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Trinna Page 3

by Moore, M. K.

  “Okay Ma, be out in a minute.” I hear her shuffle away from the door. “Sorry, we don’t have time,” I say kissing him again. “Maybe if you’re good, I’ll give you a goodbye blow job. How does that sound?”


  “Yeah. I start a new job tomorrow. I have to be refreshed,” I say sassily.

  “In that case, a goodbye blow job sounds ideal.” He smirks at me.

  He squeezes my ass as I move past him. I open the door and step out into the hallway. Archer follows me to the kitchen.

  “Ma,” I say, turning the Frank Sinatra down.

  “Don’t mess with my music, daughter.”

  “Sorry, Ma. I want you to meet my…” I trail off because I have no idea what this is.

  “Her man, Mrs. Gallucci. I am her man, Archer Denton.” Ma beams at him.

  “Holy shit. You brought a man home, Trinna. Is this where you’ve been all weekend?” she asks. By this time, my dad and brothers have made their way into the kitchen from whatever game was on in the den.

  “Ma, please,” I say closing my eyes.

  “Please what? Lucio, our daughter is a woman now.” My dad grumbles something in Italian, but my Italian is limited to cuss words and pleasantries for my grandparents.

  “Ma, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. You should say it louder next time, I don’t they heard you next door,” I exclaim. Alessandro, Armando, and Archer are laughing. Anthony, on the other hand, is glaring at Archer like he’s about to kill him.

  “You fucked my baby sister, Archer? What the hell man?” Anthony shouts. I am glad that the island is between them.

  “Anthony, you’ve got to be kidding me,” I say wishing the ground would swallow me whole. He doesn’t even acknowledge that I said anything.

  “No, I didn’t fuck your sister,” Archer says and now I want to die since he’s denying what we shared. “I made love to her, not that it’s any of your business, Anthony.” That’s better. I smile and take his outstretched hand.

  “Anything having to do with my sister is my business, Arch. I sent her to you for a fucking job, not to be your...” I almost laugh as he struggles to come up with a word. “Your, your, hussy,” he finally says pointing at me.

  The cacophony of outrage that sounded could wake the dead.

  My dad smacks him upside the head at the same time Charlee slaps his arm.

  “Anthony, that’s your sister,” she says.

  “Ann Tinne bussy,” AJ shouts gleefully, clapping his adorable toddler hands right in Charlee’s face. Who could be mad after that bout of cuteness?

  “Anthony Lucio,” Ma shouts. She raised us to do and say whatever we feel within reason. Being a called a harlot for that would never be tolerated.

  “Are you fucking stupid,” Al says.

  “You are so fucked right now, bro,” Armando says laughing like a loon.

  “I am not a fucking hussy, Anthony. Also, it’s not 1952.” I shout.

  “Don’t talk about my future wife like that or I am going to kick your ass, I don’t give a shit if you are her brother or not.”

  “Wait. What?” I ask.

  “What did you think, Sugar? This was a one and done? I don’t do that shit.” He pulls me into his arms. “Besides, I am pretty sure I told you that your blood on my cock made you mine,” he whispers in my ear. I shudder. I turn my head to kiss him thoroughly.

  Archer meets my dad. Turns out they have a lot in common. They are going to go golfing next Saturday. Anthony apologized to me and made up with Archer. Al and Armando invited him to a beer tour at their brewery on Wednesday.

  Tiff and Cam liked him. Archer knew Cam from high school so they catch up while Tiff and I dissect our last couple of weeks. AJ crawls into my lap and promptly falls asleep. I look down at him while talking to Tiff. Last week, I didn’t even know that I had a nephew, but now I can’t imagine this little cutie not in my life. When I look up, my eyes immediately find Archer. They way he’s looking at me sends shivers down my spine. I smile at him and return my attention to Tiff.

  Trinity didn’t come to dinner, which normally the only excuse would be hospitalization or more recently in Tiff’s case, a honeymoon which I know neither one of those things is the case, so I wonder why mom gave her a pass.

  At four-thirty, I kiss Archer goodbye at the door, after his blowjob.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow,” I say. Kissing him again.

  “Until tomorrow, sugar,” he says kissing me yet again.

  He leaves, and I regret telling him to go, but I head to the mall.

  I need to do some shopping.



  I’m totally not prepared for the sight of Trinna walking into my office the next morning. She looks like a goddess in a tight black knee-length skirt and pink button-up shirt. She has on pantyhose or something. Her long dark hair is free and I think I am about to lose my mind. She holds two cups of coffee.

  Is it possible to become addicted to someone so quickly?

  The way she looked holding Anthony’s son, AJ, made my heart skip a beat. She looked amazing. I want to see her looking like that holding our baby one day soon. Very fucking soon.

  “You look beautiful,” I say.

  “Thank you,” she says setting the coffee down on my desk.

  “Did you Uber today?” I ask.

  “Nope, Trinity dropped me off. I listened when you said it was dangerous to ride with strangers.”

  “That’s a good girl,” I say pulling her into my arms.

  “None of that at work,” she says sternly. “I’ll be at my desk going over the giant binder of notes Tara left behind. Do you know what you want for lunch?”

  “You,” I say. She narrows her eyes at me.

  “Actual food, so you know I can do my job,” she says hands on her hips.

  “Georgio’s is fine,” I say. “Lasagna.”

  “You just had lasagna yesterday,” she says smiling.

  “It was really good. I have a hankering for more.”

  “I’ll see what I can do,” she says walking out of my office, closing the door behind her. I can breathe a little easier knowing she’s near me.

  Later in the afternoon, after she brought me some of her mother's leftover lasagna, which we enjoyed together, shit hits the fan. One of my players, a shortstop, Kyle Richards, was involved in a seemingly minor accident. Except he fled the scene. After the cops arrived.

  “What the fuck?” I roar. It's all over the news. “Trinna?” I shout.

  “Yes, sir?” Shit. Now is not the time to get hard. Not when I can't fuck her sweet pussy.

  “I need the team lawyers and Kyle Richards agent in here now,” I say softening my tone.

  “Right away, sir.” She leaves my office and within five minutes, our on-staff lawyers, about twenty of them are in my office. Within ten minutes, James Yancey, Kyle's agent is here as well.

  “Why would he run? He has no warrants. He's my most well-behaved player. Where is Suzette?” I ask. The only female lawyer on the team under fifty is conspicuously absent.

  “We don't know, Mr. Denton. She didn't come into work today. She's pregnant and since we aren't needed on a daily basis in the offseason, we didn't think anything of it.”

  “We need the dash cam footage. Has anyone checked Dallas General?” I'm fairly certain I saw Suzette and Kyle splashed in the tabloids. I don't know exactly what is going on, but I'm starting to piece it together.

  Trinna comes in with a little cart full of bottled waters, which she rolls over to the conference table.

  “Thank you, Trinna. That will be all,” I say dismissively. I don't like the way some of these men are staring at her.

  “Can I get anyone anything else, before I go?” she asks. Dylan Gardner grins her lecherously causing me to lose my shit.

  “I said out,” I shout at her, slamming my fist on the conference table.

  “Of course, sir.” She leaves hastily but not before giving me a look that I don't like,
but I can't deal with that now.

  I spend the rest of the day dealing with the Richards situation. Turns out Suzette, his secret wife, went into labor a few weeks early. He tried telling the cops that, which was caught on body cam. I thank God that it was because that could have been a disaster.

  By the time I come up for air, it’s dark out and Trinna is long gone. I know that I was a dick today.

  A glance at my watch tells me that it’s after eight. I know I should go home and apologize to her in the morning, but two nights in a row without her won't do. I leave the office. She's already made herself at home out here. She's adorable with a framed color page from AJ on her desk. Sure, it's scribbled on but it's the thought that counts. I get in my car and head to North Dallas. When I get there Lucio is on the porch smoking a cigar. A sense of nostalgia washes over me. The sweet smelling cheroot tobacco reminds me of the cigars my gramps used to smoke.

  “What did you do, son?” Lucio asks solemnly.

  “Did she tell you?” I ask my hands in my pocket.

  “No, you just look like you're in the doghouse and she hasn't come out of her room all night. Refused dinner even. My Sylvia is beside herself.”

  “I was an asshole today. Short with her when she did nothing but help today. It was a terrible first day.”

  “What are you telling me for? Get in there and fix it. Never go to bed angry. It'll get away from you before you can fix it. I'll have Sylvia set a place for you at breakfast, and that room ain't soundproof,” he says winking at me.

  “Good to know,” I say laughing. I can't imagine being this open with my mom or my stepdad. But I imagine that with six kids you live and learn quickly.

  I never wanted kids before I met Trinna but now it's the only thing I can think of.

  The floorboards creak as I walk the hundred yards or so to the stairs. I quietly turn the handle and push her door open. Her light is on but she's asleep, sprawled in the middle of her bed. Her glasses are on and there is a book open on her chest. Moving closer, I see it's Fifty Shades Freed. I smile as I pull it from her chest and then pull her glasses off. I’ll have to remember that. Her eyes blink open.

  “What are you doing here, Archer,” she asks sleepily.

  “Apologizing,” I say pulling my shirt off, then my pants. Her eyes widen. I slip into her bed and pull her close to me. “I'm sorry I was short tempered today,” I say kissing her forehead.

  “It's okay. I understand. It was a trying day.”

  “That's no excuse, nor is it the reason. Those lawyers were staring at you. I got jealous,” I admit.

  She rolls on top of me. “You are all I see. You never have to worry about that with me. I'm here for as long as you'll have me,” she says before kissing me.

  “How about forever?” I ask, serious as a heart attack.

  “Sounds good,” she says yawning.

  “Sleep, baby,” I say. She is sprawled on my chest, snoring softly, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  With her in my arms, sleep comes easier for me.



  The last month has had some of the best days of my life. The Sliders have started spring training and the home opener is less than three weeks away. Work has been busy, but the nights belong to us. We've been splitting time between my parent's house and his. I helped him pick out furniture last week and they are set to be delivered this week. Archer is golfing with my dad and brothers. I was going to lay in bed all day and read but these boxes have been driving me crazy.

  So, I'm currently elbow deep in a wardrobe box that I drug into his closet. What has the man been living on? I've hung thirteen perfectly tailored suits and there's probably twenty more in the box. I've already been through jeans, workout gear, and regular shirts. I organized those on the shelves in the closet. He has no dressers. Just a huge bed and a nightstand. Slowly, I've brought more and more things over to his house at his insistence. I'm on to him though. I'm straight up nesting. That's right. I'm pregnant. Still early days, but he succeeded in knocking me up.

  I'm lost in my own thoughts when I hear someone clear their throat. My hand flies to my chest and my eyes dart in the direction of the noise.

  “Fuck, Archer. You scared the fuck outta me.”

  “What have you been doing today? Are you almost ready to go to my mom's house?” he asks looking around at the now organized closet.

  “I can be ready in three minutes. I have been moving you into your house. I don't know how you let it go for so long.”

  “I love you,” he says laughing.

  We hadn't said “I love you” yet. I've felt it with every fiber of my being, but we never said it.

  “What?” I ask.

  “Did you not hear me?” he asks quirking an eyebrow at me.

  “I heard you. You've just never said it before,” I whisper.

  “That can't be right. Surely, I've said it a hundred times since we met.” I shake my head. “Let me rectify that. I fucking love you Trinna Irene Gallucci. So much.” I feel tears filling my eyes.

  “I love you too, Archer Maxwell Denton.”

  He sweeps me into his arms and kisses me.

  “Marry me?” he asks. I don't even hesitate to answer him.

  “Yes.” He swings me around then sets me back down. Then he places the biggest ring I've ever seen on my finger. Seriously, I could knock someone out with this thing.

  “You have made me the happiest and luckiest man in the world.” I smile.

  “I have some news too,” I say casually while taking my yoga pants off and sliding jeans on.

  “Oh, yeah? What's that?” He's changing out of his golfing attire. I bite my lip. He shouldn't look sexy as fuck in lime green plaid pants with a matching Polo shirt, but he does. He really fucking does.

  “I'm pregnant,” I blurt. He pauses with his shirt partially on.

  “What?” he asks, his voice muffled by the shirt. He hastily pulls it down and stalks toward me. He lays his flat palm on my belly. “Really baby? A baby?” My eyes tear up as I nod my head. He drops to his knees in front of me. He talks nonsense to my belly. I smile as he does this.

  “We are gonna be late,” I say laughing as he places sweet kisses on my bare belly.

  “You can’t tell me that I am going to be a father and then just expect me to go about my day,” he says still on his knees.

  “Well, I do actually. This has been happening since the dawn of time. If you want we can tell your mama.”

  “Alright, fine,” he says getting up begrudgingly. We finish getting ready and hop in the car. His mom lives two streets over. We get there in less than five minutes.

  “Mom, Ken? We’re here,” Archer yells as he lets us in. They don’t stand on ceremony here, but we caught them going at it on the couch last week so we make ourselves known now.

  I make my way into the kitchen to help Anita. She is just the nicest woman. I know some people hate their mother in law, but that isn’t going to be me. She is rolling out some bread with a rolling pin. I don’t think I've ever seen anyone make bread before, pasta sure, but never bread.

  “This looks fun,” I say.

  “Hey Trinna, it is fun. You want to give it a shot?” she asks smiling at me.

  “Sure,” I say washing my hands before beginning.

  “So how have you been this week?” she asks me.

  “Archer asked me to marry him and I found out that I’m pregnant,” I say, getting lost in kneading the dough.

  “What? Oh my goodness!” she exclaims, turning me to her. We are both covered in flour but it doesn’t matter. We hug and cry like lunatics.

  “Either you told her, or you’ve both lost your damn minds,” Archer says coming into the kitchen followed by Ken.

  “Told her what?” Ken asks.

  “I’m pregnant and we are getting married,” I tell Ken. He’s a nice guy and I love how much he loves Anita. I can also tell he loves Archer and Jenna. He’s only been their stepdad for five years,
but they are a close-knit family.

  “Now, when are you getting married?” Anita asks.

  “As soon as possible,” Archer says at the same time that I say “At least June of next year.”

  “Well, you guys have things to talk about,” Anita says laughing.

  “No fucking way am I waiting over a year for you to be my wife,” Archer says arching an eyebrow at me.

  “This June, I’ll be too pregnant to get married, also it will be hot as hell.”

  “So marry me tomorrow and we will have a reception whenever you want to.”

  “Tomorrow? Are you crazy?” I ask incredulously.

  “Then next week, but a year is out of the question,” he says and I nod.

  “Next week seems more doable,” I agree. He grins. Anita claps her hands like a toddler and Ken claps Archer on the back.

  “Wait until I tell Jenna. She can’t wait to see you in person,” Anita says. Jenna is Archer’s sister. She is still on her honeymoon. Her husband is rich and doesn’t work necessarily. They are doing a whirlwind tour of Europe, down to the Mediterranean. They won’t be home for a few more months. I did “meet” on Facetime, but it just wasn’t the same.

  After dinner, we watch an old movie with his parents and then go home.

  I snuggle up in our huge bed with my man. My last thought is about how excited I am for my little family.

  It’s hard to believe that a month ago, I was aimless and now I’m in love, engaged, and have a sweet baby on the way.

  My life is suddenly everything I ever dreamed of, but didn’t know how to get.

  Blessed is the only thing that comes to mind.



  Two weeks later, my life is perfect. My wife, which I never get tired of saying, is at her desk across from me. Having her just outside the door had her too far away from me, so I moved her desk directly across from mine. She is typing away, but every so often our eyes meet. She smiles at me and every time she does, I fall in love with her a little bit more. We got married a few days ago and unless we are here, I've been buried inside of her. She didn’t want to take a honeymoon right now, so we are waiting until after our reception next June. Her desk phone rings and I am drawn out of my musings.


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