pop culture legacy of, 10–11, 13
premieres for, 325–26
production crew for, hiring of, 72–79
production schedule, 147–54
real-life inspirations for characters in, 341–49, 351, 352–55
rehearsals for, 141–43
romantic relationships during, 155–67
sex in, 218–24
Slacker crew on, 73–78
Slacker production compared to, 148–49
as star-making vehicle, myths about, 356–81
studio development of, 70–71
as television series, 388–90
10th anniversary screening and reunion for, 394–401
test screenings for, 287–89, 319, 324
universality of, 11–13
Universal oversight of, 147–54, 188–93
“Dazed by Days” (diary), 66–67, 288–89, 302–4, 306, 308, 325, 331–37
letter of apology for, 335–36
origins of, 331–32
studio reactions to, 332–34
defamation lawsuits, 342, 353
DeKeyser, Valerie, 159, 250, 371, 414
De Sica, Vittorio, 73
Dinger, Scott, 53–54
distribution and release strategy, 291–93, 313–30
as specialty film, 291
as “stoner” comedy, 314–30
Dog Day Afternoon, 83
Dollar, Don, 21, 344–45, 348, 351
Dover, Katherine, 134, 273, 414
drug use. See also marijuana use
during Dazed and Confused filming, 118–19, 196–197, 255–256
in high school, 29–31
Duplass, Jay, 11, 38–39, 47–48, 50–51, 58, 82, 385–86, 407–8
Duplass, Mark, 145, 404–5, 407–8
Dupree, Jesse James, 302, 305. See also Jackyl
Dylan, Bob, 30, 301
Earl, Roger, 309
Ebert, Roger, 18
editing, of Dazed and Confused, 212–16, 281–93
for humor, 282–83
for profanity, 213–16
after test screenings, 287–89
Empire Records, 376
Erickson, Roky, 52
Everybody Wants Some!!, 355, 389
Fast Times at Ridgemont High, 83–84, 218
female cast members, 231–43. See also specific actors
conflict among, through casting, 231–32
personal relationships among, 169–79
Thomas and, strained relationships with, 236–40, 359–60
Finton, Greg, 183, 289–92, 310, 360, 414
Fletcher, Keith, 133–36, 197, 211
Fletcher, Melanie, 135–36, 165, 176, 185, 197, 390
Floyd, Richard “Pink,” 30, 32, 343, 347–48, 351, 352–53
Foghat, 30, 308
Fontenot, Heyd, 13, 414
Fox, Jeremy, 13, 87, 118, 172, 209, 222, 274, 397–98, 414
France, Kim, 136, 192, 261
Fraser, Brendan, 89
Frick, John, 150, 192, 197, 206, 255, 273, 414
Galloway, Sheri, 111, 414
Garfield, Harry, 301–2, 307, 414
Geminder Drake, Erika, 173, 178, 221, 414
Generation X (Gen X), Slacker and, 42
Gent, Holly, 47, 54–55, 354, 378, 415
Gen X. See Generation X
Generation X (Coupland), 56
Giant, 55
Gilmore, Jimmie Dale, 132
Gleiberman, Owen, 326
Goins, Mike, 17, 35–36, 351
Goldberg, Adam, 12, 111, 115–16, 119–23, 138, 142–45, 156–57, 163–65, 179, 193–98, 204, 232, 240, 262, 275, 292, 326–27, 357, 374–75, 387, 392, 396, 406, 409–10, 415
casting of, 87, 92, 97
post-Dazed career, 358–61, 363, 366–67
Rapp and, 144–45
Goldman, William, 314
Good Will Hunting, 372–73
“guerrilla filmmaking,” 148
hair and makeup, for 1970s film setting, 136–38
Hamsun, Knut, 63, 76
Harnos, Chrisse, 92, 129, 141, 160–63, 198, 232, 234, 239, 240, 358, 415
London and, relationship with, 160–61, 275–76
Harrelson, Woody, 30
Harrison, Tina, 156
Hart, Roderick, 101
Hart, Samantha, 291, 318, 320–21, 323–24, 408, 415. See also marketing
Hauser, Cole, 87, 94, 116, 120, 140, 195, 198–200, 199, 257, 321, 385, 396, 406–7, 415
alleged physical abuse of cast-member by, 207–8
on bully roles, 202–11
Thomas and, relationship with, 164–65
Walken as influence on, 204–5
Wiggins on, 203–4
Hauser, Wings, 140
Hawke, Ethan, 26, 82, 141–42, 189–90, 373–74
Haynes, Gibby, 46
Haynes, Todd, 61
in “air raid” scene, 175–77
through paddling, 18–19
as sanctioned abuse, 19, 22–23
among teenagers, 12, 18–23
for teen girls, 20, 20–23
Headley, Lydia, 18, 22, 25, 34–35, 37, 343
Heathers, 218
Helton, J. R., 149, 151, 184, 333, 371, 415
Hewitt, Jennifer Love, 90
high school
alcohol use, 31–33
car culture in, 11
for Cochrane, 12
drug use in, 29–31
for Goldberg, 12
Linklater on, 13
oppression as element of, 14–16
paddling in, 18–19
racial segregation in, 27–29
social cliques in, 26
Hinkley, John, 51
Hinojosa-Kirschenbaum, Christin, 86, 93, 96, 156, 159, 221, 241, 241, 274–75, 377, 387, 396, 399, 405, 415
Hinson, Hal, 42
Hoage, Terry, 17–18, 23, 25
Holman, Tracey, 91, 103, 135, 159, 172, 185, 197, 257, 415
Houston, Texas, Linklater, R., move to, 37–39
Howard, Don, 46, 49–50, 151, 268, 286, 298, 415
Hughes, John, teen genre films of, 69–70, 81
Hunger (Hamsun), 63, 76–77
Huntsville, Texas, 16–17
Dazed and Confused screenings in, 341–49
economic class in, 25
fire tower in, 32
racial segregation in, 27
small-town culture in, 17
Hurlyburly (Rabe), 82–83
“Hurricane,” 30, 301
Hurt, William, 83
Hyden, Steven, 9, 12–13, 132, 222
on soundtrack for Dazed and Confused, 298–301, 308
IFFM. See Independent Feature Film Market
improvisation, in works of Linklater, R.
“Alright, alright, alright” as, 226–29
in Dazed and Confused, 145–46, 226–29
in Slacker, 52
Independent Feature Film Market (IFFM), 53
independent film communities
in Austin, 47–50
regional, 47
independent film movement
“guerrilla filmmaking” and, 148
Lee, S., and, 47, 55, 61–62
Sundance Film Festival and, 60–61, 371–72
“It’d be a lot cooler if you did,” origins of, 107
It’s Impossible to Learn to Plow by Reading Books, 48–49
Jacks, Jim, 70–71, 77, 93, 151–53, 218, 272, 293, 367, 385, 392–93, 415
Daniel, S., and, 61, 65
in “Dazed by Days” diary, 66–67, 335–36
on editing of Dazed and Confused, 212–16, 282
Jacobson and, 64–65
letter of apology to, from Linklater, R., 335–36
oversight of Dazed production, 189–95
on soundtrack choices, 303–7
wooing of Linklater, 61–65, 68
Jackyl (band), 302–6
Jacobson, Nina, 64–65, 70, 192, 305–6, 311, 334, 416r />
Janecka, Robert, 132, 150–51, 177, 255–56, 416
Jarmusch, Jim, 47
Jelski, Katy, 19, 131, 149, 166–67, 186, 190, 213, 273, 282, 416
Jennings, Waylon, 74
Jenson, Sasha, 11, 87–88, 95–96, 118, 121–22, 124, 133, 137, 151, 159–61, 164, 184, 195–96, 206, 214, 221, 235–36, 241–42, 266, 268, 300, 358, 377, 386, 393, 395–97, 399, 408, 416
Johnston, Daniel, 43, 46
Jovovich, Milla, 93, 145, 232, 259–63, 416
Andrews and, relationship with, 157–58, 261–62
casting of, 259–60
early career, 260
Linklater, R., and, 260–62
unhappiness with role, 260–61
Judd, Ashley, 89
Junod, Tom, 69–70, 127–28, 315–18, 405–6
Jurassic Park, 147
“Just keep livin’” motto, origins of, 268–69
Katt, Nicky, 74, 82, 121, 130, 143, 157, 184, 194, 199–201, 204, 265–66, 269, 291, 301, 321, 328, 359, 366, 373, 383, 391, 400–401, 416
Kerr, Jeffrey, 253–54
Kerr, Mitch, 343–44
Kilik, Jon, 97
King of the Hill, 304
Kinser-Craft, Priscilla, 86, 174, 177, 178, 397–98, 416
KISS, 309–10
Kooris, Richard, 49–50
Kozik, Frank, 321, 322
Krizan, Kim, 50, 75, 148, 334, 416
Kuttruff, Alma, 78
Labauve, Julie Irvine, 20–21, 32, 343, 348
The Last Picture Show, 55
Lawrence, Sam, 102–6, 110–11, 246
Led Zeppelin, 297, 301–2, 308, 333
Lee, Jason, 115–16, 120, 120–21, 157, 172, 204–5, 367, 405, 416
Lee, Spike, 47, 55, 61, 62, 148
Leto, Jared, 89
Linklater, Richard, 85, 85, 416. See also Dazed and Confused; “Dazed by Days”; Slacker
on Andrews, S., behavior during filming, 181–84, 187
anti-authority behavior of, 23–24
on anti-nostalgia, in film, 403–11
apology letter, for “Dazed by Days” diary, 335–36
Arnold and, 63–64
atrial fibrillation for, 38
as Baby Boomer, 42–43
baseball, 15, 19, 24, 35–36, 38, 141, 314
Cooperman and, romantic relationship with, 166–67, 277
on cult film status of Dazed, 382–87
directing style of, 141–43
on discovery of McConaughey, M., 107, 110
on distribution and release strategy, for Dazed and Confused, 291–93, 313–30
early life of, 16–18, 24–25
editing challenges, on Dazed and Confused, 212–16, 281–93
on ending Dazed and Confused, narrative challenges for, 264–69
fatherhood for, 378
films as reflection of personal life, 9–13, 15–16
frugality of, 25
Hawke and, working relationship with, 373–74
on high school experiences, 13
in Huntsville, Texas, 16–17, 25, 27, 32
improvisation as part of creative process for, 52
It’s Impossible to Learn to Plow by Reading Books, 48–49
Jacks and, 61–65, 68, 189–95, 212–16
Jovovich and, handling of, 260–62
on juvenile crime, 33–34
letter to cast, 328–30
letter to Pierson, 56
male role models for, 18, 23–24
on marketing, of Dazed and Confused, 314–30
on moon tower scene, 253–54
move to Austin, 41, 43–45
move to Houston, Texas, 37–39
movie-going habits of, 45–46
on paddling, 18–19
post-high school education, 40–41
on racial segregation in high school, 27–29
on real-life inspirations for characters, 341–49, 351, 352–55
on sequel to Dazed, 390–93
Smith and, career comparisons with, 367–69
on soundtrack, personal disappointment with, 311–12
sports and, 13, 35–36, 38–39
on studio system, 68
on teen hazing, 12
Truffaut as influence on, 34
Universal Studios and, 61–65, 67–68
Linklater, Tricia, 16, 23–25, 42, 149–50, 157, 159, 228, 332, 351, 416
Linson, Art, 84
London, Jason, 12, 15, 95, 110–11, 118, 122, 131, 133, 138, 140, 153, 160–65, 174, 179, 181, 183–85, 187, 195–96, 199, 205, 208–9, 235, 238–39, 246, 249, 255–56, 258, 260–61, 266, 315–16, 358, 373, 384, 386, 390–91, 400, 407, 416
on anniversary screening and reunion, 396–400
casting of, 88–90, 93–94
death of sister after filming, 275–76
on end of filming, 271–72, 275–76
Harnos and, relationship with, 160–61, 275–76
on 1970’s setting, 128–30
on personal connection with character, 144
post-Dazed career, 360–61
Lonesome Dove, 47, 149
“Love Hurts,” 301
“Low Rider,” 30
Lucas, George, 68–69
MacCambridge, Michael, 135, 138, 148–49
Macor, Alison, 73, 76–77, 84–85, 189, 191
Making Dazed, 15, 61
Mallrats, 367–70
marijuana use
cultural context for, in 1990s, 314
in Dazed and Confused, 314–19
in film comedies, 313–14
during filming of Dazed and Confused, 118–19, 196–197, 255–256
marketing, of Dazed and Confused, 314–30
poster images in, 321, 322, 323
Schwartz and, 318–20
smiley face image in, 321, 323
Martin-DeLucia, Deena, 87, 94, 122, 133, 159–60, 213, 220, 235, 238, 266, 272–73, 376, 410, 416
McConaughey, Matthew, 10–11, 30, 98–111, 117, 142, 160, 185–86, 256, 263, 362, 391, 404, 410, 417
on “Alright, alright, alright” line, as improvisation, 226–29
on car culture, in high school, 11
casting on Dazed and Confused, 104–7
college years for, 99–100
costuming for, 134–35
on death of father, during filming, 245–51, 267–68
early film/video work, 102
on end of filming, 272–73
expansion of role, 226–29
family background, 98–99
in film school, 102–3
influence of brother Pat, 108–10
“I get older, they stay the same age,” 249–250
“It’d be a lot cooler if you did,” origins of, 107
“Just keep living” motto, 268–69
likability of, 111
Phillips and, 104–7, 364–65
post-Dazed career, 362–66, 383
A Time to Kill, 366
as Wooderson character, 225–29, 249–50
McConaughey, Pat, 99, 108–10
Melvin and Howard, 82
Milgroom, Shawn. See Andrews, Shawn
Millius, Peter, 119, 121–22, 129, 160, 200, 205, 208, 239, 256–57, 265–66, 272–73, 301, 310–11, 417
Mitchell, Kari Jones, 20–21, 27, 348
mixtapes for actors, as character-specific, 294–95, 298–300
Montgomery, D., 42, 43, 74–75, 149, 357, 380, 417
moon towers
in Austin, history of, 253
in Dazed and Confused, 32–33, 252–58
Linklater, R., on, 253–54
Morris, Catherine Avril, 85–86, 122, 131, 157–58, 173–74, 206, 221, 274, 398, 410, 417
Wiggins and, kissing scene with, 223–24
Morris, Christopher, 25
Morris, Errol, 55
My Boyfriend’s Back, 362
My Own Private Idaho, 59
Nafus, Chale, 49, 51, 53
Nazareth, 301
, Kathy, 302, 306, 312. See also soundtrack
Nelson, Kelly, 136, 417
Nelson, Willie, 47, 74
1970s, as film setting, 13, 125–38
automobiles and, as character element, 130–32
costuming for, 132–36
hair and makeup for, 136–38
Linklater on, 125–26, 138
as nostalgia trend, 127–28, 388–89
sociocultural context of, 125–26
Nixon, Cynthia, 83
“No More Mister Nice Guy,” 301
Nugent, Ted, 30–31
O’Baugh, Justin, 86, 261, 269, 417
Olm, Tony, 16, 25–26, 45, 345–47, 351, 352
in Dazed and Confused, as theme, 16
in high school, as major element of, 14–16
paddling, 18–19
Page, Jimmy, 301–2
Pallotta, Tommy, 45, 48, 52–56, 141
Palmo, Vincent, Jr., 136, 415
Paris is Burning, 61
The Passion of Martin, 61
Pastor, Deb, 44, 149, 153, 209–10, 228, 250, 417
Payne, Alexander, 61
Pease, John, 18, 23, 343
Penn, Sean, 83–84, 364
Perkins, Kari, 133–36, 379, 417
Phillips, Don, 85, 142, 218–19, 272, 362, 364, 367, 417
casting for Dazed and Confused, 81–84, 89, 92–96, 138, 182–83
casting of McConaughey, M., 104–6, 364–65
Dog Day Afternoon, 83
Fast Times at Ridgemont High, 83–84
Hurlyburly and, 82–83
legacy as casting director, 82–84
Pickford, Keith, 18–20, 30, 38, 351, 352
Pierson, John, 62–63, 64, 291, 333–34
query letter from Linklater, R., 56
Slacker and, 55–57
Pink Flamingos, 47
Pitt, Brad, 111, 377
Plant, Robert, 333
Poison, 61
Pollock, Tom, 67–69, 83–84, 219–21, 290–91, 318–19, 334, 404, 417
Posey, Parker, 12, 15, 82, 90, 117, 123, 128, 134–35, 137, 143, 157–59, 172, 240, 242–43, 360, 391, 397, 407, 417
Adams and, friendship with, 169–79, 234–36, 370–71
on “air raid” scene, 175–77
on As the World Turns, 173
post-Dazed career, 357–58, 360, 368, 370–71
Rapp and, 117–18, 158, 158–59
“Wipe that face off your head, bitch” line, 177
Powell, Esteban, 117–19, 206, 207, 377–78, 417
Price, Gary, 17, 44–46, 49, 52
Rabe, David, 82–83
racial segregation, in high school, 27–29
in Huntsville, Texas, 27
Raftery, Brian, 70, 127–28, 300, 315, 405
Raging Bull, 41
Raimi, Sam, 61
Raising Arizona, 61
Rapp, Anthony, 44, 97, 123, 171, 197, 242, 249, 272, 357–58, 359, 370, 384, 392, 410, 417
Goldberg and, 144–45
Posey and, 117–18, 158, 158–59
Reality Bites, 376
Alright, Alright, Alright Page 40