic penthouse that has always held good memories for us, do the Jersey show and then head to Russia, as husband and wife.” He leaned forward and gently brushed the tears from her cheeks with his finger.

  She smiled and giggled. “Yes. I’d love to m
arry you tomorrow. But how? Don’t we need a marriage license?”

  A wide smile spread across his face and he leaned forward to hug her. He held her tightly in his arms. “We’ll figure it out. I know this is crazy, but I don’t want to wait anymore. We’ve waited so long already. We can have a big reception for everyone to celebrate with us in L.A. after the tour is over in May. I just want to do it.”

  She pulled back to gaze into his eyes. “I know. It’s time, babe. You’re right.”

  He smiled and kissed her gently on the lips. He pulled back and nodded. “Let me call Lex and see what kind of strings she can pull, then we’ll call our guests. Think Spence can get out here in time to give you away?”

  She nodded. “Yeah. I’m sure he can.”

  He grinned. “Make a list of people while I talk to Lex. Oh, and do you want to ask her to be your matron of honor?”

  She giggled. “Did that already when we got engaged. She’s the matron of honor, Max is the maid of honor and your sister Colleen is a bridesmaid. Lucky for us, they’re all local. Hopefully Colleen can take a few hours off to be in our wedding. Just tell Lex we’ll have to wing it. Max, Colleen and her can go buy matching dresses at Bergdorf’s or something.” She sat back and felt butterflies of excitement dancing in her stomach.

  Kit snuggled into the dress with the help of the attendant and waited to be zipped up and pinned before taking a look at her reflection. Her breath caught in her throat as a wide smile spread across her face. Tears filled her eyes and she looked at the attendant. Can you help me out so I can show my friends?”

  The beautiful, strapless, white wedding gown had a fitted bodice complete with white lace and intricate beading. The bottom of the dress was an elegant a-line with lace appliqué and a small train. As the attendant helped her out to the area where Alexa and Maxine sat waiting, she trembled and felt herself getting flushed.


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