Remember Texas

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Remember Texas Page 18

by Eve Gaddy

  “In their good clothes. Men are so strange.” Jack grinned but didn’t take that bait. “I can’t believe Brian flew in from China. Although he told me he’s coming back to the States for good now, once he finishes up his current job.”

  “Don’t take this the wrong way but right now I have zero interest in your brother. Any of your brothers.”

  Her smile widened. “Oh? What do you have an interest in?”

  “The honeymoon.”

  “Did anyone ever tell you that you have a one-track mind?”

  “Yes. And right now every bit of it is on you.” He put his arms around her and kissed her.

  “The feeling is very mutual,” she said, and kissed him back.

  ISBN: 978-1-4592-1860-4


  Copyright © 2006 by Eve Gaddy.

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