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by Renee, Mimi

  “Yeah, I'll do that, Treasure, and I agree this is some bullshit,” Nicole replied, and then she walked away as the bell rang.

  “Fuck, the bell rang, we'll talk after class, Bee,” Treasure said, wishing she had more time to speak with her.

  “Man, fuck this, I'm outta here, I ain't gotta deal with this shit! Nicole got me hot; I'm going to see Larry. You going with me, Treasure?” Bright asked.

  “I can't go, I got a test. You should stay too, though, Bee,” Treasure implied.

  “I probably should, but I'm not. Look, I'll come to your house later, Treasure,” Bright said, then she walked off. Treasure watched her friend walk off a few feet, then she ran to class before the tardy bell rang.

  Bright walked over to Burger King, hoping that she'd see one of the homies to smoke a blunt with her, when Chrome rolled up on her, bumping his music.

  “What yo hater ass doin’, Bright?” he said, turning his music down with a blunt in his mouth.

  “Minding mines, wit’ yo lying ass! Why you was lying to my homegirl, Chrome?” Bright asked.

  “Look, on everything, I was faded as fuck and I was tripping, but you didn't have to tell, Treasure. You know I loved that girl!” he said, then passed Bright the weed. “Hold on to that, I'ma pull into the parking lot so we can talk. You gotta help me get Treasure back,” he said.

  Bright hit the weed, then walked into the Burger King parking lot to talk with Chrome. He came with the weed and was right on time, Bright thought. When Chrome pulled into the parking lot, Bright hopped in the car with him.

  “Damn, didn't nobody tell you to smoke all the weed, Bright!” Chrome said, grabbing the roach of the blunt from her fingertips.

  “My bad, I had a fucked up day thanks to this fat bitch that wish she could be me named Nicole! So yeah, I was pulling on that shit,” she said.

  Chrome laughed. “You crazy! But anyways, how you gone help me get my baby back? I miss that girl like crazy,” he admitted. He didn't have no time for Bright and her drama. He was concerned with getting Treasure back.

  Bright was used to being the center of attention, and for some reason, she was getting jealous hearing Chrome make such a big deal out of Treasure, instead of him trying to hit on her. Bright got lost in her evil thoughts, hummm. Treasure does always speak on how good he fucked her and how big he was, and since they’re no longer together and she doesn't want anything to do with him anymore, and she has moved on with Reggie, I might as well find out what all the hype was about. I have a few hours to kill before school is out, so why not? “Look, Treasure has moved on, she fucking with this other nigga now. You know you wanted to fuck with me first anyways, so let’s quit wasting time and let’s go fuck,” Bright said, then licked her lips.

  Chrome was appalled at Bright's behavior and at the lack of loyalty that she had for Treasure. And for her to even say or think he wanted her first was a lie; to him, Treasure was much prettier and sexier than Bright. At that very moment, Chrome wanted to kick Bright's ass right out of his car, and he even wished he had recorded her to let Treasure hear the truth for herself. He knew Treasure would never believe him over Bright; to her Bright's shit didn't stink. But since he hadn't recorded Bright's comments, and Treasure had moved on with another guy, he figured fuck it, this bitch want dick, I’ma give it to her. A devilish smirk came across Chrome's face, then he rubbed Bright thigh.

  “I doubt you can handle this dick like Treasure,” he said, nodding his head. “I ain't never had no sex as good as hers. And the way she sucked it, paleaseee!” He said to assure that she would be ready for all of the degrading things he had in store for her. The truth was that Treasure wasn't really into oral sex. She had good pussy, but she wasn't all that great in bed either. Chrome appreciated her inexperienced bedroom skills; to him, it proved that she hadn't been around and he took pride in teaching her. He liked her not only because she was beautiful with a hot body, but more so because she was a smart girl and had a good head on her shoulders. He had been peeping her out his full senior year at Jordan last year, but they were both in reputable relationships on campus. He hated how he had messed things up with her.

  “Who you think taught Treasure what she knows?” Bright asked, unzipping his pants. She felt she could show him better than she could tell him. Once Bright stroked his penis until it got rock hard, Chrome took the pleasure in shutting her up, by pushing her head down and forcing his penis deep down in her throat.

  ********** After fourth period, Treasure felt bad for leaving her girl Bright hanging. And since she had completed her test, she gathered her things to leave school for the day to find Bright and be there for her. She had never seen Bright get that angry over Nicole's jokes in the past, so she wanted to find out what was really going on with her. After sneaking out of the school gates, Treasure headed to Burger King to see if she could find Bright. She knew that was always her first stop after leaving school.

  Standing at the light to cross the street, Treasure noticed that her ex-boyfriend Chrome was parked in the parking lot, so she decided that if she didn't find Bright at Burger King; she'd ask him to drop her off at Larry's house, since that’s where Bright said she was going.

  But before she could get across the street, Chrome had pulled out of the lot and headed in the opposite direction. Across the street Treasure checked inside of Burger King for Bright, and then all over the lot for her...she was nowhere in sight. Getting ready to exit the parking lot, Treasure was approached by district truancy officers, and tried to talk herself out of being taken to off-campus suspension for the remainder of the school day. Not going for her story they told her to get in the backseat, hauled her off to OCS, (off campus suspension) and then called her mother to come pick her up.

  “Fuck, I should have stayed at school,” Treasure huffed standing in the OCS detention.

  ********* Bright had never had a guy cum all over her face and piss on her before, but since Chrome was adamant about how good Treasure did this, and how good Treasure did that, her competitive side just had to prove that she could do it better. After hours of hardcore sex, Bright was happy that it was all over with. She was sore and was in need of a good bath, but a shower would do until she got home. Climbing out of the bed, Bright yelled for Chrome to give her a wash cloth and a dry-off towel.

  “We ain't got time for all that, I got somewhere to be

  in the next ten minutes,” he said, talking with his back turned to her. After everything they had just done, Bright gave him a look of disbelief. “You trippin’, Chrome, I have to take a shower before we leave here! Now where are your towels at?” she asked.

  “Ain't no shower popping off today, Bee. Get ya shit on so I can take you home,” he said, facing her with a look of disgust on his face. Though he was a dude, to him this type of behavior was frowned upon. Bright was not only a snake, but a trick ass bitch, and he was going to treat her as such. He didn't have any love for her.

  “What the fuck is ya problem, Chrome?” Bright snapped,

  giving him attitude back. She didn't understand him, but she planned on having a shower before she left his house, point blank period. Not giving him a chance to answer her question, she looked for the towels herself. Once she found the towels in the hallway closet, she went to the bathroom, turned the shower water on, and climbed inside to wash up.

  Pissed off that he heard the shower water running, Chrome walked inside the bathroom, pulled the shower curtain back, and then went off. To him, not only was Bright a trick, but she was also a disrespectful trick. “Bitch, I told yo tramp ass wasn't no showers popping off up in here today! Get the fuck up outta there!” he yelled, and then he threw her out of the shower and onto the bathroom floor.

  Tasting the blood from her lip, Bright went off and tried to fight Chrome as if she was a man. But her punches and kicks were nothing up against his one hundred eighty-five pound, six foot three inch muscular build. When she kicked him in the growing area, he backhanded her, sending her flying through the h
allway and onto the living room floor without wings. At the moment, Bright was afraid of Chrome and what he would do to her; she felt her life was at stake. Having the opportunity to run to his room to lock herself inside, Bright got up off the floor and ran for her dear life.

  “Bitch, you gone make me hurt you!” Chrome yelled, chasing after Bright. He was within a few inches of grabbing Bright by her hair when she slid inside of his room and locked the door. Using her body as a weight to keep him from entering the room, Bright began to yell and scream for help. Tears streamed from her face, and her body shook nervously and uncontrollably. She didn't know what had gotten into him or what she should do next. Chrome was still yelling and he had kicked the door so hard that Bright had fallen off the door and onto the floor. He had turned into a mad man! Seeing the cordless phone on the nightstand, Bright quickly crawled on her knees, grabbed the phone, and then dialed 911.

  “911, what’s your emergency?” A man’s voice echoed through the phone.

  “Helpppppppppp, I've been raped!!!” Bright yelled and sobbed through the phone. “And he's gonna kill me! Can you please send somebody over here?” she cried. Then the line went dead. Chrome had disconnected the phone cord in the living room, and he planned on beating Bright’s ass.

  “Bitch, you gone lie and say I raped you? You's a lying ass bitch!” Chrome yelled, charging down the hallway and then kicking the door down and off the hinges. Frightened, Bright crawled into the corner and folded into fetal position. She knew Chrome was gonna beat her; she just prayed that help would come quickly. “You little lying bitch!” he yelled as he kicked and stomped at her defenseless body. Bright begged and pleaded for him to stop.

  “Please stop, Chrome, please!!!” she cried.

  Out of control, Chrome yelled, “I ain't gone stop until you fucking die, you stupid bitch! I hate hoes like you!” he said, then he took his thick leather belt off and begin to whoop her. Not able to endure the painful slashes and wrath from the belt, Bright suddenly regained enough strength to kick, and she swung at Chrome as hard and as fast as she could while she begged and pleaded for him to stop. Bright was now purple and blue, and she could feel her skin splitting apart with each lash and whip of his leather belt.

  “STOP, YOU CRAZY MUTHAFUCKA!!!!” Bright screamed. She was kicking to save her life.

  “If I’ma go to jail, it’s gone be for beating ya muthafucking ass, you lying, trifling whore!” Chrome yelled psychotically. He hadn’t planned on beating Bright or any other woman again in his life. He had been going to anger management and domestic violence classes regularly for the past six months, and he tried his best to avoid trifling females like Bright. But since he had priors and Bright was gonna throw rape on top of that, he knew he would be going down for a very long time. And he was gonna see to it that his prison term would be well worth the sentence. After five more minutes of torment, the police kicked in Chrome's front door, beat him, arrested him, and then sent an unconscious Bright to the emergency room. She was in bad shape.

  The next day, Bright's hospital room stayed swamped with doctors, nurses, law enforcement, and both her family and friends. Pictures were taken of her beat-up and bruised body and many different tests were run on her. Blood and urine samples were taken, as well as both oral and genital swabbing for her rape kit. None of this would be happening if Chrome would’ve just let me take a shower and then drove me home, like he was supposed to do. But instead, he beat my ass and I had to call the police on him and file not only assault, but rape charges on him too, Bright thought. She would have been honest and just pressed assault charges on him, but what excuse would she have to give to her best friend, Treasure, about being at his house in the first place? Bright had never lied or cried rape on anybody before, but after the way Chrome did her, she had no sympathy for him, and she felt he was going to get what he deserved. Bright was inside her hospital room talking to Treasure when her nurse walked through the door with detective Mary Shutter.

  “Bright, Detective Mary Shutter is back to take your report,” Nurse Adkins said. Nurse Adkins was a beautiful, short, black and Mexican nurse that had consoled her and made sure that Bright's stay was comfortable. She had even given her a good shower after she got the samples they needed for her rape kit, and she had sat and prayed with Bright when she was afraid to be in the room alone. When Bright didn't respond, Nurse Adkins asked her if she was going to need more time.

  “I'm fine, Nurse Adkins. I told the nice detective lady yesterday that I would be ready to talk today, and now I'm just ready to get it out and over with,” Bright said, fighting hard to hold back her tears. She had never felt so violated in her entire life.

  “Good, honey,” Nurse Adkins said. “Now if you need me, I'm just a buzz away, my dear. I'll be right across the hall,” she said, giving Bright a warm and sincere smile.

  “Thanks, Nurse Adkins, my best friend Treasure is here now, so I'll be fine,” Bright said, returning a warm smile. Nurse Adkins winked at Bright, and then she stepped out of the room and closed the door behind herself to give them privacy. Bright painted this award-winning rape picture of Chrome, whom she lied about by saying he had lured her inside of his house, forced himself on her, and made her have both anal and oral sex with him. She also told the detective how he tried beating her to death. The detective stood to leave the room and assured Bright that she would see to it that Chrome got the maximum amount of time for what he had done to her.

  Later, after Treasure left the hospital, Bright's mother Rosette made it back to the hospital in time to help Nurse Adkins give her daughter a shower. Gale told Rosette that she would look after the kids for the night so she decided to stay the remainder of the night with Bright in the hospital. Tired after almost two days of no sleep, Rosette fell asleep shortly after Bright's shower. But for some reason, sleep didn't come that easily for Bright, so she stayed up all night, watching TV and talking on the phone with Larry. At first she was too embarrassed to say anything, but she later decided to tell him.

  He was devastated, and he told Bright that he would never let anything ever happen to her like that again. Then, when the sun rose, she was finally able to close her eyes and go to sleep.

  Part Three


  hree months into their relationship, Bright and Larry were getting serious. He'd take Bright to the movies, dinner, amusement parks, skating, bowling,

  the beach, or any other social events they could go to together. And when their money was right, they would spend an entire day in a motel room, playing house and making love to each other. Not to mention, Bright never missed any of Larry's basketball games; she was his biggest fan in the crowd, rooting him on and yelling his name. Rosette adored Larry Lane too, and not only because she saw big money in his future, but because Larry was clean-cut, well mannered, and respected her and her daughter Bright to the fullest. Besides that, any guy that could help Bright get her grades up in school was alright with her. He'd help Bright with her homework, and he would always explain the importance of having a good education to her. In their world there was no “I” in “We”. They were very much in love, and would do anything for each other.

  On the last day of school for summer break, Bright, Treasure and Suge mobbed up in Wal-Mart to steal Bright a pregnancy test. Her period was late, and she was not only hoping, but praying that she was pregnant. As soon as Bright made it home from school, she rushed to the restroom, peed on the stick, and then took a quick shower. Once Bright rinsed off, she grabbed her bath towel to dry off then climbed out of the shower to read her pregnancy results. “Please let me be pregnant,” Bright said to herself before picking up the pregnancy test.

  “Bright, the telephone, its Treasure!” her little sister Deja said, knocking and yelling through the bathroom door.

  “Fuck! Give me a minute, Deja!” Bright yelled back pissed off that her pregnancy test read negative. Swinging the door open, Bright snatched the phone from her sister's hand then walked inside her bedroom and slammed
the door behind her. “What’s up, Treasure?” Bright said with an attitude.

  “Damn, bitch, what done crawled up yo ass?” Treasure snapped back.

  “Apparently not a baby,” Bright said, almost

  becoming emotional. ”And I'm pissed off!”

  “Don't even trip, Bee, you still young, and when it’s

  time, it will me!” Treasure said.

  Before Bright could respond, her mother had opened

  her bedroom door and told her not to be slamming any

  doors in her house. “And what’s your problem anyhow,

  Queen Bee?” her mother asked, seeing Bright on the

  verge of tears.

  “It’s nothing, Mom; I'll talk to you once I get

  dressed, and after I finish talking to Treasure.”

  Rosette threw her hand on her hip. “I have a better

  idea: we'll talk after I use the little ladies room. I have

  company on their way over, and a dirty ass kitchen to

  clean, so tell Treasure goodbye,” she said, and then she

  closed the door.

  Forgetting that she had left the pregnancy test in the

  bathroom, Bright quickly told Treasure that she'd call her

  back, then ran out of her room, passed her mother in the hallway, then locked herself in the bathroom to discard

  the pregnancy test.

  Rosette was furious. “What the hell is your problem,

  Bright? You almost knocked me over like you either on

  drugs or got a serious mental problem!” her mother

  yelled. “What the hell is going on with you?” Rosette

  demanded to know.

  Bright opened the bathroom door after she threw the

  pregnancy test and box under the bathroom sink behind

  the cleaning supplies and then flushed the toilet. She

  knew it would be safe there for the time being. “I'm sorry

  Ma, I had to pee,” Bright lied, stepping out of the


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