Sexy in Stilettos

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Sexy in Stilettos Page 15

by Malone, Nana

  Pierre brought himself to full height. “This is what I mean, Jaya. You’re too emotional. Instead of looking at leaving Trudeaux as an opportunity for new directions, you want to focus on me not taking your side.”

  Jaya could feel the vein above her eyebrow throbbing, just like his did when he was angry. She stepped back, crossing her arms over her chest. “No. The focus is on the lack of support from you. Not only did you choose a snake-in-the-grass over your own daughter, but you also blocked me from being able to get a job anywhere, deny it, and act like I’m being immature and spiteful.”

  “You defied a direct order when dealing with the client. That kind of offense is terminable. My actions were just. What would you have done if you were in my shoes? You defy me. You don’t listen. You think you know what’s best all the time. You don’t want to work for a team. You’ve always worked better on your own. When you don’t listen, you get cut from the team. And let me be clear, you are still part of Trudeaux. You have your percentage of the business and the trust fund your mother left you. Do not act like I left you high and dry with nowhere to go.”

  “Last I checked, my company shares are worthless for voting once Derrick and Tamara marry. I can’t ever affect a vote since you have nearly majority shares, and the two of them combined have more shares than I do. So, yeah, I was high and dry with no way to get a job. Though, no thanks to you, I have one now.” She shook her head. “Looks like I didn’t need you after all.” She turned to stalk off and then remembered what he’d said about Alec. “And about my date…” Pierre opened his mouth to speak again, but she held up a hand. “He’s been nothing but nice to me, supportive and kind and patient. Your VP Client Services backstabbed me and proposed to my sister and got me fired. And you have no strong words for him?”

  “Jaya, I'm merely pointing out that you’re keeping company with a man who is, in essence, a drifter. You’re not capable of seeing the bad in people, so I have to do it for you.”

  The flare of temper started to gather energy and she tried to put a muzzle on the her murderous thoughts. “You're trying to protect me, are you?”

  “Exactly. Whatever you might think, I'm your father, and it's my job to look out for you.”

  “Then who's going to protect me from you?” She turned on her heel and strode through the hallway into a room full of prying eyes. Do not cry. Do not cry. In a hazy fog, all she could focus on was keeping her shoulders back and making her way to the exit on shaky legs. It wasn’t until she reached the door that she realized Alec had appeared at her side and held her by the waist.

  When they got outside, she wiggled out of his grasp. “Please don’t do that.”

  He frowned. “Do what? I—”

  “The whole comforting routine. We’ve done it before. And you’re good at it, but it’s not what I need right now. I know it’s not real and tonight, that just sucks.” She lowered herself on the steps of the Country Club and wrapped her arms around her knees. A migraine loomed behind her left eye socket.

  “Jaya.” He lowered himself next to her as he loosened his tie. He didn’t touch her as he continued. “Maybe right now you don’t believe it, but it is real. I do feel something for you, but it doesn’t change anything. I’m still leaving. I don’t mean to hurt you. Besides, I don’t think I’m the one you’re mad at right now.”

  Oh, great. Now the pity. She lifted her chin. “I’m a big girl. I knew this was temporary. It’s just when I feel like shit and my stupid father—he knows the buttons to push—well, at times like this I wish it was real. Even though I know better. Even though in a couple of days you’ll be gone.”

  He reached out a wiped a tear from her cheek. “I’m sorry. But I know how this ends up if I stay. I resent you, you learn to hate me, and I have to go.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him. “If I have to face the truth of where my anger is directed, you have to face the truth of the lies you’re telling yourself. You’re choosing to leave. It’s within your power to change that decision.” She stood and smoothed out her dress. “I’m going to take a walk. I’ll meet you by the car.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Alec didn’t know what the hell he was doing here, on Jaya's porch, about to do his best Say Anything impression. It would only pique his frustration levels, and that was the last thing he needed. But here he was on her door-step, trying to decide if he should knock or not. What he should have been doing was sitting at home working on Max’s return and responding to his latest job offer. Bane's Technology just emailed him with plum of a job. It was right up his alley—Interim CEO for a two-month stint. In planning for their merger, they’d fired their old CEO and needed someone to drive the whole company towards the merger.

  So what was his problem? For starters, he didn’t like Jaya factoring in his decision. Second, it was killing him that he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about her since the other night at the rehearsal. Worse than that, she hadn’t called. The way she’d looked so vulnerable had nearly broken his heart. And he only had two more days before the board of directors would call the authorities and Max would officially be a wanted man. Alec actually had shit to do if he was going to keep it all afloat.

  But instead of focusing on what was important, he was here, on her doorstep. Maybe she was right about him. He’d always told Mimi he couldn’t be tied down, but the truth was he’d never tried to stay. He'd obeyed Mimi’s rules and stuck around until he went to college, but the moment he had no obligations, he’d been off. Maybe he was just running away like Max did. Maybe he was no different.

  He shook his head. No. He was different, he told himself. He never hurt anybody. Except Mimi. Except Jaya.

  As he paced a raw patch in Jaya's welcome mat, he had a good idea about what was niggling at his brain. He'd known Jaya for less than two weeks and he was already sprung like a school kid with his first crush. He'd been unable to get any of his work done. He'd sat in for Max on the Board of Director’s meeting, but fat lot of good that did. They wanted to speak to Max. And good for Adele. She hadn’t protected his brother. She’d been clear and concise about Max’s culpability. But now he only had another two days to find his brother, or there would be police involvement.

  He ran his hands through his hair. What was wrong with him? He couldn’t focus on his family or on his future prospects. He should have already replied to the Bane’s Technology job. It was a no-brainer. The money was great—kind of obscene, actually. And it would give him freedom for at least another six months if he wanted to make the trek through Africa happen.

  Only problem was, it was in Boston. Three thousand freaking miles away from Jaya. His brain had already pushed his emotional centers toward rationality, worked all the rational scenarios. He'd only known Jaya for a couple of weeks. It was supposed to be all about sex. Exceptionally hot sex that he would consider cutting his own arm off to have again, but it wasn’t like he was in love with her. She and her damn lists. So stubborn. None of those arguments mattered, because here he was, acting like a moron. Pacing. And pissed off at himself for needing her.

  Damn it. Make up your mind, man. He either needed to knock or get the fuck out of here because the neighbors probably thought he was stalkerazzi.

  He lifted his hand to knock but didn’t manage it before she opened the door. As soon as she saw him, her eyes widened and his name came out in a soft breath. It was all he could do to keep his inward groan silent, but something inside him roared. He wanted her. And it wasn’t just the sex. Though he knew he'd die if he didn't feel her against him again. But he just needed her. He wanted someone to talk to, to laugh with. Fuck. He sounded like a sap.

  It took him several moments to realize she was speaking. “Alec. Earth to Alec. What are you doing here? I thought you were working today?” She waved a hand in front of his face. In her other hand she held a bag of cans. Probably headed for the recycling bin down the hall. He tried to speak, but no words came forth. After all what could he say? Instead, he moved.

; Grabbing her hand he pulled her back through her door. She had on a white sundress with butterflies and simple white canvas slip-on shoes. She tried tugging her hand free, but he held fast.

  “Alec, what the hell are you doing?”

  He didn’t answer her and her ignored the litter of cans in her foyer, tugging her through her living room to the balcony. Could he tell her how he felt?

  Jaya wiggled and squirmed in his grasp. “Alec, you can’t just show up and not say anything and them drag me around. You don’t have to do the Conan the Barbarian routine. Or at least if we’re going to play Conan, let me get the right outfit for this adventure.”

  Shit. She was right. He was acting like a total ass. He also tried not to picture her in some scrap of rawhide leather, pretending to be Conan’s conquest. Granted, this was more of the real him than he ever showed.

  Pausing, he drew in a deep breath, unaccustomed to giving apologies.

  “I’m sorry about the other night. You were right. I am choosing to leave. But I’m telling you the truth when I tell you that you make me think about staying.”

  She winced. “I’m sorry about that. I was totally raw from my conversation with Dad. Here’s the thing. We had an arrangement. You should want to stay because of you, not because of me.”

  A smile tugged at his lips. He did like direct women. “It’s more than that. I—” Shit, what was he doing? Apologizing for who he was? “I…” His voice trailed off. He tried again. I’m afraid of how much I need you. “We have two days. I—” He couldn’t finish the thought.

  “Are you sure you’re all right?”

  Alec shook his head and shoved his hands in his pockets. “Yeah, I’m good. I just needed to see you. And say I’m sorry.” If that wasn’t the understatement of the century. “And I’m sorry for barging in like this.”

  She held her arms out to the sides. “You’re seeing me.”

  Damn, she really wasn’t giving him any rope. Well, here I go then. “I missed you. And I’ve been pretty useless the last couple of days. No one’s offered to make me a list to get my life in order in over forty-eight hours. I’ve been missing it.”

  She grinned. “I do make an excellent project plan. Especially now that I have my software.”

  Just the mere mention of the software reminded him of how they’d retrieved it. His cock bulged behind his jeans. Clearing his throat, he spoke. “Do you trust me?”

  Her eyes narrowed instantly. “Define ‘trust.’”

  And there it was. The underlying reason why being anywhere near her was a challenge. “Do you trust me to not do anything to hurt you?”

  This time she just cocked her head and folded her arms over her chest.

  Okay. She had a point. “Let me amend that. Do you trust me to help you with your list? I had an idea of how to cross something else off.”

  He noticed the pink flush on her cheek bones. The moment she gave him her slow nod, he continued tugging her to the balcony. As soon as she realized where they were headed, she tried to release her hand. “I don’t know what you have planned, but have you forgotten the balcony is completely exposed to the doorman’s office?”

  He let his smile speak for him. The look on her face as dawning hit was priceless. Her lips formed a small “O” and her cheeks went pink again. His own skin felt tight. He needed to be with her. He didn’t care where. Floor, bed, couch. Didn’t matter to him. Most of him would rather prefer no one watch them. But he wasn’t here for himself. He wanted to fulfill a fantasy of hers. Something to cross off her list. And if he was good for nothing else, he was her personal adventurist.

  Pulling her to him, he kissed her long and deep pouring out every emotion into her. He tried pulling her through the doorway to the balcony, but her feet rooted to the floor.

  “What’s wrong?” He searched her face for some clue that he’d done something wrong.

  “I didn’t say I didn’t want to go on the balcony. I just need to psych myself up.”

  Nodding solemnly, he bent and traced kisses along her jaw. “Allow me to help.” Opening the sliding glass door, he tugged her through onto the balcony. Under the awning, there was a perfunctory patio table with two chairs and the canvas bench he’d noticed the last time he was here.

  Carrying her to the ledge nearest the Doormen’s office, he gently placed her down, giving her drugging kisses designed to make her forget her name and where she was. When she moaned against his lips and dug her fingers in his hair, he forgot all about who may or may not be watching. All he knew was that he already loved her. And it terrified him.


  Jaya couldn’t believe what they were doing. She’d been miserable the past few days. Then here he was, about to take her to a fantasy place. The kind of place that people might never get to go. And he was offering it to her on a plate. Or balcony, as the case may be. The breeze blew and she shivered, though not from any cold in the air.

  He separated her thighs and stepped between her legs. His lips coaxed a response from hers, nipping and nibbling, exploring and tasting. Alec knew how to kiss. Amongst other things. Her head fogged as the pleasure coursed through her. Senses heightened, Jaya could feel every sensitized patch of flesh as Alec ran his fingers over her upper thighs.

  He lifted his lips from hers and she blinked up at his heavy-lidded gaze. “You can turn back at any time, okay? Any time you feel uncomfortable, just tell me. I only want to take care of you.”

  She nodded, unable to form any words. What if she couldn’t go through with this? What if she’d taken a hot fantasy and screwed it up by trying to accomplish it? What if—

  The corner of his lips tipped up in a lopsided smile. “And no worrying about failure if you want to stop. This is supposed to be fun. No lists. Just feel. Be happy.”

  The words were soft and lulled her. The slow circles he drew with his thumb on her thighs sent shivers of excitement through her body as they moved closer and closer to her panty line. As his thumbs snuck under the elastic of the lace fabric, they both groaned. She, because she finally had the contact she’d been craving, and he, likely because he’d found her little surprise.

  He smoothed his thumb over her slick folds. “When did you do this?” His voice was rough and disoriented.

  She shifted in his grasp, trying to get closer. “The day of the rehearsal dinner. I wanted to surprise you.”

  He dropped his head to hers as his thumbs kept up the stroking of her smooth slit to her hyper-sensitive clit. “If I wished I wasn’t such an idiot before. This seals it.”

  She ran her teeth over his earlobe and he swore softly. “You’re here now. Want to do something about the surprise?”

  His soft laugh didn’t surprise her. This was more the Alec she knew. Not as intense. But the new Alec was hotter, more focused. More determined. As he took her lips again, he shoved down the straps of her dress exposing one of her breasts to his view. She tried to wiggle out of the straps, but he held her tight.

  “Not yet. I’ll have you naked soon enough.” He bent his head to suckle her, taking greedy pulls of her nipple. He used his finger to enter her as his thumb continued to stroke her clit.

  Unable to think, unable to breathe, all Jaya could do was throw her head back in ecstasy. “Yes, Alec.” She knew what was coming for her. She’d come to crave it. Had been unable to sleep without having him sink into her and give her one of those soul-shattering orgasms. As Alec stroked her tight pussy, she could feel his urgency, his intensity. He wanted her to come. And she was more than ready to comply.

  But as she felt the little quakes start deep in her core, Alec slowed the pace of his penetrating finger, then stopped stroking her clit all together. Confused, she looked up at him.

  “I know, sweetheart.” He chuckled. “You were so close. But I don’t want you to come without knowing someone else wants you almost as much as I do.”

  Whipping her head around, she looked into the window of the doormen’s office to find, Marco leaning intently against the
window frame. His dark eyes pinned on her and Alec. She could see the intensity in his dark eyes, the need there. It made her hot all over. Even hotter as Alec resumed his ministrations with his fingers and mumbled against her neck, “Do you see what you’re doing to him? Do you see how much he wants you?”

  She nodded, and Alec pinched her clit. Surprised at the stinging pleasure-pain, she focused her attention back on him.

  “I want to hear you. I want Marco to hear you.” He nuzzled her ear. “One more time. Do you see what you’re doing to him? Do you like him watching you?”

  She licked her lips in a vain attempt to bring moisture back to them. “Y-Yes.”

  “Can you feel how much I want you?” He drew her hand to his straining cock behind the zipper of his jeans.

  She smiled. This was familiar territory. “Yes. Maybe I should help you with that.”

  “You should definitely help me with this, but I want your attention, your focus on Marco. I want you to watch him as he watches you. Do you understand?”

  She nodded, and then amended her answer with a soft. “Yes, Alec.” Turning her attention back to Marco, she watched as the sexy Brazilian smiled and winked at her. She focused on how Alec was making her feel, how it felt to know Marco was watching her.

  Alec hooked his thumbs into her panties, pulling them down her thighs off her feet. When he lowered himself between her legs, she moaned. His tongue, sure and agile, stroked her silken core, teased her clit, and took no prisoners. He made a small humming noise as his lips circled the delicate button and pleasure washed over her. She had no choice but to watch Marco as she wound her hands in Alec’s hair. Her orgasm was quick and came without warning. On a breath, all she could do was moan out, “Alec.”

  He was smiling as he came back up her body, placing feathery kisses along the way. “You are so unbelievably beautiful. Do you know that?”

  She flushed. She’d never get used to his effusive praising. Especially not in bed. He was completely unselfish and just wanted to give her pleasure.


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