Trapping Drake 02 - Setting The Trap

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Trapping Drake 02 - Setting The Trap Page 1

by Lee Brazil

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten


  Setting The Trap

  Trapping Drake, Book 2

  Lee Brazil

  Breathless Press

  Calgary, Alberta

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Setting the Trap

  Copyright © 2013 Lee Brazil

  ISBN: 978-1-77101-957-6

  Cover Artist: Victoria Miller

  Editor: Olivia Ventura

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  Breathless Press


  Though the three of them had fallen asleep wrapped around each other, Drake Fallon woke alone on “his” side of the bed. He stretched, arching his back. Vertebrae cracked loudly in the early morning quiet. Deep even breathing in the stillness of the room told him he’d awakened first as usual. A smile played with his lips. He liked being awake in his lovers’ house while they slept. Especially Jay. It might have been a wishful fantasy, but it seemed that despite his wariness Jay must trust him a little if he could sleep serenely in his presence.

  Turning his head, he sought his men. Jesse lay a few inches to his right, on his back, snuggled up against Jay, his head tucked under his twin’s chin. One slender hand lay between them on the coffee colored sheets, as though Jesse reached out for him in his sleep. Their hair mingled on a single pillow, their bodies blended in perfect harmony. They gravitated together in sleep, just as they had in life. Had they slept like this in the womb? It seemed to him they were meant to be together. Which just reminded him of the temporary nature of his place in this household. Why waste precious time observing when he could be doing so much more?

  Summer was coming to an end; Jesse’s schedule would explode when school started. During the school year, his sweet boyfriend left the house at six-thirty every morning for his zero hour class, and didn’t return home until early evening, depending on activities in the clubs he served as faculty advisor for and the course demands for his Masters degree. As if Jesse’s schedule didn’t limit the time they could spend together enough, Jay was about to start another round of swing shift work, followed by night shift.

  Drake watched them sleep for a few minutes, admiring the beauty of creamy skin, the fine lines of muscles and the sweet peaceful expressions. The sun hadn’t quite shown itself yet. They had time, before Drake and Jesse left for work...if he didn’t mind waking them.

  Sitting upright, Drake slid across the bed. His movement must have disturbed Jesse, because his lover reached for him, pale hand closing on his shoulder to pull him down into a kiss. Drake went willingly, pressing his lips to Jesse’s, careful not to crush Jay beneath the weight of their bodies. As he sank into the kiss, thrusting his tongue into the sweet heat of Jesse’s mouth, another hand tangled in his hair and held him close. He glanced to the side and met Jay’s hot eyes, dark with passion. Rolling, Drake drew Jesse with him, rearranging the three of them until he lay on his back, Jesse draped over his body on one side and Jay on the other.

  They traded wet kisses, Drake switching from twin to twin, marveling as he always did at how differently each tasted. The difference wasn’t just in the faint hint of tobacco lingering in Jay’s mouth, or the sweetness that lurked in Jesse’s. Jay’s kisses held a needy reluctance that made Drake’s heart ache. Jesse’s kiss was eager acceptance, willing participation. With Jay, though he opened his mouth and returned each caress, Drake was left with the impression that if he didn’t demand, Jay wouldn’t give. God forbid the man make any demands of his own, either.

  Jesse broke away and stared down at him. Drake smiled. The open affection in Jesse’s blue eyes soothed his vanity. Two pairs of hands wandered over his body. Jay climbed astride and bent to lick and kiss his chest, making his way over to Drake’s nipple. Drake tangled his hands in Jay’s hair, loosened from its customary pony tail. “Yes,” he sighed.

  Jesse settled at his feet and kissed his way up. With his arms pinned at his sides by Jay’s knees, all Drake could do was watch. Hot damp kisses darted along his calf, the back of his knee, his inner thigh. He sighed and wriggled an arm loose so he could sift his fingers through Jay’s hair.

  Jay pulled away, working his mouth down over Drake’s chest, tugging at his chest hair, licking at the dips and lines of well defined muscles. When he paused to thrust his tongue into the dip of Drake’s navel, Drake clenched his fists in the blanket. His skin sang with sensation, his cock throbbed in anticipation. When both mouths disappeared, Drake opened his eyes and peered down the length of his body. A shudder of lust racked his frame as Jesse and Jay exchanged a long, deep kiss over the head of his cock.

  Much as he loved their touch, he loved the sight of the two of them together. Jay shifted, leaning into the kiss. Jesse braced himself with one hand on Drake’s thigh, the other curled around his brother’s neck, holding him close.

  Drake took his cock in hand and stroked, using the pre-cum at the tip to smooth his movements. Jay’s cheeks flushed a deep pink, his eyelids slid to half-mast. A tiny whimper escaped Jesse as the twins broke the kiss and stared into each other’s eyes for a long moment.

  “Touch me.” Jesse breathed softly. “Want your hands on me.”

  With a swift, almost defiant glance at Drake, Jay obeyed. Drake strove for an encouraging smile. “Yeah. Touch him baby. Let me see.” He spread his thighs a little further, ignoring the protest of his stretched muscles. Jesse knelt in the space he’d provided, facing him. Drake gasped.

  The long lean lines of Jesse’s smooth body tempted him to touch, to mark the pristine flesh. His slender cock rose in an arc between them. Jay’s strong capable hand closed around it and Jesse’s grip on Drake’s thigh tightened.

  “Look at me.” He grunted. Jay ignored him. He was absorbed in his twin’s body, stroking the pretty cock, lifting and rolling Jesse’s balls. Jesse, though, obeyed instantly, mouth slack with pleasure. Their eyes met and the heat and lust in Jesse’s gaze pushed Drake closer to the edge.

  “Want...” Jesse whimpered.

  “What do you want?” Drake and Jay spoke at the same time, voices husky with effort, with lust.

  Dark streaks of color deepened on Jesse’s cheekbones, his mouth worked a little but no sound came. Drake released his own cock and sat up carefully. He closed his hand over Jay’s, stroking Jesse’s cock. “This? You want me to touch you?”

  Jesse’s jaw tightened; he swallowed hard. “Yeah... Jay!” He called out frantically.

  Drake turned and licked Jay’s lips. Jay gasped and jerked. “What about you, Jay? What do you want?”

  Jay cast a glance down at Drake’s cock, and his flush deepened. “You tell me what you want, Drake.”

  Shudders of urgent need racked his body, but Jay’s apparent unwillingness to ask for what he wanted bothered Drake. It was obvious Jay had needs, he enjoyed sex, penetration. Why not just say so? “I want inside you.”

  Jesse’s lo
ud cry brought them both around to glance at him. His back bowed, his face contorted with pleasure. Hot streams of cum spewed over Drake’s fingers, as he continued to pump Jesse’s cock slowly.

  Jesse relaxed and jerked away with a strangled chuckle. “Too sensitive.” He reassured them, and then smiled wickedly. “And now, I get to play.”

  Quirking a brow, Drake glanced back at Jay who breathed heavily. “Well?” Calmly, determined to ignore the ache of his own need, Drake fell back against the pillows and wrapped an arm around Jesse. Jay stared at them, a strange, dark expression crossing his face. Drake knew what that look was was about a jealousy Jay couldn’t quite hide all the time. That expression was the reason he knew his time in the twins’ bed would eventually end. That expression was why he had to keep some part of himself separate, protect his heart. He didn’t want to take a chance again like he had with Alexi, on a man who was in love with someone else.

  Jay was a fighter though, and he wouldn’t back down from the challenge he recognized in Drake’s actions. He swung a leg back over Drake’s hips and dropped down to rub their groins together. Drake bit his cheek and trembled. Jesse snuggled close and drew figures on his skin with his hot agile tongue. Drake shivered under the caress, but concentrated on Jay, and what the man would do when Drake declined to take the lead.

  Uncertainty flashed across the man’s face; his lips pursed briefly and his brows drew down. Then he leaned forward to snag the nearly empty bottle of lube off the nightstand. Drake whistled between his teeth as Jay spread lube on his fingers and then reached behind himself. Blue eyes slid shut and Jay gasped, his back arched, sliding their cocks together deliciously. Fingers fumbled against his sac as Jay stretched himself.

  “Jesse...condom?” Jay’s voice broke on the final word, his mouth falling slackly open.

  A hum of pleasure was Jesse’s agreement, and in moments a condom was rolled down Drake’s length, accompanied by tiny licks and startling bites to the surrounding area. Drake held his sheathed cock upright and Jay shifted, using lube-slick fingers to brace himself as he positioned himself over Drake’s cock. Jesse alternated his sweet kisses and bites between Drake and Jay now, licking at the droplets of pre-cum that beaded at the tip of Jay’s cock before sucking up faint red marks on Drake’s inner thighs. Jay bit his lip and stared darkly at Drake.

  The tight moist entrance to Jay’s body kissed Drake’s cock, and the urge to push up into the waiting warmth rode him fiercely. But he wasn’t taking. He was determined that this time, Jay would take what he wanted from Drake. Even if it was just the result of an unspoken dare.

  Jay bore down, Drake groaned, clenching his fists in the sheets. Blunt pressure bore against the head of his cock, slowly the muscle loosened. Jay panted above him, brows drawn together fiercely. Jesse’s hands fluttered along Drake’s belly, slid behind and under to tease his balls and push into his crack. Shit. “Jesse.” He warned. Jesse glanced at him, a mischievous sparkle in his blue eyes.

  “What? You don’t like?”

  “You fucking know I like. Concentrate on your brother.” He ordered more brusquely than he intended, but Jesse didn’t seem to care, chortling a little as he shifted his position and bent his head to Jay’s cock. Drake wanted to protest that Jesse’s ash-blond head blocked his view, but at that moment the sweet muscles constricting his cock gave way and the head popped into the delicious heat of Jay’s body

  “Aghh.” Jay’s groan was music to his ears, and his eyes slid closed. He forced them open again, not wanting to miss the visual cues of pleasure that Jay would probably attempt to hide. Drake arched up a little, pushing deeper, and Jay seemed to relax into him, sliding down slowly until warm velvet clasped his full length. He stilled, eyes wide, breathing rapidly.

  Drake smiled tightly, encouragingly. “It’s good. You’re so hot, holding me so close. Please...” He shifted his hips, urging Jay to ride, to move on him. His cock ached with the need for release, but he wasn’t giving in to his need until Jay came first. Still, anything to hurry that along... “Jesse, suck him.” He murmured, petting Jesse’s hair when his hands really wanted to tighten on Jay’s thin hips and force the man to a fast, satisfying rhythm.

  Jesse eagerly took his brother’s cock into his mouth, and Jay broke eye contact with Drake to glance down, eyes glittering with need. Jesse’s head bobbed in a short, slow rhythm, and Jay writhed unconsciously, his small movements creating friction on Drake’s cock. Though he didn’t bounce and slide, his movements captivated and maddened Drake with a surfeit of lush sensation.

  Jay refused to turn his glance back to Drake, but he knew his lover’s attention was as much focused on his cock in Jay’s ass as on his twin’s mouth on Jay’s cock. The very intensity of his gaze on Jesse’s bobbing head gave the lie to his pose. And then Drake heaved a deep breath as at last he got the signal he’d waited for. Jay’s muscles rippled and contracted around him, and Jay groaned softly, pushing deeper into his twin’s mouth.

  Jesse held his bother’s hips in place and retreated slightly, pulling back to let the spray of cum hit his mouth and chin, dribble down onto Drake’s tense belly. Drake rolled them both away from Jesse, settling with Jay underneath him, and kissed Jay fiercely as his body took over in instinct, thrusting a few brief times into the sultry channel before coming himself.

  Jay pushed him off almost immediately, rolling to his side with a mutter about being late for work. Shocked, Drake lay back on the bed, striving to catch his breath. Jesse picked up his hand and kissed his palm. “Sorry, but he’s right. You and I are going to be late for work and he needs to sleep.”

  Reluctantly, Drake hauled himself out of the bed and followed Jesse into the bathroom.

  Chapter One

  Jay tugged the soft worn blanket from the foot of the bed around his shoulders and curled into a ball on the wrinkled sheets. Cum dried in sticky spots on his belly and his ass ached. He didn’t know whether to resent the reminder of Drake’s possession or savor the ache. He didn’t want to think about it.

  He closed his eyes against the impulse to rise and follow his twin and their lover to the bathroom. Closing his eyes turned out to be a mistake, because without visual distractions the scents of the morning became all the more overpowering. He dragged in a lungful of air tainted with the scents of citrus, sweat and sex. Drake, Jesse and his own overwhelming needs slammed into his mind. Humiliation rippled through him.

  In the darkness behind his eyelids he couldn’t ignore the troubling emotions, the uncertainties he tried so hard to keep hidden from his brother and his lover. Drake had forced him to acknowledge, to reveal, things he’d rather have ignored. Did he even realize what he was doing? Had he deliberately stripped Jay’s defenses with his ploy?

  As long as Jay refused to acknowledge anything important had happened between them in that intense moment this morning, they could keep on as they had been, enjoying the sex, glossing over the eventual confrontation and devastation when their threesome went back a twosome.

  Shivers racked his frame, and much as he wanted to believe they were from the cold, he knew in his aching heart they weren’t. He took a controlled, shallow breath and tried not to resent the fact that Jesse and Drake were in the bathroom together. He didn’t want to read a muted omen into the laughter and hushed voices spilling through the open door.

  Jesse had left the door open for him, because of course Jesse wouldn’t shut him out. Jealous claws ripped at his gut, and tension built. Maybe he should just get up and make the coffee, so he wouldn’t have to listen to their murmured voices and the occasional clink of two people sharing an intimate space, brushing their teeth, showering.

  Even though he’d just finished a week of transition swing shifts, he wouldn’t sleep until they left anyway, if then. Climbing from the bed, he picked up a T-shirt off the floor and pulled it over his head for modesty. Warmth wasn’t happening. The temperature was eighty-something outside already. The cold creating goose bumps on his arms wasn’t temp
erature related, it was emotional.

  “I’ll make coffee,” he called then padded down the narrow hall to Jesse’s beautifully appointed kitchen. Maybe starting another project, renovating another room would bring the focus off Drake and back on their home? Did they have the money to do a remodel right now? He made a mental note to call the bank and check the status of their accounts.

  Retrieving the organic French roast coffee beans from the freezer, Jay measured them into the new coffee pot they’d purchased last pay day. All three of them indulged unashamedly in coffee. It hadn’t taken Jesse much to convince both Drake and Jay that the expense of pricy beans and machines were worthwhile when it came to enjoying a steaming cup of rich brew. Jay enjoyed the pleasure the simple beverage brought to Drake and Jesse. This new machine improved the coffee experience by leaps and bounds as it both ground the beans and brewed the coffee, cup by cup or pot by pot, in whatever flavor intensity they desired.

  He wouldn’t drink any himself this morning or sleep would never come, but Drake and Jesse both liked a strong cup. Jay tapped appropriate buttons and set out cups and saucers. The blue and white china was too delicate for everyday use, really, but Jesse loved the dishes their grandmother had left to them, and Jay enjoyed seeing Jesse use them.

  Besides, seeing the grimace on Drake’s face when he cradled the fragile porcelain cup in his big hands gave him a kick. Setting out creams and the vanilla sugar Jesse liked only took a few minutes and didn’t serve as much distraction from the two men in the other room and what they were doing. Were they rushing through morning routines to get out the door, or was Drake kissing Jesse in the privacy he’d unthinkingly given them?

  Was Jesse running his slender hands over that golden skin, tasting the soap and licking drops of water from Drake’s thickly muscled chest? Were they wondering how much time they had before he thrust himself upon them again?


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