by Nora Shkodra
I stood up and walked forward, looking back at the park when I bumped into a tall girl with olive toned skin and long extensions. I quickly realised it was Jodie Alsina; the girl Jacob was becoming friendly with.
I tried to side step her but a boy, a few years older than us, blocked my path. “Excuse me,” I said quietly and for some reason he started laughing. “Trey, guess who this is,” Jodie said, in the voice she put on whenever
her parents weren’t around. ‘She’s Jacob’s twin sister,’ she explained without waiting for his answer. “Oh yeah, I can see it in the eyes,” he said, pointing at his own. “So how much money you got?” the boy, Trey, asked using terrible grammar.
“I don’t have any, now leave me alone. I have to go home and …”
“Aww, you gotta go home to mummy?” he interrupted, putting on a fake, baby voice. By then I realised his bad grammar was simply because he was uneducated.
“What you’re doing right now is illegal you know? It’s called harassment, you could easily get arrested!” I shouted at him and began running for the parks exit.
Trey grabbed my wrist and twisted my hand. I struggled to escape from this strangers grasp.
“Ouch, get off me! You’re hurting my wrist!” I whimpered.
“You think you can call the police on me little girl?” His breath was hot on my neck; it smelt strongly of tobacco and some other drug.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it. Please, just let me go!” I begged as he twisted my arm, causing me to wince and scream out in pain.
“Trey! Stop! You’re hurting her, just let her go. Jacob’s her brother. Remember?” Jodie cried in a shaky voice.
Suddenly, the grasp on my wrist loosened, his hand was off of me. Immediately, I rubbed the spot his fingers had pressed upon.
I had made the mistake of looking back, and witnessed Trey slapping Jodie across the face. She made eye contact with me and mouthed one simple word. Go. And that’s exactly what I did, I picked up pace and started to run for the safety of my home.
Meeting Trey I ignored the throbbing pain in my right arm and the way my bag thumped against my back as I ran.
All that kept flashing through my mind were questions.
Why did Jodie save me? What has my brother got to do with any of them? Why did Trey hit her? Why did I run away instead of staying to save her, just like she saved me?
I felt like a coward.
I was a coward.
When I got home I didn’t speak to my parents or Jacob. I went straight to my room and changed into my pyjamas. When I went back downstairs to make a coffee for myself, I just told them that I was tired and I had a long day at school – just so no one would ask me what the matter was. As I headed back to my room I heard Jacob say, it’s her time of the month.
I slammed my door shut and sank onto my bed with a book, but, I couldn’t concentrate on the words; the letters kept dancing off the page, because all I could think about was what had happened earlier in the park. I told myself I would get my answers, and chanted it in my head as I dozed off.
Chapter 4 I Discover Some News
“Jodie!” I called across the school corridor to get the girls attention. I got a few glares from a group of Year 9 girls as I pushed past them and rushed towards her.
“Jodie! Wait, I’ve got to talk to you!”
I grabbed a hold of her arm as she tried to yank it away, however my grip didn’t loosen.
“Please, I need some answers.” I was practically begging then.
She nodded quickly before telling her friends she has to do something.
I followed her into the girl’s bathroom which was empty. My stomach growled, reminding me that I had skipped lunch to talk to Jodie.
“So, you skipped lunch to speak to me?”
It was as if she read my mind.
“Eating is the last thing on my mind right now. What I want to know is why you saved me from getting my arm broken…”
She cut me off.
“What, did you not want me to stop him?” Jodie snarled at me.
“No, what I meant was, you’re the last person I’d expect to be nice to me,” I replied in a small voice.
She shook her head but stayed silent so I took it as an invitation to carry on with a barrage of questions which had been plaguing my mind.
“Why did Trey hit you? Why didn’t you do anything about it? Are you still with him? What has my brother got to do with any of this?”
I exhaled deeply, it felt good letting out what had been bugging me all night and most of the school day.
She looked me up and down. I shifted uncomfortably on my feet; I looked down at my clothes, checking that my uniform was okay. I don’t know why, but with Jodie, I always felt intimidated whenever she looked at me, I always felt like I wasn’t good enough.
“Okay, I’m not going to answer why Trey hit me, but I can tell you why I’m still with him; because I love him.” She sighed, looking down at her perfectly polished nails. A part of me told me she was lying; she didn’t really love him. I pushed that voice aside.
“Okay, so what has my brother got to do with any of it?” I questioned, with impatience.
“Your brother and my boyfriend are... well, it’s hard to explain but I’ll just put it simply. Trey saved Jacob from getting mugged, and when Trey does favours for people, he expects many in return.”
Her explanation left me speechless. All that kept going through my head was, ‘why didn’t he tell me?’ That was when she walked out of the bathroom, leaving me in a conflict with my thoughts.
I left a few minutes after her, and as I stepped out, I bumped into a girl with long blonde hair.
“Amber!” Liz cried.
Excuses for not being at lunch raced through my mind.
“Hey,” I finally managed.
“Where were you? I had to eat lunch with Jake and his friends!” she exclaimed and I forced a little chuckle.
She stood there, staring at me with enquiring eyes, waiting for an
In My Arms by Nora Shkodra answer. Suddenly, the bell for the next class went. I made a silent prayer to
God, thanking him for His perfect timing.
“Time for class!” I exclaimed cheerily as I ran off, smiling and
leaving Liz behind.
I was saved by the bell, literally.
I was going for my next class, Sociology, which was in the opposite direction to Liz’s P.E class.
My best friend is crazy; she actually enjoys running around and getting sweaty. Maybe that’s what my brother likes about her, the fact that she loves all the things he obsesses over.
Sometimes, I have these feelings of gratitude that Adam hadn’t met her until we started dating because he would have fallen for her and not me.
Don’t get me wrong, I love Liz, she means everything to me, but Adam is special, and he is mine.
I know that sounds horrible, but doesn’t everyone have that one person in their life they don’t want anyone else to have?
OK, well, it might just be me,
As I sat in class, I couldn’t concentrate on the work that had been set. My mind kept reeling back to what Jodie had told me, questions raced through my head as the teacher babbled on. I made a mental note to make sure that I asked my brother all these questions but only when he was in a good mood though.
“Amber, are you even listening to me?” Kia said as I stared helplessly into space.
“What?” I jumped slightly as she pulled me away from my thoughts and back to the real world.
I leaned my head against my hand as Kia repeated what she had just said to me. I pretended to listen by nodding at times. Kia hitched her glasses higher up her nose as she told me more about her rabbit, Sparkles, and how she bobbed her head to the music she played. I think she mentioned The Cure (a band she loves) in her babbling, I’m not sure. I just couldn’t concentrate.
Chapter 5 Liz Has a Crush
At long las
t, the lesson ended and I was able to leave. I had planned to meet Adam outside my school, and we were going to go to his house.
As I walked toward the gate I saw Jacob standing with Jodie, and a few metres away, Liz was standing alone, watching them.
She looked sad and beautiful at the same time as her hair blew in the wind behind her.
I walked towards her and I swear I could see a tear gliding down her face before she quickly wiped it away.
“Hey, are you okay?” I asked her.
She nodded.
“What’s going on with them two? They’ve been spending a lot of time together,” she asked, gesturing towards my brother and Jodie. “Not that I care though,” Liz added as she attempted hiding her hurt. However I’m her best friend, I knew when she was trying to hide something.
“There is nothing going on between them. Why do you look so sad though?” I asked, smirking.
“No reason.” She replied, turning away from me. I knew she was blushing.
“You have a crush on my brother, don’t you?” I exclaimed. My smirk had turned into a broad smile.
“No way!” she replied, unconvincingly.
“Oh my God, you do!” I shouted, causing her to turn around and give me the evils.
“Okay, I do,” she admitted, going even redder.
“But I swear, if he somehow finds out; I’m holding you responsible for it! I’ve hidden my feelings very well for the past two years …”
I cut her off.
“You’ve liked him for two years?! How have you been hiding this from me?”
I giggled as she turned into a tomato.
“Of course I couldn’t tell you! I know you and your big mouth!” she exclaimed.
I jumped up and down, trying to keep myself warm as the October breeze bit my cheeks.
“I have no idea what you see in him,” I said as we walked towards the gate where I was going to meet Adam, he hadn’t gotten there yet, so I had a little longer to chat with Liz.
“Well, of course you don’t see it; he’s your brother!” she replied, pulling her jacket closer around her body.
Her eyes widened as she spotted something, or rather, someone, in the distance. I looked over to where her gaze was and spotted my brother and Adam walking towards us. I smiled and waved, then dragged Liz with me so we could meet them in the middle.
“Well, you’re rather late,” I said to Adam as I pecked him on the cheek.
“I said to meet at the main gate, where were you?” he asked, holding up his arms as if to surrender.
“I was at the main gate; you must have gone to the visitor’s gate,” I replied, correcting his mistake.
In My Arms by Nora Shkodra “Oh, I didn’t know there are two gates; what kind of school is this?” Adam asked, and I couldn’t help but giggle at his ignorance.
You see, Adam was homeschooled; he has never had a lesson in a school. So, his life was pretty different to mine.
“A private school, now come on, let’s go,” I replied, taking his hand.
“Jacob, make sure Liz gets home safely and I’ll see you later.”
We said our goodbyes and I left with Adam in the direction of his house.
“Guess what I have planned for the two of us?” Adam asked, grinning despite the cold.
“How would I know? Tell me,’ I replied, snuggling closer to him to keep warm.
“Twilight Saga movie marathon,” Adam replied.
I gasped in horror.
“No! Really? You know I hate Twilight!”
He had a smirk on his face. I realised he was lying.
“You’re messing with me, aren’t you?” I asked, eyeing him suspiciously.
He nodded and I sighed with relief.
“Oh thank God!” I breathed which made him laugh.
“So what have you got planned?” I asked, wanting the truth.
He shook his head, staying silent and I moaned at him to tell me.
“You’re just going to have to wait and see,” he grinned in an annoyingly beautiful way.
“Ugh, fine!” I huffed as I put my earphones in and played ‘Arctic Blues – ‘I Can’t Be Mad at You.’”
We were sitting on the bus, the windows were foggy and I was drawing shapes on them when a group of teenagers, with a few familiar faces got onto the bus. My heart sunk as I slid lower in my seat so I wouldn’t be seen by them.
Adam looked at me and asked if I was alright. I nodded and he raised his eyebrows, not believing me. I smiled reassuringly before hiding my face from the boy who stopped me from sleeping at night.
Trey Smith saw me sinking into my seat; our eyes met and the smile on his face morphed into a thin, hard line. I felt the urge to run in the opposite direction; the only thing stopping me was the fact that I had a window seat and Adam was blocking my way.
“Amber, are you sure you’re okay? You look like you’ve just seen a ghost!” Adam said.I yearned to tell him everything but I couldn’t.
“I’m okay, I’m okay; I just need to get off this bus,” I told him and he nodded, standing up.
I winced as Trey gave me his famous death stare. Call me a coward, I don’t care, because even the toughest people wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of Trey Smith. He was like a panther, just waiting to strike at his next victim.
I forced myself to stand up; gripping Adams hand tight as we scooted over to the door. I felt Trey’s eyes boring into the back of my head; it was like lasers burning through my skull. The bus doors slid open and I pulled Adam out. I exhaled with relief and didn’t know I was holding on to Adam to tightly. We walked the rest of the way in silence.
Adam didn’t loosen his grip on my hand once.
Chapter 6 My Brother Is In Love
I’m not a moody person, not all the time. I mainly have mood swings when I’m on my period, I get writers block, or a book character dies. Other times, I’m a really happy person!
But I was quiet on the day after seeing Trey on the bus, because, guess what? My brother and my best friend started seeing each other!
Jacob did as I said and walked Liz home, and on the way he confessed his undying love for her and they ended up making out and yuck!
I used to think olives were the worst things to ever happen in the world. I was wrong. My brother and my best friend kissing in front of me is. Don’t get me wrong, I was ecstatic for them; however Liz is like my sister, and Jacob dating her felt so weird!
My parents on the other hand were over the moon that he had gotten his first girlfriend, especially since it was Liz and they loved her to bits!
My mother did the usual thing Mum’s do when one of their children gets into a relationship and invited Liz over for dinner. I don’t know why they made a big deal out of it because it’s not like Liz hadn’t been over at our house before, she’d spent nights over, however, that evening, she wasn’t my guest, but Jacob’s.
“So Liz, what makes you attracted to my son?” my mother asked
My Brother Is In Love whilst handing her some ice cream.
A giggle escaped me, causing Jacob to glare at me.
“Liz, you don’t have to answer that,” Jacob reassured her. “No, no, if you have an answer, you might as well tell me dear,” my
mother pushed, a smile playing on her lips.
I knew what she was trying to do, she wanted Jacob to blush. “Well, first of all, his good looks. Um, he’s really kind and he always
makes me laugh,” Liz answered, her cheeks turning red. I nudged my mum; gesturing at Jacob. Her eyes lit up as she saw his cheeks were tinted red. All my mother has ever wanted was for her son to find young love, I wish he could have continued it.
As we were eating dessert the letterbox flapped, signalling someone had put a letter through.
“Amber dear, can you go and see what that is?” my mother asked, giving me a bright smile.
I nodded and stood up. As I approached the door, I saw a scruffy piece of paper on the floor. I picked it up and gasped as I r
ead what was on the note.
‘Amber, Trey wants to hurt you to test Jacob. I’m warning you, as a friend, please watch your back. I don’t want you to get hurt.’
I stuffed it into my back pocket and walked back into the kitchen. Jacob raised his eyebrows; I shook my head, mouthing the word ‘later.’ He nodded and forced a smile at me, as my family and best friend chatted away as we ate Ben and Jerry’s ice cream.
I watched mine melt in my bowl as I debated with myself about what I should do. After a lot of conflicting thoughts, I pushed my chair back, got up and went upstairs to my room.
Chapter Six | 29 No one asked me where I was going.
I sat at my desk and re-read the note, over and over again. The first line was haunting me.
‘Trey wants to hurt you to test Jacob.’ What did it even mean? I asked myself. Why does he want to test Jacob?
The worst thought that became a question and spun around and around in my mind, as I collapsed onto my bed, drifting off to sleep later that night was:
Who is by my brother really?
Chapter 7 The Nightmares Returned
I was running through an endless alley, it was dark, I could hardly see a thing. Panting, I ran faster than I had ever run before, my clothes were wet and my skin grimy with dirt.
I tripped over a cat and fell onto the ground, grazing my hands and knees.
The cat screeched and sprinted in the opposite direction. The footsteps of the person chasing me got louder, meaning he was getting closer.
I stood up and started running again, I ignored the stinging pain where the concrete had cut me. I ignored my heavy breathing and ran for my life. Literally.
The endless alley soon came to a dead end.
Drenched in adrenaline and fear, I did the only thing possible to save myself, I started climbing the wall. It was much harder than it looked, with not many places to put my feet on.
The man chasing me was getting closer and I was still on the ground. I grabbed one of the trash cans that was leaning against the wall. Turning it over, I heaved a leg to stand on it and as I stood on the bin with ,my other leg,
I looked back and saw those stormy black eyes.