Curves For The Lone Alpha (A Big Girl Meets Bad Wolf Romance)

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Curves For The Lone Alpha (A Big Girl Meets Bad Wolf Romance) Page 6

by Molly Prince

  “So let me get this straight. Sometimes, during sex…”

  “Well most times.”

  “Most times, during sex, you lose control and become a bit of an animal. It’s all rough and primal and you get bigger down… well you know. Well gosh Mr. Wolf, you sound like every woman’s worst nightmare.”

  My deadpan sarcasm sailed right over his head. He looked genuinely distressed.

  “Like I said some people like it. I can… I’ll try and keep it in check.”

  I licked my lips, pulled myself onto all fours and crawled across the bed towards him. I lowered my head so my lips were right next to his ear and spelled it out for him, giving each word time to sink in.

  “Shut up and make me your bitch.”

  He wanted animal. I gave him an animal. I lowered myself on my arms and bent my back to raise my ass. I, for want of a better word, presented myself to him.

  In another place, in another world, I don’t think I could have come up with a more unflattering position if I tried. But here and now I knew the animal in him would not be able to resist the soft, smooth flesh that beckoned and the delicious wet warmth of the vessel I offered him.

  I don’t know if it was this position, or this change he’d mentioned, but when he entered me again he felt bigger. He filled me completely, so deep inside me it was like nothing I had experienced before. And then the animal in him stirred once more.

  It was like nothing I had… no, that doesn’t even come close. It’s redundant. Of course it was like nothing I had ever experienced before. I didn’t even have a frame of reference.

  He was relentless. He was like a machine. He just didn’t stop.

  Each thrust drove me hard against the bed and as he picked up speed I found my focus narrowing as everything else became a distraction. All that mattered was the heat that filled me and the growing knot of pleasure deep inside my body. With each thrust that knot grew until it overwhelmed me, spiralling outwards from my core, the pleasure washing over every nerve. My mouth went wide in a silent scream of ecstasy as I experienced a deep, powerful orgasm that shook my entire body.

  I don’t even know if he noticed my climax. He didn’t pause. He didn’t give me a chance to catch my breath. He didn’t stop.

  Part of me wanted to cry out and beg him to stop, but that was a part I had no interest in listening to right now. Instead I willed him onwards, hungry for more.

  I have no idea how many times I came. Somewhere between one and a hell of a lot. Pick a number. By the end I really had no idea what was going on, which way was up, and everything blurred into one. My body felt, for a while, as if I had entered another state entirely. That he had broken me and every part of me had been stripped away to leave only the raw sexual animal that perhaps lies at the heart of us all.

  At some point I found myself drifting in and out of the wolf dream. The scent of us rutting like animals adding another dimension to everything I experienced.

  At some point I felt claws on my back. Stinging, scratching, it felt as if they were drawing blood.

  At some point he threw back his head and howled, a sound I echoed, as I felt his swollen member lock inside me and the molten heat of his seed filled me completely.

  And ultimately, at some point we collapsed in an exhausted, sweaty heap.

  - X -

  Chapter 10: Carrie

  Once again James wasn’t beside me when I woke. Naturally part of me was already thinking it was all a dream. But the ache in my thighs (and elsewhere) and a painful tightness in my back told me otherwise. I stood and twisted my head trying to get a look at it. Ragged scratch marks ran from my shoulder blades to the small of my back. They looked nasty and they stung like hell, but I still couldn’t help smiling at them.

  I turned back to look at myself straight on. For the first time in as long as I could remember I didn’t hate what I saw. Yeah, I could probably do with joining a gym, although I’d take the previous night's exertions over a step class in ill-fitting lycra any time. But other than that I was a woman, with a woman’s body. Full, soft, ripe and desired by a man, who was something more than a man.

  I didn’t need crazy heightened dream senses to smell bacon sizzling in the kitchen. Yeah, that was my kind of man. I found his shirt and pulled it on because that’s the fantasy isn’t it? To walk out of the bedroom the morning after the night before, clad only in the t-shirt of the man who rocked your world.

  No... the fantasy was more than that. I looked at the mirror again. The round globes of my breasts pressed heavily against the fabric, shaping it to my ample body. I turned a little to see the cheeks of my ass peeking out from beneath the hem. The fantasy, the real fantasy, was to walk out of the bedroom the morning after the night before wearing nothing but his t-shirt and then see the look on his face and know for certain that you rock his world. I deserved that. Every woman deserves that.


  “I know right?”

  “That shirt is really... filthy. Seriously there’s blood and God know’s what all over it. It’s really gross.”

  I poked my tongue out at him even as he stalked around the counter to embrace me. We fit together perfectly, like we’d being doing it our entire lives.

  Breakfast was bacon and a choice of water or flat champagne.

  “We need to do some shopping.”

  “True. I should get some stuff to fix the door as well. You never know what’s lurking out there in the woods.”

  I rolled my eyes, “I meant food and stuff, but sure.”

  “Carrie I…” His tone took a turn for the melancholy and he hesitated, his brow furrowed. “I’d stay here forever if I could.”

  But… I knew it was coming. Last night was amazing, but guys like him don’t end up with girls like me. It’s the way of the world.

  “But, my life is… complicated. There are things I need to take care of. Things I have to do alone.”

  I prodded the bacon around my plate, unable to meet his eyes.

  “And then I’ll find you again I promise.”

  “You promise?” My voice was meek and needy, on the verge of breaking.

  “It’s more than a promise. A promise is a commitment that you try and keep. This is something more than that. Do you understand? I can’t explain everything but there is something between us and whatever it is it’s stronger than words and it’s stronger than empty promises. I’ll need to find you again. I can’t conceive of a world where I don’t find you again.”

  I understood. I understood because I felt it too.

  “But before I go. I want to show you something. There’s some people I want you to meet. We need to go shopping and then I’ll take you to them.”

  When I looked up I was surprised to see his piercing blue eyes were damp with tears.

  - X -

  As much as I really wanted a ride on his motorbike, he insisted we take the pickup. Although by way of compensation he promised that we’d keep an eye out for a store that sold helmets so he could take me for a ride later. I tried to spin that into some kind of humorous double-entendre and managed to get a half-chuckle out of him before he stopped and froze in his tracks.

  He sniffed the air and looked concerned, then he sniffed the truck, before turning to me.

  “Whose truck is this? It’s not yours.”

  “No, why? What’s the problem?”

  A growl, “Whose is it?”

  He sounded angry and upset and I didn’t appreciate the way he was speaking to me. It reminded me of our first encounter, when he’d suddenly freaked out and started accusing me of being sent by someone. I really had no idea what he was on about, but had to admit that the violent mood swings were a bit of a concern.

  “It’s my father’s OK and do you think you could tone down the asshole, just a little bit?”

  “I… sorry. I just… there’s some things I can’t…”

  “I get it. Secret missions and all that. You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, but you can�
��t turn on a dime and start talking to me like that. It’s not how people who...”

  People who what? I’d backed myself into a corner. People who love each other? We’d only known each other for a day at most. Of course it had been a fairly eventful day, both in and out of the bedroom.

  He apologized and then grinned when I tossed him the keys. I didn’t feel like driving and he, like pretty much every man I’ve ever known, was much more comfortable behind the wheel than in the passenger seat. However, on the long ride into town I did notice him sniff the air and frown on more than one occasion. Something was bothering him.

  - X -

  I gathered the ingredients for a nice meal. Nothing too heavy. A way to a man’s heart was through his stomach and all that, but it if this was going to be our last day together for a while, it wasn’t just his heart I was interested in.

  Once I was done James took control of the trolley and steered it towards the pharmacy. He grabbed handfuls of aspirin and bandages and a couple of first aid kits. He was a man on a mission and it didn’t seem right to interrupt him for an explanation. From there he headed to the tinned food aisle and once he’d cleaned that out he left me with a trolley so heavy I could barely push it, while he went to get another. He filled the second trolley with bottled water, followed by dozens of packets of dried fruit and nuts. The teller probably assumed we were a couple of survivalists as he rang up our impressive haul.

  But he wasn’t done yet. After we’d loaded up the truck we crossed the road to visit another store and fill another trolley. This time it was clothes. Just simple stuff, underwear and plain t-shirts, in all sorts of sizes, and a lot of cold weather gear: jackets, gloves and scarves. That’s when I figured it out. Where we were going and why we were on a shopping spree.

  On the way to the checkout we passed the toy section and something caught my eye. A cute little toy wolf, sitting proudly, its head held high. I picked up the soft toy and held it up for his appraisal. He nodded back at me and even though he was smiling I saw a sadness in his eyes that moved me so much it hurt. I managed to hold back the tears until we were back in the truck. I couldn’t help it. There was just so much sadness in him.

  We didn’t speak. I just leaned against him as he gunned the engine and headed back towards the mountain. Once we hit unpaved roads I straightened up and took a deep breath before wiping the tears from my eyes. I looked at James and he smiled back at me.

  My new boyfriend was taking me to meet his family.

  - X -

  Epilogue: Kent

  I was only here to ID the body and didn’t need to stick around, but curiosity got the better of me and I had nowhere better to go. So I spent the best part of the morning lying prone in my hide, watching through the scope and waiting.

  I was just about to pack up and bug out when I heard a vehicle heading back towards the camp. The prodigal pack leader had returned to the scene of the crime. Interesting. I’d assume that once the deed was done James would be long gone. But instincts are a bitch I guess. James is built to protect and defend the weak and as much as he likes to pretend he’s dead inside, my big bad pet can’t resist a lost cause.

  I located the truck with my scope as it swung into the camp. He’d brought the woman with him. Very interesting. She was a wild card. She definitely wasn’t a player. Nothing came up in her files. But then, on a whim, I’d run a check on her old man and oh boy! Daddy set all sorts of alarm bells ringing. Alarm bells that were way above my pay grade.

  Cute though. A real woman. My kind of woman.

  As he got out of the pickup James sniffed the air and looked in my direction. Damn, he was good. All these state-of-the-art high-tech gadgets and gizmos and he’d made me in seconds. The rest of this sorry excuse for a pack hadn’t so much as looked in my direction all morning.

  I watched for a while as he unloaded the back of the pickup. The adults were suspicious and guarded and accepted his charity without any open displays of gratitude. The kids ate it up. It was like Christmas.

  I kept my crosshairs over his heart as he moved through the camp like a big, scruffy messiah. He’d done his job. Travis was dead and all was right in the world. If he knew what was good for him. He’d stay here and take over as pack leader, keep his head down and be a good dog.

  I didn’t hate him as much as he thought I did. To be honest I’d actually grown kind of fond of him. He was an effective assassin and I admired that. He just asked too many damn questions. I didn’t hate him. But when the order came, I’d put him down without thinking twice. I wouldn’t have a choice.

  I stood, stretched and slung the rifle over my shoulder before heading back down the mountain to the ranger’s station.. There didn’t seem too much point in hanging around or trying to remain inconspicuous now that James had my scent.

  Before I left I took one last look at the woman. Yeah, definitely my type. Shame she had such terrible taste in men. I may not be an expert on matters of the heart, but the two of them looked like they were joined at the hip. And they’d known each other what, thirty-six hours tops?

  I made a mental note to look her up once the dust settled. If she survived.

  - X -

  A Note From The Author

  If you made it this far thank you so much for reading my novella. What started as a simple tale of lupine lust became so much more as I wrote. Between the lines I was building a whole world of shifters, the women who love them, the dark forces that hunt them and a centuries old war that threatens entire species.

  While this can be read as a complete stand alone story there are still unanswered questions and I’m looking forward to diving back into the world of James and Carrie and others like them if you want more. So if you do want more, please let me know. Either drop me an email at [email protected], check out my blog (where you’ll find more background information about this world) at or sign up for my mailing list at

  Of course the best way to tell me you want more and support my work as a self-published author is to leave a positive review.

  And before anyone points it out… yes Jimmy has a hairy chest, but my cover model does not. I hope you can forgive me but come one! Those abs! That chin! That please-take-me-home-and-look-after-me posture. I just couldn’t bring myself to change him.




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