The Dom with the Clever Tongue (Badass Brats)

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The Dom with the Clever Tongue (Badass Brats) Page 2

by Shaw, Leia

  “Just his hands? Man, I have to draw you a diagram or something.”

  Cross raised a brow. “Hmm. I have what – two girls? And you have...” Cross looked around expectantly. “Oh right. You’re single again. Maybe I should be the one drawing the diagrams.”

  “Thanks, Cross. The lot of you piss off while I talk to this pretty girl.” He waved them away.

  Cross and his girls strolled off and the big man’s rumbling chuckle trailed in their wake.

  “Well,” Sabrina began, sounding amused. “This wasn’t quite how I pictured this. Malachi, this is my best friend’s girlfriend, Scarlet.”

  “Nice to meet you, Scarlet. Sabrina has told me a lot about your situation, although she didn’t name names, of course.”

  Sabrina smiled. “You two get to know each other. I’m going to go mix more sangria before this mob starts sobering up. And don’t mind his tattoos, he’s mostly harmless.” She headed back into the house.

  With difficulty, Scarlet ignored the urge to follow her. She wasn’t great at small talk – that was Reece’s job.

  “I work in construction. I don’t know many people without tattoos.” She smiled, hoping she seemed friendly without seeming too eager.

  “I own a tattoo shop downtown. The Ink Haven. Over the years, between myself and my apprentices, I’ve gotten pretty covered in them. He smiled at her and turned his arms over so she could see the extent of his ink. Every inch of his forearms were covered in traditional-type tattoos – some well done and some a bit amateurish. “Everyone needs to start somewhere, and I’d rather let the new kids use me as canvas than have them screw up on customers.” His grin was open and friendly.

  Scarlet felt her smile widen. “That’s nice of you.”

  “Yeah, I’m almost a saint. My application’s in and everything.” His eyes glinted mischievously. “Really though, it’s just a mix of good business and remembering what it was like starting out. Everyone needs people to practice on.”

  The man eyed Scarlet speculatively for a minute, which surprised her. She wasn’t a snappy dresser, so she often faded into the background when Reece was around. Then again, Reece was still in the living room as far as she knew.

  “I’m not into guys, Malachi. Just going to throw that out there now. Don’t think of me as a potential conquest because it’s not going to happen.” And the guy Sabrina wanted to help them walks off in 3... 2...

  He shrugged and grinned. “Can’t blame a guy for hoping, pretty girl like you.”

  “Yeah, if you like your girls to look like dudes.”

  “You’re way too pretty to be a dude. Then again, so’s Jude over there. I’d probably flirt with him too if I liked guys and if I wasn’t so scared of Q.” His eyes shone and tilted up when he grinned.

  Scarlet quelled a smile and cocked a brow at him, instead. “So that’s how you got picked to help us out? You’re known as a desperate man?”

  “I’ll try not to hump your leg, but you might want to keep a spare pair of jeans on hand.” He twisted his mouth wryly.

  “Leg humping is a hard limit.” She chuckled.

  “In my defense, though, Sabrina’s explanation was intriguing. Most of the kinksters I meet have been into it for years, or are new but mostly know what they want.”

  The crowd cheered at something, but she ignored them. “Yeah, I admit that when it comes to kink, we’re a bit of a mess. I’m not sure what you’d get from helping us out, though. We’re monogamous and I don’t do guys anyway.”

  “You’re hot and I’m bored. Even if I potentially have a chance to watch, it’s worth my time.” Did he always look amused? Weren’t Doms supposed to be menacing-looking? “I don’t have trouble finding willing partners. This just seems more interesting than the other offers I’ve had lately. So what are you hoping for help with?”

  Scarlet grimaced. Tell him everything now? Here? She glanced around, but everyone was busy watching the shenanigans. The second group of Doms and Dommes was competing and people were shouting, betting, and not even looking their way. “I’m not sure what’s going on with us. We’re both drawn to kink but it’s always frustrating when we play around. I think our ideas of what we should want and what we do want aren’t matching up. Or maybe our kinks just aren’t compatible.”

  The panic welled up in her chest again. What if they found out that kink between them wouldn’t work? Vanilla just wasn’t good enough anymore, but if that was all they had would Reece stick around? Would they end up resenting each other? The idea of giving Reece up was like choosing to rip a gaping hole in her own chest. She was her match in every other way, except this. But sex was important, even though thinking that seemed shallow.

  Malachi squeezed her shoulder and looked down at her, his expression kind. For some reason having this stranger’s hand on her didn’t seem weird. “I don’t know what you’re thinking, but it doesn’t look like happy thoughts. Before you go off on a mental tangent, let’s try figuring out if we can fix this. Even if you two just need someone else there to offer suggestions while you talk it out, I’m okay with that.” The last vestiges of his cocky demeanor fell away, and his eyes were sad. “My last serious relationship went south because we couldn’t get our kink life sorted out. If I can help you two with this I think it’ll help me, too.”

  “You’re not sure if you’re a Dom?”

  “Oh, I’m a Dom, alright. I just wasn’t the right Dom for her. She needed someone more serious and consistent. I don’t do that well.” He shrugged. “I couldn’t meet her needs and she was miserable. I tried to change my domming style to match her, but faking it only worked so long. I’m not an uber Dom – I’m an attention deficit Dom.” His light words and small smile at the end didn’t mask the regret in his eyes. He’d obviously loved her, but love could only fix so much.

  Which brought her back to thinking about Reece. “I’m sorry things didn’t work out. Was it recent?”

  “If recent and a year ago match up in your world, then yes, it was recent. Cross’s girls have been kicking my ass, trying to get me to look for another relationship, but I’m still not over Ivy. I don’t think anyone chooses to be the rebound girl and I’d feel like a shithead doing that to someone.” He snorted then took a swig of his beer. “Why the hell am I telling you this?”

  “Because Sabrina is a genius, I think. You’re just as messed up as I am about this and we both need someone to talk to that gets it. If you get closer to us you have to promise me something, though.”


  “I think my girlfriend is really going to like you.” Scarlet swallowed hard at the lump that was forming there. “If I become the third wheel this will suck.”

  His eyebrows shot upward. “I’m not that kind of guy. I won’t try to lure her away.”

  Reece wouldn’t be lured if she didn’t want to be. This situation with their kink life had made her off-balance and unsure of where she stood with Reece. More than anything, she worried she’d miss the signs that her girlfriend wanted to end things, and hang onto hope so long that it got pathetic. She didn’t want to be that girl.

  She took in Malachi’s serious expression. He seemed sweet and genuinely interested in helping. “Okay. She’s inside, why don’t I introduce you?”


  Scarlet led the way back into the living room. The crowd was thinner there. Reece was chatting with a woman on the couch, no doubt talking fashion. Scarlet could never use her work as a conversation starter in these situations. No one wanted to hear about house framing at a party.

  The other woman rose and wandered off, and Scarlet beckoned for Malachi to follow her. Reece’s gaze met hers and she rose gracefully to her feet. Her smile reached all the way to her eyes. People were her thing – everyone loved her and she flourished in social environments. Scarlet had to struggle to make sure people didn’t think she was snobby and stand-offish.

  The dress she wore skimmed her figure, making Scarlet’s fingers want to do the same. Fuck, she w
as hot. She just wanted to drag her off somewhere and lean her over something, pull her hem up to her waist and trace the scalloped leg seam of her black panties to her...

  Where was Reece going in such a hurry?

  Scarlet barely caught the flash of disgust on Reece’s face before she started to walk away. Was it Malachi’s tattoos? She wasn’t usually judgemental.

  “Where are you going? Get back here.” Reece wasn’t going to like her tone, but she didn’t care. It wasn’t like her girlfriend to be rude.

  She turned back at the doorway and stalked over to them, glaring.

  “Well, now I know who the Dom is,” Malachi smiled.

  “I am.” The answer was unhesitating and came from them both.

  He looked amused.

  Reece’s face was twisted with rage. “Don’t you dare laugh at me, Malachi Johansson.”

  “I’m sorry. Do we know each other?”

  “As if I’d forget my high school tormentor. Not surprised you don’t remember me, though. I guess it’s easy to forget people when they didn’t destroy your life.”

  “Oh, fuck. Reece Duncan? I’ve been wanting to find you.”

  “So you could mock me about being poor when I was a kid? Get a life, ass-hat.”

  He stepped back, giving her space. “No, I wanted to say sorry. I was a complete fucking jackass in high school. Cross tried to knock some sense into me, but I was really too stupid to live at that point. Some of the things I said to you were so awful that I can’t even imagine how to begin to apologise. I was pretty fucked up back then – not an excuse, just an explanation. What I said to you in high school wasn’t about you.”

  Why hadn’t Reece ever mentioned any of this to Scarlet? They’d talked about all sorts of shit from their pasts – especially how Reece had felt about her body when she was younger. She’d never mentioned a bully. Scarlet’s urge to punch said bully in the face didn’t match with how she saw Malachi though. How was this even the same guy?

  “You calling me poor and ugly wasn’t about me?” Her expression was disgusted disbelief.

  The room had emptied out before Reece recognized Malachi, thank goodness. Making a scene at a birthday party wasn’t a good way to keep friends. Scarlet hung back. She couldn’t fix this.

  “No,” Malachi replied. “Not at all. And I never said you were unattractive. I was short and ugly. I got made fun of by the popular girls all the time. The guys thought I was funny. For some reason I always thought picking on you was hilarious in the moment, but then I’d go home and wonder why I was such a dickhead to you. It wasn’t until after graduation that I realized it was because I thought you were pretty and figured you’d make fun of me if you knew.” He frowned. “Anyway, I’m sorry I was so awful to you. I know that doesn’t make up for anything, but I just wanted you to know.”

  Reece sighed and slid her hand into Scarlet’s. “I got over it a long time ago, Malachi. You’re really not like that anymore?”

  “If I was, Cross would punch me out regularly. See? I don’t even have a black eye or anything.” He gestured at his face and half smiled, his dimples flashing briefly.

  “You weren’t short that long, Malachi. You shot up junior year.”

  “I know. I was impatient and an asshole.”

  “Yes, I’ll concede that you were definitely an asshole.” Reece smirked.

  They all stood there awkwardly for a moment. “I didn’t recognize you at all at first, but now I see it. You’re even lovelier than I remember. It’s so weird that Sabrina decided to ask me to help you, of all people, with kink. She never told me your names.”

  Reece looked stunned for a moment then tossed back the rest of her drink. “Well, jeez. It’s you she’s been talking about? Well this is awkward.”

  “Yeah. I’ll go. If I think of someone else that can help you out I’ll let Sabrina know. It was nice to see you, even if the feeling can’t be mutual. Scarlet, it was a pleasure.” Like a guy from an old movie, he tilted his head and backed a step before he turned away.

  “Wait, Malachi.” The sight of his departing back made Scarlet panic. She couldn’t give up that easily. He turned but didn’t walk back to them. She squeezed Reece’s hand and stared into her deep brown eyes. “Kitten, what if this is the only chance we have to figure things out?” she whispered. “We’re lost and this guy could help. I talked to him for a long while outside and I don’t think he’s the same guy you remember from high school. We could meet with him once and see if it’s too weird for you. If he says anything mean I’ll punch him out, myself.”

  “You’d really do that?”

  “I’d curb stomp the motherfucker.”

  Reece’s eyes widened and she giggled. She got quiet again and Scarlet began to wonder if she shouldn’t send Malachi away so Reece could think in peace. After a long time she nodded. “I guess Sabrina wouldn’t have suggested him if he was still a jerk. Just once for now, and we’ll see how things go. I want to fix this.”

  Scarlet drew Reece along to where Malachi stood waiting. “Can we meet once to see how things work, Malachi, or would it be too awkward for you?”

  “Really? Okay. I mean, it wouldn’t be awkward for me, I’m just worried about Reece.”

  “I can take care of myself, Malachi Johansson.” With crossed arms and a cocked brow, she was her normal challenging self. Reece was no wilting flower. Sometimes her demeanor made Scarlet want to paddle her ass.

  In a heartbeat Malachi’s expression went from mild and friendly, to that look. Scarlet had noticed the look many times on Q and Jude when Sabrina got sassy.

  Interested, with a capital I – like the game had begun.

  Chapter 3

  Early afternoon and Malachi stepped out the door of the Ink Haven. He’d timed it right. The bench outside Godfrey Cross’s goth shop had Cross sitting on it.

  He slipped onto the seat next to him. “Good view?”

  Cross grunted. “Seagulls. Women in bikinis. The ocean. I’m happy.”

  For once Cross wasn’t listening to his iPod. The slant of the sun and the breeze coming off the beach made a nice contrast of warm and cool on his skin. Malachi propped one ankle on his knee and leaned back. “Yeah, I guess.” He fidgeted, tapping the curved timber of the bench armrest. “Don’t let Gemma and Izzy catch you ogling other women.”

  Cross angled a brow. “I’m fine. We have equal ogling rights. It’s only if they do any of the touchy stuff – then I get to paddle their asses.” For a few seconds he shifted to regard Malachi before going back to squinting into the sun. “What is it? Has Ivy decided to return to your clutches?”

  “No. Not that. I’ve been asked to give two girls pointers on how to sort out their kink relationship.”

  “Right. And?”

  “And...yeah, good question.” This was the dead center of his problem. Which was? Cross didn’t take any shit and never shied away from the hard questions. “I guess I’m wondering if I’ve bitten off more than I can chew.”

  “Why? Did you forget how to dom?”

  He shot Cross an evil glare and sucked on the inside of his cheek. “No, fucknut. I haven’t.”

  “I figured it was either that or you lost your balls between your couch cushions.”

  He sighed. “No, nothing that simple.”

  “What then?”

  This time Malachi grunted. “I’m not sure how much I should tell you. Though Sabrina knows...”

  “Up to you.”

  Cross left him to think for a while. No pressure, that was Cross’s MO.

  A brown-and-white Fox Terrier broke loose from a gaggle of kids and ran toward them trailing its leash. As it trotted past Cross, he stopped it by putting his boot on the leash. Then he picked up the dog.

  By the time a little girl in a pink dress arrived the dog was sitting on his lap panting happily and getting patted.

  “Want your dog back?” Cross said, placing the dog on the ground before her and holding out the end of the leash.

  The cute
thing stared at him round-eyed. Malachi grinned, wondering what it was about Cross that had stunned her. The mad assortment of tats? His bigness? Or maybe the sun glinting off his biceps?

  Then she bravely held out her hand and took the leash. “Thank you,” she whispered, before she twirled and sprinted off with the dog running at her side.

  That was Cross to a t. He looked scary but inside he’d do anything for people he liked.

  “Okay, promise not to blab this all over hell’s half acre.”

  “I do not blab.”

  “One of the women was the butt of my jokes in high school. I used to be nasty to her.”

  “No shit.”

  “Yeah. Took me a while to figure out that I liked her.” He shook his head. “I teased her about being poor.”

  “Dumbass. I was poor too.”

  “Yeah, but I never thought you were cute, so I didn’t tease you. And now, she’s hotter than I even remember, and she and her girlfriend want me them.”

  Cross hissed in through his teeth and stuck his hands in his pockets. “So does she remember you?”

  “Definitely. She just about exploded when she saw me. She calmed down when she realized I wasn’t the same anymore. But I don’t think I’ve convinced her yet.”

  “If you called her poor –”

  “And worse probably. I can’t precisely remember all the insults.”

  “You are so up shit creek. I don’t blame her if she thinks you’re a dickhead. When you’re a teenager those things hurt bad.”

  “Uh. Thanks. Like I didn’t know that already.”

  He studied Malachi. “She’s hot?”

  “Reece? Yes, absolutely.” Whenever he recalled the party, he saw that hard-as-nails stance she’d taken against him. It had stirred something in him. He wanted to see if he could crack that defiance.

  “Reece Duncan? Man, you’re so fucked. She was your prime target. And the girlfriend?”

  “Scarlet?” Pale as sunshine hair, pretty figure. The challenging attitude that said, fuck you, I’m a girl who likes girls and you don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell. The idea of both of them together... Cross coughed and he looked over at the man. “What?”


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