The Dragon's Eyes

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The Dragon's Eyes Page 29

by Oxford, Rain

  My friend was making me seriously doubt my actions. “Since when did you rely on my freakishness to help you?”

  “Remember the day we met on the ship and I accidently spoke in English?” he asked. I nodded. “I relied on your freakishness that you wouldn’t rat me out. I have been relying on it ever since then. I was an alien from another planet and you were freakish enough to befriend me,” he said.

  “That was another mistake I made.”

  Emrys came in then and said we could go to the final tribe and the world would be healed. Then he stared at me like I was the weirdest thing in the world. “I liked the eyes better before. Now you look quite boring.”

  Those were his parting words before he left the room. Dylan and Sammy trailed out behind him. “That’s what I told him. He should buy a blue contact.”

  I sighed and followed after them, running back only to grab the baby bag.

  This time, we had to walk, and it was just as grueling a trip as the first. Making it worse was that Dylan had to trip over everything and get stung by several poisonous plants. I tried again to take Sammy, but the baby refused and wouldn’t even speak to me, so Emrys held him.

  Our trip took us through massive forests, wide valleys, and over mountains. It was far from enjoyable, but at least it was warm.

  When we reached the shiny white castle, I was sure that we had gotten turned around and were back at the mend tribe, but Emrys insisted this was the ken tribe. Apparently that was like the magic of the soul. I argued that all magic was from the soul, but he said it was the magic of the soul, not magic created by it. I didn’t get it, and neither did Dylan.

  “What do they do?” Dylan asked.

  “Some can read the lessons of the past, some can see the future, some can speak to the gods, and some guard the void. There are so few ken-users and they all have different powers. As I am a Noquodi, I have the same abilities the other Noquodi have, but I am called a master ken-user by the Malta people. While all of my children are powerful magic-users of a tribe, most of them are in the mend tribe.”

  When we entered the castle, we were welcomed again, and everything was looking very familiar. I still didn’t understand the difference between the mend and the ken tribes. Oddly enough, no one here had ever learned Sudo. Dylan asked Emrys what he should do to use ken magic.

  Emrys looked at him as if it was obvious. “Contact your goddess.”

  “She’s probably busy and doesn’t want to talk.”

  “All you have to do is make a psychic connection, not engage her in conversation.”

  We sat at the table in the empty dining room. Sammy snacked on fruit while Dylan tried to contact Tiamat. He had never tried to contact her specifically this way. Apparently, it worked because his head pitched forward and I had to stop him from whacking his face.

  Emrys frowned. “That only happens when a person actually travels astrophysically. This is skill far beyond his age.”

  “Yes, but I’m pretty sure he meant to stay upright.”

  “Mama!” Sammy cried. He looked panicked. “Itai! Hurts!”

  “What hurts?” I asked, picking him up. He put his head on my shoulder and shook, unable to talk. I was absolutely clueless as to what was going on or what to do.

  “Hide,” he finally said.

  Then I understood; the demon was here. I wanted to do something… but I didn’t know what. Dylan was defenseless and Sammy was terrified and I had no ideas. I reached for my fire and felt empty. It was there, but it was so weak and sluggish. I tried to shift my eyes, to see the demon’s arrival ahead of time, but my eyes remained the same. My claws wouldn’t shift either.

  I was just a wizard among Guardians and demons and gods. Before, I had my fire, so I was useful. I think I had never felt more mortal and powerless than in that moment. Even with Emrys there, I was useless.

  “His magic will free yours,” a small voice said behind me.

  I turned to see a little girl; the same little girl that Dylan and I had seen in the forest on Dios. Dylan said he had seen her dead, but she was very much alive now. She shoved something into my hand and vanished. I opened my fingers to reveal the iron pentagram that Dylan always wore and it practically vibrated with energy in my hand.

  I had no idea how to free my fire with this. The energy in the air stirred and crackled and before it could settle at all, I felt pressure. It was the same pressure as I had felt on Earth, but this time, it was getting through. The moment I lost control of my body, I hit the ground. Emrys used his magic to try to force the demon out, but the demon was too powerful. I had never known anger or hate like the demon felt. I realized that the creature I pushed aside really did want to protect me and my friends; this demon wanted to kill everyone. It would use me to kill Sammy. I needed my fire. I needed Dylan.

  “Dylan…” I tried to call to Dylan, but we were disconnected. Another thing that had never happened before.

  I needed the entity back. The little girl said that Dylan’s magic would release my magic, but how? Getting no messages out, I tried to call to the lost creature inside me. Help. Wake up and help me. Help Sammy. My thoughts started to blend and become confusing. My body filled with a suffocating heat that made my skin ache, but it wasn’t my fire… The demon would burn me from the inside as he killed Sammy. I need you to wake up.

  Perhaps it was waiting for the moment I gave up, or maybe my will to survive was stronger than I had thought. The pentagram pulsed and filled me with more god energy than I thought my body could take. The rest was fuzzy in my mind, but I knew the instant the creature inside me burst free. It overpowered the demon in a heartbeat and forced the horrible thing out of me.

  Regaining control over my body took a few minutes, but I could see that Emrys was checking on Dylan and Sammy. When I knew they were both fine, the creature settled down inside me. He was very pleased at his victory. I could feel him more now than before; I could feel him move under my skin, his thoughts, his emotions. He was proud of himself, not just for defeating the demon but for waking completely.

  This will work better when you stop fighting me. The voice was strong and unfamiliar in my mind. It was definitely masculine, too. I gasped in shock. Honestly, I should have expected it; the creature could now talk to me.

  Yes, you should have expected this, and I am not a mere creature.

  I had enough control to sit up and reach for Sammy. The baby took one look at me and squealed with delight. The beast inside me liked the child a lot. How odd. Do you have a name I should call you? I asked the creature.

  My name is Rojan, and I will never be inhibited again.

  I could have been angry by how much that sounded like a threat, but I felt sorry for him. I was so concerned with him controlling me that I jumped at the chance to crush him completely. He was just as alive as me. He certainly wasn’t sago, but he had just as much right to live. I just didn’t get why he had to be a part of my life. I’m sorry for having that girl suppress you.

  I understand that you were scared. You do not yet understand that I have always been here. I gave you your fire, your fate, and your breath.

  I get the fire part, but how did you give me my fate?

  You never told Dylan what you were doing that night you met.

  I was running from my father.

  Because you told him you believed in dragons and wanted to find them. He beat you in anger.

  He hates dragons. He says they’re not real, but who could hate something that isn’t real so much? I think he fears them. I think he must have met one before and fears them. That doesn’t explain how you gave me my fate.

  I was the reason you suddenly obsessed over dragons. I made everything happen so that you would meet Dylan.

  I realized Dylan had been talking to me, but I was too deep in my head. He stood right in front of me, and stopped talking when I blinked at him. Then he smiled. “Welcome back.”

  I knew that knowing smirk. “Me or the creature inside me?”


  That was so much clearer. “Did you have a nice chat with Tiamat?” I asked as I stood. I hadn’t noticed during the attack, but it must have been pretty physical, as the massive table was moved several paces from its original position.

  “I barely connected with her before I was back here to find that I had missed all of the fun. How are you doing? The demon tried to get in you?” he asked.

  “He succeeded, but before he could get control of me, my dragon broke free and kicked him out,” I said. I realized what I said when he arched an eyebrow.

  “Your what?”

  “I hadn’t meant to call the creature a dragon, or mine. That girl kept calling him my beast. And as for calling him a dragon… I never asked him what he is.”

  You assumed, because it only makes sense. The gods have even said as much, but you are not a shifter, like that girl had thought. Shifters have a beast inside them, like I am in you. When the person is in their normal form, they are in charge, but they can always feel the beast. When they are in their beast form, the beast is in charge. Most dragons have learned to shift into people, so there are no “dragon shifters.” You either are a dragon who can shift into a person, or you are a person. I am not a mere beast.

  So what is this then? Are you a dragon or are you not?

  That is not the question you should be asking. I am not simply anything. The only thing I am is you.

  “Oh, god, enough with the riddles, both of you.”

  “Mama’s lost his mind, honey, come away now,” Dylan said to Sammy, who looked startled at my outburst. “If you give me a minute, I’ll heal up this last tribe and we can get moving again.”

  Dylan is feeling agitated. I think he feels like he should have been able to help you fight the demon.

  That made sense; I had felt pretty useless. I had never been a particularly good wizard; my only real strength was my fire and my more advanced senses. And that was all the dragon. Without him, I was nothing but a meager wizard.

  “There is no such thing as a meager wizard, stupid,” Dylan said.

  “Did I say that out loud?” I asked.

  “You were thinking it pretty loudly.”

  I can block him from hearing your thoughts, the dragon suggested.

  No, he is my friend and his intentions are good. How is this going to work? You may have always been here, but I never even felt you until a few days ago.

  Until you got away from your father. Your fire and senses have always been better than others, but you had never been able to shift your claws, eyes, or teeth until you escaped him. Now your powers grow by the day and you have more control than ever.

  My father did this? I wasn’t sure what “this” is, but I hated that my father might actually have taken something from me.

  Your father loved you, and he would have given his life for you.

  He disapproved of me. He would never have given up his kingdom for me, I argued. I was getting upset and I felt the need to growl. As twisted as it was, the dragon tried to sooth me.

  “Mordon, you need to learn to pay attention while you’re talking to your dragon. I know he’s new and exciting, but people are starting to think something’s wrong with you,” Dylan said.

  He was right; I hadn’t even realized we had walked into another room. “I’m sorry. I’ll get it with practice. Go ahead and heal this tribe,” I said. He gave me an irritated look and my eyes shifted without my control. There were no wounds or scars anywhere.

  “I already healed it; you weren’t paying attention.”

  I was back to feeling miserable; I had been too distracted to protect Dylan while he was busy. I had one job to do this entire mission; to cover Dylan, and I got distracted. What good was I?

  I was watching over him for us, Rojan said. That probably shouldn’t have made me feel better, but it did.

  Dylan and I are able to talk telepathically. Since you and I can, are you able to talk to him?

  I wonder. I watched for signs from Dylan, but he made no move of surprise. No, I cannot communicate with him.

  I realized Dylan was talking just in time to pay attention. At least I knew that if I wasn’t listening, my dragon was.

  “Now that we healed Malta, can we go and heal Earth? Or Duran?” he asked Emrys.

  As long as we didn’t go back to Dios yet, I was happy; I wanted more time before we had to return Sammy to his mother.

  “That is really up to the gods. You are free to travel to Earth, but Erono would likely fight your return to Duran. We will return to the creek, and from there we can try to make it to Earth.”

  “Try? What happens if we fail?” I asked.

  Emrys shrugged. “I hope we never find out.”

  We were traveling back to the creek, which was apparently only a few hours’ walk, when something burned in my pocket. I pulled out Dylan’s pentagram.

  “I didn’t realize I put this in my pocket. The little girl popped in and gave me this when you were talking to Tiamat. I think your magic inside it is what broke the magic that the woman had used on Rojan.”

  “Rojan?” Dylan asked.

  “That doesn’t sound like a good dragon name?” I asked.

  He opened his mouth, but Sammy turned and glared at him. “It sounds like a lovely dragon’s name.” He relented as he took the pentagram and returned it to his neck. “I am worried, though. Your weakness is pretty obviously the cold. It’s bothering me real bad that the demon was in you when your dragon awoke. Is coldness a weakness common to dragon shifters?”

  To dragons, yes, Rojan answered.

  “Yes, dragons are sensitive to the cold. I’m not a dragon shifter; there is no such thing.”

  “Alright, I’ll keep that in mind. I just can’t help but worry… what if the demon realized it was a dragon in you. What if it knows that dragons are sensitive to cold and has figured out that that is your weakness?”

  Then we are in grave trouble, my dragon said. It was that moment that the sky broke out into rain. It was not a natural rain, but the ice cold, heavy rain that we had encountered on Earth.

  “Hide!” Sammy cried.

  Chapter 11


  It was cold enough to make my chest hurt, but the icy rain and harsh wind was a deadly combination. Unfortunately, it incapacitated Mordon in an instant. He pushed Sammy into my arms and fell to the ground, his head splashing into the rising water before I could catch him. I got him out of the water as quickly as possible, but he had already passed out. There was no way I could concentrate enough to use any magic in the freezing rain while holding Mordon and trying to keep Sammy warm.

  The demon came in the body of a young man, who sauntered closer like he had not a care in the world. Steam rose as the icy rain splattered his fevered skin. Emrys created a ball of plasma and threw it at the demon, but it disintegrated before it reached its mark. The demon was not playing around this time. Unfortunately, Guardians were not immune to an attack of plasma, which was worse than being struck by lightning. The demon created another, brighter sphere of the fourth state of matter, and attacked Emrys, who collapsed before he could even counterattack. This creature was so powerful and ancient that the gods could not defeat it. All we had accomplished so far was to run from it. Now we couldn’t run.

  I was shaking, Mordon was slipping from my grip as he started convulsing, and Sammy went limp in my arms. I could felt the nausea and knew I was about to pass out, but I couldn’t; if I fell, both Sammy and Mordon would drown. I had to hold it together…

  There was so much water that I was breathing it in. The demon stopped just a step in front of me, smirked, and held his arms out for Sammy. If I gave him Sammy, the baby would live as a slave in his own body. If I didn’t, Sammy would die with me and Mordon.

  Help me. I called out to anyone listening; it was more like a request from my soul than a conscious act. The instant I could no longer hold myself and Sammy up, I heard an explosion.

  * * *

  I was in space which, f
or the record, was incredibly creepy. I could breathe just fine and I wasn’t freezing, but it definitely looked like I was floating in space. Before me was my home world, far away enough that I wasn’t in the atmosphere, yet close enough to see continents. Actually, the moon should be around here somewhere.

  My book was in my hand. I had the deep urge to hide it, but I couldn’t move.

  The space in front of me suddenly flooded with bright white, which grew brighter by the second. A slit was opening in front of the planet, widening into a gaping whole. The light inside was ominous, hideous, and shook me. It was oddly thrilling and equally horrifying. I knew what that white abyss was; I could feel it in my soul.

  I felt the moment the doorway was fully and permanently opened.

  The book in my hand turned to sand and floated away on a nonexistent wind. When it was gone, the surface of Earth changed. It a worldwide, catastrophic wave that I could see even from space, the seas dried up, the plants died, and the planet surface became a barren wasteland. In a matter of seconds, my world was destroyed and billions of people were dead.

  * * *

  The gentle prodding to my face was irritating enough to wake me. My first thought was that Edward was out on mission and Tibbit was trying to eat my face. I opened my mouth to tell Shinobu to eat him, but my chest cramped with pain. I felt myself roughly being turned and then I was coughing up liquid. This was familiar; it wasn’t the first time I had drowned.

  I had a Guardian warning dream. Something was coming and I had to stop it.

  I felt around with my arms for Sammy, clinching my eyes against the bright light. “Dada.” Sammy’s whimper was a great relief as the baby was set in my arms. He buried his head in my neck and cried.

  Assured that he was okay, I opened my eyes to search for Mordon. Instead I saw a boy standing over me. By boy, I meant he couldn’t have been more than fifteen years old. He looked a lot like a younger Nila with his blond hair, but his eyes were predominantly forest green, speckled with chocolate brown.


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