The Guilty Proposal (Heroes of Hays Book 1)

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The Guilty Proposal (Heroes of Hays Book 1) Page 8

by Barbara Goss

  “Sure. I’ll stop by after I leave here.”

  “No, Ned,” Libby said. “You can go with him now. I’m feeling rather tired. I’ll see both of you tomorrow. My uncle from Abilene's coming in later today and I'd really like to take a nap before he gets here.”

  “If you’re sure,” Ned said.

  “I am,” Libby assured him with a smile.

  When the two men were outside, Travis suggested they go to Rosie’s eating-house for coffee. Once they'd been seated, Travis said, “I’m in love with another woman, Ned.”

  “I figured. She’s very pretty,” he said, “assuming she’s the one you were holding hands with the day I saw you with her.”

  “Now, before you get angry with me, even though I love Evaline, I'll marry Libby if she doesn’t regain the use of her legs. I said I would and I won’t break that promise,” Travis said. He took a sip of his coffee. “Evaline is aware of my problem and supports my decision.”

  “Interesting,” Ned said, stirring his coffee. “I don’t care what you do, but don’t hurt Libby in the process.”

  “I’d be cheating her if I married her without loving her, wouldn’t I?”

  Ned nodded. “Probably.”

  “You used to be all she talked about. Now all she talks about is that doctor. I don’t think she ever notices me,” Ned said. “Maybe I should start showing her how I feel.”

  “Would you marry her if she couldn't ever walk again?” Travis asked.

  “I’ve thought about it, but I’m not sure I would unless I knew she loved me, and I don’t see that ever happening.”

  “I need a huge favor from you, Ned.”

  “I’ll do whatever you want, as long as it doesn’t hurt Libby.”

  “It won’t. It’s Evaline that’s in trouble,” Travis said. “Her mother’s arranged a marriage for her with a bloke in England. They’re on their way here. Evaline can’t stomach the guy, and her father supports her in not wanting this marriage. He’s asked me to kidnap her.”


  “Yes, or take her and make it look like a kidnapping. I’ll bring her home with me until this Roger goes back to England or until I marry her myself.”

  “What can I do to help?”

  “Her mother will want her father to report the kidnapping to the law, but of course, he won’t. I need you to pretend to be one of the deputies sent to their house to investigate. Just look around, take notes, and promise the mother you’ll do all you can to find the kidnapper.” Travis held his breath while looking at Ned, waiting for his answer..

  “You really love this Emeline?” Ned asked.

  “It’s Evaline, and I love her with all my heart and soul.”

  “We’ve been friends a long time, Travis. Through the years we’ve helped each other, haven’t we?”

  Travis nodded expectantly.

  “I’ll do it. I’ll do anything for you except allow you to hurt Libby.”

  “Ned, I care for Libby, too. I’d never hurt her, which is why I suggested marrying her, even though I never really did officially propose. I'd rather give up Evaline than hurt Libby, and that would be the biggest sacrifice of my life.”

  “Then you have my support and blessing, Travis,” Ned said.

  Chapter 13

  Travis was just about to turn in for the night when there was a knock at the kitchen door. He opened the door to a hooded stranger.

  “Can I help you?” he asked.

  The man said, “I have a message from Robert Radcliffe.”

  “All right. What’s the message?”

  “He said to tell you Roger should be arriving tomorrow. He said to stress these words: get things ready for him tonight.”

  Travis had known the message was due, but he hadn’t thought it would be that night.

  “Thank you. Would you like a refreshment before heading back to Victoria?” Travis asked out of courtesy.

  “No, Robert gave me coins to get myself some beer at the saloon, but thank you.”

  The messenger left. Travis thought he might have been one of the hotel's personnel, since he had a strong English accent.

  Well, he’d better turn into a kidnapper, pronto. He wondered if kidnappers rode a horse or a buggy. He’d have to take the buggy‒there was no way he’d ever ride double again. The thought of Evaline falling from his horse made him shiver.

  He slipped the domino into his pocket, hitched his buggy, grabbed some rope, and was off down the road to Victoria.

  Evaline read the telegram one more time before tossing it into the trash bin. “They’ll be here sometime tomorrow. They’re spending the night in Ellsworth.”

  “I just sent a messenger to give Travis the news,” her father said.

  “The messenger will know! He might tell Mother.”

  “No, I sent him a message that Travis will understand, but poor Homer won’t,” he said. “I also gave him enough coins to get himself drunk.” He raised his eyes upward, “Lord, forgive me.”

  “I’m to sleep downstairs, tonight. What will you tell Ellen and anyone else who asks why I slept down here?”

  “Ellen knows nothing. I’ll say you slept downstairs because you said your room was too warm. Aren’t you always complaining about the heat up there?” he asked.

  “It is hot up there, but I never thought of sleeping in that tiny room in that horrible, small bed.” She smiled slyly. “However, tonight I can’t wait to sleep there.”

  “I’ll say you’ve slept there a few times before, although I only know of once that you did…well, almost did.”

  “Father! What do you mean? I never slept there!”

  “You visited Travis the night he stayed here.”

  “You knew?”

  “I knew, and if you hadn’t come up promptly, I was going to go down there. I had a feeling I could trust you two, though. I gave you enough time to talk, but I already had my robe on when I heard you come up the stairs.” Robert laughed. “When you’re the father of two beautiful women, you have to stay on the mark all the time.”

  “I love him so much, Father. If it weren’t for him…well, I could have been ruined. He has a strong set of principles and a strong love of God. You’ll never have to worry when I’m with Travis.”

  “I had a feeling he was a trustworthy man. Now, you'd better get to bed. I’ve already unlatched the window.”

  She kissed his cheek, “Goodnight, Father.”

  Evaline had taken her nightgown, four other outfits, and her underclothes, and wrapped them inside a sack. She wore a dress to bed‒she had to take a nightgown with her so as not to arouse suspicion‒but she didn’t want to arrive at the Graysons’ in her night clothing. Her father had promised to sneak more of her clothing out of the house and bring it to her when he visited.

  She huddled beneath her quilts and waited. How long would it take her kidnapper to get there? She was excited. Any opportunity to see her beloved was exhilarating. She couldn’t even put into words how much she loved Travis. Just being near him was comforting.

  Despite the lumpy bed, she soon fell fast asleep, but was suddenly awakened by a gentle kiss on her forehead. She gasped.

  “Travis! You scared me!” she exclaimed.

  “Shh,” he said. He kissed her mouth to silence her. She groaned and grabbed the back of his head so he couldn’t pull away. “Not now, my love. We have to make our getaway.” He laughed and said, “I’m here to kidnap you, fair lady. It’s no use fighting me. I’ve captured you and I’ll never let you go!”

  “I’m loving it,” she said, letting him pull her from the bed. “Don’t forget my sack.”

  He helped her out of the window and tied her hands together behind her back.

  “Is this really necessary, Travis?”

  “It is if someone sees us speeding away,” he answered. “It’s not too tight is it?”

  She shook her head. He put the sack with her things on the floor of the buggy.

  He lifted her up onto the buggy-seat and put h
is domino on. Then he hopped up, tied another rope around her waist, and tied it to the back of the seat‒the road would be bumpy and he wasn’t taking any chances that she might fall out. When he was done, he sped away, headed toward the road to Hays.

  “Do we have to go so fast? It’s dark and I can’t see where we’re going,” she said. She pressed her sack between her feet to keep it from falling out of the buggy.

  “What?” he asked, trying to speak over the noise of the galloping horse and the wind.

  She repeated her questions, loudly.

  “Yes, I do, because kidnappers don’t trot away with their captives.”

  When they finally reached the Graysons’ ranch, Travis untied her, kissed each wrist, and helped her down from the buggy.

  “I’m not sure I’m ever going to forgive you for tying my hands and for that frightful ride,” she whispered.

  “I’ll think of a way to get you to forgive me,” he said as he opened the door and led her inside the house. “You’ll have the downstairs room to make it extremely proper. My father used this room when he was ill, but Sadie got it all spruced up for you. My room’s upstairs and at the back of the house.

  “What’s in the sack?” he asked.

  “A few pieces of clothing and some personal items.”

  “Oh, good. I’d never have thought of that.”

  Travis lit a lamp and set it down by the bed.

  “Goodnight, Miss Radcliffe,” he said stiffly.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Since you haven’t forgiven me yet, I figure I had to return to formality.”

  “After all you put me through tonight, Mr. Grayson, I should think you’d try to get me to forgive you.”

  “I’m thinking of a way.”

  She sat down on the bed and patted the spot next to her. “You might as well sit while you’re thinking.”

  He sat beside her. “I might try bringing you something to eat or drink.”

  “I’m not hungry or thirsty.”

  “That’s strange. I’m very hungry,” he said giving her a flirty look.

  “You are?”

  “Mmm, yes. I’m hungry for your sweet lips.”

  “Oh, Travis!”

  He bent and kissed her while pulling her into his arms. He kissed her long and hard. Her body always seemed to take over, leading her, and she had no idea where. She pulled him down onto the bed and he landed on top of her. The kiss broke, and she knew she was as wide-eyed with surprise as was he. She truly hadn’t planned for him to land like that.

  He immediately jumped up.

  “There'll be none of that, young lady,” he scolded gently.

  “I didn’t do that on purpose‒it just sort of happened.”

  “Have you forgiven me so I can go up and get some sleep?”

  “If I continue to stay angry, will you kiss me some more?” she asked innocently.

  “No. You’ll just have to stay angry with me.”

  “I love you, Travis.”

  He bent down and kissed her lips briefly. “And I love you‒too much to stick around and ruin us both.” He chuckled. “Your living here will be a challenge.”

  “I’ll try and behave.”

  “Goodnight, my love.”

  Goodnight, Travis.”

  The next afternoon, Evaline was sitting on the front porch enjoying a cool glass of lemonade when she saw Travis saddling his horse. She set her drink down and walked over to him.

  “Where are you going?” she asked,

  “I’m going to see Libby.”


  “I have to pick up her walking sticks and deliver them and then I’ll come right home. I’ll let Ned read to her. Did I tell you he has a thing for her?”

  “No, you didn’t. I’m glad. I hope she discovers she loves Ned, after all.”

  ““Me too.” He hugged her, swung her around in a circle, and then looked deeply into her eyes. “You know what? This is the first time I’ll ever be excited to come home because I have someone special to come home to, someone I love with all my heart.”

  “Hurry back,” she said, kissing him briefly. “I’m a bit nervous knowing Roger is so close…only ten miles away.”

  “I will.” He hopped onto Comanche and rode away with a final wave.

  Chapter 14

  Travis arrived at Libby’s clutching the new walking sticks. Her eyes lit up when he walked in, but at the walking aids, and not at him.

  “Oh, you’ve brought them!” she exclaimed. “I’m so excited.” Libby sat in a chair and watched Travis stand them up in front of her.

  “Are you ready, Libby?”

  She nodded, wide-eyed and smiling. Travis felt oddly comforted that she was excited to see the walking sticks.

  He helped her stand by putting his hands beneath her arms and gently pulling her up onto the sticks, and fitted one padded stick beneath each armpit.

  “Now, I’ll stand in front of you, and Ned,” he said when he noticed him standing in the doorway, “you stand behind her. That way if she needs help, we'll have her covered on all sides.”

  Ned moved into place. Travis moved back a few steps and motioned Libby forward.

  “C’mon, Libby…slowly…that’s it!” he exclaimed when she took two steps. The heavy plaster cast made her feel more secure putting her weight on that side, he noted.

  Libby beamed with joy.

  “You’ll have to practice putting your weight on your right side, too. You need to build up that muscle.” He turned quickly when he heard a gasp. Libby’s mother stood in the doorway with tears in her eyes. “She’s walking!”

  “She’ll be scooting around the house in no time, Mrs. Fisher.”

  Libby hobbled over to her mother and they hugged.

  “I have to leave now, but you keep practicing. Ned will be here for you, if you need help,” Travis said with a wink to Ned. Ned smiled back.

  When Travis returned, it was to find Robert Radcliffe’s horse in his yard. He hoped he didn't have bad news.

  He walked into the kitchen where his father, Robert, and Evaline were sitting, having tea.

  “Is all going according to plan?” Travis asked and held his breath.

  Robert smiled. “Would you believe someone snatched Evaline right from her bedroom window? Randy Weatherly saw a masked man in a buggy speeding by the hotel when he went out to have a smoke.”

  “Good thing I wore the domino,” Travis said. “And Roger?”

  “Arrived with my wife just before noon today. She screeched like a cat with its tail stepped on when she heard.” Robert laughed. “Nothing riles Roger. He seemed to take it all calmly in and then had the nerve to eye up Ellen. As if...”

  “So now what?” Evaline asked. “I just stay out of sight and wait for Roger to go back?”

  “That’s the plan for now, but I may offer you an alternative, soon,” Travis said. He winked at her.

  Daily life with Evaline under the same roof was tempestuous. She didn't wear seductive clothing, she didn’t flirt with him, but seeing her was like dangling temptation right under his nose. In front of his family, she was the model of decorum, yet when she looked at him, his whole body warmed.

  Each day he visited Libby and as he predicted, she was already moving about the house with expertise. He prayed several times a day the treatment would work, and just maybe with Ned there, she’d realize he was a much better man.

  He tried to spend as little time as he could with Evaline because he was near the end of his rope where his willpower was concerned. Once Libby was walking on her own, he’d confess it all to her. He had to know she'd be able to lead a normal life.

  It was an unusually hot summer day when Robert came to call about four days after the kidnapping. Sitting comfortably on the porch with a glass of lemonade, he told Travis and Edward the latest news.

  “My wife's threatening to go into Hays and see why no one’s been out to investigate. I managed to put her off, telling her I’d go to Hays and take c
are of it. Instead, I came here to tell you about it.”

  “My friend, Ned, said he’d investigate the matter for us.”

  “That’s well and good, but does he have a badge?” Radcliffe asked.

  “No…does he need one?”

  “I’m afraid Emma might just ask for one,” he said with a sigh.

  “Hold on!” Edward shouted. “I have a badge!”

  “You do?” Robert and Travis said in unison.

  “If she doesn’t look at it closely,” he said. “Years ago, I was made an honorary deputy when I captured that cattle thief, remember, Travis?”

  Travis laughed. “He walked him all the way to the town jail with his rifle stuck in the middle of the thief’s back.”

  “How’d you catch him?” Robert asked.

  “Several of us ranchers had cattle go missing, left and right, so I sat there three nights in a row waiting, and sure enough, he came and lassoed one of my steers. I came out and shot my rifle at his feet to scare him. He didn’t put up much of a fight and he wasn’t even armed, but the constable at the time gave me the badge. The only problem is, it says ‘honorary’ in big letters.”

  “Maybe if he just flashed it,” Travis said.

  Robert added, “Tell him to wear his guns like a real deputy. I doubt Emma will notice the writing on the badge.”

  Travis hadn’t done much work that day. He tossed and turned in his bed, not feeling as tired as usual. He thought about Ned’s trip to the Radcliffes’ and whether or not it would work. He thought about Libby walking and about marrying Evaline. A warm feeling surged through his chest as he imagined standing at the altar exchanging vows, and…well, he didn't dare think about the wedding night. With God’s blessing, he knew it would be the most memorable night of his life. There was no sense getting himself all worked up thinking about it.


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