Mating Two Bears [Yamato 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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Mating Two Bears [Yamato 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 3

by Angelique Voisen

  Emi’s head whipped to him, and her lip quivered.

  “No. It’s surprisingly clean.”

  “Despite appearances, Dai likes to clean.”

  Dai frowned at him, but that made Emi laugh, at least. Her laughter sounded carefree and her posture was no longer stiff. Sora was pleased she was starting to look more comfortable around them.

  She stopped laughing when Dai began to take off his clothes. Despite being Dai’s mate for over half a decade, Sora could still admire the fine and hard planes of his body. While he had a slender, whipcord archer’s build, Dai’s sun-kissed body was all warrior.

  Just looking at the scars his lover attained in past battles made Sora bite his lower lip. He wanted to lick at them every time he saw them.

  “What are you doing?” Emi asked uncertainly.

  “Dai’s undressing,” Sora told her.

  He was still mildly amused Emi still looked like she wanted to resist them, but he knew it was a weak resistance. Her eyes all but dropped from their sockets at the sight of Dai’s impressive rock-hard body. Not that she hadn’t seen him naked before, but it was no less impressive.

  “It’s about time we show you what it’s like to be with real men.” Dai crawled onto the futon. “Come, Emi. I want to see you naked.”

  She didn’t pull away at his approach, nor did she voice any resistance when he began to pull her kimono from her shoulders. Dai’s gentleness surprised Sora, and even alarmed him a little. Was Dai beginning to feel emotions other than attraction to their captive female?

  Sora didn’t, and couldn’t, allow his heart to be vulnerable like his lover. He’d endured his share of hurts from the females in the clan. As magnificent a mortal woman as Emi was, he decided to keep his feelings walled up until he was certain of her.

  “You’re lovely to look at, princess.” Emi’s gaze shifted from Dai to Sora after he spoke, and the identical desire in her eyes made his cock ache.

  Sora hadn’t lied. Emi’s skin looked like the color of freshly fallen snow and he had a feeling her skin felt as soft as snow, too. The bear inside him twitched. Like Sora, it itched to have Emi’s skin pressed against his eager human skin.

  He couldn’t wait to grasp her long and beautiful thighs apart and plunge into her sweet folds, or bury his head between her legs. Sora knew she’d twitch beautifully above him while he pleasured her with his mouth, tongue, and lips.

  Watching Dai skim his rough callused hands against the lines of Emi’s body made Sora hastily undress. She let out a strangled sound at the simple gesture.

  “How many men have touched you before, Emi?” Sora murmured, joining them on the futon. “How many mortal men have feasted at the sight of you?

  Emi’s ebony eyes flickered uncertainly under her long lashes. Dai stopped touching her, wanting to hear her answer as well. Her answer was so soft that neither Sora nor Dai would’ve caught it if they were human.


  “None?” Dai echoed in shock.

  “You’re a virgin?” Sora asked, unable to keep the harsh surprise from his voice.

  Her face turned a bright shade of pink, and then she boldly met his stare.

  “I was engaged. My husband was going to take my maidenhead after we officially made our vows. Our traveling party was journeying to my father’s lands, but I’m not certain about the details of what happened. We entered a nine-tailed fox’s woods, and I fell into an enchanted sleep. When I woke up, my guards, attendants, and my prince were nowhere in sight.”

  “You were engaged to a prince? Just who are you, Emi?” Sora asked, frowning.

  She looked away.

  “No one important. Just one of my father’s bargaining chips. Some part of me is actually grateful of being stolen away by that nine-tailed fox. Isn’t that funny? I don’t love Prince Mori, and the last thing I wanted was to be married to him.”

  “Prince Mori? The crown prince of Yamato?” Dai took a breath. “You’re a royal princess?”

  Dai took a few inches back, but Emi caught his muscled arm. It occurred to Sora just how small and fragile her hand was compared to Dai’s, but the strength and defiance there beckoned to him more strongly than ever. Emi was a royal princess, probably the daughter of one of the Four Lords ruling the other four dominions of Yamato.

  Some rational part of Sora knew taking her was a grave mistake. Her father’s or her husband’s soldiers were probably looking for her, but a large part of him didn’t care. Both he and his bear wanted her so badly that they were willing to risk all just to have her.

  That was also unlike him. Dai was the reckless one, not him, but they had to have Emi. It had to be her, and no one else.

  “I never wanted a prince, but never before in my life have I wanted something so badly.”

  “What do you want, Emi?” Sora asked carefully.

  “You and Dai.”

  It seemed her confession embarrassed her, because she dropped her gaze and let go of Dai’s hand. Her admission seemed enough for Dai, who caught her waist and lowered her to the bed.

  “You just got your wish, princess,” Dai said, and lowered himself to kiss her.

  He kissed his way down Emi’s lips, and pelted a line of kisses down her throat and breasts. Dai paused on her ribs, to look at Sora.

  Sora recognized that impish look. Whatever he would say, whatever caution or warning he had to give, Dai would only gladly ignore it. Dai probably expected him to argue, but Sora only gave his lover a reassuring smile.

  “Let’s show our woman bear bandits are just as good as princes. Maybe even better,” he told Dai, and made his way to Emi’s side.

  As Dai continued kissing his way down, Sora silenced Emi’s lovely moaning lips with a kiss. Sweetness exploded inside his mouth. He felt her hands bringing his face close to her.

  She was one ravenous and excited thing, and her hunger was contagious. Their kiss was a tangle of his lips, mouth and teeth. Their tongues touched, caressed and twined against each other like mating snakes.

  Sora withdrew, and looked into her desire-clouded eyes.

  “The first time might hurt a bit, sweet. We promise it’ll feel good after, though.”

  “I’ll bet.” Emi let out a pleased sound. Sora turned to see Dai between her legs and lifting them apart.

  “Dai’s going to take you first, and then it’ll be my turn.” Sora kissed her forehead.

  Emi shuddered with unconcealed pleasure. Looking at him, her black eyes looked impossibly big and innocent.

  “Kiss me again, Sora.”

  He couldn’t say no to that. Preparing her for Dai’s access and making sure she wouldn’t forget her first time was his job. They’d make sure her sweet body remembered how it tingled, pulsed, and quivered under their hands.

  He spared a glance at Dai, who nudged his cock head into her slit. Sora kissed Emi deeply, enveloping himself in the sweetness of her. Her body buckled beneath him, and when he saw her eyes melt into lazy pleasure, he smiled.

  “Fuck, Sora. She’s unbelievably tight,” Dai groaned. “I don’t think I’ll be able to last long the first round.”

  “How does Dai feel inside you, sweet?” Sora asked, stroking Emi’s hair.

  “He feels so good,” she gasped.

  She gripped his hand with her small one. His free hand found one of her pert little nipples and began to roll and pinch them, liking the instant reaction that came from her. Beaded with sweat and moving in tune with Dai’s thrust, her body was white marbled perfection.

  “I’m coming,” Dai announced.

  Sora released her nipple and his hand found her clit. Emi quivered under him like a strung bowstring, as he caressed, rubbed, and pinched her swollen nub. It wouldn’t be long before she came, either.

  Below them, Dai let out a growl of satisfaction before finally erupting. It felt wonderful touching Emi while she buckled, screamed, and rode out her own orgasm.

  “Ah.” Emi gathered herself, and then finally looked up at Sora. “Did…
did I do okay?”

  “You did well, sweet.” Sora kissed her gently on the lips. Her smile was brilliant. “How are you doing? If you feel too sore…”

  Her hand tightened on his wrist, and her black eyes were stubborn. “I want to feel you moving inside me, too, Sora. Didn’t you say you’re going to have me after Dai?”

  “Emi, you’re going to kill us,” Sora said in a strangled voice.

  Dai disappeared and reappeared with a washcloth. He cleaned Emi up and then himself, while Sora absentmindedly stroked her wrist.

  Then it was his turn.

  “Sweet, are you feeling adventurous?”

  An audacious look appeared in her eyes.

  She nodded. “I think so.”

  “I want you on all fours, Emi.” Dai frowned at him, but Sora didn’t think Emi would object.

  She certainly didn’t look frightened or reluctant. Sora followed her gaze to Dai’s shaft. “How would you like it, Emi, to taste Dai’s large cock in your mouth while I take you from behind?”

  Her cheeks grew slightly pink, but she licked her lips in anticipation. “Yes, please.”

  Sora helped her to the position, placing pillows beneath her so she’d be more comfortable.

  “Spread your legs for me, sweet. I want to see your sweet little cunt.”

  Emi obeyed, letting out a sigh when he fingered her. She was pink, wet, and perfect, and he told her so. Even from his angle, Sora knew she was blushing.

  “Let’s direct that pretty mouth of yours elsewhere, Emi,” Dai said, positioning himself in front of her.

  “Dai, I haven’t done anything like this before.” Emi hesitated. “Will you tell me if I’m doing something wrong?”

  Sora slid two fingers into her cunt, making her gasp.

  “You’re a treasure, Emi. Don’t worry. We’ll take it slow and you don’t have to worry about a thing. Dai will tell you what to do, and if you want to stop, we’ll stop.”

  “That’s good, Emi. Lick my cock head and run your little tongue across the length of my shaft. Hold the base of my cock and press your hands a little at my balls.” Fisting his hand into her long, silky, ink-black hair, Dai let out a rumble of approval at something Emi did.

  Gods of Yamato, just hearing his lover talk dirty made Sora incredibly horny. He gently parted her legs a little wider, and his hand found her clit again. Gently at first, he began to massage the little nub.

  When Emi paused from her task and let out a little sound of frustration, he pinched her clit, making her moan. Sora’s fingers trailed downward, to gather the cream in her slit and spread them across the tight and warm folds of her pussy.

  “Sora, you’re distracting her,” Dai commented from the other end.

  He only flashed Dai a mischievous smile. “Do my fingers feel good, sweet? I want to hear you come when I do.”

  Nudging his cock a few inches in, Sora made his way slowly in until he was buried hilt deep inside Emi. “You’re right, Dai. She’s so deliciously tight and wet.”

  Dai only answered him with a groan. “That’s good, Emi. Take me in your mouth.”

  Sora groaned. Hearing his lover talk was so hot.

  “Dai,” Emi said breathlessly.

  “Am I too big for you, Emi?” Dai asked, concerned.

  Treated by the sight of her soft, tender lips withdrawing from Dai’s fully erect cock, Sora also let out an appreciative groan. Her next few words made Sora croak with surprise, and he wasn’t a man who was usually caught by surprises.

  “No, you aren’t, but can you tell Sora to go faster?”

  “You want me to ride you hard, Emi?”

  “Ride me hard and deep, Sora. Just like how my mouth is riding and taking all of Dai’s beautiful length.”

  Gripping her hips, Sora complied. He withdrew his cock and his next thrusts were relentless and fast strokes. Deeper and deeper he went inside her. One hand lashed out and found her clit again and he pinched her. Her body seemed to thrum and buckle against him. True to her word, she managed to take all of Dai.

  Dai guided her head away from his throbbing steel-hard length. The bear inside Dai and the man containing it opened their mouth, and howled a pure, guttural cry of contentment.

  The sight of his lover unloading his cum all over Emi’s white throat and breasts stirred the fierce storm gathering inside Sora. He panted. Each stroke inside Emi made his own black bear growl with pleasure.

  “Sweet, can you feel the muscles of your pussy contracting delightfully around my cock?” Sora gasped, continuing to stroke her clit. “Damn, Emi, you feel so good.”

  Without Dai’s cock to muffle her mouth, a loud groan came from her.

  “Damn, Sora. Keep talking dirty like that and I’ll be half-erect again,” Dai muttered.

  He knelt in front of Emi, cupping her cheek and murmuring tender words into her ear. Whatever he said, and Sora’s constant care, made her cry out and explode.

  Two quick strokes inside her cunt triggered Sora’s orgasm. Gripping her tight, Sora emptied his warm cum inside her. Both Sora and his bear let out a cry. The storm inside him erupted and broke at the seams, sending his head and body reeling. Thought left him and only sensation rode him.

  When he came to, his eyes met Dai’s eyes across the room. “May our seed catch.”

  “May our seed catch,” Dai repeated.

  They tended to Emi before tending to themselves.

  “How are you feeling, Emi?” Sora asked. Dai draped himself at her back, while he settled in front of her.

  “A little sore, but it was good,” Emi murmured, watching his hand trail between her breasts and rest on her flat belly. “Can I ask you both something?”

  Dai kissed her below one ear, making her smile. “Of course, Emi. Anything.”

  “If either of you get me with child, what does that mean?” Emi trembled between them and Sora had the strong urge to drive away whatever it was that made her so uncertain.

  “It means you’ll have our children.” Dai nuzzled her neck. Sora could see Emi’s sudden tenseness confused him.

  “But after that? Are you going to send me back?” Emi sounded uncertain and fearful, but Sora could see her considering the possibilities.

  The last thing the woman they’d pick could be was weak, and even though the prospect crushed her, she’d find a way out of it.

  She blinked in surprise when Dai let out a terrifying growl behind her. “Get this straight through your pretty little head, Emi. We’ve just claimed you. You’re ours now.”

  Sora took her hands firmly and looked her in the eye. “What he means, Emi, is no one will be sending you back unless you want to leave of your own accord. Otherwise, you’ll be living with us and we’ll protect you. In the clan, you’re our mate, which means more than a lover, mistress, or wife.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means you’re our soul mate,” Dai said against her ear. “We bears mate for life, so there’s no escaping us… unless you become sick of us.”

  Emi let out a breath.

  “This is still all new and strange to me, Dai. I can’t promise you both anything, but I can promise you I won’t be leaving anytime soon.”

  “No?” Dai asked hopefully.

  Emi settled herself against the hard muscles of his chest contently, while she ran her slender fingers on Sora’s forearm.

  “I grew up surrounded by castle walls, doing all I was taught. I sang, danced, and played endless games with poisonous courtiers when my father demanded. I was going to marry a man I didn’t love at his command, too.”

  “That sounds incredibly lonely,” Dai observed.

  Emi laughed bitterly. “For the first time in my life, I’m making my own decisions and it feels wonderful.”

  Sora kissed her gently on the lips, tasting her sorrow.

  “We’ll promise you this, Emi. We’re never going to cage you. With us, you’re free to do whatever you wish.”

  She surprised him by burying her head against his
chest, beginning to weep. Their adventurous, bold, and strong Emi let out all those years of frustration, pain, and misery, and all they could do was hold her steady.

  Watching her fall asleep, Sora could feel something unfamiliar finding its home inside of him, and it made him uneasy.

  He meant every word he said. Sora would fight for and defend his mate if it was necessary. Loving her was another matter entirely, because he’d kept a part of his heart locked shut in an invisible box. The last thing he’d expected to uncover underneath the frigid and hostile noble maiden was sweetness, vulnerability, and quiet strength.

  Sora shut his eyes in the dark, and his hand made its way down the lovely curves of Emi’s side. It seemed he and his bear couldn’t get enough of touching her. He felt another hand, large and rough, over his. Dai’s hand.

  “Sora, do you think our seed will take?” Dai asked quietly.

  “It will, I think.”

  “That’s good.” His lover sounded content, happy almost. “Emi’s a fine mate, isn’t she? Once she sees the cubs, I’m sure she wouldn’t want to leave.”

  Sora knew Dai always wanted a family, and he’d always sworn he’d do anything to give him that. They even took up the dangerous task of roaming out of clan territory and scouting for a female to mate with, and Emi was a rare find. She was more than they’d bargained for, but Sora couldn’t be as optimistic as Dai.

  Still, in his mind’s eye, he could see their little ones. Two, maybe three, chubby little cubs, with two sons in bear form, causing havoc in the house. Sora would like one girl, though.

  That cub would be the obedient one. She’d be in human form, sitting on Emi’s lap as their beautiful mate fussed with her. Their daughter would also have Emi’s beautiful skin, features, and long, silky black hair.

  Gods of Yamato, his chest hurt so much it felt close to bursting point. It was such a lovely and beautiful image, he didn’t want to let go of it. Sora just hoped Dai was right and Emi would decide to stay with them, because it wouldn’t just be Dai’s heart she was capable of breaking.

  * * * *

  It felt right to have Emi sleeping between the two of them, Dai decided. She lay on her side facing him, with her hand tucked under her head like a child. Her long ebony hair flowed down the length of her moonlight-kissed body like a waterfall. The sight of her was making him hard again.


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