Ember's Burn: A Steel Demons MC Novel

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Ember's Burn: A Steel Demons MC Novel Page 24

by Annelise Reynolds

  I made quick work of the lock and, silently, we crept through the kitchen.

  Richards could be heard through the house. “She’s here. I need to get back. Are you coming?”

  We waited for him to hang up with his call before we made our move. Knowing someone was on the way, we wanted to do this shit quick. I walked into the living room and he froze.

  “It’s time you got what’s coming to you, you son of a bitch.” I took his phone from his hand and threw it over to Legend.

  Legend went to the girl. “Fuck. How old are you?” He pulled the girl up by her arm, not wanting to scare her any more than she already was. Her eyes weren’t green like McKenzie’s, but a honey brown color.

  “Seventeen,” she answered, her accent was foreign and her voice was shaky.

  “Where are you from, sweetheart? We aren’t here for you, so you have no reason to be afraid of us?” Legend’s voice was calm and controlled, he was adept at holding his composure even when the rest of us were unable to do so.

  Rage was bubbling within me as he questioned the girl. She was a kid from Slovakia, told she was coming to America to be a model.

  “What about your family?” I asked her, holding my gun and attention on the evil motherfucker in front of me. I had no doubt this girl was part of a sex traffic ring.

  “I work to get them here,” she said quietly. “That’s why I come to model, bring my mother and younger sisters to America. The man said I’d make big American money.”

  Fury pulsed through my veins. “Legend, take her upstairs. Search the place, have her help you.” I tried to keep the rage out of my voice for the sake of the kid, but I know I failed. She looked frightened of me, and in this moment, I didn’t blame her.

  Legend led her up the steps, and shut the door. I peeled off my mask, revealing myself to the man that I was about to destroy.

  “Who are you?”

  “I’m the man that’s going to kill you.” He swallowed in fear.

  “Why? I don’t know you. I’ve done nothing to you.”

  “That girl.” I pointed upstairs to where the kid had disappeared. “She is reason enough for me to kill you, but I’ve got another one. McKenzie.” His face went white when I mentioned her name. He knew I knew what happened. He knew he was going to die because of it. “This will be far less painful than what you deserve.”

  Before he could respond, I squeezed the trigger, the silencer doing its job. Nathaniel Richards III was dead before he hit the floor, a bullet lodged in his head. I walked over to his lifeless body, took aim again and emptied the clip on his dick and hips. I picked up his lifeless body and took him into the downstairs bathroom, dumping him in the tub. His head cracked against the side, leaving a trail of his blood behind. I went back outside and grabbed the two large buckets, bringing them into the bathroom. I lifted the lids and dumped the mealworms over his lifeless body. They would clean his flesh from his bones.

  I took my bloody clothes off and threw them in the fireplace, changing back into my other clothes.

  I slipped my mask back on and went upstairs to find Legend and the girl going through one of the rooms. “It’s done.”

  “Good. I haven’t found anything in here. We were just about to head to the other room.” He went to the girl. “Come on.”

  She followed him, and we all went into the next room. I froze at the sight before me. There were pictures of McKenzie everywhere. She was all over the walls. Pictures of her and her mom when she was a kid. Pictures of her at school, pictures of her at a diner I didn’t recognize. I saw some where she was pregnant with her kid. A few had Phoenix in them, but the ones that held my attention the most were the ones taken in Belle. I recognized Phoenix’s house.

  “Dammit.” I wished I could bring the fucker back to life so I could kill him again. “Take them all,” I ordered. “Nothing can link her to this.” We gathered every single picture and shoved them into the fireplace downstairs with the remains of my clothes.

  “What are we going to do with her?” Legend asked quietly, not wanting to frighten the girl.

  I went over to her. “What’s your name?”


  “Natalia, that man downstairs was going to kill you,” I said, wanting her to know that we were there to help. “You have nowhere to go, but you have a choice in how this plays out.” I paused, letting that sink in. When she nodded her understanding, I continued talking. “You can, one, take his car and go back to New York where he picked you up, risk being killed or raped. Two: you can take his car and go to the cops. They will, of course, turn around and deport you, while yes that will get you home, it also will prevent you from ever coming back into this country legally and take a lot of time. Or three, you can come with us, and we will get you home to your family. If you choose the last option, you can never speak of what has happened here tonight. Nothing of what you have seen. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes.” She swallowed hard, tears and fear filling her eyes.

  “What’s your choice, Natalia?”

  “I- I go with you.”

  I nodded and told her to turn around. “I’m putting this on you just until we get outside, so don’t panic. I’ll take it off as soon as we’re out of the house”. I put my mask on her backward, so her vision was blocked. She did not need to see the bloodstains. She didn’t have any idea who he was, who we were, or where she was, so she wasn’t completely sure of what happened. Despite my words, she started to get scared. Her breathing changed and she started shaking.

  “Natalia, I told you, we have no reason to hurt you. You’ve done nothing wrong. Titan told you, you had options. You haven’t seen our faces, if you want to choose one of the other options, do so now. We will get his keys for you and you can go, but it’s a greater risk if you do that than coming with us. We will get you home. It may take some time, but we will get you there.” Legend’s voice seemed to calm her. I rolled my eyes. He winked and grinned. We grabbed our shit and left, getting out clean. It took us longer to get back to the truck with Natalia, but it was done.

  “Let’s get home.” Legend and I sat in the front seat. Natalia slept, laid out in the back.

  It was after midnight when we made our first stop in Kentucky and switched seats. We kept driving, not stopping except to get gas and switch drivers. When we got to Arkansas we ditched our stolen plates and put ours back on. I had no idea what to say to the kid, she looked so lost, not unlike McKenzie looked not too long ago.

  “Has it hit the news yet?” I asked Legend, who was checking his phone.

  “No, and Piper is still not answering calls from me. I can’t even tell if she’s receiving any of the messages. I’m going to paddle her ass.”

  I laughed. “She’s a hellcat. I doubt seriously she’ll let you paddle her.”

  He smiled. “Yeah, probably not, but it will be a fun fight.”

  “So, are you officially going to claim her?”

  “No, I’m not going to tie myself to one woman. Not when there are so many to sample.”

  I looked over at him and shook my head. “How is it possible you ever get laid?” Natalia giggled in the backseat. Legend flipped me off and Natalia laughed in full.

  It was several more hours of driving, stopping every so often to gas up and switch seats. We let Natalia talk, learning as much as we could about her and where she was from. Legend asked questions here and there, especially about her family and growing up.

  It was getting dark, and she finally went back to sleep. “Call Gavel, tell him to be expecting us, and that he and my mom will be having a house guest.”

  We were just inside the Texas border, so Legend switched to his cell, and made the call. When he hung up, I called Linc. “Is it done?”

  “It’s done. We’re in Texas now.”

  “It hasn’t been called in.”

  “I’m not going to tell you where he was, but he was expecting someone at the house. Either the person
didn’t show, or the person didn’t report it. Either way, I don’t care. He’s not hidden, but there is something else I need to tell you.”


  “You need to look into O’Rourke for any links to a sex trafficking ring. Richards went in and came out with a girl, she’s seventeen and from Slovakia. She also bears a strong resemblance to my Old Lady. He took her somewhere secluded. She was told she would be modeling here and be able to eventually bring her sisters and mother over. She has no papers.”

  “Where is she now?”

  “Where do you think?” I replied sarcastically.


  “Can you work with Gavel at getting her papers or back home?”

  “I’ll see what I can do.”

  “Thanks, man. I owe you.”

  “Fuck, yeah, you do.”

  When we pulled up to Gavel’s, Legend shook Natalia awake. “Time to go.”

  “Where are we?”

  “Home” I said, sliding out of the car and heading toward the door.

  It was eight o’clock, early enough that McKenzie should still be up when I get home. I needed her bad tonight. This needed to hurry.

  Gavel nodded to us when we walked in. I could smell the fresh coffee Mom had going. I went straight for the kitchen and there she was. She had sandwiches on the table, with strong black coffee. “Mother, have I told you lately how much I love you?”

  “No, you haven’t and a mother can never hear it enough, so why don’t you go ahead and say it again.”

  I bent to kiss her cheek and hug her. “I love you. Thank you.”

  Legend groaned, walking into the room. Natalia followed close behind him. “Anita, if Gavel didn’t claim you, I may be trying to catch a cougar.”

  “If Gavel didn’t chop your dick off, I would.”

  “Oh, hush,” Mom said, laughing. Gavel wrapped his arms around her and held her close, and kissed her temple. It was good to see my mom so happy again.

  Natalia sat between me and Legend. Mom was curious about her, but had not asked questions yet. Gavel must have told her the basics, though. After she finished eating, Mom led her to the bathroom and showed her where she would be sleeping.

  The kid disappeared for the night, knowing we’d be around to check on her, but that she would be staying here for the time being. “See what options we have for her, can you talk with Linc?” I asked Gavel

  “She knows you killed him. The best thing to do is send her home.”

  “She won’t talk. She knows he was going to kill her.”

  “How?” Gavel looked at Legend, waiting for an answer.

  “She saw the resemblance between her and McKenzie. He had so many damn pictures of her. He was obsessed.” My anger showed as I told him what we found in the house.

  “Dear God,” Mom said, bringing her fingers up to her mouth, holding back the tears. She loved McKenzie like a daughter already. It was when her fingers were up, that I noticed the ring on her finger.

  “Something you need to tell me?” I asked Gavel, nodding to my mother’s hand.

  “Yeah, I’m marrying your momma as soon as I can get her down the aisle.”

  “Good, make an honest woman out of her.” I winked at her and she rolled her eyes.

  “When are you going to make an honest woman out of McKenzie?”

  “Soon, but you and Grit get to go first.”

  “Damn, too many marriages happening around here. I’m sticking to bottled water from now on,” Legend joked.

  I swiped his coffee, dumping his into my own empty cup. “Guess you won’t be needing this then.” I sipped it and he glared. I finished the coffee, and we left. I wanted to get home to McKenzie, and I know Legend wanted to see Piper, though he didn’t admit to it.

  We walked into the house. Chink was in the hall with a gun in his hand. He was protecting my woman. “Thanks, brother. No more protection is necessary. It’s done.”

  I could hear the steady beat of music from upstairs, though I didn’t recognize the song. “No worries,” he said, shrugging it off. “They’re in Ember’s room, and have been listening to that song on a loop. It’s getting old.”

  “What are they doing?”

  “Don’t know, man. Haven’t gone in there. I’m heading out. I think I’m going to go for a ride. It’s still early enough.”

  “Ride her well, brother,” Legend called after him. We went upstairs, the music was clearer, but I still didn’t recognize it. I opened the door, figuring since Piper was in there with Ember it would be fine.

  I saw my woman giving her friend a lap dance, grinding her hips on her lap, her chest in her face, with her eyes closed. She must have felt our presence because her eyes opened, and I saw lust and desire in the green depths. My cock was rock hard. “Holy Fuck,” Legend whispered beside me, and I couldn’t help but agree.

  McKenzie’s eyes flared even more, then she did something I never thought I’d see in my life, she kissed Piper.

  Piper’s lips were soft against mine. It was so different from a man’s kiss, from Titan’s kiss. I heard his groan, and Legend’s ‘Fuck me’ comment, and it turned me on even more. I didn’t deepen the kiss any. Piper, tapped me subtly on the leg with her other hand, letting me know she was aware of what was going on without letting the guys know.

  She returned the kiss, deepening it just a little, her tongue grazing my lip, which shocks me and sends desire running through my core. As much as I like Piper, and as hot as this moment is, I want Titan beneath me, his cock inside me, and his mouth on me. I groan against her lips, my hips grinding down on her wishing for him.

  “Jason,” I moan, my body needy and aching to be filled by him.

  “I’m here, sweetheart.” His voice was right beside me, he reached over and turned my head away from Piper’s, breaking our kiss, and claimed my lips for his own. I was still on her lap, grinding myself down on her, but my arms were around his shoulders as he ravaged my lips.

  He lifted me off her, and, my legs wrapping around his waist as he carried me eagerly to the bed, coming down on top of me. He broke our kiss long enough to tell Piper and Legend to get out, but he didn’t wait for them to leave before starting to strip us both. I should have been embarrassed, but I wasn’t. I was too damn turned on.

  Before the door shut, I saw Legend holding Piper by the back of the neck, her body flush against him. Her chest rising and falling in aroused yet angry breaths. The door shut, and they were out of mind. “That was so fucking hot. I’d love to see that again, but after the picture of you two spooning and now a lap dance, I’m afraid to leave you alone with her again.”

  “If it helps, she was teaching me to do the lap dance for you.” He groaned, and pulled my pants and panties down. He didn’t waste any time, but lowered his lips to my core, licking, sucking, biting, and lapping at my wet pussy. “Oh, God.” I shuddered when he latched onto my hard nub, pulling and sucking.

  “No baby, Jason.” He thrust two fingers into my tight channel, stretching me as he continued to eat my soft sensitized flesh. I writhed beneath him, my hips rising against his mouth and hand riding his face. The stubble on his cheeks and chin scratched at my tender lips, deliciously. I felt my core flood even more.

  “Jason. So close,” I panted out.

  “Come here.” He laid beside me on the bed. “I want you to straddle my face.” I crawled above him, just wanting the relief he almost gave me. I gripped the wrought iron headboard for balance and he guided my pussy to his mouth.

  I held the bar tightly with one hand and gripped his hair with the other, riding him. He pushed two fingers into my pussy, collecting my cream, and traced back to the puckered ring of my ass. He coated my tight back tunnel with it, then pushed into me. I was riding his tongue as he fucked my ass with his fingers.

  “Oh, god,” I said again, and he used his free hand to spank me. I whimpered at the sting of his hand and moaned as he pushed deeper, adding another
finger into my ass. “Jason.” When he latched onto my clit and sucked hard as he twisted his fingers inside me, I screamed and came all over his face and tongue. My body convulsing, writhing in a pleasure so intense I couldn’t control the trembling.

  Titan lifted me off of his face with ease. I barely had time to shriek before he was impaling me on his hard cock. “Ride me.”

  I braced my hands on his hard chest, and started to ride him hard. My big tits bounced as I moved up and down his stiff cock. Titan pinched my nipples hard, and I clamped my pussy around him. “Yessss,” I moaned.

  “If I had the energy, baby, I’d have nipple clamps on you right now.” I sighed at the thought of the delicious bite, enough pain to enhance, not to hurt. “You like that?”


  “I could tell. Your pussy let me know. Did you enjoy dancing for Piper?” I couldn’t deny it. It was hot as fuck dancing for her. I rode him a little harder, grinding my clit on the veiny base of his cock. “I can feel that you did. Your pussy doesn’t lie, Ember. Your body was made for sex.” I was moaning and panting harder as I continued to climb higher, his dirty talk was incredibly arousing. I didn’t want him to stop.

  “Yes. God, yes.” I was so damn close.

  “Did you enjoy kissing her?” I sighed and nodded. I enjoyed that kiss. It was different than Titan’s, and I didn’t crave her like I craved him, but it was pleasant. I enjoyed more that he was watching and turned on because of it. He moaned beneath me. “Fuck, your pussy grips me like a vice when you like what I’m saying.”

  Jason pinched my clit, and I shattered, screaming his name. He came inside me hard, his hands holding me tightly to him as he emptied his load deep within me. I collapsed on his chest, both of us were panting for breath. The tattoo on his chest was beating in time with his breaths, it truly was an amazing piece of artwork.

  I traced the intricate lines with my finger. When I got close to his nipple, I saw it contract and draw tight like my own did when he played with them. I moved slightly, and licked at the tan disk. His nipple hardened, and I teased it with my teeth. Inside me, I felt his cock twitch. “Baby, don’t get me all worked up again. I’m too damn exhausted,” he groaned. I felt him already swelling inside me.


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