Sexy in Stilettos

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Sexy in Stilettos Page 3

by Malone, Nana

  Ricca raised her glass and clinked it with Jaya’s.

  Micha's grin was broad as she spoke. “I knew we'd see the old you eventually—Planning and everything. Soon you’ll be making one of us a to-do list. You’re on the road to recovery.” She took a sip of her Lemon Drop, her ruby-red lips closing around the rim of her martini glass. “So, what's the plan? Should I get my shovel? Will this require a trip to the desert and a body burial?”

  “As much as I would love to throw Derrick in a ditch, I’ve got something else in mind.” With the hairs on her neck standing at attention and making her take furtive look around, she continued in a softer voice. “I'm going to finish my drink. Then I'm going to get my job back—and oust the interloper from my family.”

  Micha and Ricca exchanged wide-eyed looks. “I prefer the desert idea,” Micha mumbled.

  “Well, okay. As soon as I legally get rid of him, I’ll don the sexiest of cat-burglar-chic and help you dig.” Jaya sighed cheerily as she took another sip of her drink. “I will be back on top in no time.”

  Ricca's happy face went from friendly bolstering to wary concern. “Exactly what is the plan?”

  A shot of adrenaline zinged through Jaya . Now that she had a strategy, the tension was already rolling out of her shoulders. “First thing's first. I'm going to get a date to Tamara’s wedding. There’s no way I can show up alone. It just screams ‘I’m a jobless loser who can’t even find a boyfriend.’”

  Micha slapped the table top. “At last. Now you’re talking sense. I told you all that I'm-strong-enough-to-go-to-the-wedding-alone nonsense was bullshit.”

  “Yes, you were right. There’s no way I want to show up alone.” She shrugged. “Besides, it won’t hurt to have somebody hot as a fixture. Someone who won’t think Tamara is the most beautiful woman on the planet and the sun shines out of her ass.”

  Micha snickered. “Is that what a sunrise looks like?”

  Jaya chuckled. “Once I have a date to the wedding, my real work begins. I know for a fact Dad has invited some of our largest clients to the wedding. And I’m sure they’ll win the conference bid. When they do, Dad will be beside himself to invite Brett James to it. He loves to schmooze and give an air of family at Trudeaux.”

  “But how do you plan to get close to him?” Micha asked. “Won't Derrick try and keep you away?”

  “Probably. But I’ll figure a way around it. I just need to speak with the client. I know I had Brett at that pitch.”

  “You two are on a first-name basis now?”

  Jaya grinned. “You’d better believe it. Once the client starts grumbling that he wants me back on the project, Dad won’t have much of a choice but to reinstate me.”

  Ricca shook her head, sending her glossy black hair waving around her shoulders. “I don’t know, Jai. Sounds risky. What if the client doesn’t demand to have you back?”

  Jaya waved a dismissive hand. “I have that covered. I know this client inside out. I’m a comic-book-reading, superhero-loving, self and publically professed nerd. They won’t want a substitute. I know what I’m doing.”

  “Okay, so when do we start trolling our contacts for Mr. Perfect?” Micha pulled out her phone, apparently ready to get on the case. “You only have two weeks. And we’ll want to help you audition them, shirts off of course.” She waggled her eyebrows.

  Ricca giggled. “You could always take Beckett.”

  Jaya shook her head. “No go on Beckett. I’ve known him since college. It’ll be hard to pass him off as my boyfriend, since Dad and Tams know him too. You must have some male model types you use for Fantasies, Inc.”

  “Yeah, we use an agency. I suppose we could hire you someone. But why pay if you can get a real date?”

  Micha tapped her phone. “That’ll be our last resort. In the meantime, I have a couple of guys I've been dying to fix you up with.”

  I’ve done it now. Now that she'd opened the floodgates, her friends would be all over this.

  Through the crowd, she noticed Beckett's broad shoulders making their way over to the booth. Most people got out of his way—something she'd never understand because he was harmless. His blond good looks and lazy countenance should have put people at ease, but instead, he made people nervous. Ricca especially. Maybe it was his eyes. They were shrewd. Never missed anything. That and his six-foot-five build.

  As he joined them, Jaya put on her best brave face smile. But he saw right through it. “Cut the shit, Jaya. You’re a terrible liar.”

  She flashed Ricca a look. “Did you tell him? I know you two work together, but is there no loyalty?”

  He rolled his eyes. “She didn’t have to tell me anything. I called your office. Then your secretary—who’s now your sister’s secretary, by the way—told me you were fired. What the fuck?”

  Jaya cleared her throat. “Yeah, long story. Pretty much the old man lost his mind and I'm out of a gig. Oh, and did I mention I'm still expected at that stupid wedding?”

  He winced. “If you want, I—”

  She cut him off. “Already been through that. And no. But thanks.”

  To avoid the uncomfortable shift in emotion, Jaya scanned the crowd. The usual glitterati were out in full force. Short skirts, bleach-blonde hair and teetering heels. Her eyes shifted to the bar area and she froze. No. It couldn’t be.

  Alec. Leaning against the bar. Staring at her. The way she saw it, she had two options. Duck under the table and hide, though not the best choice because, given the skirt, everyone would see the color of her thong. There was the option of shuffling out of the booth and making a break for it. But Micha was quick and Jaya would never make it out without having to explain herself.

  As he approached, her whole body tensed, every beat of her heart wearing a more permanent pattern into her chest cavity. Shit. With every step he took, he looked like a predator. The sexual approach she could handle. A kind-hearted, hey-aren’t-you-the-girl-who-cried-on-my-jacket? thing she couldn’t do. If he showed her pity, she’d cry and ruin Micha’s excellent make-up job. Not to mention he’d probably think she was crazy for real.

  All of his tall, dark and delicious frame paused at their booth. “I got tired of waiting for you to come to the bar, so I figured I’d brave the crowd.”

  The velvet voice melted into her center making her core contract. The broad chest didn’t help either. Talk about a sexy, make-your-panties-drop kind of body. She whipped her head up to meet his gaze.

  If anyone asked her later, she would swear up and down she tried to form words—

  Intelligent words. Instead, all she managed was the flap-jaw routine. Open close. Open, close.

  “Cat got your tongue?” He grinned at her.

  Damn, that smile should be illegal. “I-I—Uh…”

  Clutching his hand to his heart, he added on the extra charm. “I’m wounded. It’s worse than I feared. You’ve forgotten my name and my face.”

  The giggle escaped before she could corral it. “I haven’t forgotten your name, Alec. You’re the one who forgot to call me about your shirt.”

  “Ahh, you remember me then. It’s a start. And I did call you. You forgot to mention that you no longer worked at Trudeaux Events.”

  Heat suffused her face. “Well, since they were the reason I ruined your shirt, I figured they should pay.”

  “And if I told you I didn’t call about my shirt?”

  Great. A charmer. Derrick had been a charmer once. “I’d say you had no other reason to be calling me.” She felt Micha nudge her with her foot.

  Alec put his hand over his heart. “Ouch. Shot down by a goddess.”

  Jaya fought not to roll her eyes. “Does this approach ever work for you? The whole I’m-sexy-and-have-more-charm-than-brains thing?”

  “So, you think I’m sexy?” He winked at her. “I’m just going to ignore the rest.”

  “Are you going to introduce us to your friend, Jai?” Micha made no bones about her open admiration as she eyed Alec up and down. “Even better,
is your new friend going to introduce me to his friend at the bar?” Micha turned and waved to the tall man at the bar with the sandy brown hair.

  Jaya could feel her skin grow hot. She wasn’t supposed to ever see him again. He wasn’t supposed to be charming and hot. This wasn’t supposed to happen. She had a plan to implement. “He’s not my friend. He’s—”

  “Alec Danthers. Ladies,” he said with a grin at Ricca and Micha, but only nodded at Beckett. Maybe it was some guy thing, but the two of them didn’t speak and Jaya could sense the malevolence coming off Beckett in waves.

  Ricca and Micha both traitorously grinned back at him.

  “Allow me to buy your drinks for the rest of the evening,” he said to them. “Maybe you can put a good word in with your friend for me.”

  Jaya rolled her eyes. Taking in the badge on his shirt that said Manager, she said, “Isn’t it your job to make sure the bar makes money and not loses it?”

  “And not hit on my friend?” Beckett grumbled beside her, but no one paid attention to him.

  “I think the Westhorpe Hotel can handle a couple of free drinks for some beautiful women.”

  While Alec chatted with her friends, Jaya realized the carefree flirtation had vanished. Sure, he still smiled and complimented her friends, but something she’d said had turned off the light inside. Damn.

  “Thanks for the offer of drinks, Alec. But, if you’ll excuse me, I’m headed to the dance floor.” Walking away she could feel his gaze on her back burning her flesh.

  Jaya joined the gyrating throngs on the dance floor and she closed her eyes and moved her body to the tune of Rihanna’s “S&M.” As Jaya moved her hips to the lyrics about chains and whips, a warm hand landed on her hip. Sharp zips of electricity jolted her flesh.

  The deep voice at her ear was low and inviting. “Come see me when you’re ready for a drink.”

  Alec kept his hand on her hip for a moment too long. His parting squeeze made her body yearn for a more intimate touch.

  Even as she turned to face him, he had already moved toward the bar. When her friends joined her on the dance floor, she bit back a smile as Micha gave her a clear, girl-go-get-your-man look. Ricca just fanned herself and fake-swooned. Silly girls. Charmers are for morons. And this was not her first trip to the rodeo.

  “Honey, if you don’t go and get him, I will.” Micha booty bumped her. “You put on your moxy—borrow mine if you must—and go make me proud. I’m going to take on his friend.”

  Jaya turned towards her goal, her body jerking with adrenaline at the thought of her plan. Or maybe that was Micha’s shove in Alec’s general direction. Either way, Jaya’s feet navigated the masses of the pretty and rich towards the promise of some serious sexual gratification. Though the closer she got to him, she had a feeling she’d been ensnared rather than the one ensnaring.

  Taking in his longish dark hair curling at the ends, she wondered how it would feel between her fingertips. Tousled as it was, it gave him a youthful appearance. Those eyes, though. They were by far his best feature. That unusual shade of blue framed by black, sooty lashes. As she openly ogled, she decided his eyes were not his best feature. Strong shoulders, flat stomach. Given the hard planes of his chest when he held her, she was pretty sure his black polo hid a pretty excellent set of abs.

  Mr. Sex on a Stick looked just like the panacea she needed. She needed to flirt a little, secure the date, then move on with the plan. She reminded her libido that everything hinged on getting the plan to work right. Focus. You can do anything. She just needed to pretend she was a superhero.

  When she reached the bar, he grinned at her. “If you’d waited another minute to come over, I’d have found a reason to come to you. I had wingmen standing at the ready to occupy your friends.”

  Jaya knew she must be blushing, but she held on tight to her borrowed pair of brass balls. “Micha’s already secured one of your wingmen.” She indicated the dance floor where Micha, pressed up against Alec’s friend, worked her hips in time to Sean Paul “I fear for his life. Or his c—.”

  He barked out a laugh, interrupting her. “Do you always say what’s on your mind?” He eyed the pair. “Besides, I think Caleb can keep up.”

  She liked the feel of the brass balls she wielded, not watching what she said. Not being so cautions. “No. I don’t always speak my mind. But I think I’m starting to like it.”

  He reached out to brush a stray hair from her cheek. The contact had her wobbling in her heels and she placed a hand on his chest to steady herself.

  His sharp intake of breath and the hitch in his heartbeat under her hand gave her the final boost of confidence she needed.

  Leaning in, she pressed her mouth to his. She pulled back and murmured, “Let’s go somewhere.”

  Those three words zinged around in Jaya’s head, repeating over and over and over again. Had she really said that? She slid Alec a look from under her lashes and saw naked lust sprinkled with a pinch of curiosity.

  Without a word to her, he took her hand and pulled her around the bar. Tossing a set of keys to the other man behind the bar, he ground out a command. “Lock up.”

  Chapter Five

  Not exactly according to plan. As Alec towed Jaya through the back exit of the bar to the VIP elevator, he wondered how he’d gotten here. He’d meant to ask her out. Flirt his way to dinner. Find out who or what had made her cry the other day. But screw his best-laid plans—he wanted her. The ridiculous instinct to protect and possess were driving his actions now.

  Tugging her into the elevator, he marveled at how soft her hand was. The charge of electricity zinging up his arm every time he stoked her thumb could be a potential problem. Not like he cared though. As soon as she’d laid those perfect lips on his, rational thought hadn’t been part of the plan. Reckless and impulsive—that was his MO. Just like your father. Just like your brother.

  “Hey, aren’t I supposed to the one frowning?” Jaya met his gaze. A laugh in her eyes, she added, “Strange man drags me to secret hotel entrance. Hot, strange man, but strange man none the less. I should be the one having second thoughts.”

  He couldn’t help it. Her impish grin made him smile. From the moment he saw her in the elevator three days ago, he had some outrageous fantasies about her lips. How they would feel under his, how they’d look around his—

  She moistened her bottom lip with the tip of her tongue and he bit back a strangled moan.

  “I’m going to kiss you again now if that’s okay.”

  She greeted him with a smile so wide her eyes danced. “Oh, I think it might be okay.”

  She did that tip-of-the tongue thing again and his cock jerked. Cupping her face in his hands, he pressed his mouth to hers, meaning to be gentle. Instead, he felt like he had electrodes molded to his lips, sending electric currents of need through his body. Shit. He heard her moan and dragged her closer to him, unable, unwilling to break their contact.

  His tongue coaxed a response, demanding more. When her tongue answered and met his, need slammed into his body with such force, he thought he might come. Holy shit, it’s just a kiss. But his body didn’t believe that. He wanted her so badly his blood boiled. As their tongues danced, he lifted her so her legs wrapped around him. He fisted his hands in her hair and could feel the heat from her core. Her soft moans urged him on—to take, plunder. Quick, hard. Fast.

  The elevator dinged and she drew back. Her tone was light, curious. “You going to tell me where you’re taking me, or are you going to ravage, then slaughter me in the elevator?”

  He eased her down his body. The moment they broke contact, he missed her. “I like the sound of this ravaging business. But if you really must see your surroundings first, then let me show you around.”

  Once he led her into Max’s suite, she used his arm to steady herself as she slipped off her shoes. The mental image of her wearing nothing but the stilettoes would give him wet dreams for a month.

  “Where are we, anyway?”

“One of the presidential suites.” Alec kept his voice neutral. Jaya wouldn’t be the first girl to be impressed with the Westhorpe trappings. It was the reason he never brought women home, why he never told anyone he was a Westhorpe.

  She stared up at the ornate painted ceiling done in the fashion of Botticelli paintings. “It’s beautiful. This paint color is gorgeous.”

  “If you like that sort of thing.” To his own ears, his voice was rueful and a little bitter.

  “It reminds me of my parent's house. Gorgeous, but stifling. Like the room wasn’t really meant to be enjoyed.”

  The relief that washed through him was so potent he thought he’d collapse from it. His first impressions of her were right. She went her own way. She wasn’t up here with him because she knew who he was. She didn’t care about the money. Or she didn’t know. Either way, she’d come up with Alec Danthers not Alec Westhorpe.

  Jaya turned a slow circle in the middle of the room. The soft skirt of her dress lifted and teased him with hints of her upper thighs. “Are we supposed to be up here, Alec?”

  He shrugged. “Define ‘supposed to be.’”

  A smile threatened but she restrained it. “I’ve always wondered if hotel employees used the unoccupied rooms for their own dirty deeds. I guess now I know. I don’t want you to get into any trouble, though.” She took in the furnishings again. “At least you picked a good one. I’m getting all kinds of ideas in here.”

  He nearly swallowed his tongue. Shit. Clearing his throat, he said, “It’s my brother’s place. I stay here with him when I’m in town.”

  “Fancy,” she muttered. Jaya stalked toward him and he wondered how the tables had turned. He started out seducing her, but somehow she was in control here. She was in the driver’s seat. The thought made him itchy.

  “So,” she said as she approached, “I guess the only thing I need to know is if he’s coming back tonight and how much time we have.”

  Alec’s smile spread into an all-out grin. An unseen fist tightened in his belly. “I gotta tell you. I love a woman who goes after what she wants.” His voice was rough as he ground the words out.


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