Vaughn's Awakening [The Black Dahlia Hotel 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

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Vaughn's Awakening [The Black Dahlia Hotel 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) Page 3

by Skye Michaels

  She gasped and then snorted in an unladylike fashion. “Well, I would hope not.”

  He just laughed at her indignation and nestled her closer. “I think we’re going to do very well together.”

  “Do what, exactly?”

  “You know exactly what, Vaughn. Now be quiet and dance with me.” She relaxed into his embrace and just enjoyed the sensation of feeling small in his arms. When the song ended he firmly took her hand and led her back to the group standing near the doors to the oceanfront terrace, where she retrieved her drink. “Let’s go outside and talk.”

  The long terrace fronting the hotel was lined with white wicker rocking chairs, and the white twinkling lights in the rafters were the only illumination. It was extremely romantic. She understood that one of the hotel’s owners had gotten married out here on Christmas Eve. That must have been some wedding. She had heard the couple was currently on a honeymoon cruise to Bermuda aboard the famous Golden Dolphin she had heard so much about.

  “So, tell me about yourself, pretty lady.”

  “There’s not too much to tell. I teach chemistry and other sciences at Savannah Preparatory Academy, which I usually greatly enjoy—not so much this week though.”

  “Why not this week?”

  “I had an incident…I caught some students cheating and had to turn them in. I think it may come back to bite me. Hopefully not. The students’ father can be rather difficult to deal with, and the headmaster suspended them for two weeks after Christmas break. I think I may yet get an earful over it. But, forget about that. I want to enjoy this week.” She smiled at him. “So, what’s your story, Paul?”

  “I own some restaurants in Savannah and Atlanta. That keeps me busy. The administrative aspects and running back and forth between the cities are time consuming. I may have to make a change there, maybe consolidate in one place or hire some more administrative help. I like to compete in triathlons when I have the time to train.”

  “Have you always been involved in BDSM?”

  “Not always, but for quite a while now. I just found that something was missing, and then I discovered what. How about you? How did you get involved?”

  “Well, I’m not that involved yet. Alexa and Cyndy have taken me to the club a few times, and I find it interesting and exciting. I’m just not sure it’s for me, but I’m willing to give it a try. Alexa and Cyndy would give me no peace if I didn’t. They’re like forces of nature. Ms. Tornado and Ms. Hurricane.” She laughed. That was the most accurate description of her best friends that she could think of.

  “I’d be pleased to introduce you to the lifestyle, Vaughn. I feel that we definitely have some—chemistry.” He smiled that beautiful, white smile and his bright blue eyes twinkled in the low light.

  She could fall right into those eyes and drown. She shook off her temporary daze. “Let’s see how the class goes, Paul.” She was definitely interested, but she didn’t want to make a mistake. A little caution would go a long way here. They chatted for another half hour before the cool temperature began to be uncomfortable. “I think we should go in, Paul. This is a mixer after all.”

  Paul just smiled. He stood up, helped her from her chair, and pulled her into his arms. His muscular arms wrapped around her, and she was suddenly warm all over. She felt dwarfed by his broad chest and his height. His mouth came down on hers, and his tongue was quickly exploring her mouth. His lips were soft and persuasive as he coaxed a response from her. Little tingles raced up her spine as his hands coasted over her back and cupped her ass. He pulled her in tight against his hard-on. Wow. The man could kiss. He smiled down at her. “Hello, again. I definitely think we have some chemistry in common.”

  Finally, he turned her toward the balcony doors and walked her back into the lounge holding her hand. Before he could direct her toward the dance floor again, they were approached by another tall, intimidating Dom. Rats. Jeremiah Wade. She had been hoping to fly under his radar if it turned out he was here, and oh shit, he was.

  “Ms. Rawlston. I’m surprised to see you here. I didn’t know you were a member of the club.”

  “I’m not a member. Just a guest at this time.”

  “Well, I’d like to have an opportunity to speak with you. Shall we dance?” Jeremiah Wade wasn’t as tall as Paul Proffit, but he was every bit as broad and powerful looking in his expensive suit. Who went to a BDSM mixer in a suit?

  “Ah…” She tried to think of an excuse that didn’t sound rude or stuck up and couldn’t come up with one. “Sure. Excuse me for a few minutes, Paul.” She smiled nervously at him before she followed Wade to the dance floor.

  Wade pulled her into his arms and up against his hard-on a little roughly. “I had no idea you were so interesting, Ms. Rawlston. May I call you Vaughn?”

  “Certainly, Mr. Wade.”

  “Call me Master. I’d like to scene with you. I’d also like to discuss the matter of my daughters’ suspension. I think there’s been a misunderstanding. The girls really didn’t understand that what they were doing was unacceptable. Perhaps you can straighten that out with Mr. Bishop.”

  “I don’t think any of those things would be appropriate, Mr. Wade. Ella and Emma knew exactly what they were doing, and that cheating was wrong, not unacceptable. It’s your job to teach them that—not encourage them to do whatever it takes to get a good grade, and certainly not to reinforce their bad behavior by condoning it or smoothing it over for them.”

  “Are you questioning my parenting style and skills, Vaughn? That would not be wise.”

  “I would certainly not offer my opinion of your parenting skills, Mr. Wade. The results speak for themselves.” The song had ended and she disengaged from his hold. “Thank you for the dance, Mr. Wade.” She turned and walked back to the group of her friends where Paul was still standing watching her.

  “What was that about, Vaughn? That didn’t look like a friendly dance to me.”

  “It wasn’t. Remember what I told you about on the terrace? That’s the difficult father of the students involved. He thinks there’s been a misunderstanding and that I should straighten it out with the headmaster.”

  “Yeah. Wade. He’s a little full of himself. I don’t like to judge—that’s not what we’re about—and he does have subs who want to be with him, but he’s not for you. Let me know if he gives you a problem. I think this falls under the heading of ‘Safe, Sane, and Consensual.’”

  “Thanks. I can handle him. He said he wanted to scene with me. That’s not going to happen.” She laughed up at him. “Under the same heading.”

  They turned back to the group and joined the conversation. Devon and Cassie were describing the wonders of the Golden Dolphin and their cruise to Cozumel. Paul had his arm around her shoulders, and Vaughn forgot all about Jeremiah Wade.

  * * * *

  What a bitch. Who the hell does she think she is? Jeremiah Wade watched as Vaughn walked back and joined Paul Proffit. She was just some high school teacher who was giving his girls a hard time. He didn’t want a two-week suspension and a cheating incident on their records. That could seriously impact their abilities to get into the right college. He remembered that he’d thought Vaughn Rawlston might make a good sub when he’d had a parent-teacher meeting with her at the beginning of the school year. He’d had no idea that Vaughn had been a guest at the club. Well, it didn’t appear that she was willing to cooperate with him on settling this cheating matter. He’d have to get her under his command, and then he would order her to take care of it. He was sure he could convince her to have a scene with him. Women didn’t turn down Jeremiah Wade—not if they knew what was good for them.

  Vaughn was quite a bit plumper than his usual subs. He usually picked subs who had model-type bodies and were seriously into pain. However, he could lower his standards for the right reason if he had to—and straightening out this problem for his girls was the right reason. Since his wife had left him with two teenage girls to raise while she took off with one of the junior partners i
n his firm, his underlying dislike of most women was becoming more and more pronounced. They were good for one thing, and he greatly enjoyed putting them through their paces for his pleasure. That they derived pleasure from the encounters as well was of little interest to him. Women were to be used—and maybe abused—if that was what he decided they deserved. Right now, Vaughn Rawlston was seriously on his bad side.

  * * * *

  Paul didn’t like the look in Jeremiah Wade’s eyes when he looked at Vaughn. The man definitely had an agenda. He could see it as clear as day. He had vast experience dealing with assholes, and he knew one when he saw one. He’d keep an eye on the situation. He realized that he was more than a little interested in the curvy blonde sub—a lot more than a little interested. Her opulent butt had his palm itching to make contact. He’d noticed her several times at the club and now wished he’d made his move sooner. Time wasted was time lost. He’d have to see what he could do to make up for lost time in class tomorrow.

  * * * *

  Vaughn and the girls collapsed on the sofa and cushy chairs in the sitting room of their suite with one last glass of wine to top off the evening. Shoes were kicked off. Toes were wiggled. Feet were up on tables.

  “Well, missy. I think Master Paul Proffit is seriously in lust with you. He couldn’t take his eyes or his hands off you tonight.” Alexa was grinning. She just loved to be proven right.

  “We’ll see. Don’t forget I’m in his sub class. He had to be nice.”

  “Uhh… No, he didn’t. And he usually isn’t, so scratch that argument.” As usual, Cyndy nodded agreement with Alexa.

  “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves here. We’ll see what develops. I’m not willing to just put it all out there for some too-good-looking guy to kick around.”

  “I really don’t get that vibe from him, Vaughn. I really think he likes you. I think he’s a guy who knows what he likes when he sees it and then goes and gets it.” Alexa shook her head. “From what I’ve observed at the club, he’s not an easy man or Dom, but he’s not a jackass either. He doesn’t play with subs’ emotions and then just discard them. I think that may be why he’s so picky about who he plays with.”

  Vaughn drank the last of her wine. “Well, I’m going to bed. I have to be on my toes for that class tomorrow. He already said I was going to be his model again.”

  “Well, there you go. He certainly didn’t have to do that. In fact, it would be more PC to choose someone else for the second class. I think you are in for the ride of a lifetime, girlfriend. Sit back and enjoy it.” Cyndy looked excited enough to burst.

  Vaughn just shook her head and headed for her bedroom. Those two were incredible. But they might be right about the ride.

  Chapter Four

  In the dungeon theme room on the top floor of The Black Dahlia Hotel, Fort Lauderdale Beach, Florida, Sunday late morning, December 27, 2015

  Three expectant sets of eyes rose to meet hers as Vaughn quietly entered the dungeon theme room. Sure enough. The other girls were arrayed on the floor in the slave position, naked as jaybirds. She had worn another bra and thong set under her cover-up—not that they offered that much coverage. Vaughn just felt a little more comfortable with some scraps of fabric covering her body. She knew she was going to have to strip down, and she’d better do it before Master Paul arrived. Keeping him waiting while she undressed would be a major no-no. She just hadn’t felt comfortable walking through the hotel in only a cover-up.

  Vaughn was running a little behind schedule. The girls had insisted she join them for breakfast on the terrace, and the warm sun, the fresh breeze, the sound of the surf, and the raucous calls of the sea birds had mesmerized her. She hadn’t realized that time was getting away from her. Now she was scrambling to get out of her bra and thong, get them stowed in the cabinet neatly, and take her place on the floor as the door opened again. Oh, no. Before she was done, Master Paul walked through the door and caught her as she was slipping the thong down her thighs. His hot gaze ran over her body as she quickly finished and sank to the floor in a less than graceful slave position.

  “Ms. Rawlston. I believe I told you that you were to be in the position when I arrived. Is that not so?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “I think you have earned a punishment for your tardiness. When I give an order I expect it to be obeyed promptly and without an argument.” There was a certain glint in his eyes as he addressed her. It was almost as though she had walked right into his trap. No. That is ridiculous.

  “Yes, Master.” Alexa and Cyndy had told her he had a reputation as a strict Master but not a cruel one. It seemed she was about to find out, and also about to get her first punishment. Her stomach was jumping a mile a minute, and her pussy muscles were quivering. She had wondered about some of the scenes she’d witnessed at the club and if the spankee actually enjoyed the experience. Watching had somehow been exciting and had gotten her juices flowing.

  “Subs, put on your cuffs. Each of you is going to take a turn on the various pieces of equipment today so that you will know what to expect—after I attend to Ms. Rawlston’s punishment.

  * * * *

  Paul was smiling on the inside, but he didn’t want to let it show. He had to keep his expression stern. He had been hoping for an opportunity to paddle Vaughn’s cute little butt—well, it wasn’t exactly little, but it was definitely cute and exactly what he liked in a woman—smooth, soft, round, and high with a few dimples and a pleasing jiggle. As far as he was concerned she was just about perfect.

  “Did you have something to say, sub?” When she just looked down and shook her head he said, “Use your words, sub. I need to know that you accept this punishment.”

  “No, Master. I mean yes, Master.”

  He turned to the other subs. “We will start our demonstration on the St. Andrew’s cross with Ms. Rawlston.” He turned back to her. “I think you’ve earned three for being late this morning.” He could feel the nerves jumping in her muscles when he ran his hands over her body as he tested her restraints. When he had her properly bound to the cross, he quickly administered three sharp slaps to her ass with his bare hand. He had been itching to feel the palm of his hand on her butt since the day before. He knew her spectacular ass would jiggle when he smacked it, and he had been right.

  Her ass cheeks had turned a nice shade of pink, and the spanking was over before she could even process the experience as he had planned. When and if she was his sub, she would find out that discipline, as opposed to play, was a serious matter and not over in three light smacks. He had wanted to give her a taste of discipline at his hand, but not give her an excuse to cut and run. When he was done he ran his hands over her now-stinging butt and gave her ass a final, friendly smack. He unfastened first her ankles and then her wrists. “Thank your Master for the correction you earned by being late and careless this morning, and then you may resume your slave position.”

  Vaughn dismounted the cross and sank to the floor in the slave position with the other subs. He thought her legs were a little unsteady. “Thank you, Master.” He could see from her hot pink cheeks that she was embarrassed and none too happy with him at the moment. He would have to take care of that and soon. He didn’t want her building up any resentment toward him because he intended to spank that delicious ass every chance he got.

  The morning class went by quickly as he gave each of the subs the opportunity to try the various pieces of equipment and to have a taste of the different impact toys. He administered a few bare-handed slaps, some butterfly kisses from a three-foot whip, as well as strikes from his crop, a flogger, and one stinging slap of a belt. He didn’t single Vaughn out for additional punishment, but he didn’t leave her out of the demonstrations either. He could tell that she had processed the experience of the spanking and realized that the rest of the demonstration was just that—for the purpose of demonstration. She would not be the only one leaving class today with a hot bottom.

  “I think that’s it for today, su
bs. Be here tomorrow on time. We’re going to talk about the psychology of pain and pleasure. I hope you found today informative.” When Vaughn got up and headed toward the cabinet with the other subs, he said, “Vaughn, a moment please.”

  She turned toward him with a look of polite but wary inquiry on her face. “Yes, Master?”

  “Please stay behind for a few moments. When I administer a correction, I also always give pleasure and aftercare. Even though you earned your spanking today by being late, I don’t want to leave it at that.” She looked confused so he pulled her up against his groin, ground against her and kissed her hard. He could feel her muscles tighten in protest. He softened against her mouth, and then he swirled his tongue around and nipped her lower lip. His thumb was over her carotid artery, and he felt her pulse hammering in her neck. He knew she felt his hard-on against her upper belly. She started to pull away, so he cuddled her tight to his chest until he felt her relax, lean into him, and begin to reciprocate. Her mouth was sweet, and he explored it with enthusiasm. His hands coasted up and down her back and over her generous butt of their own accord. He wanted to absorb her. He broke the kiss. “You are a sweet little subbie, and I am going to enjoy smacking that delicious ass of yours.”

  “What makes you think you’ll get another chance, Master?”

  “Oh, I will. I definitely will. And you will learn to enjoy it as much as I do.”

  “Somehow I doubt that.”

  He took her hand and led her to the big, upholstered chair in the corner. “Come here, Vaughn. Let me explain a few things. Getting your butt paddled is part of the fun. Subs love it. I’m not sure if it’s an acquired taste, or if that is just part of being a sub. Some subs want more pain than a few sharp slaps on the ass. Somehow, I don’t think that will appeal to you, but I guarantee you will come to love a good spanking.”


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