Two Parts Demon

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Two Parts Demon Page 3

by Viola Grace


  “Yes. Is this Benny?”

  Benny sighed with relief. “Yes. I need help.”

  “What do you need?”

  “You. I need someone who can read spells and intuit a new option.”

  “At your place or the manor?”

  “The manor.”

  “I am on my way.”

  Benny felt tears running down her cheeks. “Thank you. You don’t know how much this means to me.”

  “No problem. Now, let me hang up so I can get dressed. I will be there in five.”

  Benny nodded but the call was over. She put her phone back in her pocket and smiled. “You guys don’t have to hang around. I am going to get going on this today.”

  Freddy snorted. “Right. I will make some coffee; you start whatever you were going to do.”

  Benny kept a polite smile on her face while Freddy headed into the kitchen. She grabbed Smith’s arm. “Do not let her make the coffee unless you want to be able to see into next week.”

  He nodded and went to rescue the coffee.

  “Argyle, we keep a guest room upstairs with no windows if you want to lie down for a while.”

  Argyle came up to her and kissed her softly. “We will get your parents back.”

  She stroked the blood-red silk of his hair. “I know, I just want to do it before Yomra hurts them. Demons are not known for their self-control.”

  Her eye was glowing. She could see it when Argyle headed up the stairs and Tremble walked up to her. It glowed against his skin, and she felt the silk of his hair against her face when he kissed her.

  She wanted to curl up in his arms and sob, but this wasn’t the time. Just outside the manor, she felt Minerva’s arrival. “She’s arrived. I have to let her in.”

  Benny made her way to the door and opened it before the agents outside could notice the mage in the archway. Minerva was standing on the steps with a bandolier of tubes and vials around her and two large bags over her shoulders. “Let’s figure this out.”

  Benny hugged her and invited her inside.

  Minerva stepped in and her breathing was a little shallow.

  “There are three XIA agents here and Freddy. They are making coffee and biscuits to keep us up and running.”

  “Thanks, it takes a lot of effort to maintain this figure.” Minerva quirked her lips.

  Minerva was plus sized in all the right places. She was nearly six feet tall, had wicked curves and a lush body that made other women envious, though she would never see it. Minerva was used to being an amazon amongst Victorian ladies. She was designed for battle and had no idea how lovely she truly was.

  Minerva rubbed her hands together. “What do you need and where do you want me to start?”

  Benny drew her friend into the library, and she walked over to the tomes that her spell had pulled out.

  “Minerva, I need your help to locate or create a spell that can cut the ties between a demon and his children.”

  Her friend whistled long and low. The magic in the sound vibrated in the air. “That is quite the complicated arrangement. Why are we doing this?”

  Benny sat and looked up at her with her exhaustion showing in her body. “My great-great grandfather took my father and mother and is holding them hostage for my cooperation as his newest succubus.”

  Minerva’s lip curled. “That is revolting.”

  “I just want to get my parents back here and keep Yomra from pulling the whole blood-link thing. To do that, we need to find a way to break the connection that all demons share with their sire.”

  Minerva tapped her lips. “Maybe not all demons. Is your family a straight line?”

  “Pretty much. One child to one child and so on.”

  Minerva grinned. “Excellent. I think I know of a way to do this.”

  “I summoned all the books that might have a base spell to what we need.”

  Minerva gestured to the table and the near dozen tomes stacked up. “Can I get started?”

  “You can.”

  “Go and get some rest, Benny. I will have one of your crew call you if I find anything.” Minerva cracked the first book open and settled at the table, flipping quickly with her eyes glowing bright.

  Mage sight was a rare gift, and it was one of a dozen or more that Minerva possessed. Benny got to her feet, wavered and smiled at her friend. “Anything at all, get them to call me.”

  “Go. Sleep. I will keep you posted.”

  Benny nodded and put her hand on Minerva’s shoulder. “Thanks, Minerva.”

  “Anytime. It is the Mage Guide oath.”

  Benny chuckled. “Right up there with the defence of chocolate act.”

  “You’ve got it. Now go. I got this.”

  It was a dismissal given with a pat on her hand before Minerva shifted her focus back to the tome in front of her.

  Benny headed out of the library and toward the stairs. To her surprise, Tremble followed her from his post in the doorway.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Benny, you are in danger, and we are fully trained to help with your situation. You are going to be guarded until you are no longer in jeopardy. That includes when you sleep.”

  Since he wasn’t on duty, his hair was hanging loose, and as she glanced back at him, the curtain swung and caught the light. Damn, he’s pretty.

  She passed the blackout room and the door was open a crack, letting her see that Argyle was on the bed and watching television.

  He called out, “Come on in.”

  Benny looked back at Tremble, and he shrugged that he didn’t mind.

  She walked into the dimness and looked at the vampire wearing nothing but his shorts and a sheet. “I have been ordered to nap.”

  “I am willing to share space if you are. Even the big fairy can come on in.”

  Benny yawned and kicked her shoes off, skinning out of her jeans, tossing her shirt and unsnapping her bra.

  Argyle was staring at her, and Tremble was draped in her tank top. With another yawn, she climbed onto the bed and yanked the sheets up around her.

  “You are very nonchalant about sharing the bed with two men.”

  Benny sighed. “My parents have been kidnapped by a demon who wants me to screw mages for a living, so being in bed with two men I can trust is definitely something I want to enjoy while I can.”

  Argyle scooted down in the bed and pulled her against him, rubbing her back. Tremble joined them, and with her body protected front and back, she slept.

  Benny felt the change in the energy of the room, and she sat up, staring at Jessamine. The ghost was waving at her, and Benny slipped out from between the two men. Argyle was in his restorative state, and Tremble was just snoring lightly.

  Benny pulled her shirt on and slipped into her jeans, tiptoeing out of the room and down to the library.

  Minerva was scribbling in a twenty-five-cent notebook. She had a cup of coffee next to her and a small stack of crescent rolls.

  When Benny followed Jessamine into the room, Minerva looked up and smiled with her eyes glowing brightly. “I think I have it. You are going to need some very specific things, and they will not be easy to acquire, but the magic is sound.”

  “You think?”

  Minerva stretched, her ink-stained fingers reached for the sky. “Pretty sure.”

  “How sure?”

  “If I help you...about ninety-three percent sure.” She smiled. “The next full moon is Wednesday, so we are going to have to do it by then.”

  Benny felt a chill in her stomach. “Why the time constraint?”

  “I have a date to act as a proxy in a negotiation with a dragon. I have to be in Sumac Heart City by the full moon.”

  Benny sat down and put her head in her hands. “Okay. Tell me what we need.”

  “Well, knowing your mother, we have access to the first two dozen ingredients. The unicorn horn and dragon skin will be trick

  Benny shook her head. “We have some. Show me the list.”

  Minerva quickly jotted down the list and divided it into animal and herbal matter. “Here you go. I have the ones I ticked off here.” She pointed to a pile of herbs and vials in the centre of the table.

  “Are the quantities enough?”

  “Oh yeah. Most of this only requires a token of the herb to act as a focus. As you know, my magic focuses on intent, not in strong arming the result.”

  “It’s why you were the first person I thought of. Thank you so much for helping.”

  “It is fine. I love a good puzzle, and I love your parents. They were the first folks to not bat an eye at my growth spurt. Your mom just gave me an extra serving of everything.” Minerva’s eyes got a little misty as she smiled at the memory.

  Benny put her hand on Minerva’s arm. She rested her head on her friend’s shoulder. Minerva had gone from the smallest in the class to the tallest in the class in the course of eighteen months. Her body had been wracked with pain, and she ate constantly. Minerva’s mother had come to Benny’s in search of help for her daughter. Lenora had worked up a daily dose that would help Minerva’s body grow to its full potential. No one had any idea that there was any extranatural in the bloodline until she finished growing.

  “Well, Benny, if you are up for it, let’s go into the greenhouse and pick out what we need from your mother’s stores.”

  Benny nodded, looked down and made a face. “Let me change.”

  She cast a quick spell and cleaned herself up as well as put on a bra and new shirt from her room.

  Smith came in with Freddy, and they paused. “Benny, you look...”

  Freddy winced. “Eyes, Benny.”

  With a deep breath, she pushed her demon back inside and brushed her hands on her thighs. “Better?”

  Smith nodded. “Better. Where are the others?”

  “Argyle is restoring himself and Tremble is snoring. I snuck out while they were unconscious.”

  Smith scowled. “You were in bed with both of them?”

  Minerva blushed and cleared her throat. “I will be waiting outside the greenhouse.”

  Freddy grinned. “Come on, Benny, tell all.”

  “Argyle feels like cool sheets, and Tremble starts as a snuggler who rolls to his back the moment he is out. All we did was sleep. Tremble wanted to start something, but even he wouldn’t make a move in front of Argyle.” She sighed and patted Smith on the cheek. “We slept. I needed it.”

  He pressed his forehead to hers and inhaled. “Fair enough.”

  “You just sniffed me to see if I had had sex with your partners.” She whispered it against his cheek.

  “Yes. You didn’t.” He sighed. “How is this going to work?”

  “We are going to take turns. I will be with you, with them, and I promise to keep all things equal while we are together.” She smiled and patted his shoulder.

  “Seriously? All of us?” He looked so hopeful.

  She sighed. “Not at the same time, but yes. I don’t play favourites, and as Freddy can tell you, I have a knack for knowing what I need. I need all of you.”

  Freddy’s hand was over her mouth, but she nodded and mumbled, “She does know what she needs.”

  Benny stroked his cheek and gave him a quick peck. “I will see you later. Now, we have to get my parents back. You go for a nap and I will be with Minerva. Freddy can watch me. She doesn’t need sleep.”

  Freddy saluted sharply. “I have this covered, Smith. Get going. There are a dozen rooms upstairs. Take one and sleep. We need to be at our best.”

  Benny smiled softly as Smith headed up the stairs. “Speaking of being at our best. Thanks for staying for this, Freddy.”

  “No problem. I know where this is taking us, and I am with you all the way.”

  Benny teared up as they headed to the greenhouse. It wasn’t every friend that would follow you into the demon zone.

  Chapter Five

  Minerva was wisely waiting and rearranging her lists. No one wanted to go into Lenora’s greenhouse if they didn’t know what they were looking for.

  Benny grabbed the handles on the doors and felt the magic of the house recognize her. She opened the greenhouse, and Minerva followed her.

  Freddy waved, “I am going to wait out here.”

  Benny gave her a thumbs-up and led Minerva through the temperature lock before opening the inner doors. “Remember. Elbows in and let me know if anything grabs you.”

  “Yes, ma’am. You want the list?”

  “Yup. You take the basket.” Benny reached over and took her mother’s collection basket.

  Minerva clutched the woven bark with both arms and followed faithfully in Benny’s footsteps.

  Benny looked down at the list, and they started shopping.

  Snipping carefully to take only what she needed, Benny followed the recipe to a tee. “What the heck are tears of the gorgon?”

  “Rocks. Tiny pieces of marble. Your mom has them in the lab.”

  “Why don’t you just say marble chips?”

  “Because it doesn’t sound fancy.” Minerva chuckled. “No, they are really tears of a gorgon. Their transformation and ability to transform others makes them weep for the first two weeks during their adulthood. Their tears are those of a lost past and a fixed future alone.”

  Benny paused. “That is so sad.”

  “That is why they cry. It plays the part of finality in the spell and mourns the loss of the past even if you do not feel regret.”

  It made sense, and Benny clipped the last clinging vine that she needed. It writhed disturbingly in the bottom of the basket.

  “We are good. Everything else is a in the dry-storage cupboard in the lab.”

  Minerva nodded, her elbows carefully tucked in. “You go first.”

  Benny chuckled and headed for the entrance, past the deadly plants that Minerva found so unsettling. She extended her personal aura, and the plants drew back, giving them a wide berth while they exited the greenhouse.

  Minerva was right behind her when Benny opened the temperature lock. Her friend sighed with relief when they were out in the hall and on the way to the lab.

  Benny remembered weekends with Minerva, sitting on a stool while her friend and her mother were lost in their herbs and powdered whatsits. She had sat and looked over cupcake recipes while Minerva learned what Benny took for granted—the mechanics of magic.

  The lab was far less dangerous to walk through, but Benny still moved carefully. She checked the recipe and got the burner and the bowl made of raw iron.

  Minerva found the cutting board, and she carefully picked her knife. Without speaking, she got to work.

  Benny got the rest of the immediate ingredients together and stood near Minerva. “What should I be doing?”

  “Make a binding spell. You can’t go in alone, but I can’t track anyone but you when you enter the zone.”

  “I will have Freddy with me.”

  “You will need more. Freddy is great, but she can be controlled by a demon king.”

  Freddy poked her head in. “She isn’t wrong.”

  Benny chuckled, but then she sighed. “I don’t want to haul anyone into my mess.”

  Freddy snickered, “The boys are coming along. You don’t even have to ask. As soon as I explained what you were going to be up against, Smith told me they were in. Make the binding potion.”

  Minerva chuckled. “It will give you something to do and keep you occupied until your sleeping beauties wake up. If you don’t use it, you only waste time and a few ingredients.”

  Benny sighed and went to the recipe book on the wall, hauling it down and flipping through the pages. “Fine.”

  She got to the segment of sharing spells and paused when she saw her father’s handwriting correcting one of the lists. She traced the writing and blinked at the date. It was her birthday.

  She stared at
the notes and confusion ran through her. According to this, she was supposed to be bound to her parents and living grandparents. They were to hold her soul. This was not the spell to shatter her soul and bind her to strangers of the same age; it wasn’t even close.

  Benny flipped through the pages and a folded sheet fell out. She read the notes and tears rushed to her eyes. She breathed in through her nose and out through her mouth, controlling her emotions until she could continue looking for the binding spell she needed. She carefully tucked the small note back where she found it. It wasn’t for her; it was a note for her father. She had never realised that this book was his.

  Minerva glanced at her. “Is something wrong?”

  “No, I just never realised that my father had been the primary herbalist until he changed. Mom had been into the raw-energy spellcasting and natural magic.”

  Minerva paused with her pestle raised. “I didn’t know that.”

  Freddy piped in. “It makes sense. Demon magic makes it hard to concentrate on things like time-consuming herbals and spells. They are much more instinctive and aggressive when it comes to magic.”

  Benny nodded, that described what her father had been doing since she was ten. She found the recipe she needed and checked the basket. All the herbs were out of it. “Can I take the basket?”

  “Please. I have taken every crumb.”

  Benny grabbed the basket and headed back into her own private jungle. She inhaled the bright, rich scents of the herbs essential to spellcasting. For this spell, she needed vines and plants with sticky sap. She took the special non-stick blades out of their drawer and got to work.

  The sap leaves had to be lined up just so in the basket or they would dribble their contents everywhere. The creeping vines that tried to hang onto her were a hazard to the balance in the basket, so she had to keep an eye on them.

  When she returned to the lab, she felt like she had her mother with her. She got herself a wooden bowl bound with silver and got to work. First, the vines went in and the sap was poured over top. She got a crystal pestle and went to work.

  Since it was binding for tracking, she added a werewolf’s claw and the mucus of a snail for a trail. The other ingredients were ground into the sap, and then, it was time to put magic in it.


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